public virtual ActionResult AddCommentComment(CommentView model, EmbedModel embed) { if (!IsAjaxRequest) { return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Idea.Details(model.EntryId, null, null))); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var comment = Service.AddNewCommentToComment(model.EntryId, model.Id, model.CommentText, embed); if (IsJsonRequest) { return(Jsonp(comment)); } return(Jsonp(new { Comment = RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Comments.Views._CommentComment, comment), Subscribe = RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Shared.Views.Subscribe, comment.Subscribe), SubscribeMain = RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Shared.Views.Subscribe, comment.SubscribeMain) })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ProcessError(ex)); } } return(Jsonp(false)); }
public virtual ActionResult AddComment(CommentView model, EmbedModel embed) { if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET" || !Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Problem.Index())); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var comment = Service.AddNewComment(model.EntryId, model.CommentText, embed); return(Json(new { Comment = RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Comments.Views._Comment, comment), SubscribeMain = RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Shared.Views.Subscribe, comment.SubscribeMain) })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ProcessError(ex)); } } return(Json(new { error = (from v in ModelState.Values from e in v.Errors select e.ErrorMessage).Concatenate(";") })); }
public ProblemIndexItemModel() { Categories = new List <TextValue>(); RelatedIdeas = new List <ProblemIdeaListModel>(); Votes = new VoteResultModel(); Embed = new EmbedModel(); }
public virtual CommentView AddNewComment(MongoObjectId id, string text, EmbedModel embed, ForAgainst forAgainst = ForAgainst.Neutral, MongoObjectId versionId = null) { var entity = GetEntity(id); var comment = commentService.AddNewComment(entity, forAgainst, text, embed, versionId); SendCommentCommand(entity, GetAddNewCommentActionType(), comment); return(comment); }
public virtual ActionResult Create(ProblemCreateEditModel model, EmbedModel embed) { if (!EnsureIsUnique()) { return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Account.Details())); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var result = Service.Insert(model, embed); return(Json(new { Content = RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Problem.Views.List, new List <ProblemIndexItemModel> { result }), Id = result.Id })); } return(Json(false)); }
public IActionResult UploadEmbed(EmbedVideoVM model) { var uri = model.URI; // Allows support for varying types of Youtube URL and embed links string[] validAuthorities = { "https:\\/\\/", "", "", "", "" }; // Matches for Youtube Id URI var YoutubeRegex = "(?:.+?)?(?:\\/v\\/|watch\\/|\\?v=|\\&v=|youtu\\.be\\/|\\/v=|^youtu\\.be\\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})+"; Regex regexExtractId = new Regex(YoutubeRegex, RegexOptions.Compiled); try { string authority = new UriBuilder(uri).Uri.Authority.ToLower(); //check if the url is a youtube url if (validAuthorities.Contains(authority)) { //and extract the id var regRes = regexExtractId.Match(uri.ToString()); if (regRes.Success) { var embedLink = $"{validAuthorities[0]}/embed/{regRes.Groups[1].Value}"; model.URI = embedLink; } var entity = new EmbedModel { SectionId = model.Id, ResourceLink = model.URI }; _context.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Author", new { id = model.CourseId, selectedSection = model.ParentSectionId })); } catch { return(View()); } }
public virtual ActionResult AddComment(CommentView model, EmbedModel embed) { if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET" || !Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Voting.Details(model.Id, null))); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var comment = Service.AddNewComment(model.EntryId, model.CommentText, embed, model.ForAgainst); if (comment.VotingStatistics != null && comment.VotingStatistics.Vote.HasValue) { comment.VotingStatistics.VotedString = GetVotedString(comment.VotingStatistics.Vote.Value); } return(Json(new { Comment = RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Comments.Views._Comment, comment), VotingStatistics = comment.VotingStatistics != null ? RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Voting.Views.VotingStatistics, comment.VotingStatistics) : null, SubscribeMain = RenderPartialViewToString(MVC.Shared.Views.Subscribe, comment.SubscribeMain) })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ProcessError(ex)); } } return(Json(false)); }
public CommentView AddNewCommentToComment(MongoObjectId id, MongoObjectId commentId, string text, EmbedModel embed) { var entity = GetEntity(id); var comment = commentService.AddNewCommentToComment(entity, commentId, text, embed); SendCommentCommand(entity, ActionTypes.CommentCommented, comment); return(comment); }
public CommentView AddNewCommentToComment(ICommentable entity, MongoObjectId commentId, string text, EmbedModel embed) { if (CurrentUser.RequireUniqueAuthentication && !CurrentUser.IsUnique) { throw new UserNotUniqueException(); } var comment = GetComment(entity, commentId); if (comment == null) { return(null); } comment.LastNumber++; var cComment = new Comment { Date = DateTime.Now, Text = text, UserFullName = CurrentUser.FullName, UserObjectId = CurrentUser.Id, Number = comment.Number + comment.LastNumber }; if (embed != null && !embed.IsEmpty) { cComment.Embed = new Data.MongoDB.Embed(); cComment.Embed.InjectFrom(embed); cComment.Embed.Title = cComment.Embed.Title.Sanitize(); cComment.Embed.Description = cComment.Embed.Description.Sanitize(); } comment.Comments.Add(cComment); UpdateEntity(entity); var model = GetCommentViewFromComment(entity.Id, cComment, commentId, entity.EntryType, entity.GetRelatedVersionNumber(comment.RelatedVersionId)); model.SubscribeMain = ActionService.Subscribe(entity.Id, CurrentUser.DbId.Value, entity.EntryType); model.Subscribe = ActionService.Subscribe(comment.Id, CurrentUser.DbId.Value); return(model); }
public virtual CommentView AddNewComment(ICommentable entity, ForAgainst forAgainst, string text, EmbedModel embed, MongoObjectId versionId = null) { if (CurrentUser.RequireUniqueAuthentication && !CurrentUser.IsUnique) { throw new UserNotUniqueException(); } if (entity.Id == CurrentUser.Id) { forAgainst = ForAgainst.Neutral; } entity.LastNumber++; var comment = new Comment { Date = DateTime.Now, Text = text, UserFullName = CurrentUser.FullName, UserObjectId = CurrentUser.Id, RelatedVersionId = versionId, PositiveOrNegative = forAgainst, Number = entity.LastNumber.ToString() + "." }; if (embed != null && !embed.IsEmpty) { comment.Embed = new Data.MongoDB.Embed(); comment.Embed.InjectFrom(embed); comment.Embed.Title = comment.Embed.Title.Sanitize(); comment.Embed.Description = comment.Embed.Description.Sanitize(); } entity.Comments.Add(comment); UpdateEntity(entity); var model = GetCommentViewFromComment(entity.Id, comment, null, entity.EntryType, entity.GetRelatedVersionNumber(comment.RelatedVersionId)); model.SubscribeMain = ActionService.Subscribe(entity.Id, CurrentUser.DbId.Value, entity.EntryType); model.Subscribe = ActionService.Subscribe(comment.Id, CurrentUser.DbId.Value); return(model); }
public CommentView() { Comments = new List <CommentView>(); Liking = new Liking(); Embed = new EmbedModel(); }