/// <summary>
 /// use this method only when recreate a map or the map id the database is null
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="MapName"></param>
 /// <param name="layers"></param>
 /// <param name="racks"></param>
 /// <param name="columns"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Entity.Map CreateNewMap(string MapName, int layers, int racks, int columns)
     using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
         Map             = new Entity.Map();
         Map.MapName     = MapName;
         Map.RackCount   = racks;
         Map.LayerCount  = layers;
         Map.ColumnCount = columns;
         //first save map initial messages
         this.MapDictionaryService = new Repository.MapDictionaryService();
         //Reset Zones' static color
         //initial all services as the map reference for one
         //create general types list
         List <Entity.Types> generalTypes = TypesService.LoadTypes();
         if (generalTypes.Count == 0)//if there has no types in the database, create new and save from code
             generalTypes = GetGeneralTypes();
         //ALERT!! must be constrainted here as the same name of all the GENERAL_TYPES, or will has logical error
         //ALERT!! you can modify and make contraint from "public class ItemTypesString" in this singleton class
         Entity.Types tt = Map.Types.Single(t => t.Name == ItemTypesString.ITEM_TYPE_DEFAULT_STORAGE);
         this._default_storage = tt;
         //then set mapitems, default type Id is zt's Type Id
         List <Entity.MapItems> additionMapItemList = new List <MapItems>();
         for (int i = 0; i < layers; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < racks; j++)
                 for (int k = 0; k < columns; k++)
                     Entity.MapItems tmp     = new Entity.MapItems();
                     DAL.MapItems    DAL_tmp = new DAL.MapItems()
                         MapItemLayer  = i,
                         MapItemRack   = j,
                         MapItemColumn = k,
                         TypeId        = tt.Id,
                         ZoneId        = 0,
                         CargowayId    = 0,
                         Status        = (int)MapItems.MapItemStatus.STATUS_NOT_STORAGE
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// 检查一个lifter是否垂直贯通到底部,实际没用上
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="special"></param>
 /// <param name="_map"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool CheckStraightLifter(Entity.MapItems special, Models.Entity.Map _map)
     for (int i = 0; i < special.Layer; i++)
         if (_map.SpecialMapItems.SingleOrDefault(sm => sm.Layer == i && sm.Rack == special.Rack && sm.Column == sm.Column) == null)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 扫描所有合法起始点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caltmp">扩展的栅格集</param>
        /// <param name="tempMatrix">总结果集,result</param>
        /// <param name="tempCounter">保存以计算过的mapitem以及其次数</param>
        /// <param name="spTempRecorder">合法起始点列表</param>
        /// <param name="spValueRecorder">到达合法起始点的时间花费列表</param>
        /// <param name="_map">地图</param>
        /// <param name="threshold_bt_cargopaths">货到轨道距离阈值</param>
        /// <param name="threshold_bt_rails">轨道距离阈值</param>
        /// <param name="StorageRail">货道轨道ID</param>
        /// <param name="Storage">货位ID</param>
        /// <param name="Rail">轨道ID</param>
        private void ScanTheLayerWithStartGids(MapItems[,,] caltmp, Dictionary <int, double[, ]> tempMatrix,
                                               Dictionary <MapItems, int> tempCounter, List <MapItems> spTempRecorder, Dictionary <MapItems, double> spValueRecorder, Map _map,
                                               double threshold_bt_rails, double threshold_bt_cargopaths, int StorageRail, int Storage, int Rail)
            Queue <Entity.MapItems> queue = new Queue <MapItems>();

            foreach (Entity.MapItems item in spTempRecorder)
                double[,] oneceTemp = new double[_map.RackCount, _map.ColumnCount];
                oneceTemp[item.Rack, item.Column] = spValueRecorder[item];
                while (queue.Count != 0)
                    Entity.MapItems fromItem = queue.Dequeue();
                    int             caltmpI  = fromItem.Rack + 1;
                    int             caltmpJ  = fromItem.Column + 1;
                    //left, right, front, beneath
                    ScanOneDirection(caltmp, fromItem, caltmp[fromItem.Layer, caltmpI - 1, caltmpJ], -1, 0, oneceTemp, queue, _map,
                                     threshold_bt_rails, threshold_bt_cargopaths, StorageRail, Storage, Rail);
                    ScanOneDirection(caltmp, fromItem, caltmp[fromItem.Layer, caltmpI + 1, caltmpJ], 1, 0, oneceTemp, queue, _map,
                                     threshold_bt_rails, threshold_bt_cargopaths, StorageRail, Storage, Rail);
                    ScanOneDirection(caltmp, fromItem, caltmp[fromItem.Layer, caltmpI, caltmpJ - 1], 0, -1, oneceTemp, queue, _map,
                                     threshold_bt_rails, threshold_bt_cargopaths, StorageRail, Storage, Rail);
                    ScanOneDirection(caltmp, fromItem, caltmp[fromItem.Layer, caltmpI, caltmpJ + 1], 0, 1, oneceTemp, queue, _map,
                                     threshold_bt_rails, threshold_bt_cargopaths, StorageRail, Storage, Rail);
                //add oneceTemp to TEmpMatrix[tempMatrixLayer]
                for (int i = 0; i < _map.RackCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _map.ColumnCount; j++)
                        Entity.MapItems additionItem = caltmp[item.Layer, i + 1, j + 1];
                        if (tempCounter.ContainsKey(additionItem))
                            tempMatrix[item.Layer][i, j] = (tempMatrix[item.Layer][i, j] * tempCounter[additionItem] + oneceTemp[i, j]) / (tempCounter[additionItem] + 1);
                            tempCounter[additionItem]    = tempCounter[additionItem] + 1;
                            tempMatrix[item.Layer][i, j] = oneceTemp[i, j];
                            tempCounter.Add(additionItem, 1);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// for load mapitems, as the map instance is just one reference in all repository services
        /// must be done after CargoWays Loading
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Entity.MapItems> LoadMapItems()
            DAL.MapItemDA.IMapItemDA mapItemDA = new DAL.MapItemDA.MapItemDAO();
            List <DAL.MapItems>      glist     = mapItemDA.GetMapItems();
            List <Entity.MapItems>   resList   = new List <Entity.MapItems>();

            foreach (DAL.MapItems mi in glist)
                Entity.MapItems tmp = new Entity.MapItems();
            _map.MapItems = resList;
            //clear first for new lists
            //add to _DAL_List
            _DAL_MapItemList = glist;
            //for map to to the flatten operation and
            _map.FlattenMapItems(_DAL_MapItemList, _DAL_SpecialMapItemList);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算封装CargoWays,对CargoWays.AvgTimeCost赋值。
        /// 区别于CargoWays.Left/Right-In/Out-Points, 这个封装的AvgTimeCost计算更为细节的单货道平均时间花费,每一个栅格都会被计算。
        /// 扫描每一个合法栅格,Rail-Storage-StorageRail。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_map">全局唯一的地图引用</param>
        public void WrapCargoWaysWithDetailAvgCost(Models.Entity.Map _map)
            int None        = MapSingletonService.Instance.Type_GetNoneId();        //get Type-None Id
            int Input       = MapSingletonService.Instance.Type_GetInputId();       //get Type-Input Id
            int Output      = MapSingletonService.Instance.Type_GetOutputId();      //get Type-Output Id
            int Lifter      = MapSingletonService.Instance.Type_GetLifterId();      //get Type-Lifter Id
            int Rail        = MapSingletonService.Instance.Type_GetRailId();        //get Type-Rail Id
            int Unavailable = MapSingletonService.Instance.Type_GetUnavailableId(); //get Type-Unavailable Id
            int StorageRail = MapSingletonService.Instance.Type_GetStorageRailId(); //get Type-StorageRail Id
            int Storage     = MapSingletonService.Instance.Type_GetStorageId();     //get Type-Storage Id
            double threshold_bt_layers     = this.CalculateThreshold(_map.LMaxSpeed, _map.LAcceleration, _map.LDeceleration);
            double threshold_bt_rails      = this.CalculateThreshold(_map.PSMaxSpeed, _map.PSAcceleration, _map.PSDeceleration);
            double threshold_bt_cargopaths = this.CalculateThreshold(_map.CSMaxSpeed, _map.CSAcceleration, _map.CSDeceleration);

            Entity.MapItems[,,] caltmp = new Entity.MapItems[_map.LayerCount + 1, _map.RackCount + 2, _map.ColumnCount + 2];
            //initial the tmp map, for the tmp map has two more dimesions as bounds
            for (int i = 0; i < _map.LayerCount + 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _map.RackCount + 2; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < _map.ColumnCount + 2; k++)
                        if (i == _map.LayerCount || j == 0 || j == _map.RackCount + 1 ||
                            k == 0 || k == _map.ColumnCount + 1)
                            caltmp[i, j, k] = new Entity.MapItems()
                                TypeId = None
                            caltmp[i, j, k] = _map[i, j - 1, k - 1];
            Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, double[, ]> > tempMatrix = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, double[, ]> >();

            tempMatrix.Add(-1, new Dictionary <int, double[, ]>());
            tempMatrix.Add(0, new Dictionary <int, double[, ]>());
            for (int i = 0; i < _map.LayerCount; i++)
                tempMatrix[-1].Add(i, new double[_map.RackCount, _map.ColumnCount]);
                tempMatrix[0].Add(i, new double[_map.RackCount, _map.ColumnCount]);
            Dictionary <Entity.MapItems, int>    tempCounter     = new Dictionary <Entity.MapItems, int>();
            List <Entity.MapItems>               spTempRecorder  = new List <Entity.MapItems>();
            Dictionary <Entity.MapItems, double> spValueRecorder = new Dictionary <Entity.MapItems, double>();
            //所有input points直接到达的Rail
            List <Entity.SpecialConnection> frominputList = _map.SpecialConnections.Where(sc => sc.MapItemFromEntity.TypeId == Input && sc.MapItemToEntity.TypeId == Rail).ToList();

            foreach (Entity.SpecialConnection sc in frominputList)
                if (!tempCounter.ContainsKey(sc.MapItemToEntity))
                    spValueRecorder.Add(sc.MapItemToEntity, sc.TimeCost);
                    tempCounter.Add(sc.MapItemToEntity, 1);
                    spValueRecorder[sc.MapItemToEntity] = (spValueRecorder[sc.MapItemToEntity] * tempCounter[sc.MapItemToEntity] + sc.TimeCost) / (tempCounter[sc.MapItemToEntity] + 1);
                    tempCounter[sc.MapItemToEntity]     = tempCounter[sc.MapItemToEntity] + 1;
            //input -- lifter -- rail
            List <Entity.SpecialConnection> fromInputLifter = _map.SpecialConnections.Where(sc => sc.MapItemFromEntity.TypeId == Input && sc.MapItemToEntity.TypeId == Lifter).ToList();

            foreach (Entity.SpecialConnection sc in fromInputLifter)
                List <Entity.SpecialConnection> fromInputLifterToRail = _map.SpecialConnections.Where(sct => sct.MapItemFromEntity.TypeId == Lifter &&
                                                                                                      sct.MapItemToEntity.TypeId == Rail &&
                                                                                                      sct.MapItemFromEntity.Layer != sc.MapItemToEntity.Layer &&
                                                                                                      sct.MapItemFromEntity.Rack == sc.MapItemToEntity.Rack &&
                                                                                                      sct.MapItemFromEntity.Column == sc.MapItemToEntity.Column).ToList();
                foreach (Entity.SpecialConnection ltr in fromInputLifterToRail)
                    if (!tempCounter.ContainsKey(ltr.MapItemToEntity))
                        spValueRecorder.Add(ltr.MapItemToEntity, sc.TimeCost + ltr.TimeCost + CalculateTime(threshold_bt_layers,
                                                                                                            ltr.MapItemFromEntity.Layer * _map.GapBetweenLayers, _map.LMaxSpeed, _map.LAcceleration, _map.LDeceleration));
                        tempCounter.Add(ltr.MapItemToEntity, 1);
                        spValueRecorder[ltr.MapItemToEntity] = (spValueRecorder[ltr.MapItemToEntity] * tempCounter[ltr.MapItemToEntity] +
                                                                sc.TimeCost + ltr.TimeCost + CalculateTime(threshold_bt_layers, ltr.MapItemFromEntity.Layer * _map.GapBetweenLayers, _map.LMaxSpeed, _map.LAcceleration, _map.LDeceleration)
                                                                ) / (tempCounter[ltr.MapItemToEntity] + 1);
                        tempCounter[ltr.MapItemToEntity] = tempCounter[ltr.MapItemToEntity] + 1;
            ScanTheLayerWithStartGids(caltmp, tempMatrix[-1], tempCounter, spTempRecorder, spValueRecorder, _map,
                                      threshold_bt_rails, threshold_bt_cargopaths, StorageRail, Storage, Rail);
            List <Entity.SpecialConnection> fromOutputList = _map.SpecialConnections.Where(sc => sc.MapItemFromEntity.TypeId == Output && sc.MapItemToEntity.TypeId == Rail).ToList();

            //for outputpoint
            foreach (Entity.SpecialConnection sc in fromOutputList)
                if (!tempCounter.ContainsKey(sc.MapItemToEntity))
                    spValueRecorder.Add(sc.MapItemToEntity, sc.TimeCost);
                    tempCounter.Add(sc.MapItemToEntity, 1);
                    spValueRecorder[sc.MapItemToEntity] = (spValueRecorder[sc.MapItemToEntity] * tempCounter[sc.MapItemToEntity] + sc.TimeCost) / (tempCounter[sc.MapItemToEntity] + 1);
                    tempCounter[sc.MapItemToEntity]     = tempCounter[sc.MapItemToEntity] + 1;
            //output -- lifter -- rail
            List <Entity.SpecialConnection> fromOutputLifter = _map.SpecialConnections.Where(sc => sc.MapItemFromEntity.TypeId == Output && sc.MapItemToEntity.TypeId == Lifter).ToList();

            foreach (Entity.SpecialConnection sc in fromOutputLifter)
                List <Entity.SpecialConnection> fromOutputLifterToRail = _map.SpecialConnections.Where(sct => sct.MapItemFromEntity.TypeId == Lifter &&
                                                                                                       sct.MapItemToEntity.TypeId == Rail &&
                                                                                                       sct.MapItemFromEntity.Layer != sc.MapItemToEntity.Layer &&
                                                                                                       sct.MapItemFromEntity.Rack == sc.MapItemToEntity.Rack &&
                                                                                                       sct.MapItemFromEntity.Column == sc.MapItemToEntity.Column).ToList();
                foreach (Entity.SpecialConnection ltr in fromOutputLifterToRail)
                    if (!tempCounter.ContainsKey(ltr.MapItemToEntity))
                        spValueRecorder.Add(ltr.MapItemToEntity, sc.TimeCost + ltr.TimeCost + CalculateTime(threshold_bt_layers,
                                                                                                            ltr.MapItemFromEntity.Layer * _map.GapBetweenLayers, _map.LMaxSpeed, _map.LAcceleration, _map.LDeceleration));
                        tempCounter.Add(ltr.MapItemToEntity, 1);
                        spValueRecorder[ltr.MapItemToEntity] = (spValueRecorder[ltr.MapItemToEntity] * tempCounter[ltr.MapItemToEntity] +
                                                                sc.TimeCost + ltr.TimeCost + CalculateTime(threshold_bt_layers, ltr.MapItemFromEntity.Layer * _map.GapBetweenLayers, _map.LMaxSpeed, _map.LAcceleration, _map.LDeceleration)
                                                                ) / (tempCounter[ltr.MapItemToEntity] + 1);
                        tempCounter[ltr.MapItemToEntity] = tempCounter[ltr.MapItemToEntity] + 1;
            ScanTheLayerWithStartGids(caltmp, tempMatrix[0], tempCounter, spTempRecorder, spValueRecorder, _map,
                                      threshold_bt_rails, threshold_bt_cargopaths, StorageRail, Storage, Rail);
            foreach (CargoWays newone in _map.CargoWays)
                double point1Cost = 0;
                if (newone.LeftIsRail)
                    double inputcost  = tempMatrix[-1][newone.LayerAt][newone.RackAt, newone.LeftRailColumn];
                    double outputcost = tempMatrix[0][newone.LayerAt][newone.RackAt, newone.LeftRailColumn];
                    if (inputcost != 0 && outputcost != 0)
                        point1Cost = inputcost + outputcost;
                double point2Cost = 0;
                if (newone.RightIsRail)
                    double inputcost  = tempMatrix[-1][newone.LayerAt][newone.RackAt, newone.RightRailColumn];
                    double outputcost = tempMatrix[0][newone.LayerAt][newone.RackAt, newone.RightRailColumn];
                    if (inputcost != 0 && outputcost != 0)
                        point2Cost = inputcost + outputcost;
                int counter = 0;
                counter = point1Cost == 0 ? counter : counter + 1;
                counter = point2Cost == 0 ? counter : counter + 1;
                if (counter != 0)
                    newone.AvgTimeCost = (point1Cost + point2Cost) / counter;
                //Utils.Logger.WriteMsgAndLog(newone.CargoWayNumber + " -->" + newone.LeftRailColumn + ":" + newone.LeftIsRail
                //    + " -->" + newone.RightRailColumn + ":" + newone.RightIsRail + " -->Zone:" + newone.ZoneAt
                //    + " -->Col:" + newone.RackAt + " -->Layer:" + newone.LayerAt + " --->C:  " + newone.AvgTimeCost);