public void EggCollected(BasePlayer player)
        EggHuntEvent.EggHunter eggHunter = null;
        if (!this._eggHunters.ContainsKey(player.userID))
            eggHunter = new EggHuntEvent.EggHunter()
                displayName = player.displayName,
                userid      = player.userID
            this._eggHunters.Add(player.userID, eggHunter);
            eggHunter = this._eggHunters[player.userID];
        if (eggHunter == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Easter error");
        int num = ((float)Mathf.RoundToInt(player.eggVision) * 0.5f < 1f ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) : 1);

        this.SpawnEggsAtPoint(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1 + num, 3 + num), player.transform.position, player.eyes.BodyForward(), 15f, 25f);
    public void PrintWinnersAndAward()
        List <EggHuntEvent.EggHunter> topHunters = this.GetTopHunters();

        if (topHunters.Count <= 0)
            Chat.Broadcast("Wow, no one played so no one won.", "", "#eee", (ulong)0);
        EggHuntEvent.EggHunter item = topHunters[0];
        Chat.Broadcast(string.Concat(new object[] { item.displayName, " is the top bunny with ", item.numEggs, " eggs collected." }), "", "#eee", (ulong)0);
        for (int i = 0; i < topHunters.Count; i++)
            EggHuntEvent.EggHunter eggHunter  = topHunters[i];
            BasePlayer             basePlayer = BasePlayer.FindByID(eggHunter.userid);
            if (!basePlayer)
                Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat("EggHuntEvent Printwinners could not find player with id :", eggHunter.userid));
                basePlayer.ChatMessage(string.Concat(new object[] { "You placed ", i + 1, " of ", topHunters.Count, " with ", topHunters[i].numEggs, " eggs collected." }));
        for (int j = 0; j < (int)this.placementAwards.Length && j < topHunters.Count; j++)
            BasePlayer basePlayer1 = BasePlayer.FindByID(topHunters[j].userid);
            if (basePlayer1)
                basePlayer1.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.Create(this.placementAwards[j].itemDef, (int)this.placementAwards[j].amount, (ulong)0), basePlayer1.inventory.containerMain);
                basePlayer1.ChatMessage(string.Concat(new object[] { "You received ", (int)this.placementAwards[j].amount, "x ", this.placementAwards[j].itemDef.displayName.english, " as an award!" }));