Beispiel #1
 public Elf32_Shdr(Elf32_Shdr shdr)
     sh_name      = shdr.sh_name;
     sh_type      = shdr.sh_type;
     sh_flags     = shdr.sh_flags;
     sh_addr      = shdr.sh_addr;
     sh_offset    = shdr.sh_offset;
     sh_size      = shdr.sh_size;
     sh_link      = shdr.sh_link;
     sh_info      = shdr.sh_info;
     sh_addralign = shdr.sh_addralign;
     sh_entsize   = shdr.sh_entsize;
Beispiel #2
        public ELF32(string filename, bool readSectionHeaders)
            : this()
            FileStream fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open);

            byte[] ehdrBytes = new byte[52];
            fs.Read(ehdrBytes, 0, ehdrBytes.Length);

            if (!(ehdrBytes[(byte)EI.MagicNumber0] == 0x7F &&
                  ehdrBytes[(byte)EI.MagicNumber1] == 'E' &&
                  ehdrBytes[(byte)EI.MagicNumber2] == 'L' &&
                  ehdrBytes[(byte)EI.MagicNumber3] == 'F'))
                throw new FormatException("It is not an ELF file.");

            if (ehdrBytes[(byte)EI.FileClass] == (byte)EC.ELF64)
                throw new FormatException("It is an ELF64 file.");
            else if (ehdrBytes[(byte)EI.FileClass] != (byte)EC.ELF32)
                throw new FormatException("It is an invalid ELF class.");

            ValueRead read = new ValueRead(ehdrBytes[(byte)EI.DataEncoding]);

            Header = new Elf32_Ehdr(ehdrBytes, read);

            SectionHeader = new Elf32_Shdr[Header.e_shnum];
            SectionName   = new string[Header.e_shnum];

            if (readSectionHeaders && SectionHeader.Length != 0)
                fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open);
                byte[] shdrBytes = new byte[Header.e_shnum * Header.e_shentsize];
                fs.Position = Header.e_shoff;
                fs.Read(shdrBytes, 0, shdrBytes.Length);

                for (int i = 0; i < Header.e_shnum; i++)
                    SectionHeader[i] = new Elf32_Shdr(shdrBytes, (uint)(Header.e_shentsize * i), read);
                    SectionName[i]   = "";
Beispiel #3
        private void WriteSectionTableEntry32(ElfSection section)
            var shdr = new Elf32_Shdr();

            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_name, ObjectFile.SectionHeaderStringTable?.GetOrCreateIndex(section.Name) ?? 0);
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_type, (uint)section.Type);
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_flags, (uint)section.Flags);
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_addr, (uint)section.VirtualAddress);
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_offset, (uint)section.Offset);
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_size, (uint)section.Size);
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_link, section.Link.GetIndex());
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_info, section.Info.GetIndex());
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_addralign, (uint)section.Alignment);
            _encoder.Encode(out shdr.sh_entsize, (uint)section.TableEntrySize);
Beispiel #4
 private Elf32_Shdr[] LoadSectionHeaders(int count, uint imageOffset)
     var rdr = CreateImageReader(imageOffset);
     var headers =  new Elf32_Shdr[count];
     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
         Elf32_Shdr pShdr = new Elf32_Shdr();
         pShdr.sh_name = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         pShdr.sh_type = (SectionType) rdr.ReadUInt32();
         pShdr.sh_flags = (SectionFlags) rdr.ReadUInt32();
         pShdr.sh_addr = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         pShdr.sh_offset = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         pShdr.sh_size = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         pShdr.sh_link = rdr.ReadInt32();
         pShdr.sh_info = rdr.ReadInt32();
         pShdr.sh_addralign = rdr.ReadInt32();
         pShdr.sh_entsize = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         headers[i] = pShdr;
         //Debug.Print("Section {0}", i);
         //Dump("sh_name: {0}", pShdr.sh_name);
         //Dump("sh_type: {0}", pShdr.sh_type);
         //Dump("sh_flags: {0}", pShdr.sh_flags);
         //Dump("sh_addr: {0:X}", pShdr.sh_addr);
         //Dump("sh_offset: {0}", pShdr.sh_offset);
         //Dump("sh_size: {0}", pShdr.sh_size);
         //Dump("sh_link: {0}", pShdr.sh_link);
         //Dump("sh_info: {0}", pShdr.sh_info);
         //Dump("sh_addralign: {0}", pShdr.sh_addralign);
         //Dump("sh_entsize: {0}", pShdr.sh_entsize);
     return headers;
Beispiel #5
        private static void GetEmbeddedModule32(ModuleReader reader, byte[] ident)
            // Read the endiannes.
            bool big = ident[(int)ElfIdent.EI_DATA] == (int)ElfData.ELFDATA2MSB;

            // Read the header.
            Elf32_Ehdr header = new Elf32_Ehdr();

            header.Read(reader, big);

            // Reject files without section names.
            if (header.e_shstrndex == (int)ElfSectionNumber.SHN_UNDEF)
                throw new ModuleException("Unsupported elfs without section names");

            // Read the "section names" section.
            reader.SetPosition((uint)(header.e_shoff + header.e_shstrndex * header.e_shentsize));
            Elf32_Shdr namesHeader = new Elf32_Shdr();

            namesHeader.Read(reader, big);

            // Reject files without real section names.
            if (namesHeader.sh_size == 0)
                throw new ModuleException("This elf doesn't have section names.");

            // Read the name table.
            byte[] nameTable;
            reader.Read(out nameTable, (int)namesHeader.sh_size);

            // Move to the section header table.

            // Read the section until hit '.cbm'.
            Elf32_Shdr    sectionHeader = new Elf32_Shdr();
            bool          found         = false;
            StringBuilder builder       = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < header.e_shnum; ++i)
                // Read the section header.
                sectionHeader.Read(reader, big);

                // Check the section name.
                if (sectionHeader.sh_name >= nameTable.Length)
                    throw new ModuleException("Invalid section name.");

                // Build the section name.
                builder.Length = 0;
                int pos = (int)sectionHeader.sh_name;
                while (nameTable[pos] != 0)
                string sectionName = builder.ToString();

                // Compare the section name.
                if (sectionName == ".cbm")
                    found = true;

                // Skip the extra data.
                reader.Skip(header.e_shentsize - Elf32_Shdr.Size);

            // Make sure the section was found.
            if (!found)
                throw new ModuleException("The elf doesn't have a chela module.");

            // Make sure the section type is PROGBITS.
            if (sectionHeader.sh_type != (int)ElfSectionType.SHT_PROGBITS)
                throw new ModuleException("The elf section that can have the module is not supported.");

            // Move to the section offset.
Beispiel #6
        public static void Compress(string source, string destination)
            RPX rpx = new RPX(source);

            int shSize         = rpx.Header.e_shnum * 0x2C; // 0x2C = rpx.Header.e_shentsize + 4 bytes of CRC32
            int sectionsOffset = GetPhysicalSectionSize(shSize) + 0x40;

            List <KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr> > shList = new List <KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr> >();
            List <KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr> > shNew  = new List <KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < rpx.SectionHeader.Length; i++)
                shList.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr>(i, rpx.SectionHeader[i]));
            shList.Sort((pair1, pair2) => Elf32_Shdr.CompareByOffset(pair1.Value, pair2.Value));

            FileStream src  = File.Open(source, FileMode.Open);
            FileStream dest = File.Open(destination, FileMode.Create);

            byte[] srcBytes = new byte[sectionsOffset];
            src.Read(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
            dest.Write(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < shList.Count; i++)
                int        key  = shList[i].Key;
                Elf32_Shdr shdr = new Elf32_Shdr(shList[i].Value);
                if (shList[i].Value.sh_offset >= sectionsOffset)
                    int padding = 0;
                    if ((shList[i].Value.sh_type & (uint)SHT_RPL.FILEINFO) == (uint)SHT_RPL.FILEINFO ||
                        (shList[i].Value.sh_flags & (uint)SHF_RPL.ZLIB) == (uint)SHF_RPL.ZLIB)
                        shdr.sh_offset = (uint)dest.Position;
                        srcBytes       = new byte[shList[i].Value.sh_size];
                        src.Position   = shList[i].Value.sh_offset;
                        src.Read(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
                        if ((shList[i].Value.sh_type & (uint)SHT_RPL.FILEINFO) == (uint)SHT_RPL.FILEINFO)
                            rpx.CRC[shList[i].Key] = Security.ComputeCRC32(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
                        padding = GetPhysicalSectionSize(srcBytes.Length) - srcBytes.Length;
                        dest.Write(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
                        shdr.sh_offset = (uint)dest.Position;
                        srcBytes       = new byte[shList[i].Value.sh_size];
                        src.Position   = shList[i].Value.sh_offset;
                        src.Read(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
                        byte[] compressBytes = Compress(srcBytes);
                        rpx.CRC[shList[i].Key] = Security.ComputeCRC32(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
                        if (compressBytes.Length < srcBytes.Length)
                            shdr.sh_flags |= (uint)SHF_RPL.ZLIB;
                            shdr.sh_size   = (uint)compressBytes.Length;
                            padding        = GetPhysicalSectionSize(compressBytes.Length) - compressBytes.Length;
                            dest.Write(compressBytes, 0, compressBytes.Length);
                            padding = GetPhysicalSectionSize(srcBytes.Length) - srcBytes.Length;
                            dest.Write(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
                    byte[] paddingBytes = new byte[padding];
                    dest.Write(paddingBytes, 0, paddingBytes.Length);
                shNew.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr>(key, shdr));


            dest.Position = 0x40;
            shNew.Sort((pair1, pair2) => pair1.Key.CompareTo(pair2.Key));
            for (int i = 0; i < shNew.Count; i++)
                dest.Write(shNew[i].Value.ToArray(rpx.Header.e_ident[(byte)EI.DataEncoding]), 0, 0x28);

            for (int i = 0; i < rpx.CRC.Length; i++)
                dest.WriteByte((byte)(rpx.CRC[i] >> 24));
                dest.WriteByte((byte)((rpx.CRC[i] >> 16) & 0xFF));
                dest.WriteByte((byte)((rpx.CRC[i] >> 8) & 0xFF));
                dest.WriteByte((byte)(rpx.CRC[i] & 0xFF));

Beispiel #7
        protected void Edit(string rom, string destination,
                            byte speed, byte players, byte soundVolume, byte romType,
                            short widthTv, short widthDrc, short heightTv, short heightDrc)
            FileStream fs = File.Open(FileName, FileMode.Open);

            byte[] rodata = new byte[SectionHeader[RodataSectionIndex].sh_size];
            fs.Position = SectionHeader[RodataSectionIndex].sh_offset;
            fs.Read(rodata, 0, rodata.Length);
            byte[] textSection = new byte[SectionHeader[TextSectionIndex].sh_size];
            fs.Position = SectionHeader[TextSectionIndex].sh_offset;
            fs.Read(textSection, 0, textSection.Length);

            if (rom != null)
                if ((SectionHeader[RodataSectionIndex].sh_flags & 0x08000000) == 0x08000000)//Section Header Flag RPL ZLIB
                    rodata = Decompress(rodata);
                rodata = GetNewRodata(CRCsSum, rodata, rom, speed, players, soundVolume, romType);
                CRC[RodataSectionIndex] = Cll.Security.ComputeCRC32(rodata, 0, rodata.Length);
                if ((SectionHeader[RodataSectionIndex].sh_flags & 0x08000000) == 0x08000000)//Section Header Flag RPL ZLIB
                    rodata = Compress(rodata);

            if ((SectionHeader[TextSectionIndex].sh_flags & 0x08000000) == 0x08000000)//Section Header Flag RPL ZLIB
                textSection = Decompress(textSection);
            int aspectRatioOffset = GetAspectRatioOffset(CRCsSum);

            if (aspectRatioOffset != 0)
                textSection[aspectRatioOffset]        = (byte)(heightTv >> 8);
                textSection[aspectRatioOffset + 0x01] = (byte)(heightTv & 0xFF);
                textSection[aspectRatioOffset + 0x04] = (byte)(widthTv >> 8);
                textSection[aspectRatioOffset + 0x05] = (byte)(widthTv & 0xFF);
                textSection[aspectRatioOffset + 0x30] = (byte)(heightDrc >> 8);
                textSection[aspectRatioOffset + 0x31] = (byte)(heightDrc & 0xFF);
                textSection[aspectRatioOffset + 0x34] = (byte)(widthDrc >> 8);
                textSection[aspectRatioOffset + 0x35] = (byte)(widthDrc & 0xFF);
            CRC[TextSectionIndex] = Cll.Security.ComputeCRC32(textSection, 0, textSection.Length);
            if ((SectionHeader[TextSectionIndex].sh_flags & 0x08000000) == 0x08000000)//Section Header Flag RPL ZLIB
                textSection = Compress(textSection);

            int shSize         = Header.e_shnum * 0x2C; // 0x2C = Header.e_shentsize + 4 bytes of CRC32
            int sectionsOffset = GetPhysicalSectionSize(shSize) + 0x40;

            List <KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr> > shList = new List <KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr> >();
            List <KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr> > shNew  = new List <KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < SectionHeader.Length; i++)
                shList.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr>(i, SectionHeader[i]));
            shList.Sort((pair1, pair2) => Elf32_Shdr.CompareByOffset(pair1.Value, pair2.Value));

            FileStream src  = File.Open(FileName, FileMode.Open);
            FileStream dest = File.Open(destination, FileMode.Create);

            byte[] srcBytes = new byte[sectionsOffset];
            src.Read(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
            dest.Write(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < shList.Count; i++)
                int        key  = shList[i].Key;
                Elf32_Shdr shdr = new Elf32_Shdr(shList[i].Value);
                if (shList[i].Value.sh_offset >= sectionsOffset)
                    int padding = 0;
                    shdr.sh_offset = (uint)dest.Position;
                    if (shList[i].Value.sh_offset == SectionHeader[TextSectionIndex].sh_offset)
                        shdr.sh_size = (uint)textSection.Length;
                        padding      = GetPhysicalSectionSize(textSection.Length) - textSection.Length;
                        dest.Write(textSection, 0, textSection.Length);
                    else if (shList[i].Value.sh_offset == SectionHeader[RodataSectionIndex].sh_offset)
                        shdr.sh_size = (uint)rodata.Length;
                        padding      = GetPhysicalSectionSize(rodata.Length) - rodata.Length;
                        dest.Write(rodata, 0, rodata.Length);
                        srcBytes     = new byte[shList[i].Value.sh_size];
                        src.Position = shList[i].Value.sh_offset;
                        src.Read(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
                        padding = GetPhysicalSectionSize(srcBytes.Length) - srcBytes.Length;
                        dest.Write(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Length);
                    byte[] paddingBytes = new byte[padding];
                    dest.Write(paddingBytes, 0, paddingBytes.Length);
                shNew.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, Elf32_Shdr>(key, shdr));


            dest.Position = 0x40;
            shNew.Sort((pair1, pair2) => pair1.Key.CompareTo(pair2.Key));
            for (int i = 0; i < shNew.Count; i++)
                dest.Write(shNew[i].Value.ToArray(), 0, 0x28);

            for (int i = 0; i < CRC.Length; i++)
                dest.WriteByte((byte)(CRC[i] >> 24));
                dest.WriteByte((byte)((CRC[i] >> 16) & 0xFF));
                dest.WriteByte((byte)((CRC[i] >> 8) & 0xFF));
                dest.WriteByte((byte)(CRC[i] & 0xFF));

Beispiel #8
        public RPX(string filename)
            FileStream fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open);

            byte[] ehdrBytes = new byte[52];
            fs.Read(ehdrBytes, 0, ehdrBytes.Length);

            if (!(ehdrBytes[0] == 0x7F &&
                  ehdrBytes[1] == 'E' &&
                  ehdrBytes[2] == 'L' &&
                  ehdrBytes[3] == 'F'))
                throw new FormatException("It is not an ELF file.");

            if (ehdrBytes[4] != 1 ||
                ehdrBytes[6] != 1)
                throw new FormatException("It is not an ELF32 file.");

            Header = new Elf32_Ehdr(ehdrBytes);

            if (Header.e_ident[5] != 2 ||
                Header.e_ident[7] != 0xCA ||
                Header.e_ident[8] != 0xFE ||
                Header.e_type != 0xFE01)
                throw new FormatException("It is not an RPL/RPX file.");

            if (Header.e_shnum == 0)
                throw new FormatException("This RPL/RPX file has 0 sections.");

            fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open);
            byte[] shdrBytes = new byte[Header.e_shnum * Header.e_shentsize];
            fs.Position = Header.e_shoff;
            fs.Read(shdrBytes, 0, shdrBytes.Length);

            SectionHeader = new Elf32_Shdr[Header.e_shnum];

            int sectionCRCsIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Header.e_shnum; i++)
                SectionHeader[i] = new Elf32_Shdr(shdrBytes, Header.e_shentsize * i);
                if ((SectionHeader[i].sh_type & 0x80000003) == 0x80000003)//Section Header Type RPL CRCS
                    sectionCRCsIndex = i;

            if (sectionCRCsIndex == 0)
                throw new FormatException("Does not contain CRCs section.");

            fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open);
            byte[] sectionStrBytes = new byte[SectionHeader[Header.e_shstrndx].sh_size];
            fs.Position = SectionHeader[Header.e_shstrndx].sh_offset;
            fs.Read(sectionStrBytes, 0, sectionStrBytes.Length);
            byte[] sectionCRCsBytes = new byte[SectionHeader[sectionCRCsIndex].sh_size];
            fs.Position = SectionHeader[sectionCRCsIndex].sh_offset;
            fs.Read(sectionCRCsBytes, 0, sectionCRCsBytes.Length);

            if ((SectionHeader[Header.e_shstrndx].sh_flags & 0x08000000) == 0x08000000)//Section Header Flag RPL ZLIB
                sectionStrBytes = Decompress(sectionStrBytes);

            foreach (byte b in sectionStrBytes)
                if (b > 127)
                    throw new FormatException("Section Strings are not ASCII.");

            SectionName = new string[Header.e_shnum];
            CRC         = new uint[Header.e_shnum];

            long sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Header.e_shnum; i++)
                uint stringLength = 0;
                while (sectionStrBytes[SectionHeader[i].sh_name + stringLength] != 0)
                SectionName[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(sectionStrBytes, (int)SectionHeader[i].sh_name, (int)stringLength);

                CRC[i] = ReadUInt32Reverse(sectionCRCsBytes, i * 4);
                sum   += CRC[i];//Add all the CRCs

                if (SectionHeader[i].sh_offset != 0)
                    if (SectionName[i] == ".text")
                        TextSectionIndex = i;//Always 2
                    else if (SectionName[i] == ".rodata")
                        RodataSectionIndex = i;//Always 3
            sum    -= (long)CRC[TextSectionIndex] + CRC[RodataSectionIndex] + CRC[CRC.Length - 1]; //Subtract ".text" CRC, ".rodata" CRC and "RPL Info" CRC
            CRCsSum = (uint)(sum >> 4);                                                            //Discard the least significant 4 bits

            FileName = filename;
Beispiel #9
 public static int CompareByOffset(Elf32_Shdr sh1, Elf32_Shdr sh2)
Beispiel #10
 byte[] LoadSection(Elf32_Shdr sectionHeader)
     return(LoadSection((int)sectionHeader.sh_offset, (int)sectionHeader.sh_size));
Beispiel #11
        private static void GetEmbeddedModule32(ModuleReader reader, byte[] ident)
            // Read the endiannes.
            bool big = ident[(int)ElfIdent.EI_DATA] == (int)ElfData.ELFDATA2MSB;

            // Read the header.
            Elf32_Ehdr header = new Elf32_Ehdr();
            header.Read(reader, big);

            // Reject files without section names.
            if(header.e_shstrndex == (int)ElfSectionNumber.SHN_UNDEF)
                throw new ModuleException("Unsupported elfs without section names");

            // Read the "section names" section.
            reader.SetPosition((uint) (header.e_shoff + header.e_shstrndex*header.e_shentsize));
            Elf32_Shdr namesHeader = new Elf32_Shdr();
            namesHeader.Read(reader, big);

            // Reject files without real section names.
            if(namesHeader.sh_size == 0)
                throw new ModuleException("This elf doesn't have section names.");

            // Read the name table.
            byte[] nameTable;
            reader.Read(out nameTable, (int)namesHeader.sh_size);

            // Move to the section header table.

            // Read the section until hit '.cbm'.
            Elf32_Shdr sectionHeader = new Elf32_Shdr();
            bool found = false;
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for(int i = 0; i < header.e_shnum; ++i)
                // Read the section header.
                sectionHeader.Read(reader, big);

                // Check the section name.
                if(sectionHeader.sh_name >= nameTable.Length)
                    throw new ModuleException("Invalid section name.");

                // Build the section name.
                builder.Length = 0;
                int pos = (int)sectionHeader.sh_name;
                while(nameTable[pos] != 0)
                string sectionName = builder.ToString();

                // Compare the section name.
                if(sectionName == ".cbm")
                    found = true;

                // Skip the extra data.
                reader.Skip(header.e_shentsize - Elf32_Shdr.Size);

            // Make sure the section was found.
                throw new ModuleException("The elf doesn't have a chela module.");

            // Make sure the section type is PROGBITS.
            if(sectionHeader.sh_type != (int)ElfSectionType.SHT_PROGBITS)
                throw new ModuleException("The elf section that can have the module is not supported.");

            // Move to the section offset.