public void Setup()
            _indexName      = ElasticsearchConfiguration.NewUniqueIndexName();
            _repositoryName = ElasticsearchConfiguration.NewUniqueIndexName();
            _snapshotName   = ElasticsearchConfiguration.NewUniqueIndexName();

            var descriptor = new BulkDescriptor();

            _indexedElements = new List <ElasticsearchProject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var elementToIndex = new ElasticsearchProject()
                    Id      = i,
                    Name    = "Coboles",
                    Content = "COBOL elasticsearch client"
                descriptor = descriptor.Index <ElasticsearchProject>(d => d.Index(_indexName).Document(elementToIndex));

            var bulkResponse = this.Client.Bulk(d => descriptor);

            this.Client.CreateRepository(_repositoryName, r => r
                                         .FileSystem(@"local\\path", o => o
        public void MapIdPropertiesForMultipleTypes()
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings()
                           .MapIdPropertyFor <ElasticsearchProject>(p => p.LongValue)
                           .MapIdPropertyFor <Person>(p => p.Id)
                           .MapIdPropertyFor <Product>(p => p.Name);

            var client = new ElasticClient(settings, connection: new InMemoryConnection());

            var project = new ElasticsearchProject {
                LongValue = 1

            Assert.AreEqual(project.LongValue.ToString(), client.Infer.Id <ElasticsearchProject>(project));

            var person = new Person {
                Id = 2

            Assert.AreEqual(person.Id.ToString(), client.Infer.Id <Person>(person));

            var product = new Product {
                Name = "foo"

            Assert.AreEqual(product.Name, client.Infer.Id <Product>(product));
Beispiel #3
        public void PercolateTypedDocWithQuery()
            var c    = this._client;
            var name = "eclecticsearch" + ElasticsearchConfiguration.NewUniqueIndexName();
            var re   = c.UnregisterPercolator(name, ur => ur.Index <ElasticsearchProject>());
            var r    = c.RegisterPercolator <ElasticsearchProject>(name, p => p
                                                                   .AddMetadata(md => md.Add("color", "blue"))
                                                                   .Query(q => q
                                                                          .Term(f => f.Country, "netherlands")

            var obj = new ElasticsearchProject()
                Name    = "NEST",
                Country = "netherlands",
                LOC     = 100000,             //Too many :(
            var percolateResponse = this._client.Percolate(obj, p => p.Query(q => q.Match(m => m.OnField("color").Query("blue"))));

            Assert.True(percolateResponse.Matches.Select(m => m.Id).Contains(name));

            //should not match since we registered with the color blue
            percolateResponse = this._client.Percolate(obj, p => p.Query(q => q.Term("color", "green")));
            Assert.False(percolateResponse.Matches.Select(m => m.Id).Contains(name));

            re = c.UnregisterPercolator(name, ur => ur.Index <ElasticsearchProject>());
        public void IndexThanDeleteDocumentByObject()
            var newIndex    = IntegrationSetup.CreateNewIndexWithData(this.Client);
            var newDocument = new ElasticsearchProject
                Country   = "Mozambique",
                Followers = new List <Person>(),
                Id        = DateTime.Now.Millisecond + 1500,          //try to get this example out of the way of existing test data
                Name      = "Test Document for 'IndexDocument' test"

            //index the new item
            this.Client.Index(newDocument, i => i.Refresh().Index(newIndex));

            //grab document back from the index and make sure it is the same document
            var foundDocument = this.Client.Source <ElasticsearchProject>(newDocument.Id, newIndex);

            //Assert.Equal(newDocument.Country, foundDocument.Country);
            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Followers.Count, foundDocument.Followers.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Id, foundDocument.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Name, foundDocument.Name);

            //now remove the item that was added
            this.Client.Delete <ElasticsearchProject>(f => f.IdFrom(newDocument).Refresh().Index(newIndex));

            //make sure getting by id returns nothing
            foundDocument = this.Client.Source <ElasticsearchProject>(newDocument.Id, newIndex);
Beispiel #5
        public BulkRequestTests()
            var newProject = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 4, Name = "new-project"

            var request = new BulkRequest()
                Refresh     = true,
                Consistency = Consistency.One,
                Operations  = new List <IBulkOperation>
                    { new BulkIndexOperation <ElasticsearchProject>(newProject)
                          Id = "2"
                      } },
                    { new BulkDeleteOperation <ElasticsearchProject>(6) },
                    { new BulkCreateOperation <ElasticsearchProject>(newProject)
                          Id = "6"
                      } },
                    { new BulkUpdateOperation <ElasticsearchProject, object>(newProject, new { name = "new-project2" })
                          Id = "3"
                      } },
            var response = this._client.Bulk(request);

            this._status = response.ConnectionStatus;
Beispiel #6
        public void IndexThanDeleteDocumentById()
            //create a new document to index
            ElasticsearchProject newDocument = new ElasticsearchProject
                Country   = "Mozambique",
                Followers = new List <Person>(),
                Id        = DateTime.Now.Millisecond + 1500,          //try to get this example out of the way of existing test data
                Name      = "Test Document for 'IndexDocument' test"

            //index the new item
            this._client.Index <ElasticsearchProject>(newDocument, i => i.Refresh());

            //grab document back from the index and make sure it is the same document
            var foundDocument = this._client.Source <ElasticsearchProject>(newDocument.Id);

            //Assert.Equal(newDocument.Country, foundDocument.Country);
            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Followers.Count, foundDocument.Followers.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Id, foundDocument.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Name, foundDocument.Name);

            //now remove the item that was added
            var response = this._client.Delete <ElasticsearchProject>(f => f.Id(newDocument.Id).Refresh());

            //make sure getting by id returns nothing
            foundDocument = this._client.Source <ElasticsearchProject>(newDocument.Id);
Beispiel #7
        public void IndexUsingCreateFlagOnNoRawResponseClient()
            // Document to be indexed.
            var doc = new ElasticsearchProject
                Country   = "Mozambique",
                Followers = new List <Person>(),
                Id        = idGen.Next(),
                Name      = "Test Document for 'IndexDocument' Create Flag"

            // Index the document
            var indexResult = this.ClientNoRawResponse.Index <ElasticsearchProject>(doc, i => i.OpType(OpType.Create));


            // Grab the indexed document.
            var foundDoc = this.ClientNoRawResponse.Source <ElasticsearchProject>(doc.Id);

            // Check that the document was successfully indexed.
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Country, foundDoc.Country);
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Followers.Count, foundDoc.Followers.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Id, foundDoc.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Name, foundDoc.Name);

            // Now try to index the document again while using the Create Flag
            var response = this.ClientNoRawResponse.Index <ElasticsearchProject>(doc, i => i.OpType(OpType.Create));

            // Make sure the index request failed with HTTP status 409 since document with same id already exists.
            Assert.AreEqual(409, response.ConnectionStatus.HttpStatusCode);
        public void PercolateTypedDoc()
            this.RegisterPercolateTest();             // I feel a little dirty.
            var c    = this.Client;
            var name = "eclecticsearch";
            var r    = c.RegisterPercolator <ElasticsearchProject>(name, p => p
                                                                   .Query(q => q
                                                                          .Term(f => f.Country, "netherlands")

            var obj = new ElasticsearchProject()
                Name    = "NEST",
                Country = "netherlands",
                LOC     = 100000,             //Too many :(
            var percolateResponse = this.Client.Percolate <ElasticsearchProject>(p => p

            Assert.True(percolateResponse.Matches.Select(m => m.Id).Contains(name));

            var re = c.UnregisterPercolator <ElasticsearchProject>(name);
        public void PercolateDoc()
            this.RegisterPercolateTest();             // I feel a little dirty.
            var c    = this.Client;
            var name = "mypercolator";

            var document = new ElasticsearchProject()
                Id      = 12,
                Name    = "",
                Country = "netherlands",
                LOC     = 100000,             //Too many :(

            var r = c.Percolate <ElasticsearchProject>(p => p.Document(document));

            Assert.True(r.Matches.Select(m => m.Id).Contains(name));

            var indexResult = c.Index(document);

            r = c.Percolate <ElasticsearchProject>(p => p.Id(indexResult.Id));
            Assert.True(r.Matches.Select(m => m.Id).Contains(name));

            var re = c.UnregisterPercolator <ElasticsearchProject>(name);
Beispiel #10
        public void Initialize()
            _LookFor      = NestTestData.Session.Single <ElasticsearchProject>().Get();
            _LookFor.Name = "one two three four";
            var status = this.Client.Index(_LookFor, i => i.Refresh()).ConnectionStatus;

            Assert.True(status.Success, status.ResponseRaw.Utf8String());
Beispiel #11
        public void Initialize()
            _LookFor      = NestTestData.Session.Single <ElasticsearchProject>().Get();
            _LookFor.Name = "mmm";
            var status = this._client.Index(_LookFor, i => i.Refresh()).ConnectionStatus;

            Assert.True(status.Success, status.Result);
Beispiel #12
        public async void TestIndex()
            var newProject = new ElasticsearchProject
                Name = "COBOLES",                 //COBOL ES client ?
            var t = await this.Client.IndexAsync <ElasticsearchProject>(newProject);

Beispiel #13
        public void IndexParameters()
            var o = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 1, Name = "Test"
            var result = this._client.Index(o, i => i.Version(1));
            var status = result.ConnectionStatus;

            StringAssert.Contains("version=1", status.RequestUrl);
Beispiel #14
        public void IndexOpTypeDefault()
            var o = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 1, Name = "Test"
            var result = this._client.Index(o);
            var status = result.ConnectionStatus;

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain("op_type=create", status.RequestUrl);
Beispiel #15
        public void IndexOpTypeCreate()
            var o = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 1, Name = "Test"
            var result = this._client.Index(o, i => i.OpType(OpTypeOptions.Create));
            var status = result.ConnectionStatus;

            StringAssert.Contains("op_type=create", status.RequestUrl);
        public void IdPropertyNotMapped_IdIsInferred()
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings();
            var client   = new ElasticClient(settings, connection: new InMemoryConnection());
            var project  = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 123

            Assert.AreEqual(project.Id.ToString(), client.Infer.Id <ElasticsearchProject>(project));
Beispiel #17
        public void ElasticsearchNETSupportsLongs()
            var o = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 1, Name = "Test"
            var versionString = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssFFF");
            var version       = long.Parse(versionString);

            var result = this._client.Raw.Index("index", "type", o, i => i.Version(version));

            StringAssert.Contains("version=" + versionString, result.RequestUrl);
Beispiel #18
        public void NestSupportsLongs()
            var o = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 1, Name = "Test"
            var versionString = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssFFF");
            var version       = long.Parse(versionString);

            var result = this._client.Index(o, i => i.Version(version));
            var status = result.ConnectionStatus;

            StringAssert.Contains("version=" + versionString, status.RequestUrl);
        public void MapNumericIdProperty()
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings()
                           .MapIdPropertyFor <ElasticsearchProject>(p => p.LongValue);

            var client = new ElasticClient(settings, connection: new InMemoryConnection());

            var project = new ElasticsearchProject {
                LongValue = 123

            Assert.AreEqual(project.LongValue.ToString(), client.Infer.Id <ElasticsearchProject>(project));
Beispiel #20
        public void Initialize()
            _LookFor      = NestTestData.Session.Single <ElasticsearchProject>().Get();
            _MissingField = f => f.Name;
            _ExistsField  = f => f.Id;

            // missing
            _LookFor.Name = null;

            var status = this._client.Index(_LookFor, i => i.Refresh()).ConnectionStatus;

            Assert.True(status.Success, status.ResponseRaw.Utf8String());
        public void MapStringIdProperty()
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings()
                           .MapIdPropertyFor <ElasticsearchProject>(p => p.Name);

            var client = new ElasticClient(settings, connection: new InMemoryConnection());

            var project = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Name = "foo"

            Assert.AreEqual(project.Name, client.Infer.Id <ElasticsearchProject>(project));
Beispiel #22
        public void TestIndex()
            var newProject = new ElasticsearchProject
                Name = "COBOLES",                 //COBOL ES client ?
            var t = this._client.IndexAsync <ElasticsearchProject>(newProject);

            Assert.True(t.IsCompleted, "task did not complete");
            Assert.True(t.IsCompleted, "task did not complete");
Beispiel #23
        public PercolateRequestTests()
            var doc = new ElasticsearchProject()
                Id = 19, Name = "Hello"
            var request = new PercolateRequest <ElasticsearchProject>(doc)
                Query = Query <ElasticsearchProject> .Term("color", "blue")
            var response = this._client.Percolate <ElasticsearchProject>(request);

            this._status = response.ConnectionStatus;
Beispiel #24
        public void UpdateUsingPartial()
            var originalProject = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 1, Name = "NeST", Country = "UK"
            var partialUpdate = new PartialElasticSearchProject {
                Name = "NEST", Country = "Netherlands"

            var s = new UpdateDescriptor <ElasticsearchProject, PartialElasticSearchProject>()
                    .Object(originalProject)             //only used to infer the id
                    .Document(partialUpdate);            //the actual partial update statement;

            this.JsonEquals(s, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod());
        public void UpdateUsingPartialWithNull()
            var originalProject = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 1, Name = "NEST", Country = "UK"
            var partialUpdate = new PartialElasticsearchProjectWithNull {
                Country = null

            var s = new UpdateDescriptor <ElasticsearchProject, PartialElasticsearchProjectWithNull>()
                    .IdFrom(originalProject)         //only used to infer the id
                    .Doc(partialUpdate);             //the actual partial update statement;

            this.JsonEquals(s, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod());
Beispiel #26
        public IndexRequestTests()
            var newProject = new ElasticsearchProject
                Id   = 15,
                Name = "Some awesome new elasticsearch project"
            var request = new IndexRequest <ElasticsearchProject>(newProject)
                Replication = Replication.Async
            //TODO Index(request) does not work as expected
            var response = this._client.Index <ElasticsearchProject>(request);

            this._status = response.ConnectionStatus;
Beispiel #27
        public UpdateRequestTests()
            var project = new ElasticsearchProject {
                Id = 1

            var request = new UpdateRequest <ElasticsearchProject, object>(project)
                Doc         = new { Name = "NEST" },
                DocAsUpsert = true

            var response = this._client.Update(request);

            _status = response.ConnectionStatus;
Beispiel #28
        public void IndexDefaultValue()
            var newProject = new ElasticsearchProject
                Id          = 2000,
                Name        = "TempProject",
                LOC         = 0,
                LongValue   = 0,
                DoubleValue = 0,
                FloatValue  = 0,
                FloatValues = new[] { 0f },
                BoolValue   = false
            var response         = this._client.Index(newProject);
            var connectionStatus = response.ConnectionStatus;

            StringAssert.Contains(@"""id"": 2000", connectionStatus.Request);
            StringAssert.Contains(@"""loc"": 0", connectionStatus.Request);
            StringAssert.Contains(@"""longValue"": 0", connectionStatus.Request);
            StringAssert.Contains(@"""floatValue"": 0.0", connectionStatus.Request);
            StringAssert.Contains(@"""doubleValue"": 0.0", connectionStatus.Request);
            StringAssert.Contains(@"""boolValue"": false", connectionStatus.Request);
Beispiel #29
        public void TestSuggest()
            var tempIndex            = ElasticsearchConfiguration.NewUniqueIndexName();
            var elasticsearchProject = new ElasticsearchProject
                Id      = 1337,
                Name    = "Coboles",
                Content = "COBOL elasticsearch client"
            var indexResponse = this._client.Index(elasticsearchProject, i => i.Refresh().Index(tempIndex));


            var existsResponse = this._client.DocumentExists <ElasticsearchProject>(d => d.Object(elasticsearchProject).Index(tempIndex));


            var doesNotExistsResponse = this._client.DocumentExists <ElasticsearchProject>(d => d.Object(elasticsearchProject).Index(tempIndex + "-random"));

        public void IndexThanDeleteDocumentById()
            var newIndex    = IntegrationSetup.CreateNewIndexWithData(this.Client);
            var newDocument = new ElasticsearchProject
                Country   = "Mozambique",
                Followers = new List <Person>(),
                Id        = DateTime.Now.Millisecond + 1500,
                Name      = "Test Document for 'IndexDocument' test"

            this.Client.Index <ElasticsearchProject>(newDocument, i => i.Index(newIndex).Refresh());

            var foundDocument = this.Client.Source <ElasticsearchProject>(newDocument.Id, newIndex);

            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Followers.Count, foundDocument.Followers.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Id, foundDocument.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(newDocument.Name, foundDocument.Name);

            var response = this.Client.Delete <ElasticsearchProject>(f => f.Id(newDocument.Id).Index(newIndex).Refresh());

            foundDocument = this.Client.Source <ElasticsearchProject>(newDocument.Id, newIndex);