private async void Sim_HasStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //sync hardware arm with simulator
            var comm   = new EmulatorCommunication(_calSim.SimArm, null);
            var simArm = new Arm(comm, comm.Arm.Settings.Values.ActiveServos.GetValueOrDefault(5));
            await simArm.LoadSettingsAsync(); //load setting

            App.Instance.Arm.Behaviors.Add(new SyncronizeCommands(simArm)
                SuppressSync = true
Beispiel #2
        private async void Sim_HasStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //create simulated arm;
            var arm    = App.Instance.Arm;
            var comm   = new EmulatorCommunication(_motionSim.SimArm, null, arm.Settings); //use real robots current settings
            var simArm = new Arm(comm, comm.Arm.Settings.Values.ActiveServos.GetValueOrDefault(5));
            await simArm.LoadSettingsAsync();                                              //load setting

            //sync arm with simulator
            arm.Behaviors.Add(new SyncronizeWithSimulator(simArm));

            //setup IK in simulator
            _ikSim = new IKSim(_motionSim.TransformGimbal, _motionSim.SimArm, new KinematicsUI(arm));