Beispiel #1
    //exerciseID can be -1 to get all exercises
    public static ArrayList SelectCompareIntersession(bool dbconOpened, Constants.EncoderGI encoderGI, int exerciseID, int personID)
        if (!dbconOpened)

        string exerciseIDStr = "";

        if (exerciseID != -1)
            exerciseIDStr = "encoder.exerciseID = " + exerciseID + " AND ";

        //returns a row for each session where there are active or inactive
        dbcmd.CommandText =
            "SELECT encoder.sessionID,,, encoder.extraWeight, " +
            " SUM(CASE WHEN encoder.status = \"active\" THEN 1 END) as active, " +
            " SUM(CASE WHEN encoder.status = \"inactive\" THEN 1 END) as inactive," +
            " encoder.encoderConfiguration " +
            " FROM encoder, session, person77 " +
            " WHERE " +
            exerciseIDStr +
            " encoder.personID = " + personID + " AND signalOrCurve = \"curve\" AND " +
            " encoder.personID = person77.uniqueID AND encoder.sessionID = session.uniqueID " +
            " GROUP BY encoder.sessionID, encoder.extraWeight ORDER BY encoder.sessionID, encoder.extraWeight, encoder.status";


        SqliteDataReader reader;

        reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

        ArrayList array = new ArrayList();
        EncoderPersonCurvesInDB encPS = new EncoderPersonCurvesInDB();

         * eg.
         * sessID|sess name|date|extraWe|a|i (a: active, i: inactive)
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|7|3|
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|0||9
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|10||34
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|58||1
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|61||1
         * 26|sessio-proves|2013-07-08|10|5|36
         * 30|proves encoder|2013-11-08|0|2|
         * 30|proves encoder|2013-11-08|100|5|
         * convert to:
         * sessID|sess name|date|a|i|reps*weights	(a: active, i: inactive)
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|3|45|3*7 9*0 34*10 1*58 1*61 (but sorted)
        int sessIDDoing   = -1;       //of this sessionID
        int sessIDThisRow = -1;       //of this SQL row
        List <EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep> lDeep = new List <EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep>();
        bool firstSession = true;
        int  activeThisRow;
        int  inactiveThisRow;
        int  activeThisSession   = 0;
        int  inactiveThisSession = 0;

        while (reader.Read())
            //discard if != encoderGI
            string []            strFull = reader[6].ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' });
            EncoderConfiguration econf   = new EncoderConfiguration(
                Enum.Parse(typeof(Constants.EncoderConfigurationNames), strFull[0]));

            //if encoderGI != ALL discard non wanted repetitions
            if (encoderGI == Constants.EncoderGI.GRAVITATORY && econf.has_inertia)
            else if (encoderGI == Constants.EncoderGI.INERTIAL && !econf.has_inertia)

            //1 get sessionID of this row
            sessIDThisRow = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString());

            //2 get active an inactive curves of this row
            activeThisRow = 0;
            string activeStr = reader[4].ToString();
            if (Util.IsNumber(activeStr, false))
                activeThisRow = Convert.ToInt32(activeStr);

            inactiveThisRow = 0;
            string inactiveStr = reader[5].ToString();
            if (Util.IsNumber(inactiveStr, false))
                inactiveThisRow = Convert.ToInt32(inactiveStr);

            //3 if session of this row is different than previous row
            if (sessIDThisRow != sessIDDoing)
                sessIDDoing = sessIDThisRow;

                if (!firstSession)
                    //if is not first session (means we have processed a session before)
                    //update encPS with the lDeep and then add to array
                    encPS.lDeep       = lDeep;
                    encPS.countActive = activeThisSession;
                    encPS.countAll    = activeThisSession + inactiveThisSession;

                firstSession = false;

                //create new EncoderPersonCurvesInDB
                encPS = new EncoderPersonCurvesInDB(
                    Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()),                              //sessionID
                    reader[1].ToString(),                                               //sessionName
                    reader[2].ToString());                                              //sessionDate

                activeThisSession   = 0;
                inactiveThisSession = 0;
                //empty lDeep
                lDeep = new List <EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep>();
            //4 add deep info: (weight, all reps)
            EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep deep = new EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep(
                Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[3].ToString())), activeThisRow + inactiveThisRow);
            //add to lDeep

            activeThisSession   += activeThisRow;
            inactiveThisSession += inactiveThisRow;

        //store last row in array (once we are out the while)
        if (!firstSession)
            //if is not first session (means we have processed a session before)
            //update encPS with the lDeep and then add to array
            encPS.lDeep       = lDeep;
            encPS.countActive = activeThisSession;
            encPS.countAll    = activeThisSession + inactiveThisSession;

        if (!dbconOpened)

Beispiel #2
    //exerciseID can be -1 to get all exercises
    public static ArrayList SelectCompareIntersession(bool dbconOpened, Constants.EncoderGI encoderGI, int exerciseID, int personID)
        if(! dbconOpened)

        string exerciseIDStr = "";
        if(exerciseID != -1)
            exerciseIDStr = "encoder.exerciseID = " + exerciseID + " AND ";

        //returns a row for each session where there are active or inactive
        dbcmd.CommandText =
            "SELECT encoder.sessionID,,, encoder.extraWeight, " +
            " SUM(CASE WHEN encoder.status = \"active\" THEN 1 END) as active, " +
            " SUM(CASE WHEN encoder.status = \"inactive\" THEN 1 END) as inactive," +
            " encoder.encoderConfiguration " +
            " FROM encoder, session, person77 " +
            " WHERE " +
            exerciseIDStr +
            " encoder.personID = " + personID + " AND signalOrCurve = \"curve\" AND " +
            " encoder.personID = person77.uniqueID AND encoder.sessionID = session.uniqueID " +
            " GROUP BY encoder.sessionID, encoder.extraWeight ORDER BY encoder.sessionID, encoder.extraWeight, encoder.status";


        SqliteDataReader reader;
        reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

        ArrayList array = new ArrayList();
        EncoderPersonCurvesInDB encPS = new EncoderPersonCurvesInDB();
         * eg.
         * sessID|sess name|date|extraWe|a|i (a: active, i: inactive)
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|7|3|
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|0||9
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|10||34
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|58||1
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|61||1
         * 26|sessio-proves|2013-07-08|10|5|36
         * 30|proves encoder|2013-11-08|0|2|
         * 30|proves encoder|2013-11-08|100|5|
         * convert to:
         * sessID|sess name|date|a|i|reps*weights	(a: active, i: inactive)
         * 20|Encoder tests|2012-12-10|3|45|3*7 9*0 34*10 1*58 1*61 (but sorted)
        int sessIDDoing = -1; //of this sessionID
        int sessIDThisRow = -1; //of this SQL row
        List<EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep> lDeep = new List<EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep>();
        bool firstSession = true;
        int activeThisRow;
        int inactiveThisRow;
        int activeThisSession = 0;
        int inactiveThisSession = 0;

        while(reader.Read()) {
            //discard if != encoderGI
            string [] strFull = reader[6].ToString().Split(new char[] {':'});
            EncoderConfiguration econf = new EncoderConfiguration(
                Enum.Parse(typeof(Constants.EncoderConfigurationNames), strFull[0]) );

            //if encoderGI != ALL discard non wanted repetitions
            if(encoderGI == Constants.EncoderGI.GRAVITATORY && econf.has_inertia)
            else if(encoderGI == Constants.EncoderGI.INERTIAL && ! econf.has_inertia)

            //1 get sessionID of this row
            sessIDThisRow = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString());

            //2 get active an inactive curves of this row
            activeThisRow = 0;
            string activeStr = reader[4].ToString();
            if(Util.IsNumber(activeStr, false))
                activeThisRow = Convert.ToInt32(activeStr);

            inactiveThisRow = 0;
            string inactiveStr = reader[5].ToString();
            if(Util.IsNumber(inactiveStr, false))
                inactiveThisRow = Convert.ToInt32(inactiveStr);

            //3 if session of this row is different than previous row
            if(sessIDThisRow != sessIDDoing)
                sessIDDoing = sessIDThisRow;

                if(! firstSession) {
                    //if is not first session (means we have processed a session before)
                    //update encPS with the lDeep and then add to array
                    encPS.lDeep = lDeep;
                    encPS.countActive = activeThisSession;
                    encPS.countAll = activeThisSession + inactiveThisSession;

                firstSession = false;

                //create new EncoderPersonCurvesInDB
                encPS = new EncoderPersonCurvesInDB (
                        Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()),	//sessionID
                        reader[1].ToString(),			//sessionName
                        reader[2].ToString());			//sessionDate

                activeThisSession = 0;
                inactiveThisSession = 0;
                //empty lDeep
                lDeep = new List<EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep>();
            //4 add deep info: (weight, all reps)
            EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep deep = new EncoderPersonCurvesInDBDeep(
                    Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[3].ToString())), activeThisRow + inactiveThisRow);
            //add to lDeep

            activeThisSession += activeThisRow;
            inactiveThisSession += inactiveThisRow;

        //store last row in array (once we are out the while)
        if(! firstSession) {
            //if is not first session (means we have processed a session before)
            //update encPS with the lDeep and then add to array
            encPS.lDeep = lDeep;
            encPS.countActive = activeThisSession;
            encPS.countAll = activeThisSession + inactiveThisSession;

        if(! dbconOpened)

        return array;