private DbCommand PrepareEntityCommandBeforeExecution(EntityCommand entityCommand)
            if (1 != this._mappedCommandDefinitions.Count)
                throw new NotSupportedException("MARS");
            EntityTransaction      entityTransaction      = entityCommand.ValidateAndGetEntityTransaction();
            InterceptableDbCommand interceptableDbCommand = new InterceptableDbCommand(this._mappedCommandDefinitions[0].CreateCommand(), entityCommand.InterceptionContext, (DbDispatchers)null);

            CommandHelper.SetStoreProviderCommandState(entityCommand, entityTransaction, (DbCommand)interceptableDbCommand);
            bool flag = false;

            if (interceptableDbCommand.Parameters != null)
                foreach (DbParameter parameter in interceptableDbCommand.Parameters)
                    int index = entityCommand.Parameters.IndexOf(parameter.ParameterName);
                    if (-1 != index)
                        EntityCommandDefinition.SyncParameterProperties(entityCommand.Parameters[index], parameter, this._storeProviderServices);
                        if (parameter.Direction != ParameterDirection.Input)
                            flag = true;
            if (flag)
        private DbCommand PrepareEntityCommandBeforeExecution(EntityCommand entityCommand)
            if (1 != _mappedCommandDefinitions.Count)
                throw new NotSupportedException("MARS");

            var entityTransaction = entityCommand.ValidateAndGetEntityTransaction();
            var definition        = _mappedCommandDefinitions[0];

            var storeProviderCommand = new InterceptableDbCommand(definition.CreateCommand(), entityCommand.InterceptionContext);

            CommandHelper.SetStoreProviderCommandState(entityCommand, entityTransaction, storeProviderCommand);

            // Copy over the values from the map command to the store command; we
            // assume that they were not renamed by either the plan compiler or SQL
            // Generation.
            // Note that this pretty much presumes that named parameters are supported
            // by the store provider, but it might work if we don't reorder/reuse
            // parameters.
            // Note also that the store provider may choose to add parameters to thier
            // command object for some things; we'll only copy over the values for
            // parameters that we find in the EntityCommands parameters collection, so
            // we won't damage anything the store provider did.

            var hasOutputParameters = false;

            // Could be null for some providers, don't remove this check
            if (storeProviderCommand.Parameters != null)
                foreach (DbParameter storeParameter in storeProviderCommand.Parameters)
                    // I could just use the string indexer, but then if I didn't find it the
                    // consumer would get some ParameterNotFound exeception message and that
                    // wouldn't be very meaningful.  Instead, I use the IndexOf method and
                    // if I don't find it, it's not a big deal (The store provider must
                    // have added it).
                    var parameterOrdinal = entityCommand.Parameters.IndexOf(storeParameter.ParameterName);
                    if (-1 != parameterOrdinal)
                        var entityParameter = entityCommand.Parameters[parameterOrdinal];

                        // _storeProviderServices will be null if this object was created via
                        // the test constructor - but if so we shouldn't be calling this
                        SyncParameterProperties(entityParameter, storeParameter, _storeProviderServices);

                        if (storeParameter.Direction
                            != ParameterDirection.Input)
                            hasOutputParameters = true;

            // If the EntityCommand has output parameters, we must synchronize parameter values when
            // the reader is closed. Tell the EntityCommand about the store command so that it knows
            // where to pull those values from.
            if (hasOutputParameters)

        private DbCommand PrepareEntityCommandBeforeExecution(EntityCommand entityCommand)
            if (1 != _mappedCommandDefinitions.Count)
                throw new NotSupportedException("MARS");

            var entityTransaction = entityCommand.ValidateAndGetEntityTransaction();
            var definition = _mappedCommandDefinitions[0];

            var storeProviderCommand = new InterceptableDbCommand(definition.CreateCommand(), entityCommand.InterceptionContext);

            CommandHelper.SetStoreProviderCommandState(entityCommand, entityTransaction, storeProviderCommand);

            // Copy over the values from the map command to the store command; we 
            // assume that they were not renamed by either the plan compiler or SQL 
            // Generation.
            // Note that this pretty much presumes that named parameters are supported
            // by the store provider, but it might work if we don't reorder/reuse
            // parameters.
            // Note also that the store provider may choose to add parameters to thier
            // command object for some things; we'll only copy over the values for
            // parameters that we find in the EntityCommands parameters collection, so 
            // we won't damage anything the store provider did.

            var hasOutputParameters = false;
            // Could be null for some providers, don't remove this check
            if (storeProviderCommand.Parameters != null)
                foreach (DbParameter storeParameter in storeProviderCommand.Parameters)
                    // I could just use the string indexer, but then if I didn't find it the
                    // consumer would get some ParameterNotFound exeception message and that
                    // wouldn't be very meaningful.  Instead, I use the IndexOf method and
                    // if I don't find it, it's not a big deal (The store provider must
                    // have added it).
                    var parameterOrdinal = entityCommand.Parameters.IndexOf(storeParameter.ParameterName);
                    if (-1 != parameterOrdinal)
                        var entityParameter = entityCommand.Parameters[parameterOrdinal];

                        // _storeProviderServices will be null if this object was created via
                        // the test constructor - but if so we shouldn't be calling this
                        SyncParameterProperties(entityParameter, storeParameter, _storeProviderServices);

                        if (storeParameter.Direction
                            != ParameterDirection.Input)
                            hasOutputParameters = true;

            // If the EntityCommand has output parameters, we must synchronize parameter values when
            // the reader is closed. Tell the EntityCommand about the store command so that it knows
            // where to pull those values from.
            if (hasOutputParameters)

            return storeProviderCommand;