public async Task AddOrUpdateAppServerConfigAsync(ApplicationServerConfig config)
            if (config == null || config.AppPath == null || config.Server == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("AppPath and Server must be provided");
            var econfig = new ElasticApplicationConfig();

            Map(config, econfig);
            await eclient.IndexAsync(econfig, ind => ind.Index(AppConfIndexName));
        private void Map(ElasticApplicationConfig from, ApplicationServerConfig to)
            to.AppPath        = from.Path;
            to.Server         = from.Server;
            to.ServerFqdnOrIp = from.ServerFqdnOrIp;
            to.ServiceName    = from.ServiceName;
            to.AppPoolName    = from.AppPoolName;
            to.AppType        = from.AppType;
            to.Bindings       = from.Binding != null?from.Binding.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : null;

            to.DisplayName = from.DisplayName;
        private void Map(ApplicationServerConfig from, ElasticApplicationConfig to)
            to.Id = BitConverter.ToString(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(from.AppPath + ":" +
                                                                                          from.Server))).Replace("-", string.Empty);
            to.Path           = from.AppPath;
            to.Server         = from.Server;
            to.ServerFqdnOrIp = from.ServerFqdnOrIp;
            to.ServiceName    = from.ServiceName;
            to.AppPoolName    = from.AppPoolName;
            to.AppType        = from.AppType;
            to.Binding        = from.Bindings != null?string.Join("|", from.Bindings) : null;

            to.DisplayName = from.DisplayName;