Beispiel #1
    public static bool ComputeBestFitPlane(Vector3[] points, float[] weights, ref Vector4 plane)
        if (points == null || points.Length <= 0)

        if (weights != null && weights.Length != points.Length)

        Vector3 origin =;
        float   wtotal = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
            float w = (weights != null) ? weights[i] : 1.0f;
            origin += w * points[i];
            wtotal += w;
        float recip = 1.0f / wtotal;     // reciprocol of total weighting

        origin = recip * origin;

        float sumXX = 0.0f;
        float sumXY = 0.0f;
        float sumXZ = 0.0f;
        float sumYY = 0.0f;
        float sumYZ = 0.0f;
        float sumZZ = 0.0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
            float w = (weights != null) ? weights[i] : 1.0f;
            origin += w * points[i];

            Vector3 diff = w * (points[i] - origin);

            sumXX += diff[0] * diff[0];     // sume of the squares of the differences.
            sumXY += diff[0] * diff[1];     // sume of the squares of the differences.
            sumXZ += diff[0] * diff[2];     // sume of the squares of the differences.

            sumYY += diff[1] * diff[1];
            sumYZ += diff[1] * diff[2];
            sumZZ += diff[2] * diff[2];

        sumXX *= recip;
        sumXY *= recip;
        sumXZ *= recip;
        sumYY *= recip;
        sumYZ *= recip;
        sumZZ *= recip;

        // setup the eigensolver
        Eigen ES = new Eigen();

        ES.Elements[0, 0] = sumXX;
        ES.Elements[0, 1] = sumXY;
        ES.Elements[0, 2] = sumXZ;

        ES.Elements[1, 0] = sumXY;
        ES.Elements[1, 1] = sumYY;
        ES.Elements[1, 2] = sumYZ;

        ES.Elements[2, 0] = sumXZ;
        ES.Elements[2, 1] = sumYZ;
        ES.Elements[2, 2] = sumZZ;

        // compute eigenstuff, smallest eigenvalue is in last position

        Vector3 normal = new Vector3(ES.Elements[0, 2], ES.Elements[1, 2], ES.Elements[2, 2]);

        // the minimum energy
        plane[0] = normal[0];
        plane[1] = normal[1];
        plane[2] = normal[2];
        plane[3] = 0.0f - fm_dot(normal, origin);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute a plane which best fits a series of input points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tPoints">The array of points to analyse.</param>
        /// <param name="tWeights">The relative weightings to apply to each point.</param>
        /// <returns>The plane of best fit.</returns>
        public static Plane ComputeBestFit(Vector3[] tPoints, float[] tWeights)
            Vector3 kOrigin = new Vector3();
            float   w       = 1;
            float   wtotal  = 0;

            // Calculate the weighted center of all the points.
            for (int i = 0, n = tPoints.Length; i < n; ++i)
                w = 1;
                if (tWeights != null)
                    w *= tWeights[i];

                Vector3 p = tPoints[i];
                kOrigin.X += p.X * w;
                kOrigin.Y += p.Y * w;
                kOrigin.Z += p.Z * w;

                wtotal += w;

            float recip = 1.0f / wtotal; // reciprocol of total weighting

            kOrigin.X *= recip;
            kOrigin.Y *= recip;
            kOrigin.Z *= recip;

            float fSumXX = 0;
            float fSumXY = 0;
            float fSumXZ = 0;

            float fSumYY = 0;
            float fSumYZ = 0;
            float fSumZZ = 0;

            for (int i = 0, n = tPoints.Length; i < n; ++i)
                w = 1;
                if (tWeights != null)
                    w *= tWeights[i];

                // Transform to center and apply vertex weighting.
                Vector3 p     = tPoints[i];
                Vector3 kDiff = new Vector3(w * (p.X - kOrigin.X), w * (p.Y - kOrigin.Y), w * (p.Z - kOrigin.Z));

                fSumXX += kDiff.X * kDiff.X; // sum of the squares of the differences.
                fSumXY += kDiff.X * kDiff.Y; // sum of the squares of the differences.
                fSumXZ += kDiff.X * kDiff.Z; // sum of the squares of the differences.

                fSumYY += kDiff.Y * kDiff.Y;
                fSumYZ += kDiff.Y * kDiff.Z;
                fSumZZ += kDiff.Z * kDiff.Z;

            fSumXX *= recip;
            fSumXY *= recip;
            fSumXZ *= recip;
            fSumYY *= recip;
            fSumYZ *= recip;
            fSumZZ *= recip;

            // Setup an eigensolver.
            Eigen kES = new Eigen();

            kES.mElement[0, 0] = fSumXX;
            kES.mElement[0, 1] = fSumXY;
            kES.mElement[0, 2] = fSumXZ;

            kES.mElement[1, 0] = fSumXY;
            kES.mElement[1, 1] = fSumYY;
            kES.mElement[1, 2] = fSumYZ;

            kES.mElement[2, 0] = fSumXZ;
            kES.mElement[2, 1] = fSumYZ;
            kES.mElement[2, 2] = fSumZZ;

            // compute eigenstuff, smallest eigenvalue is in last position

            Vector3 kNormal = new Vector3();

            kNormal.X = kES.mElement[0, 2];
            kNormal.Y = kES.mElement[1, 2];
            kNormal.Z = kES.mElement[2, 2];

            // The minimum energy.
            return(new Plane(kNormal, 0 - Vector3.Dot(kNormal, kOrigin)));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute a plane which best fits a series of input points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tPoints">The array of points to analyse.</param>
        /// <param name="tWeights">The relative weightings to apply to each point.</param>
        /// <returns>The plane of best fit.</returns>
        public static Plane ComputeBestFit(Vector3[] tPoints, float[] tWeights)
            Vector3 kOrigin = new Vector3();
            float w = 1;
            float wtotal = 0;

            // Calculate the weighted center of all the points.
            for (int i = 0, n = tPoints.Length; i < n; ++i)
                w = 1;
                if (tWeights != null)
                    w *= tWeights[i];

                Vector3 p = tPoints[i];
                kOrigin.X += p.X * w;
                kOrigin.Y += p.Y * w;
                kOrigin.Z += p.Z * w;

                wtotal += w;

            float recip = 1.0f / wtotal; // reciprocol of total weighting

            kOrigin.X *= recip;
            kOrigin.Y *= recip;
            kOrigin.Z *= recip;

            float fSumXX = 0;
            float fSumXY = 0;
            float fSumXZ = 0;

            float fSumYY = 0;
            float fSumYZ = 0;
            float fSumZZ = 0;

            for (int i = 0, n = tPoints.Length; i < n; ++i)
                w = 1;
                if (tWeights != null)
                    w *= tWeights[i];

                // Transform to center and apply vertex weighting.
                Vector3 p = tPoints[i];
                Vector3 kDiff = new Vector3(w * (p.X - kOrigin.X), w * (p.Y - kOrigin.Y), w * (p.Z - kOrigin.Z));

                fSumXX += kDiff.X * kDiff.X; // sum of the squares of the differences.
                fSumXY += kDiff.X * kDiff.Y; // sum of the squares of the differences.
                fSumXZ += kDiff.X * kDiff.Z; // sum of the squares of the differences.

                fSumYY += kDiff.Y * kDiff.Y;
                fSumYZ += kDiff.Y * kDiff.Z;
                fSumZZ += kDiff.Z * kDiff.Z;

            fSumXX *= recip;
            fSumXY *= recip;
            fSumXZ *= recip;
            fSumYY *= recip;
            fSumYZ *= recip;
            fSumZZ *= recip;

            // Setup an eigensolver.
            Eigen kES = new Eigen();

            kES.mElement[0, 0] = fSumXX;
            kES.mElement[0, 1] = fSumXY;
            kES.mElement[0, 2] = fSumXZ;

            kES.mElement[1, 0] = fSumXY;
            kES.mElement[1, 1] = fSumYY;
            kES.mElement[1, 2] = fSumYZ;

            kES.mElement[2, 0] = fSumXZ;
            kES.mElement[2, 1] = fSumYZ;
            kES.mElement[2, 2] = fSumZZ;

            // compute eigenstuff, smallest eigenvalue is in last position

            Vector3 kNormal = new Vector3();
            kNormal.X = kES.mElement[0, 2];
            kNormal.Y = kES.mElement[1, 2];
            kNormal.Z = kES.mElement[2, 2];

            // The minimum energy.
            return new Plane(kNormal, 0 - Vector3.Dot(kNormal, kOrigin));