void DrawState(int index)
        if (index < 0 || index >= m_Target.States.Count)

        //Find the States variable in our serializedObject. serializedObject is a special way to access and modify the variables
        //of our component to which Unity added a lot of helper functionality. For example, if you modify values though the
        //serializedObject instead of modifying the component directly, Unity automatically creates Undo and Redo functionality
        //for you
        SerializedProperty listIterator = serializedObject.FindProperty("States");

            //If this object is an instantiated prefab, we want to mirror Unitys default inspector behaviour where
            //variables that have been modified (but not applied) are drawn in bold text
            if (listIterator.isInstantiatedPrefab == true)
                //The SetBoldDefaultFont functionality is usually hidden from us but we can use some tricks to
                //access the method anyways. See the implementation of our own EditorGUIHelper.SetBoldDefaultFont
                //for more info

            GUILayout.Label("Name", EditorStyles.label, GUILayout.Width(50));

            //BeginChangeCheck() is a useful way to see if an inspector variable was changed between
            //BeginChangeCheck() and EndChangeCheck()
            string  newName     = GUILayout.TextField(m_Target.States[index].Name, GUILayout.Width(120));
            Vector3 newPosition = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("", m_Target.States[index].Position);

            //If a variable was modified, EndChangeCheck() returns true so we can do neccessary behaviour like storing the changes
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                //Create an Undo/Redo step for this modification
                Undo.RecordObject(m_Target, "Modify State");

                m_Target.States[index].Name     = newName;
                m_Target.States[index].Position = newPosition;

                //Whenever you modify a component variable directly without using serializedObject you need to tell
                //Unity that this component has changed so the values are saved next time the user saves the project.


            if (GUILayout.Button("Remove"))

                //DisplayDialog is a very useful method to create a simple popup check. You can use this to simply display information to the user
                //that something has changed which the user has to confirm by clicking OK, or you can even ask simple Yes, No questions to,
                //like in this example, ask if the user really wants to delete something
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Really?", "Do you really want to remove the state '" + m_Target.States[index].Name + "'?", "Yes", "No") == true)
                    Undo.RecordObject(m_Target, "Delete State");