Beispiel #1
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            var func = scope.ResolveVarOrFunction(FunctionIdNode.Text);

            if (!report.Assert(this, func != null, "Undefined function {0}.", FunctionIdNode.Text) ||
                !report.Assert(this, func is FunctionInfo, "Cannot invoke a variable.") ||
                !report.Assert(this, ((FunctionInfo)func).Parameters.Count == ExpressionList.ChildCount,
                               "Calling function with wrong amount of parameters."))

            var functionInfo = (FunctionInfo)func;

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var parameter in functionInfo.Parameters)
                var paramExpression = (ASTNode)ExpressionList.Children[i++];
                report.Assert(paramExpression, paramExpression.ReturnType == parameter.Value,
                              "Function parameter and expression types do not match.");
            ReturnType = functionInfo.ReturnType; // Procedures will hold void as a return type.
Beispiel #2
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            if (TypeID == null)
                report.Assert(this, InitialValue.ReturnType != TypeInfo.Unknown,
                              "The variable type cannot be inferred from usage. Specify the type explicitly.");
                report.Assert(this, InitialValue.ReturnType != TypeInfo.Void,
                              "Initialization value expression must return a value.");
                ReturnType = InitialValue.ReturnType;
                TypeInfo type = (scope.ResolveType(TypeID.TypeName));
                if (report.Assert(this, !ReferenceEquals(type, null), "Cannot find type {0} in variable {1}'s declaration.", TypeID.TypeName, VariableID.Text))
                    report.Assert(this, type == InitialValue.ReturnType,
                                  "The initial expression type does not match with the specified type {0}.",
                    ReturnType = type;

            if (report.Assert(this, !scope.IsDefinedInCurrentScopeAsVarOrFunc(VariableID.Text),
                              "A function or variable named {0} is already defined in the current scope.", VariableID.Text))
                scope.DefineVariable(VariableID.Text, ReturnType);

            VariableID.CheckSemantics(scope, report);
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            report.Assert(this, LeftOperand.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int, "Left operand must be an integer.");
            report.Assert(this, RightOperand.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int, "Right operand must be an integer.");

            ReturnType = TypeInfo.Int;
Beispiel #4
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            report.Assert(this, IfCondition.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int, "An if expression must return int.");
            report.Assert(this, ThenExpression.ReturnType == ElseExpression.ReturnType, "The if and else expression types do not match.");

            ReturnType = ThenExpression.ReturnType;
Beispiel #5
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            forScope     = scope.CreateChildScope();
            loopVariable = forScope.DefineVariable(LoopVariableIDNode.Text, TypeInfo.Int, true);
            base.CheckSemantics(forScope, report);

            report.Assert(LoopVariableInitExpression, LoopVariableInitExpression.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int, "The initialization expression of a for loop must return an integer value.");
            report.Assert(this, LoopVariableUpperLimitExpression.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int, "The upper bound expression of a for loop must return an integer value.");
            //report.Assert(DoExpression, DoExpression.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Void, "A for expression cannot return a value.");

            ReturnType = TypeInfo.Void;
Beispiel #6
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            if (report.Assert(this, CanBeAssignedTo, "Cannot assign a value to {0}. It is a read-only variable or a function.", LValue.Children[0].Text))
                report.Assert(Expression, TypeInfo.IsNull(LValue.ReturnType) || Expression.ReturnType == LValue.ReturnType,
                              "Expression and variable types do not match.");

            ReturnType = TypeInfo.Void;
Beispiel #7
        public override bool ResolveReferencedTypes(ASTNode node, Scope scope, ErrorReporter reporter)
            if (ResolutionStatus != TypeResolutionStatus.NotResolved)

            ResolutionStatus = TypeResolutionStatus.OK;

            //ResolutionStatus = TypeResolutionStatus.Resolving;

            foreach (var nameTypeTuple in _preFields)
                var tmp = scope.ResolveType(nameTypeTuple.Value);

                if (!reporter.Assert(node, !IsNull(tmp), "Cannot find type {0} in current context.", nameTypeTuple.Value))
                if (tmp.ResolutionStatus == TypeResolutionStatus.NotResolved)
                    tmp.ResolveReferencedTypes(node, scope, reporter);
                Fields.Add(nameTypeTuple.Key, tmp);

Beispiel #8
        //protected new TypeInfo Type
        //    get
        //    {
        //        var type = Scope.ResolveType(NewTypeNode.TypeName);
        //        if (type is AliasTypeInfo)
        //            return (type as AliasTypeInfo).TargetType;
        //        return type;
        //    }

        public void ResolveReferencedTypes(Scope scope, ErrorReporter reporter)
            var type     = scope.ResolveType(NewTypeNode.TypeName);
            var noCycles = type.ResolveReferencedTypes(this, scope, reporter);

            reporter.Assert(this, noCycles, "Invalid type detected. Check for invalid type references, or cyclic type definitions.");
Beispiel #9
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            report.Assert((ASTNode)Children[0], Operand.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int, "The expression of the unary minus must be an integer.");

            ReturnType = TypeInfo.Int;
Beispiel #10
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            report.Assert(this, (LeftOperand.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int && RightOperand.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int) ||
                          (RightOperand.ReturnType == TypeInfo.String && LeftOperand.ReturnType == TypeInfo.String), "Return types must be both int or string for comparisons.");

            ReturnType = TypeInfo.Int;
Beispiel #11
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            var type = scope.ResolveType(NewTypeNode.TypeName);

            report.Assert(this, TypeInfo.IsNull(type) || !type.IsReadOnly, "Cannot overwrite type {0}. It is read-only.", NewTypeNode.TypeName);

            NewTypeNode.CheckSemantics(scope, report);
Beispiel #12
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            _letScope = scope.CreateChildScope();

            base.CheckSemantics(_letScope, report);

            ReturnType = ExprSeqNode != null ? ExprSeqNode.ReturnType : TypeInfo.Void;

            report.Assert(this, _letScope.TypeIsVisibleInSomeParentScope(ReturnType),
                          "The return type of a let expression must be visible in the scope in which it was declared.");
 public static string StringMapToLowerCase(string s)
     s = s.Replace("0", "00");
     for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++)
         s = s.Replace($"{c}", $"0{c}".ToLower());
     foreach (char c in s)
         ErrorReporter.Assert('a' <= c && c <= 'z');
 public ViewPriceRequestByCarOwnerPage(Dictionary <string, string> _data)
     data = _data;
     foreach (var f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationManager.Flags)))
     foreach (var f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationManager.CarOwnerPriceRequestFlag)))
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            // - Add the function declaration inside this block to the current scope.
            // - Create a child scope for every function.

            ParameterTypesNode.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            Scope = scope;

            var func = scope.ResolveVarOrFunction(FunctionName) as FunctionInfo;

            if (report.Assert(this, func == null || func.IsReadOnly, "Cannot overwrite {0} function.", FunctionName) &&
                report.Assert(this, !scope.IsDefinedInCurrentScopeAsVarOrFunc(FunctionName),
                              "A function or variable named {0} is already defined in the current scope.", FunctionName))
                var newFunc = scope.DefineFunction(FunctionName, FunctionReturnType);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TypeInfo> info in ParameterTypesNode.Parameters)
                    newFunc.AddParameter(info.Key, info.Value);
            // The function body semantic check will be done by the parent block.
            FunctionIDNode.CheckSemantics(scope, report);
Beispiel #16
        public override bool ResolveReferencedTypes(ASTNode node, Scope scope, ErrorReporter reporter)
            if (ResolutionStatus != TypeResolutionStatus.NotResolved)
                return(ResolutionStatus == TypeResolutionStatus.OK);
            ResolutionStatus = TypeResolutionStatus.Resolving;
            if (TargetType == null)
                TargetType = scope.ResolveType(_targetTypeName);

            if (reporter.Assert(node, !IsNull(TargetType), "Unknown type: {0}.", _targetTypeName))
                bool ok = TargetType.ResolveReferencedTypes(node, scope, reporter);
                ResolutionStatus = ok? TypeResolutionStatus.OK : TypeResolutionStatus.Error;
Beispiel #17
        public override bool ResolveReferencedTypes(ASTNode node, Scope scope, ErrorReporter reporter)
            if (ResolutionStatus != TypeResolutionStatus.NotResolved)
                return(ResolutionStatus == TypeResolutionStatus.OK);

            ResolutionStatus = TypeResolutionStatus.Resolving;

            TargetType = scope.ResolveType(_targetTypeName);

            if (reporter.Assert(node, !ReferenceEquals(TargetType, null), "Unknown type in the current context: {0}", _targetTypeName))
                if (TargetType.ResolutionStatus == TypeResolutionStatus.NotResolved)
                    TargetType.ResolveReferencedTypes(node, scope, reporter);
                switch (TargetType.ResolutionStatus)
                case TypeResolutionStatus.Resolving:
                case TypeResolutionStatus.Error:
                    ResolutionStatus = TypeResolutionStatus.Error;

                case TypeResolutionStatus.OK:
                    TargetType = (TargetType is AliasTypeInfo) ? ((AliasTypeInfo)TargetType).TargetType : TargetType;

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                ResolutionStatus = TypeResolutionStatus.OK;
        public static async Task UploadAsync(DataType dataType)
            indexRetry :;
                string s = GetJson(dataType);
                ErrorReporter.Assert(s != null);
                var blockBlob = await GetBlockBlobForAppDataAsync(dataType);

                await blockBlob.UploadTextAsync(s);
            catch (StorageException error)
                if (error.Message == "An error occurred while sending the request")
                    if (await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("無法連線", "資料上傳失敗,請將您的裝置連上網路後再重試一次", "重試", "取消"))
                        goto indexRetry;
                        throw new OperationCanceledException();
                    await new ErrorAlert("StorageException: 使用者資料上傳失敗", error).Show();
                    throw new OperationCanceledException();
            catch (Exception error)
                await new ErrorAlert("Exception: 使用者資料上傳失敗", error).Show();
                throw new OperationCanceledException();
Beispiel #19
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            var variableInfo = scope.ResolveVarOrFunction(MainIDNode.Text) as VariableInfo;

            if (report.Assert(this, variableInfo != null, "Unknown variable for the current scope ({0}).", MainIDNode.Text))
                Debug.Assert(variableInfo != null, "variableInfo != null");
                ReturnType = variableInfo.VariableType;

                for (int i = 1; i < Children.Count; i++)
                    var tmp = Children[i];
                    if (tmp is DotNode)
                        var recordTypeInfo = TypeInfo.RecordFromTypeInfo(ReturnType);
                        if (recordTypeInfo != null)
                            TypeInfo value;
                            bool     memberExists = recordTypeInfo.Fields.TryGetValue(((DotNode)tmp).MemberName, out value);
                            if (memberExists)
                                ReturnType = value;
                                report.AddError(this, "Unknown member.");
                                ReturnType = null;
                            report.AddError(this, "Dot operator applied to an invalid type.");
                    else if (tmp is IndexingNode)
                        if (ReturnType is AliasTypeInfo)
                            ReturnType = (ReturnType as AliasTypeInfo).TargetType;
                        if (ReturnType is ArrayTypeInfo)
                            ReturnType = ((ArrayTypeInfo)ReturnType).TargetType;
                            report.AddError(this, "Trying to index on a non-array type.");
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid child node of LValue detected.");
Beispiel #20
        public override void CheckSemantics(Scope scope, ErrorReporter report)
            base.CheckSemantics(scope, report);

            report.Assert(this, IndexNode.ReturnType == TypeInfo.Int, "Index is not an integer.");