Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Experience exp = new Experience
                id      = 10,
                from    = new DateTime(),
                to      = new DateTime(),
                poste   = "engineer",
                company = "Vermeg"
            Organisation org = new Organisation
                City    = "Monastir",
                Country = "Tunisia",
                Name    = "ISIMM"

            Education educ = new Education
                id           = 10,
                from         = new DateTime(),
                to           = new DateTime(),
                organisation = org,
            Address adr = new Address
                address = "C5 , C6 N°2 ",
                city    = "Monastir",
                country = "Tunisia"
            Candidate cand = new Candidate
                id        = 10,
                address   = adr,
                age       = 24,
                birthDate = new DateTime(),
                email     = "*****@*****.**",
                name      = "Ala",
                phone     = "50280400",
                sex       = "Male",
                surname   = "Ben khlifa"
            var              listedu = new Education[10];
            CVService        CVS     = new CVService();
            CV               c       = CVS.GetById(2);
            EducationService ES      = new EducationService();

            listedu = c.educations.ToArray();
            var listexp  = new List <Experience>();
            var listlang = new List <Languages>();

            CV cv = new CV
                candidate    = cand,
                departement  = "RH",
                educations   = listedu,
                experiences  = listexp,
                hobbies      = "FootBall",
                languages    = listlang,
                linkedInLink = "URL",
                typeofjob    = "Engineer"
            Languages lang = new Languages
                level = "Native",
                name  = "AR",
                cv    = cv

            //LanguageService LS = new LanguageService();
            //ExperienceService ES = new ExperienceService();
            //EducationService EDS = new EducationService();

            //var con = CAS.GetById(2);

            //CVService CVS = new CVService();