public DwtDctSvdAlgorithm()
     _imageArrayConverter  = new ImageArrayConverter();
     _stringArrayConverter = new StringToArrayConverter();
     _matrixService        = new MatrixService();
     _dwtHandler           = new DwtPrecisionAlgorithm();
     _svdHandler           = new SvdAlgorithm();
     _iterations           = 1;
     _quarter = QuarterSymbol.HH;
     _channel = EmbeddingChanel.R;
 private int[,] GetPixelValues(Bitmap image, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChannel)
     int[,] values = new int[image.Height, image.Width];
     for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
             values[y, x] = getValueOfRgbChannel(image.GetPixel(x, y), embeddingChannel);
 private void SetChannelFromConfiguration(DwtSvdConfiguration config)
     if (config.EmbeddingChanels.Contains(EmbeddingChanel.R))
         _channel = EmbeddingChanel.R;
     if (config.EmbeddingChanels.Contains(EmbeddingChanel.G))
         _channel = EmbeddingChanel.G;
     if (config.EmbeddingChanels.Contains(EmbeddingChanel.B))
         _channel = EmbeddingChanel.B;
        private byte getValueOfRgbChannel(Color pixel, EmbeddingChanel rgbChannel)
            switch (rgbChannel)
            case EmbeddingChanel.R:

            case EmbeddingChanel.G:

            case EmbeddingChanel.B:

                throw new Exception("Assertion error! Illegal RGB channel!");
 public Tuple <Bitmap, string> TryDecodeImageForChannel(Bitmap inputImage, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChanel, DifferenceExpansionBruteForceConfiguration bruteForceConfiguration)
     foreach (Direction direction in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)))
         if (bruteForceConfiguration.EmbeddingDirections.Contains(direction))
             // For given RGB channel algorith tries to decode payload with each embedding direction allowed in configuration
             Tuple <Bitmap, string> imageAndPayload = TryDecodeImageForDirectionAndChannel(inputImage, Direction.Horizontal, embeddingChanel);
             if (isDecodingSuccessfull(imageAndPayload))
                 // If decoding with given embedding channel and direction was successfull then image and payload chunk is returned
                 // If there was no success other embedding direction for given channel is used
        private void EncodePayloadIntoImage(Bitmap image, string payload, Direction embeddingDirection, int threeshold, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChanel)
            // Calculation of averages for pixel pairs l = (x + y) / 2
            // Depending on embedding direction below arrays has size [image.Height, image.Width / 2] or [image.Height / 2, image.Width]
            int[,] averages = Calculate(image, CalculateAverage, embeddingDirection, embeddingChanel);
            // Calcualtion of differences for pixel pairs h = x - y
            int[,] differences = Calculate(image, CalculateDifference, embeddingDirection, embeddingChanel);
            // Preparing array for locality map containting 1 if pixel pair belongs to set EZ and 0 if it belongs to set EN1
            int[,] localityMap = GetEmptyArrayAdjustedToImageSize(image, embeddingDirection);
            // Indicates to which encoding set pixel pair belongs
            EncodingSetName[,] setsIds = new EncodingSetName[localityMap.GetLength(0), localityMap.GetLength(1)];
            int        EZSize   = 0;
            int        EN1Size  = 0;
            List <int> EN2AndCN = new List <int>();

            // Divison of pixel pairs into 5 encoding sets (EZ, EN1, EN2, CN, NC) and construction of locality map.
            // We also store difference values for pixel pairs belonging to EN2 and CN.
            for (int i = 0; i < setsIds.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < setsIds.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (IsExpandable(i, j, differences, averages))
                        if (differences[i, j] == 0 || differences[i, j] == -1)
                            // Pixel pairs with expandable differences with values equal 0 or -1 are
                            // assigned to EZ - expandable zeros set
                            localityMap[i, j] = 1;
                            setsIds[i, j] = EncodingSetName.EZ;
                        else if (Math.Abs(differences[i, j]) <= threeshold)
                            // Pixel pairs with expandable differences with values other than 0 or -1
                            // but with abs less than configured threeshold are assigned to EN1 set
                            localityMap[i, j] = 1;
                            setsIds[i, j] = EncodingSetName.EN1;
                            // Pixel pairs with expandable differences with values other than 0 or -1
                            // and with abs greater than configured threeshold are assigned to EN2 set
                            EN2AndCN.Add(differences[i, j]);
                            localityMap[i, j] = 0;
                            setsIds[i, j]     = EncodingSetName.EN2;
                    else if (IsChangeable(i, j, differences, averages))
                        // Pixel pairs with non-expandable but changable differences are assigned to CN set
                        EN2AndCN.Add(differences[i, j]);
                        localityMap[i, j] = 0;
                        setsIds[i, j]     = EncodingSetName.CN;
                        // Non-expandable and non-changeable pixel pairs are assigned to NC set
                        localityMap[i, j] = 0;
                        setsIds[i, j]     = EncodingSetName.NC;

            // For convinience of performing operations localityMap is hold as int array, but their values are
            // always 0 or 1 so convert int array to stream of last signifacant bits and divide those bits into bytes
            // so after operation one byte holds values of 8 subsequent LSBs
            List <byte> localityVector = GetLeastSignificatBits(ConvertToList(localityMap));

            // differnece with values -2 and 1 can be restored on decoding and there is no need to save them
            List <int> filteredEN2AndCN = EN2AndCN.Where(x => x != -2 && x != 1).ToList();
            // We obtain lsb of differences of pixel pairs from set EN2 and CN
            List <byte> LSBs = GetLeastSignificatBits(filteredEN2AndCN);

            int embeddingCapacity = EZSize + EN1Size + EN2AndCN.Count;

            // Calculation of locality map bits stream size
            byte[] localityVectorSize = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)localityVector.Count);
            // Calculation of bit stream size for original LSBs of differences for pixel pairs from EN2 and CN
            byte[] LSBsSize = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)LSBs.Count);
            // Calculation of payload size
            byte[] payloadSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(payload.Length);
            // Stroing information about sizes in header, this informations will be retrived on decoding
            byte[] header = ConcatArrays(localityVectorSize, LSBsSize, payloadSize);
            // Bits of locality map, LSBs and payload represented as byte array
            byte[] data = ConcatArrays(localityVector.ToArray(), LSBs.ToArray(), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(payload));
            // Compresion of data with run length encoding
            byte[] compressedData = RLE <byte> .Encode(new List <byte>(data)).ToArray();

            // Non-compressed header bits are added at the begining of embedding stream
            byte[] embeddingStream = ConcatArrays(header, compressedData);
            // For convenience array of bytes (where each byte contains 8 subsequent LSBs) is converted to array of
            // bool, where each value represents LSB
            bool[] bits = embeddingStream.SelectMany(GetBits).ToArray();

            // Calculation of new difference values - data embedding
            int bitNumber = 0;

            for (int p = 0; p < setsIds.GetLength(0) && bitNumber < bits.Length; p++)
                for (int q = 0; q < setsIds.GetLength(1) && bitNumber < bits.Length; q++)
                    if (setsIds[p, q] == EncodingSetName.EZ || setsIds[p, q] == EncodingSetName.EN1)
                        differences[p, q] = 2 * differences[p, q] + GetIntValue(bits[bitNumber]);
                    else if (setsIds[p, q] == EncodingSetName.EN2 || setsIds[p, q] == EncodingSetName.CN)
                        differences[p, q] = 2 * DivideAndFloor(differences[p, q], 2) + GetIntValue(bits[bitNumber]);
            // Recalculation of pixel values based on new differences values
            RecalculateImagePixels(image, averages, differences, embeddingDirection, embeddingChanel);
        public Tuple <Bitmap, string> TryDecodeImageForDirectionAndChannel(Bitmap inputImage, Direction embeddingDirection, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChannel)
            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(inputImage);

                // If no error occurs then decoding is successfull and image and payload chunk is returned
                return(new Tuple <Bitmap, string>(image, DecodeImage(image, embeddingDirection, embeddingChannel)));
            // In case of failure exception is supressed and null value (failure indicator) is returned
        private string DecodeImage(Bitmap image, Direction embeddingDirection, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChannel)
            // Calculation of averages for pixel pairs l = (x + y) / 2
            // Depending on embedding direction below arrays has size [image.Height, image.Width / 2] or [image.Height / 2, image.Width]
            int[,] averages = Calculate(image, CalculateAverage, embeddingDirection, embeddingChannel);
            // Calcualtion of differences for pixel pairs h = x - y
            int[,] differences = Calculate(image, CalculateDifference, embeddingDirection, embeddingChannel);
            // Preparing array for locality map containting 1 if pixel pair belongs to set EZ and 0 if it belongs to set EN1
            int[,] localityMap = GetEmptyArrayAdjustedToImageSize(image, embeddingDirection);
            // Indicates to which of two decoding set pixel pair belongs
            DecodingSetName[,] setsIds = new DecodingSetName[localityMap.GetLength(0), localityMap.GetLength(1)];
            List <int> changeableDifferences = new List <int>();

            // Pixel pairs are dividen into two sets - pixel pairs with changeable differences (CH)
            // and non-changeable differences (NC). Changeable differences contains data embedded during
            // encoding (it corresponds to encoding sets EZ, EN1, EN2, CN)
            for (int i = 0; i < setsIds.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < setsIds.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (IsChangeable(i, j, differences, averages))
                        // Pixel pairs with changeable differences are assigned to CH set and
                        // its difference value is collected
                        changeableDifferences.Add(differences[i, j]);
                        setsIds[i, j] = DecodingSetName.CH;
                        // Pixel pairs with non-changeable differences are assigned to NC set
                        setsIds[i, j] = DecodingSetName.NC;
            // Changeable differences are converted to stream of LSBs represented as byte list
            // each byte holds 8 subsequent LSBs. This list contains data embedded during encoding.
            List <byte> LSBs = GetLeastSignificatBits(changeableDifferences);

            // At the beginging of data there is header with sizes of locality map
            // oryginal LSBs and payload
            byte[] localityVectorSizeBytes = LSBs.GetRange(0, 4).ToArray();
            byte[] originalLSBsSizeBytes   = LSBs.GetRange(4, 4).ToArray();
            byte[] payloadSizeBytes        = LSBs.GetRange(8, 4).ToArray();
            // locality map, original LSBs, and payload are compressed and placed 12 bits after header
            byte[] compressedData = LSBs.GetRange(12, LSBs.Count - 12).ToArray();
            // bytes are interpreted as int values representing size
            int localityVectorSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(localityVectorSizeBytes, 0);
            int originalLSBsSize   = BitConverter.ToInt32(originalLSBsSizeBytes, 0);
            int payloadSize        = BitConverter.ToInt32(payloadSizeBytes, 0);

            // to retrieve locality map, original LSBs and payload we perform decompression
            byte[] originalData = RLE <byte> .Decode(compressedData).ToArray();

            // after decporession original data is dividen into locality map, orginal LSBs and payload
            byte[] localityVector     = new List <byte>(originalData).GetRange(0, localityVectorSize).ToArray();
            byte[] originalLSBsVector = new List <byte>(originalData).GetRange(localityVectorSize, originalLSBsSize).ToArray();
            byte[] payload            = new List <byte>(originalData).GetRange(localityVectorSize + originalLSBsSize, payloadSize).ToArray();
            // For convenience locality map, original LSBs and paload bits are represented as bool
            // conversion from byte array (each element containing 8 subsequent LSBs) is performed
            bool[] localityVectorBits     = new List <byte>(localityVector).SelectMany(GetBits).ToArray();
            bool[] originalLSBsVectorBits = new List <byte>(originalLSBsVector).SelectMany(GetBits).ToArray();
            bool[] payloadBits            = new List <byte>(payload).SelectMany(GetBits).ToArray();
            // Calculation of original differences values
            int bitNumber = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < differences.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < differences.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (setsIds[i, j] == DecodingSetName.CH)
                        if (localityVectorBits[i * differences.GetLength(1) + j])
                            differences[i, j] = DivideAndFloor(differences[i, j], 2);
                            if (differences[i, j] == 0 || differences[i, j] == 1)
                                differences[i, j] = 1;
                            else if (differences[i, j] == -2 || differences[i, j] == -1)
                                differences[i, j] = -2;
                                differences[i, j] = 2 * DivideAndFloor(differences[i, j], 2) + GetIntValue(originalLSBsVectorBits[bitNumber]);
            // Recalculation of pixel values based on new values of differences
            RecalculateImagePixels(image, averages, differences, embeddingDirection, embeddingChannel);
 private void RecalculatePixelsVertically(Bitmap image, int[,] averages, int[,] newDifferences, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChannel)
     for (int y = 0; y < image.Height / 2; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
             Color currentPixelX = image.GetPixel(x, 2 * y);
             int   newX          = averages[y, x] + DivideAndFloor(newDifferences[y, x] + 1, 2);
             image.SetPixel(x, 2 * y, getPixelWithNewValueForSpecifiedRgbChannel(currentPixelX, newX, embeddingChannel));
             int   newY          = averages[y, x] - DivideAndFloor(newDifferences[y, x], 2);
             Color currentPixelY = image.GetPixel(x, 2 * y + 1);
             image.SetPixel(x, 2 * y + 1, getPixelWithNewValueForSpecifiedRgbChannel(currentPixelY, newY, embeddingChannel));
        private Color getPixelWithNewValueForSpecifiedRgbChannel(Color oldPixel, int newValueForChannel, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChanel)
            switch (embeddingChanel)
            case EmbeddingChanel.R:
                return(Color.FromArgb(oldPixel.A, newValueForChannel, oldPixel.G, oldPixel.B));

            case EmbeddingChanel.G:
                return(Color.FromArgb(oldPixel.A, oldPixel.R, newValueForChannel, oldPixel.B));

            case EmbeddingChanel.B:
                return(Color.FromArgb(oldPixel.A, oldPixel.R, oldPixel.G, newValueForChannel));

                throw new Exception("Assertion error! Illegal RGB channel!");
 private void RecalculateImagePixels(Bitmap image, int[,] averages, int[,] newDifferences, Direction direction, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChanel)
     if (direction == Direction.Horizontal)
         RecalculatePixelsHorizontally(image, averages, newDifferences, embeddingChanel);
         RecalculatePixelsVertically(image, averages, newDifferences, embeddingChanel);
 private int[,] CalculateVertically(Bitmap image, Func <int, int, int> operation, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChanel)
     int[,] result = new int[image.Height / 2, image.Width];
     for (int y = 0; y < image.Height / 2; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
             result[y, x] = operation(getValueOfRgbChannel(image.GetPixel(x, 2 * y), embeddingChanel), getValueOfRgbChannel(image.GetPixel(x, 2 * y + 1), embeddingChanel));
 private int [,] CalculateHorizontally(Bitmap image, Func <int, int, int> operation, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChannel)
     int[,] result = new int[image.Height, image.Width / 2];
     for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < image.Width / 2; x++)
             result[y, x] = operation(getValueOfRgbChannel(image.GetPixel(2 * x, y), embeddingChannel), getValueOfRgbChannel(image.GetPixel(2 * x + 1, y), embeddingChannel));
 private int [,] Calculate(Bitmap image, Func <int, int, int> operation, Direction direction, EmbeddingChanel embeddingChanel)
     if (direction == Direction.Horizontal)
         return(CalculateHorizontally(image, operation, embeddingChanel));
     return(CalculateVertically(image, operation, embeddingChanel));
Beispiel #15
        public Tuple <double[][, ], double[, ]> ExtractPayloadSVD(double[][,] watermarkedMatrix, EmbeddingChanel channel)//double[][,] originalMatrix, string channel)
            var decodingVector = ImportDecodingVector();

            _inMemorySo = ArrayPayloadToDiagonalArray(decodingVector, decodingVector.GetLength(0), decodingVector.GetLength(0));
            var newImage = watermarkedMatrix.DeepClone();
            Tuple <double[][, ], double[, ]> result = null;

            switch (channel)
            case EmbeddingChanel.R:
                var tempRed = ExtractPayload(watermarkedMatrix[0]);
                newImage[0] = tempRed.Item1;
                result      = new Tuple <double[][, ], double[, ]>(newImage, tempRed.Item2);

            case EmbeddingChanel.G:
                var tempGreen = ExtractPayload(watermarkedMatrix[1]);
                newImage[0] = tempGreen.Item1;
                result      = new Tuple <double[][, ], double[, ]>(newImage, tempGreen.Item2);

            case EmbeddingChanel.B:
                var tempBlue = ExtractPayload(watermarkedMatrix[2]);
                newImage[0] = tempBlue.Item1;
                result      = new Tuple <double[][, ], double[, ]>(newImage, tempBlue.Item2);

                Tuple <double[, ], double[, ]> temp;
                double[,] payload = new double[watermarkedMatrix[0].GetLength(0), watermarkedMatrix[0].GetLength(1)];
                for (int k = 0; k < watermarkedMatrix.GetLength(0); k++)
                    temp        = ExtractPayload(watermarkedMatrix[k]);
                    newImage[k] = temp.Item1;
                    payload     = CombinePayloads(payload, temp.Item2);
                    result      = new Tuple <double[][, ], double[, ]>(newImage, payload);

Beispiel #16
        public double[][,] HidePayloadSVD(double[][,] hostMatrics, double[] payloadVector, EmbeddingChanel channel)
            switch (channel)
            case EmbeddingChanel.R:
                hostMatrics[0] = HidePayload(hostMatrics[0], payloadVector);

            case EmbeddingChanel.G:
                hostMatrics[1] = HidePayload(hostMatrics[1], payloadVector);

            case EmbeddingChanel.B:
                hostMatrics[2] = HidePayload(hostMatrics[2], payloadVector);


                for (int k = 0; k < hostMatrics.Length; k++)
                    HidePayload(hostMatrics[k], payloadVector);
