Beispiel #1
        static public void CreateCefBrowser(BrowserPrivateType BrowserPrivateType, object LinkedObject, string WebEntityInfoPropertyName, string FileFullPath, ref UserControl viewControl)
            WebEntryInfo webEntryInfo = null;

            if (LinkedObject != null)
                IList <WebEntryInfoWrap> webEntryInfos = WebEntryInfo.GetWebEntryInfosFromObject(LinkedObject);
                if (webEntryInfos.Count > 1)
                    if (WebEntityInfoPropertyName == null)
                        throw new Exception("WebEntityInfoPropertyName not set, but found more than one WebEntityInfo");
                        WebEntryInfoWrap webEntryInfoWrap = webEntryInfos.Where <WebEntryInfoWrap>(s => s.Property.Name == WebEntityInfoPropertyName).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (webEntryInfoWrap == null)
                            throw new Exception("Not found WebEntityInfo with specified name: " + WebEntityInfoPropertyName);
                            webEntryInfo = webEntryInfoWrap.WebEntryInfo;
                else if (webEntryInfos.Count == 1)
                    webEntryInfo = webEntryInfos[0].WebEntryInfo;
                webEntryInfo = new WebEntryInfo();
            //if (viewControl == null || !(viewControl is EmbeddedBrowserControl))
            webEntryInfo.BrowserPrivateType = BrowserPrivateType;
            if (BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_OLD_DISK_CACHE
                //|| BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_NEW_DISK_CACHE
                string path = null;

                JActor actor = null;

                if (LinkedObject != null)
                    var  pl = LinkedObject.GetType().GetProperties();
                    Type at = typeof(JActor);
                    foreach (var p in pl)
                        if (p.PropertyType == at)
                            actor = AttrHelper.GetPropertyValue(LinkedObject, p) as JActor;
                //PropertyInfo actorProperty = AttrHelper.GetProperty(typeof(JActor), LinkedObject.GetType());
                //if (actorProperty != null) actor = AttrHelper.GetPropertyValue(LinkedObject, actorProperty) as JActor;
                if (actor != null)
                    path = Dm.Instance.GetCacheFullPathForObjectUniqueForCompAndUser(actor);
                    path = Dm.Instance.GetCacheFullPathForObjectUniqueForCompAndUser(LinkedObject);
                webEntryInfo.CachePath = path;
            else if (BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.COMMON_CACHE)
                string path = Dm.Instance.GetBrowserCommonCachePathUniqueForCompAndUser();
                webEntryInfo.CachePath = path;
            viewControl = new EmbeddedBrowserControl(FileFullPath, webEntryInfo, EmbeddedBrowserHelper.MultiThreadedMessageLoop);
Beispiel #2
        override public void ProcessView()
            //if (viewControl != null) throw new InvalidOperationException();
            //if (viewProcessed) throw new InvalidOperationException();
            //else viewProcessed = true;

            WebEntryInfo webEntryInfo = null;

            //WebEntryInfo webEntryInfo = WebEntryInfo.GetWebEntryInfoFromObject(LinkedObject);
            if (LinkedObject != null)
                IList <WebEntryInfoWrap> webEntryInfos = WebEntryInfo.GetWebEntryInfosFromObject(LinkedObject);
                if (webEntryInfos.Count > 1)
                    if (WebEntityInfoPropertyName == null)
                        throw new Exception("WebEntityInfoPropertyName not set, but found more than one WebEntityInfo");
                        WebEntryInfoWrap webEntryInfoWrap = webEntryInfos.Where <WebEntryInfoWrap>(s => s.Property.Name == WebEntityInfoPropertyName).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (webEntryInfoWrap == null)
                            throw new Exception("Not found WebEntityInfo with specified name: " + WebEntityInfoPropertyName);
                            webEntryInfo = webEntryInfoWrap.WebEntryInfo;
                else if (webEntryInfos.Count == 1)
                    webEntryInfo = webEntryInfos[0].WebEntryInfo;
            if (viewType != ViewType.NONE)
                bool newControlCreated = false;
                if (viewType == ViewType.CefBrowser)
                    if (viewControl == null || !(viewControl is EmbeddedBrowserControl))
                        webEntryInfo.BrowserPrivateType = BrowserPrivateType;
                        if (BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_OLD_DISK_CACHE ||
                            BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_NEW_DISK_CACHE)
                            string path = Dm.Instance.GetCacheFullPathForObject(LinkedObject);
                            webEntryInfo.CachePath = path;
                        else if (BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.COMMON_CACHE)
                            string path = Path.Combine(Dm.Instance.GetCommonCachePath(), EmbeddedBrowserHelper.BROWSER_CACHE_PATH);
                            webEntryInfo.CachePath = path;
                        viewControl       = new EmbeddedBrowserControl(FileFullPath, webEntryInfo, true);
                        newControlCreated = true;
                else if (viewType == ViewType.Simple)
                    if (viewControl == null || !(viewControl is SimpleViewControl))
                        viewControl       = new SimpleViewControl();
                        newControlCreated = true;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                if (newControlCreated)
                    AddSpecialTask();//todo Заваисмость от урл?
                    viewControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

                if (FileFullPath != null)
                    if (viewType == ViewType.Simple)
                        //todo (SimpleViewControl)viewControl;
                    else if (viewType == ViewType.CefBrowser)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
            string cap = null;

            if (LinkedObject != null)
                cap = ModelHelper.GetNameForObject(LinkedObject);
            else if (FileFullPath != null)
                cap = FileFullPath;
            if (cap != null && cap.Length > 200)
                cap = cap.Substring(0, 200) + "...";
            if (cap != null)