Beispiel #1
        static void writeParameters(this EncodedBuffer buffer, byte[] source, string what)
            var span = buffer.span;
            int pos  = EmulationPrevention.writeStartCode4(span, 0);

            // pos = EmulationPrevention.writeBytes( span, source.AsSpan(), pos );
            pos += source.Length;
            Logger.logVerbose("Wrote {0} into buffer #{1}; took {2} bytes including start code", what, buffer.index, pos);
Beispiel #2
        /* protected override int writeFrame( EncodedBuffer destBuffer, int cb )
         * {
         *      // Read the complete sample
         *      Span<byte> dest = destBuffer.span;
         *      stream.Read( dest.Slice( 0, cb ) );
         *      // Produce NALU start codes.
         *      for( int offset = 0; offset < cb; )
         *      {
         *              int naluLength = ( dest[ offset ] << 16 ) | ( dest[ offset + 1 ] << 8 ) | dest[ offset + 2 ];
         *              dest[ offset ] = 0;
         *              dest[ offset + 1 ] = 0;
         *              dest[ offset + 2 ] = 1;
         *              offset += ( naluLength + 3 );
         *      }
         *      return cb;
         * } */

        protected override int writeNalu(EncodedBuffer destBuffer, out eNaluAction result, out eNaluType type)
            Span <byte> naluLength = stackalloc byte[4];

            naluLength[0] = 0;
            int cbNalu = BitConverter.ToInt32(naluLength).endian();

            Span <byte> dest = destBuffer.span;

            // Write NALU start code to mapped memory
            EmulationPrevention.writeStartCode4(dest, 0);
            // Read NALU payload from file into mapped memory
            Span <byte> naluPayload = dest.Slice(4, cbNalu);

            destBuffer.setLength(cbNalu + 4);
            type = setBufferMetadata(destBuffer, naluPayload, out result);
            return(cbNalu + 3);
Beispiel #3
        eNaluAction iVideoTrackReader.writeNextNalu(EncodedBuffer dest)
            if (EOF)

            int         naluLength;
            Span <byte> naluPayload;

            lock (clusters.syncRoot)
                // Seek to the blob
                seek(ref readerState);

                // Read 4-bytes NALU length. Unlike mpeg4, MKV header never says it's 4 bytes, i.e. just guessing here.
                Span <byte> naluLengthSpan = stackalloc byte[4];
                read(ref readerState, naluLengthSpan);
                naluLength = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32BigEndian(naluLengthSpan);
                Debug.Assert(readerState.bytesLeft >= naluLength);

                // Write NALU start code to mapped memory
                EmulationPrevention.writeStartCode4(dest.span, 0);

                // Write the payload
                naluPayload = dest.span.Slice(4, naluLength);
                read(ref readerState, naluPayload);

            dest.setLength(naluLength + 4);

            // Parse the payload. The shared memory mapped by the driver is both readable and writeable.
            eNaluAction act = setBufferMetadata(dest, naluPayload);

            if (readerState.bytesLeft <= 0)