/// <summary>
 /// Enchantment payload callback for enchantment to perform custom execution based on context.
 /// These callbacks are performed directly from template, not from a live instance of effect. Do not store state in effect during callbacks.
 /// Not used by EnchantmentPayloadFlags.Held - rather, an effect instance bundle is assigned to entity's effect manager to execute as normal.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual PayloadCallbackResults?EnchantmentPayloadCallback(EnchantmentPayloadFlags context, EnchantmentParam?param = null, DaggerfallEntityBehaviour sourceEntity = null, DaggerfallEntityBehaviour targetEntity = null, DaggerfallUnityItem sourceItem = null, int sourceDamage = 0)
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper to check if properties contain the specified enchantment payload flags
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flags">Flags to check.</param>
 /// <returns>True if flags specified.</returns>
 public virtual bool HasEnchantmentPayloadFlags(EnchantmentPayloadFlags flags)
     return((Properties.EnchantmentPayloadFlags & flags) == flags);
        public override PayloadCallbackResults?EnchantmentPayloadCallback(EnchantmentPayloadFlags context, EnchantmentParam?param = null, DaggerfallEntityBehaviour sourceEntity = null, DaggerfallEntityBehaviour targetEntity = null, DaggerfallUnityItem sourceItem = null, int sourceDamage = 0)
            base.EnchantmentPayloadCallback(context, param, sourceEntity, targetEntity, sourceItem);

            // Validate
            if (context != EnchantmentPayloadFlags.Used || sourceEntity == null || param == null)

            // Get caster effect manager
            EntityEffectManager effectManager = sourceEntity.GetComponent <EntityEffectManager>();

            if (!effectManager)

            // Do not activate enchantment if broken
            // But still return durability loss so "item has broken" message displays
            // If AllowMagicRepairs enabled then item will not disappear
            if (sourceItem != null && sourceItem.currentCondition <= 0)
                return new PayloadCallbackResults()
                           durabilityLoss = durabilityLossOnUse

            // Cast when used enchantment prepares a new ready spell
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Value.CustomParam))
                // TODO: Ready a custom spell bundle
                // Ready a classic spell bundle
                SpellRecord.SpellRecordData spell;

                EffectBundleSettings bundleSettings;
                EntityEffectBundle   bundle;
                if (GameManager.Instance.EntityEffectBroker.GetClassicSpellRecord(param.Value.ClassicParam, out spell))
                    if (GameManager.Instance.EntityEffectBroker.ClassicSpellRecordDataToEffectBundleSettings(spell, BundleTypes.Spell, out bundleSettings))
                        // Self-cast spells are all assigned directly to self, "click to cast" spells are loaded to ready spell
                        // TODO: Support multiple ready spells so all loaded spells are launched on click
                        bundle            = new EntityEffectBundle(bundleSettings, sourceEntity);
                        bundle.CastByItem = sourceItem;
                        if (bundle.Settings.TargetType == TargetTypes.CasterOnly)
                            effectManager.AssignBundle(bundle, AssignBundleFlags.BypassSavingThrows | AssignBundleFlags.BypassChance);
                            effectManager.SetReadySpell(bundle, true);

            return(new PayloadCallbackResults()
                durabilityLoss = durabilityLossOnUse
        public override PayloadCallbackResults?EnchantmentPayloadCallback(EnchantmentPayloadFlags context, EnchantmentParam?param = null, DaggerfallEntityBehaviour sourceEntity = null, DaggerfallEntityBehaviour targetEntity = null, DaggerfallUnityItem sourceItem = null, int sourceDamage = 0)
            base.EnchantmentPayloadCallback(context, param, sourceEntity, targetEntity, sourceItem, sourceDamage);

            // Validate
            if (context != EnchantmentPayloadFlags.Strikes || sourceEntity == null || targetEntity == null || sourceItem == null || sourceDamage == 0)

            // Target can saves vs magic
            if (FormulaHelper.SavingThrow(DFCareer.Elements.Magic, DFCareer.EffectFlags.Magic, targetEntity.Entity, 0) == 0)

            // Find live effect as EnchantmentPayloadCallback is only called on template and we need to change live data
            // Log error and allow effect to continue - but it will not operate fully
            MaceOfMolagBalEffect liveEffect = FindLiveEffect(sourceEntity);

            if (liveEffect == null)
                Debug.LogError("MaceOfMolagBalEffect.EnchantmentPayloadCallback could not find live effect instance on source entity.");

            // Seed random

            // "The Mace of Molag Bal drains its victim's spell points and gives them to the bearer.
            // "If the victim has no spell points, he is drained of strength, which is also transferred to the wielder."
            // "Using the Mace of Molag Bal can actually give its bearer more spell points or more strength than he would have fully rested."
            // After considerable testing in classic unable to actually reproduce the first part of this effect (transfer of spell points)
            // Could be down to casters in classic dumping their spell point pool almost immediately, but even backstabs failed to transfer any spell points to wielder
            // Implementing spell point drain as per description rather than based on observation in classic
            // Assuming spell points drained are equal to damage
            // Testing in classic shows that strength increase is always 1-6
            if (targetEntity.Entity.CurrentMagicka > 0)
                // First drain spell points from target
                // Limit drain to available spell points on target
                int spellPointsDrained = targetEntity.Entity.CurrentMagicka - targetEntity.Entity.DecreaseMagicka(sourceDamage);

                // Then raise spell points on source equal to amount drained
                // If this will increase over usual spell point pool amount then increase max to by overflow amount
                int overflow = sourceEntity.Entity.CurrentMagicka + spellPointsDrained - sourceEntity.Entity.MaxMagicka;
                if (overflow > 0)
                    // Immediately set increase to spell point maximum to absorb all spell points drained
                    // This also needs to be set each tick so we accumulate this overflow amount to use in live effect
                    if (liveEffect != null)
                        liveEffect.currentMaxMagickaIncrease += overflow;
                // If target is out of spell points then drain 1-6 strength from target
                int strengthDrained = Random.Range(1, 7);
                DrainTargetStrength(targetEntity, strengthDrained);

                // Accumulate drain amount as a strength buff in live effect
                // These modifiers are automatically serialized/deserialized as part of effect framework
                if (liveEffect != null)
                    liveEffect.ChangeStatMaxMod(DFCareer.Stats.Strength, strengthDrained);
                    liveEffect.ChangeStatMod(DFCareer.Stats.Strength, strengthDrained);

            // Record last strike time
            if (liveEffect != null)
                liveEffect.lastStrikeTime = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.DaggerfallDateTime.ToClassicDaggerfallTime();

            // Durability loss is equal to damage caused
            return(new PayloadCallbackResults()
                durabilityLoss = sourceDamage,
 public override PayloadCallbackResults?EnchantmentPayloadCallback(EnchantmentPayloadFlags context, EnchantmentParam?param = null, DaggerfallEntityBehaviour sourceEntity = null, DaggerfallEntityBehaviour targetEntity = null, DaggerfallUnityItem sourceItem = null, int sourceDamage = 0)
     return(base.EnchantmentPayloadCallback(context, param, sourceEntity, targetEntity, sourceItem));