private IDebugProcess2 GetProcess(IDebugPort2 port)
            IDebugProcess2 process;

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(port.GetProcess(_processId, out process));

Beispiel #2
        public MonoPendingBreakpoint(MonoBreakpointManager breakpointManager, IDebugBreakpointRequest2 request)
            this.breakpointManager = breakpointManager;
            this.request           = request;

            var requestInfo = new BP_REQUEST_INFO[1];

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(request.GetRequestInfo(enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_BPLOCATION, requestInfo));
            this.requestInfo = requestInfo[0];
Beispiel #3
        public AD7PendingBreakpoint(IDebugBreakpointRequest2 pBPRequest, AD7Engine engine, BreakpointManager bpManager)
            m_pBPRequest = pBPRequest;
            BP_REQUEST_INFO[] requestInfo = new BP_REQUEST_INFO[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(m_pBPRequest.GetRequestInfo(enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_BPLOCATION, requestInfo));
            mBpRequestInfo = requestInfo[0];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(m_pBPRequest.GetRequestInfo(enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_THREAD, requestInfo));

            mEngine = engine;
            mBPMgr  = bpManager;
Beispiel #4
        public string GetLocationInfo(IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition, out TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition, out TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition)
            string documentName;

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName));

            startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

Beispiel #5
        public AD7PendingBreakpoint(IDebugBreakpointRequest2 pBPRequest, AD7Engine engine, BreakpointManager bpManager)
            _bpRequest = pBPRequest;
            BP_REQUEST_INFO[] requestInfo = new BP_REQUEST_INFO[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(_bpRequest.GetRequestInfo(enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_BPLOCATION | enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_CONDITION | enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_ALLFIELDS, requestInfo));
            _bpRequestInfo = requestInfo[0];

            _engine           = engine;
            _bpManager        = bpManager;
            _boundBreakpoints = new System.Collections.Generic.List <AD7BoundBreakpoint>();

            _enabled = true;
            _deleted = false;
Beispiel #6
        // Get the document context for this pending breakpoint. A document context is a abstract representation of a source file
        // location.
        public AD7DocumentContext GetDocumentContext(PythonBreakpoint address)
            IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out global::System.String documentName));

            // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
            TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

            AD7MemoryAddress codeContext = new AD7MemoryAddress(_engine, documentName, startPosition[0].dwLine);

            return(new AD7DocumentContext(documentName, startPosition[0], startPosition[0], codeContext, FrameKind.Python));
Beispiel #7
        // Get the document context for this pending breakpoint. A document context is a abstract representation of a source file
        // location.
        public AD7DocumentContext GetDocumentContext(uint address)
            IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(mBpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));
            string documentName;

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName));

            // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
            TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

            AD7MemoryAddress codeContext = new AD7MemoryAddress(mEngine, address);

            return(new AD7DocumentContext(documentName, startPosition[0], startPosition[0], codeContext));
Beispiel #8
        // Get the document context for this pending breakpoint. A document context is a abstract representation of a source file
        // location.
        public AD7DocumentContext GetDocumentContext(ulong address, string functionName)
            IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition = HostMarshal.GetDocumentPositionForIntPtr(_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2);
            string documentName;

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName));

            // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
            TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

            AD7MemoryAddress codeContext = new AD7MemoryAddress(_engine, address, functionName);

            return(new AD7DocumentContext(new MITextPosition(documentName, startPosition[0], startPosition[0]), codeContext));
        public int LaunchSuspended(string server, IDebugPort2 port, string exe, string args, string directory, string environment, string options, enum_LAUNCH_FLAGS launchFlags, uint standardInput, uint standardOutput, uint standardError, IDebugEventCallback2 callback, out IDebugProcess2 process)
            processId = new AD_PROCESS_ID();
            processId.ProcessIdType = (uint)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            processId.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(port.GetProcess(processId, out process));
            this.Callback = callback;

            Session              = new SoftDebuggerSession();
            Session.TargetReady += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                var activeThread = Session.ActiveThread;
                threadManager.Add(activeThread, new MonoThread(this, activeThread));

 *              Session.Stop();
 *              var location = activeThread.Location;
 *              var backtrace = activeThread.Backtrace;
 *              var locations = Session.VirtualMachine.RootDomain.GetAssemblies().Select(x => x.Location).ToArray();
 *              Session.Continue();

            Session.ExceptionHandler          = exception => true;
            Session.TargetExceptionThrown    += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetExited             += (sender, x) => Send(new MonoProgramDestroyEvent((uint?)x.ExitCode ?? 0), MonoProgramDestroyEvent.IID, null);
            Session.TargetUnhandledException += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.LogWriter            = (stderr, text) => Console.WriteLine(text);
            Session.OutputWriter         = (stderr, text) => Console.WriteLine(text);
            Session.TargetThreadStarted += (sender, x) => threadManager.Add(x.Thread, new MonoThread(this, x.Thread));
            Session.TargetThreadStopped += (sender, x) => threadManager.Remove(x.Thread);
            Session.TargetStopped       += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetStarted       += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine();
            Session.TargetSignaled      += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetInterrupted   += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetHitBreakpoint += (sender, x) =>
                var breakpoint        = x.BreakEvent as Breakpoint;
                var pendingBreakpoint = breakpointManager[breakpoint];
                Send(new MonoBreakpointEvent(new MonoBoundBreakpointsEnum(pendingBreakpoint.BoundBreakpoints)), MonoBreakpointEvent.IID, threadManager[x.Thread]);

Beispiel #10
        public MonoDocumentContext GetDocumentContext(uint address)
            var    docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(requestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2);
            string documentName;

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName));

            // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
            var startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            var endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

            MonoMemoryAddress codeContext = new MonoMemoryAddress(breakpointManager.Engine, address, null);

            return(new MonoDocumentContext(documentName, startPosition[0], endPosition[0], codeContext));
Beispiel #11
        public AD7PendingBreakpoint(IDebugBreakpointRequest2 pBPRequest, AD7Engine engine, BreakpointManager bpManager)
            _pBPRequest = pBPRequest;
            BP_REQUEST_INFO[] requestInfo = new BP_REQUEST_INFO[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(_pBPRequest.GetRequestInfo(enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_BPLOCATION | enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_CONDITION | enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_PASSCOUNT, requestInfo));
            _bpRequestInfo = requestInfo[0];

            _engine           = engine;
            _bpManager        = bpManager;
            _boundBreakpoints = new List <AD7BoundBreakpoint>();

            _enabled       = true;
            _deleted       = false;
            _pendingDelete = false;

            _bp      = null; // no underlying breakpoint created yet
            _BPError = null;
Beispiel #12
        // Binds this pending breakpoint to one or more code locations.
        int IDebugPendingBreakpoint2.Bind()
            if (CanBind())
                var docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));

                // Get the name of the document that the breakpoint was put in
                string documentName;
                EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName));

                // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
                var startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                var endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];

                EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

                _breakpoint = new NodeBreakpoint(_engine.Process.Debugger, documentName,

                catch (Exception)

                var breakpointResolution = new AD7BreakpointResolution(_engine, _breakpoint, GetDocumentContext(_breakpoint));
                var boundBreakpoint      = new AD7BoundBreakpoint(_engine, _breakpoint, this, breakpointResolution);
                _bpManager.AddBoundBreakpoint(_breakpoint, boundBreakpoint);


            // The breakpoint could not be bound. This may occur for many reasons such as an invalid location, an invalid expression, etc...
            // The sample engine does not support this, but a real world engine will want to send an instance of IDebugBreakpointErrorEvent2 to the
            // UI and return a valid instance of IDebugErrorBreakpoint2 from IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::EnumErrorBreakpoints. The debugger will then
            // display information about why the breakpoint did not bind to the user.
        // Enumerates the code contexts for a given position in a source file.
        public int EnumCodeContexts(IDebugDocumentPosition2 pDocPos, out IEnumDebugCodeContexts2 ppEnum)
            string documentName;

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(pDocPos.GetFileName(out documentName));

            // Get the location in the document
            TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(pDocPos.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));
            List <IDebugCodeContext2> codeContexts = new List <IDebugCodeContext2>();

            List <ulong> addresses = null;
            uint         line      = startPosition[0].dwLine + 1;

            _debuggedProcess.WorkerThread.RunOperation(async() =>
                addresses = await DebuggedProcess.StartAddressesForLine(documentName, line);

            if (addresses != null && addresses.Count > 0)
                foreach (var a in addresses)
                    var           codeCxt = new AD7MemoryAddress(this, a, null);
                    TEXT_POSITION pos;
                    pos.dwLine   = line;
                    pos.dwColumn = 0;
                    MITextPosition textPosition = new MITextPosition(documentName, pos, pos);
                    codeCxt.SetDocumentContext(new AD7DocumentContext(textPosition, codeCxt));
                if (codeContexts.Count > 0)
                    ppEnum = new AD7CodeContextEnum(codeContexts.ToArray());
            ppEnum = null;
Beispiel #14
        public int Bind()
            var    docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(requestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2);
            string documentName;

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName));

            // Remap document name  TODO: Implement this properly
            const string localRoot = @"C:/dev/TestDebug/TestDebug";

            documentName = documentName.Replace('\\', '/');
            const string remoteRoot = @"/mnt/c/dev/TestDebug/TestDebug";

            documentName = remoteRoot + documentName.Substring(localRoot.Length);

            var startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            var endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

            var engine = breakpointManager.Engine;

            breakpoint = engine.Session.Breakpoints.Add(documentName, (int)startPosition[0].dwLine + 1, (int)startPosition[0].dwColumn + 1);
            breakpointManager.Add(breakpoint, this);

            lock (boundBreakpoints)
                uint address = 0;
                var  breakpointResolution = new MonoBreakpointResolution(engine, address, GetDocumentContext(address));
                var  boundBreakpoint      = new MonoBoundBreakpoint(engine, address, this, breakpointResolution);

                engine.Send(new MonoBreakpointBoundEvent(this, boundBreakpoint), MonoBreakpointBoundEvent.IID, null);

Beispiel #15
        public int LaunchSuspended(string server, IDebugPort2 port, string exe, string args, string directory, string environment, string options, enum_LAUNCH_FLAGS launchFlags, uint standardInput, uint standardOutput, uint standardError, IDebugEventCallback2 callback, out IDebugProcess2 process)
            waiter   = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            settings = MonoDebuggerSettings.Parse(options);

            Task.Run(() =>
                var outputWindow    = (IVsOutputWindow)Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsOutputWindow));
                var generalPaneGuid = VSConstants.GUID_OutWindowDebugPane;
                outputWindow.GetPane(ref generalPaneGuid, out this.outputWindow);

                // Upload the contents of the output folder to the target directory
                if (connection == null)
                    connection = ConnectionManager.Get(settings);
                    if (!connection.IsConnected)
                        Log("Connecting SSH and SFTP...");
//                        Debugger.Launch();

                Log("Uploading program...");

                // Ensure target directory exists:
                var targetDirectories = directory.Split('/');
                foreach (var part in targetDirectories)
                    if (!connection.Sftp.Exists(part))
                foreach (var _ in targetDirectories)

                var outputDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(exe));
                foreach (var file in outputDirectory.EnumerateFiles().Where(x => x.Extension == ".dll" || x.Extension == ".mdb" || x.Extension == ".exe"))
                    using (var stream = file.OpenRead())
                        connection.Sftp.UploadFile(stream, $"{directory}/{file.Name}", true);
                    Log($"Uploaded {file.FullName}");

                var targetExe = directory + "/" + Path.GetFileName(exe);
                connection.Ssh.RunCommand("cd ~");
                Log("Launching application");
                var commandText = $"mono --debug=mdb-optimizations --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,address=,server=y {targetExe}";
                connection.Ssh.RunCommand("kill $(ps auxww | grep '" + commandText + "' | awk '{print $2}')", this.outputWindow, null);
                runCommand = connection.Ssh.BeginCommand(commandText, this.outputWindow, out runCommandAsyncResult);

                // Trigger that the app is now running for whomever might be waiting for that signal

            Session              = new SoftDebuggerSession();
            Session.TargetReady += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                var activeThread = Session.ActiveThread;
                ThreadManager.Add(activeThread, new MonoThread(this, activeThread));
//                Session.Stop();
            Session.ExceptionHandler = exception => true;
            Session.TargetExited    += (sender, x) =>
//                runCommand.EndExecute(runCommandAsyncResult);
                Send(new MonoProgramDestroyEvent((uint?)x.ExitCode ?? 0), MonoProgramDestroyEvent.IID, null);
            Session.TargetUnhandledException += (sender, x) =>
                Send(new MonoExceptionEvent(x.Backtrace.GetFrame(0))
                    IsUnhandled = true
                }, MonoExceptionEvent.IID, ThreadManager[x.Thread]);
            Session.LogWriter            = (stderr, text) => Console.WriteLine(text);
            Session.OutputWriter         = (stderr, text) => Console.WriteLine(text);
            Session.TargetThreadStarted += (sender, x) => ThreadManager.Add(x.Thread, new MonoThread(this, x.Thread));
            Session.TargetThreadStopped += (sender, x) =>
            Session.TargetStopped         += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetStarted         += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine();
            Session.TargetSignaled        += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetInterrupted     += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetExceptionThrown += (sender, x) =>
                Send(new MonoExceptionEvent(x.Backtrace.GetFrame(0)), MonoExceptionEvent.IID, ThreadManager[x.Thread]);
            Session.TargetHitBreakpoint += (sender, x) =>
                var breakpoint        = x.BreakEvent as Breakpoint;
                var pendingBreakpoint = breakpointManager[breakpoint];
                Send(new MonoBreakpointEvent(new MonoBoundBreakpointsEnum(pendingBreakpoint.BoundBreakpoints)), MonoBreakpointEvent.IID, ThreadManager[x.Thread]);

            processId = new AD_PROCESS_ID();
            processId.ProcessIdType = (uint)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            processId.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(port.GetProcess(processId, out process));
            Callback = callback;

Beispiel #16
        internal async Task BindAsync()
            if (CanBind())
                string          documentName  = null;
                string          functionName  = null;
                TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                string          condition     = null;

                lock (_boundBreakpoints)
                    if (_bp != null)   // already bound
                        Debug.Fail("Breakpoint already bound");
                    if ((_bpRequestInfo.dwFields & enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_BPLOCATION) != 0)
                        if (_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.bpLocationType == (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FUNC_OFFSET)
                            IDebugFunctionPosition2 functionPosition = HostMarshal.GetDebugFunctionPositionForIntPtr(_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2);
                            EngineUtils.CheckOk(functionPosition.GetFunctionName(out functionName));
                        else if (_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.bpLocationType == (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FILE_LINE)
                            IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition = HostMarshal.GetDocumentPositionForIntPtr(_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2);

                            // Get the name of the document that the breakpoint was put in
                            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName));

                            // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
                            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));
                    if ((_bpRequestInfo.dwFields & enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_CONDITION) != 0 &&
                        _bpRequestInfo.bpCondition.styleCondition == enum_BP_COND_STYLE.BP_COND_WHEN_TRUE)
                        condition = _bpRequestInfo.bpCondition.bstrCondition;
                PendingBreakpoint.BindResult bindResult;
                // Bind all breakpoints that match this source and line number.
                if (documentName != null)
                    bindResult = await PendingBreakpoint.Bind(documentName, startPosition[0].dwLine + 1, startPosition[0].dwColumn, _engine.DebuggedProcess, condition, this);
                    bindResult = await PendingBreakpoint.Bind(functionName, _engine.DebuggedProcess, condition, this);

                lock (_boundBreakpoints)
                    if (bindResult.PendingBreakpoint != null)
                        _bp = bindResult.PendingBreakpoint;    // an MI breakpoint object exists: TODO: lock?
                    if (bindResult.BoundBreakpoints == null || bindResult.BoundBreakpoints.Count == 0)
                        _BPError = new AD7ErrorBreakpoint(this, bindResult.ErrorMessage);
                        Debug.Assert(_bp != null);
                        foreach (BoundBreakpoint bp in bindResult.BoundBreakpoints)
Beispiel #17
        // Binds this pending breakpoint to one or more code locations.
        int IDebugPendingBreakpoint2.Bind()
                if (CanBind())
                    var xDocPos = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(mBpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));

                    // Get the name of the document that the breakpoint was put in
                    string xDocName;
                    EngineUtils.CheckOk(xDocPos.GetFileName(out xDocName));
                    xDocName = xDocName.ToLower(); //Bug: Some filenames were returned with the drive letter as lower case but in DocumentGUIDs it was captialised so file-not-found!

                    // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
                    var xStartPos = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                    var xEndPos   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                    EngineUtils.CheckOk(xDocPos.GetRange(xStartPos, xEndPos));

                    uint xAddress   = 0;
                    var  xDebugInfo = mEngine.mProcess.mDebugInfoDb;

                    // We must check for DocID. This is important because in a solution that contains many projects,
                    // VS will send us BPs from other Cosmos projects (and possibly non Cosmos ones, didnt look that deep)
                    // but we wont have them in our doc list because it contains only ones from the currently project
                    // to run.
                    long xDocID;
                    if (xDebugInfo.DocumentGUIDs.TryGetValue(xDocName, out xDocID))
                        // Find which Method the Doc, Line, Col are in.
                        // Must add +1 for both Line and Col. They are 0 based, while SP ones are 1 based.
                        // () around << are VERY important.. + has precedence over <<
                        long xPos = (((long)xStartPos[0].dwLine + 1) << 32) + xStartPos[0].dwColumn + 1;

                            var xMethod = xDebugInfo.GetMethodByDocumentIDAndLinePosition(xDocID, xPos, xPos);
                            var asm     = xDebugInfo.GetAssemblyFileById(xMethod.AssemblyFileID);

                            // We have the method. Now find out what Sequence Point it belongs to.
                            var xSPs = xDebugInfo.GetSequencePoints(asm.Pathname, xMethod.MethodToken);
                            var xSP  = xSPs.Single(q => q.LineColStart <= xPos && q.LineColEnd >= xPos);

                            // We have the Sequence Point, find the MethodILOp
                            var xOp = xDebugInfo.GetFirstMethodIlOpByMethodIdAndILOffset(xMethod.ID, xSP.Offset);

                            // Get the address of the Label
                            xAddress = xDebugInfo.GetAddressOfLabel(xOp.LabelName);

                            if (xAddress > 0)
                                var xBPR = new AD7BreakpointResolution(mEngine, xAddress, GetDocumentContext(xAddress));
                                var xBBP = new AD7BoundBreakpoint(mEngine, xAddress, this, xBPR);

                            // Ask the symbol engine to find all addresses in all modules with symbols that match this source and line number.
                            //uint[] addresses = mEngine.DebuggedProcess.GetAddressesForSourceLocation(null, documentName, startPosition[0].dwLine + 1, startPosition[0].dwColumn);
                            lock (mBoundBPs)
                                //foreach (uint addr in addresses) {
                                //    AD7BreakpointResolution breakpointResolution = new AD7BreakpointResolution(mEngine, addr, GetDocumentContext(addr));
                                //    AD7BoundBreakpoint boundBreakpoint = new AD7BoundBreakpoint(mEngine, addr, this, breakpointResolution);
                                //    m_boundBreakpoints.Add(boundBreakpoint);
                                //    mEngine.DebuggedProcess.SetBreakpoint(addr, boundBreakpoint);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                            //No elements in potXMethods sequence!
                    // The breakpoint could not be bound. This may occur for many reasons such as an invalid location, an invalid expression, etc...
                    // The sample engine does not support this, but a real world engine will want to send an instance of IDebugBreakpointErrorEvent2 to the
                    // UI and return a valid instance of IDebugErrorBreakpoint2 from IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::EnumErrorBreakpoints. The debugger will then
                    // display information about why the breakpoint did not bind to the user.
            //catch (ComponentException e)
            //    return e.HResult;
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #18
        public int LaunchSuspended(string server, IDebugPort2 port, string exe, string args, string directory, string environment, string options, enum_LAUNCH_FLAGS launchFlags, uint standardInput, uint standardOutput, uint standardError, IDebugEventCallback2 callback, out IDebugProcess2 process)
            waiter   = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            settings = MonoDebuggerSettings.Load(options);

            Task.Run(() => {
                var outputWindow    = (IVsOutputWindow)Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsOutputWindow));
                var generalPaneGuid = VSConstants.GUID_OutWindowDebugPane;
                outputWindow.GetPane(ref generalPaneGuid, out this.outputWindow);


                // Trigger that the app is now running for whomever might be waiting for that signal

            Session              = new SoftDebuggerSession();
            Session.TargetReady += (sender, eventArgs) => {
                var activeThread = Session.ActiveThread;
                ThreadManager.Add(activeThread, new MonoThread(this, activeThread));
                //                Session.Stop();
            Session.ExceptionHandler = exception => true;
            Session.TargetExited    += (sender, x) => {
                //                runCommand.EndExecute(runCommandAsyncResult);
                Send(new MonoProgramDestroyEvent((uint?)x.ExitCode ?? 0), MonoProgramDestroyEvent.IID, null);
            Session.TargetUnhandledException += (sender, x) => {
                Send(new MonoExceptionEvent(x.Backtrace.GetFrame(0))
                    IsUnhandled = true
                }, MonoExceptionEvent.IID, ThreadManager[x.Thread]);
            Session.LogWriter            = (stderr, text) => Console.WriteLine(text);
            Session.OutputWriter         = (stderr, text) => Console.WriteLine(text);
            Session.TargetThreadStarted += (sender, x) => ThreadManager.Add(x.Thread, new MonoThread(this, x.Thread));
            Session.TargetThreadStopped += (sender, x) => {
            Session.TargetStopped         += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetStarted         += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine();
            Session.TargetSignaled        += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetInterrupted     += (sender, x) => Console.WriteLine(x.Type);
            Session.TargetExceptionThrown += (sender, x) => {
                Send(new MonoExceptionEvent(x.Backtrace.GetFrame(0)), MonoExceptionEvent.IID, ThreadManager[x.Thread]);
            Session.TargetHitBreakpoint += (sender, x) => {
                var breakpoint        = x.BreakEvent as Breakpoint;
                var pendingBreakpoint = breakpointManager[breakpoint];
                Send(new MonoBreakpointEvent(new MonoBoundBreakpointsEnum(pendingBreakpoint.BoundBreakpoints)), MonoBreakpointEvent.IID, ThreadManager[x.Thread]);

            processId = new AD_PROCESS_ID();
            processId.ProcessIdType = (uint)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            processId.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(port.GetProcess(processId, out process));
            Callback = callback;

Beispiel #19
        // Binds this pending breakpoint to one or more code locations.
        int IDebugPendingBreakpoint2.Bind()
            if (CanBind())
                IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));

                // Get the name of the document that the breakpoint was put in
                EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out global::System.String documentName));

                // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
                TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

                lock (_boundBreakpoints)
                    if (_bpRequestInfo.guidLanguage == DebuggerConstants.guidLanguagePython)
                        PythonBreakpoint bp = _engine.Process.AddBreakpoint(
                            (int)(startPosition[0].dwLine + 1),

                        AD7BreakpointResolution breakpointResolution = new AD7BreakpointResolution(_engine, bp, GetDocumentContext(bp));
                        AD7BoundBreakpoint      boundBreakpoint      = new AD7BoundBreakpoint(_engine, bp, this, breakpointResolution, _enabled);
                        _bpManager.AddBoundBreakpoint(bp, boundBreakpoint);

                        if (_enabled)
                            TaskHelpers.RunSynchronouslyOnUIThread(ct => bp.AddAsync(ct));

                    else if (_bpRequestInfo.guidLanguage == DebuggerConstants.guidLanguageDjangoTemplate)
                        // bind a Django template
                        PythonBreakpoint bp = _engine.Process.AddDjangoBreakpoint(
                            (int)(startPosition[0].dwLine + 1)

                        AD7BreakpointResolution breakpointResolution = new AD7BreakpointResolution(_engine, bp, GetDocumentContext(bp));
                        AD7BoundBreakpoint      boundBreakpoint      = new AD7BoundBreakpoint(_engine, bp, this, breakpointResolution, _enabled);
                        _bpManager.AddBoundBreakpoint(bp, boundBreakpoint);

                        if (_enabled)
                            TaskHelpers.RunSynchronouslyOnUIThread(ct => bp.AddAsync(ct));


            // The breakpoint could not be bound. This may occur for many reasons such as an invalid location, an invalid expression, etc...
            // The Python engine does not support this.
            // TODO: send an instance of IDebugBreakpointErrorEvent2 to the UI and return a valid instance of IDebugErrorBreakpoint2 from
            // IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::EnumErrorBreakpoints. The debugger will then display information about why the breakpoint did not
            // bind to the user.