public static GraphicalUiElement ToGraphicalUiElement(this InstanceSave instanceSave, SystemManagers systemManagers)
            if (ObjectFinder.Self.GumProjectSave == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You need to set the ObjectFinder's GumProjectSave first so it can track references");
            ElementSave instanceElement = ObjectFinder.Self.GetElementSave(instanceSave.BaseType);

            GraphicalUiElement toReturn = null;
            if (instanceElement != null)
                string genericType = null;

                if (instanceElement.Name == "Container" && instanceElement is StandardElementSave)
                    genericType = instanceSave.ParentContainer.DefaultState.GetValueOrDefault <string>(instanceSave.Name + "." + "Contained Type");

                toReturn = ElementSaveExtensions.CreateGueForElement(instanceElement, true, genericType);

                // If we get here but there's no contained graphical object then that means we don't
                // have a strongly-typed system (like when a game is running in FRB). Therefore, we'll
                // just fall back to the regular creation of graphical objects, like is done in the Gum tool:
                if (toReturn.RenderableComponent == null)
                    instanceElement.SetGraphicalUiElement(toReturn, systemManagers);

                toReturn.Name = instanceSave.Name;
                toReturn.Tag  = instanceSave;

                // November 9, 2020 - Vic asks - why do we set properties here, and ONLY exposed variables? That's weird...
                // It also requires using instanceSave.ParentContainer, and maybe is duplicate setting values which hurts performance
                // andn adds complexity. Not sure what to do here..., but going to try commenting it out to see if it makes a difference
                //var instanceContainerDefaultState = instanceSave.ParentContainer.DefaultState;

                //foreach (var variable in instanceContainerDefaultState.Variables.Where(item => item.SetsValue && item.SourceObject == instanceSave.Name))
                //    string propertyOnInstance = variable.Name.Substring(variable.Name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);

                //    if (toReturn.IsExposedVariable(propertyOnInstance))
                //    {
                //        toReturn.SetProperty(propertyOnInstance, variable.Value);
                //    }

        public static GraphicalUiElement ToGraphicalUiElement(this InstanceSave instanceSave, SystemManagers systemManagers)
            if (ObjectFinder.Self.GumProjectSave == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You need to set the ObjectFinder's GumProjectSave first so it can track references");
            ElementSave instanceElement = ObjectFinder.Self.GetElementSave(instanceSave.BaseType);

            GraphicalUiElement toReturn = null;
            if (instanceElement != null)
                string genericType = null;

                var instanceContainerDefaultState = instanceSave.ParentContainer.DefaultState;

                if (instanceElement.Name == "Container" && instanceElement is StandardElementSave)
                    genericType = instanceSave.ParentContainer.DefaultState.GetValueOrDefault <string>(instanceSave.Name + "." + "Contained Type");

                toReturn = ElementSaveExtensions.CreateGueForElement(instanceElement, true, genericType);

                // If we get here but there's no contained graphical object then that means we don't
                // have a strongly-typed system (like when a game is running in FRB). Therefore, we'll
                // just fall back to the regular creation of graphical objects, like is done in the Gum tool:
                if (toReturn.RenderableComponent == null)
                    instanceElement.SetGraphicalUiElement(toReturn, systemManagers);

                toReturn.Name = instanceSave.Name;
                toReturn.Tag  = instanceSave;

                foreach (var variable in instanceContainerDefaultState.Variables.Where(item => item.SetsValue && item.SourceObject == instanceSave.Name))
                    string propertyOnInstance = variable.Name.Substring(variable.Name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);

                    if (toReturn.IsExposedVariable(propertyOnInstance))
                        toReturn.SetProperty(propertyOnInstance, variable.Value);

Beispiel #3
        public static GraphicalUiElement ToGraphicalUiElement(this ElementSave elementSave, SystemManagers systemManagers,
                                                              bool addToManagers)
            GraphicalUiElement toReturn = CreateGueForElement(elementSave);

            elementSave.SetGraphicalUiElement(toReturn, systemManagers);

            //no layering support yet
            if (addToManagers)
                toReturn.AddToManagers(systemManagers, null);

Beispiel #4
        public static GraphicalUiElement ToGraphicalUiElement(this InstanceSave instanceSave, SystemManagers systemManagers)
            ElementSave instanceElement = ObjectFinder.Self.GetElementSave(instanceSave.BaseType);

            GraphicalUiElement toReturn = null;

            if (instanceElement != null)
                toReturn = ElementSaveExtensions.CreateGueForElement(instanceElement, true);

                // If we get here but there's no contained graphical object then that means we don't
                // have a strongly-typed system (like when a game is running in FRB). Therefore, we'll
                // just fall back to the regular creation of graphical objects, like is done in the Gum tool:
                if (toReturn.RenderableComponent == null)
                    instanceElement.SetGraphicalUiElement(toReturn, systemManagers);

                toReturn.Name = instanceSave.Name;
                toReturn.Tag  = instanceSave;

                var state = instanceSave.ParentContainer.DefaultState;

                foreach (var variable in state.Variables.Where(item => item.SetsValue && item.SourceObject == instanceSave.Name))
                    string propertyOnInstance = variable.Name.Substring(variable.Name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);

                    if (toReturn.IsExposedVariable(propertyOnInstance))
                        toReturn.SetProperty(propertyOnInstance, variable.Value);
