/// <summary> Processes any incoming FDA (Florida Dark Archive) reports, saves the data to the database, and archives the report in the resource folder </summary>
        /// <param name="Settings"> Instance-wide settings which may be required for this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(InstanceWide_Settings Settings)
            // Step through each incoming folder and look for FDA reports
            if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Florida.FDA_Report_DropBox)) && (Directory.Exists(Settings.Florida.FDA_Report_DropBox)))
                // Create the FDA process
                FDA_Report_Processor fdaProcessor = new FDA_Report_Processor();

                // Process all pending FDA reports

                // Log successes and failures
                if ((fdaProcessor.Error_Count > 0) || (fdaProcessor.Success_Count > 0))
                    // Clear any previous report
                    Engine_Database.Builder_Clear_Item_Error_Log("FDA REPORT", "", "SobekCM Builder");

                    if (fdaProcessor.Error_Count > 0)
                        OnError("Processed " + fdaProcessor.Success_Count + " FDA reports with " + fdaProcessor.Error_Count + " errors", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
                        OnProcess("Processed " + fdaProcessor.Success_Count + " FDA reports", "Standard", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
        private void Process_Single_Incoming_Package(Incoming_Digital_Resource ResourcePackage)
            ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId = Add_NonError_To_Log("........Processing '" + ResourcePackage.Folder_Name + "'", "Standard", ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.METS_Type_String, -1);

            // Clear any existing error linked to this item
            Engine_Database.Builder_Clear_Item_Error_Log(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, "SobekCM Builder");

            // Before we save this or anything, let's see if this is truly a new resource
            ResourcePackage.NewPackage   = (Engine_Database.Get_Item_Information(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, null) == null);
            ResourcePackage.Package_Time = DateTime.Now;

                // Do all the item processing per instance config
                foreach (iSubmissionPackageModule thisModule in builderModules.ItemProcessModules)
                    //if ( superverbose)
                    //    Add_NonError_To_Log("Running module " + thisModule.GetType().ToString(), true, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId);
                    if (!thisModule.DoWork(ResourcePackage))
                        Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete new/replacement for " + ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId);

                        // Try to move the whole package to the failures folder
                        string final_failures_folder = Path.Combine(ResourcePackage.Source_Folder.Failures_Folder, ResourcePackage.BibID + "_" + ResourcePackage.VID);
                        if (Directory.Exists(final_failures_folder))
                            final_failures_folder = final_failures_folder + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

                            Directory.Move(ResourcePackage.Resource_Folder, final_failures_folder);

                // Save these collections to mark them for refreshing the RSS feeds, etc..
                Add_Process_Info_To_PostProcess_Lists(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.Metadata.Behaviors.Aggregation_Code_List);

                // Finally, clear the memory a little bit
            catch (Exception ee)
                StreamWriter errorWriter = new StreamWriter(logFileDirectory + "\\error.log", true);
                errorWriter.WriteLine("Message: " + ee.Message);
                errorWriter.WriteLine("Stack Trace: " + ee.StackTrace);

                Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete new/replacement for " + ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId, ee);
        private void Create_Complete_MarcXML_Feed(bool Test_Feed_Flag)
            // Determine some values based on whether this is for thr test feed or something else
            string feed_name       = "Production MarcXML Feed";
            string file_name       = "complete_marc.xml";
            string error_file_name = "complete_marc_last_error.html";

            if (Test_Feed_Flag)
                feed_name       = "Test MarcXML Feed";
                file_name       = "test_marc.xml";
                error_file_name = "test_marc_last_error.html";

            // Before doing this, create the Mango load
                // Create the Mango load stuff
                Console.WriteLine("Building " + feed_name);
                MarcXML_Load_Creator createEndeca = new MarcXML_Load_Creator();
                bool reportSuccess = createEndeca.Create_MarcXML_Data_File(Test_Feed_Flag, Path.Combine(logFileDirectory, file_name));

                // Publish this feed
                if (reportSuccess)
                    Engine_Database.Builder_Clear_Item_Error_Log(feed_name.ToUpper(), "", "UFDC Builder");
                    File.Copy(Path.Combine(logFileDirectory, file_name), Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.MarcXML_Feed_Location + file_name, true);
                    string errors = createEndeca.Errors;
                    if (errors.Length > 0)
                        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.MarcXML_Feed_Location + error_file_name, false);
                        writer.WriteLine("<html><head><title>" + feed_name + " Errors</title></head><body><h1>" + feed_name + " Errors</h1>");
                        writer.Write(errors.Replace("\r\n", "<br />").Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("<br />", "<br />\r\n"));

                        Engine_Database.Builder_Add_Log_Entry(-1, feed_name.ToUpper(), "Error", "Resulting file failed validation", "");

                        File.Copy(Path.Combine(logFileDirectory, file_name), Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.MarcXML_Feed_Location + file_name.Replace(".xml", "_error.xml"), true);
                Engine_Database.Builder_Add_Log_Entry(-1, feed_name.ToUpper(), "Error", "Unknown exception caught", "");

                Console.WriteLine("ERROR BUILDING THE " + feed_name.ToUpper());
        /// <summary> Performs a delete from the database and moves all digital resource
        /// files into the recycle bin </summary>
        /// <param name="Resource"> Incoming digital resource object </param>
        /// <returns> TRUE if processing can continue, FALSE if a critical error occurred which should stop all processing </returns>
        public override bool DoWork(Incoming_Digital_Resource Resource)
            // Read the METS and load the basic information before continuing

            Resource.BuilderLogId = OnProcess("........Processing '" + Resource.Folder_Name + "'", "Standard", Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID, Resource.METS_Type_String, -1);

            Engine_Database.Builder_Clear_Item_Error_Log(Resource.BibID, Resource.VID, "SobekCM Builder");

            Resource.File_Root = Resource.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(8);
            string existing_folder = Settings.Servers.Image_Server_Network + Resource.File_Root + "\\" + Resource.VID;

            // Remove from the primary collection area
                if (Directory.Exists(existing_folder))
                    // Make sure the delete folder exists
                    if (!Directory.Exists(Settings.Servers.Image_Server_Network + "\\RECYCLE BIN"))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.Servers.Image_Server_Network + "\\RECYCLE BIN");

                    // Create the final directory
                    string final_folder = Settings.Servers.Image_Server_Network + "\\RECYCLE BIN\\" + Resource.File_Root + "\\" + Resource.VID;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(final_folder))

                    // Move each file
                    string[] delete_files = Directory.GetFiles(existing_folder);
                    foreach (string thisDeleteFile in delete_files)
                        string destination_file = final_folder + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(thisDeleteFile);
                        if (File.Exists(destination_file))
                        File.Move(thisDeleteFile, destination_file);
            catch (Exception ee)
                OnError("Unable to move resource ( " + Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID + " ) to deletes", Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID, Resource.METS_Type_String, Resource.BuilderLogId);
                OnError(ee.Message, Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID, Resource.METS_Type_String, Resource.BuilderLogId);

            // Delete the static page
            string static_page1 = Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location + Resource.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(8) + "\\" + Resource.VID + "\\" + Resource.BibID + "_" + Resource.VID + ".html";

            if (File.Exists(static_page1))
            string static_page2 = Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location + Resource.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Resource.BibID.Substring(8) + "\\" + Resource.BibID + "_" + Resource.VID + ".html";

            if (File.Exists(static_page2))

            // Delete the file from the database
            Engine_Database.Delete_SobekCM_Item(Resource.BibID, Resource.VID, true, "Deleted upon request by builder");

            // Delete from the solr/lucene indexes
            if (Settings.Servers.Document_Solr_Index_URL.Length > 0)
                    Solr_Controller.Delete_Resource_From_Index(Settings.Servers.Document_Solr_Index_URL, Settings.Servers.Page_Solr_Index_URL, Resource.BibID, Resource.VID);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    OnError("Error deleting item from the Solr/Lucene index.  The index may not reflect this delete.", Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID, Resource.METS_Type_String, Resource.BuilderLogId);
                    OnError("Solr Error: " + ee.Message, Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID, Resource.METS_Type_String, Resource.BuilderLogId);

            // Delete the handled METS file and package