/// <summary>
    /// Create a new instance of a Url/Key &lt;digital-content&gt; object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">
    /// The &lt;key&gt; tag contains a key needed to download or 
    /// unlock a digital content item.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="description">
    /// The &lt;description&gt; tag contains instructions for downloading a digital 
    /// content item. Please use the &lt;item-description&gt; tag to provide
    /// the description of the item being purchased.
    /// </param>
    /// <remarks></remarks>
    public DigitalItem(string key, string description) {
      key = EncodeHelper.CleanString(key);
      if (key.Length == 0)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(MISSING_KEY_OR_URL);
      _key = key;

    /// <summary>
    /// helper method to validate the description
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="description">The description to set.</param>
    private void SetDescription(string description) {
      description = EncodeHelper.CleanString(description);
      if (description.Length > 0)
        description = EncodeHelper.EscapeXmlChars(description);

      if (description.Length > 1024)
        throw new ArgumentException(DESCRIPTION_LONG, "description");

      _description = description;
      //The value is not required so we are not going to throw an exception
      //if it is not set.
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a new instance of a Url/Key &lt;digital-content&gt; object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">
    /// The &lt;key&gt; tag contains a key needed to download or 
    /// unlock a digital content item.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="url">
    /// The &lt;url&gt; tag contains a URI from which the customer 
    /// can download the purchased content.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="description">
    /// The &lt;description&gt; tag contains instructions for downloading a digital 
    /// content item. Please use the &lt;item-description&gt; tag to provide
    /// the description of the item being purchased.
    /// </param>
    /// <remarks>Either the Key or the Url is required.
    /// You may pass in null or String.Empty into one of the two parameters.</remarks>
    public DigitalItem(string key, string url, string description) {
      key = EncodeHelper.CleanString(key);
      url = EncodeHelper.CleanString(url);

      //either can be set, we don't care which one.
      if (key.Length == 0 && url.Length == 0)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(MISSING_KEY_OR_URL);

      _key = key;
      _url = url;
