public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty <TextEditingController>("controller", this.controller, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <FocusNode>("focusNode", this.focusNode, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <bool?>("enabled", this.enabled, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <InputDecoration>("decoration", this.decoration, defaultValue: new InputDecoration())); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <TextInputType>("keyboardType", this.keyboardType, defaultValue: TextInputType.text)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <TextStyle>("style",, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <bool>("autofocus", this.autofocus, defaultValue: false)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <bool>("obscureText", this.obscureText, defaultValue: false)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <bool>("autocorrect", this.autocorrect, defaultValue: true)); properties.add(new IntProperty("maxLines", this.maxLines, defaultValue: 1)); properties.add(new IntProperty("maxLength", this.maxLength, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new FlagProperty("maxLengthEnforced", value: this.maxLengthEnforced, defaultValue: true, ifFalse: "maxLength not enforced")); properties.add(new EnumProperty <TextInputAction?>("textInputAction", this.textInputAction, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new EnumProperty <TextCapitalization>("textCapitalization", this.textCapitalization, defaultValue: TextCapitalization.none)); properties.add(new EnumProperty <TextAlign>("textAlign", this.textAlign, defaultValue: TextAlign.left)); properties.add(new EnumProperty <TextDirection>("textDirection", this.textDirection, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new FloatProperty("cursorWidth", this.cursorWidth, defaultValue: 2.0)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <Radius>("cursorRadius", this.cursorRadius, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <Color>("cursorColor", this.cursorColor, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <Brightness?>("keyboardAppearance", this.keyboardAppearance, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty <EdgeInsets>("scrollPadding", this.scrollPadding, defaultValue: EdgeInsets.all(20.0f))); properties.add(new FlagProperty("selectionEnabled", value: this.selectionEnabled, defaultValue: true, ifFalse: "selection disabled")); }
public override Widget buildToolbar( BuildContext context, Rect globalEditableRegion, float textLineHeight, Offset position, List <TextSelectionPoint> endpoints, TextSelectionDelegate _delegate ) { D.assert(WidgetsD.debugCheckHasMediaQuery(context)); MediaQueryData mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context); float toolbarHeightNeeded = + CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarScreenPadding + CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarHeight + CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarContentDistance; float availableHeight = + endpoints.first().point.dy - textLineHeight; bool isArrowPointingDown = toolbarHeightNeeded <= availableHeight; float arrowTipX = (position.dx + globalEditableRegion.left).clamp( CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kArrowScreenPadding + mediaQuery.padding.left, mediaQuery.size.width - mediaQuery.padding.right - CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kArrowScreenPadding ); float localBarTopY = isArrowPointingDown ? endpoints.first().point.dy - textLineHeight - CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarContentDistance - CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarHeight : endpoints.last().point.dy + CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarContentDistance; List <Widget> items = new List <Widget> { }; Widget onePhysicalPixelVerticalDivider = new SizedBox(width: 1.0f / MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio); CupertinoLocalizations localizations = CupertinoLocalizations.of(context); EdgeInsets arrowPadding = isArrowPointingDown ? EdgeInsets.only(bottom: CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarArrowSize.height) : EdgeInsets.only(top: CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarArrowSize.height); void addToolbarButtonIfNeeded( string text, Predicate predicate, OnPressed onPressed) { if (!predicate(_delegate)) { return; } if (items.isNotEmpty()) { items.Add(onePhysicalPixelVerticalDivider); } items.Add(new CupertinoButton( child: new Text(text, style: CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarButtonFontStyle), color: CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarBackgroundColor, minSize: CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarHeight, padding: CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarButtonPadding.add(arrowPadding), borderRadius: null, pressedOpacity: 0.7f, onPressed: () => onPressed(_delegate) )); } addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(localizations.cutButtonLabel, canCut, handleCut); addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(localizations.copyButtonLabel, canCopy, handleCopy); addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(localizations.pasteButtonLabel, canPaste, handlePaste); addToolbarButtonIfNeeded(localizations.selectAllButtonLabel, canSelectAll, handleSelectAll); return(new CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar( barTopY: localBarTopY +, arrowTipX: arrowTipX, isArrowPointingDown: isArrowPointingDown, child: items.isEmpty() ? null : new DecoratedBox( decoration: new BoxDecoration(color: CupertinoTextSelectionUtils._kToolbarDividerColor), child: new Row(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: items) ) )); }
public CustomSegmentedControl( List <object> items, List <Widget> children, ValueChanged <int> onValueChanged = null, int currentIndex = 0, float headerHeight = 44, Widget trailing = null, Decoration headerDecoration = null, Decoration indicator = null, EdgeInsets headerPadding = null, EdgeInsets labelPadding = null, float?indicatorWidth = null, Color unselectedColor = null, Color selectedColor = null, TextStyle unselectedTextStyle = null, TextStyle selectedTextStyle = null, CustomTabController controller = null, ScrollPhysics physics = null, ValueChanged <int> onTap = null, Key key = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(items != null); D.assert(items.Count >= 2); D.assert(children != null); D.assert(children.Count >= 2); D.assert(children.Count == items.Count); D.assert(currentIndex < children.Count); this.items = items; this.children = children; this.onValueChanged = onValueChanged; this.unselectedColor = unselectedColor ?? CColors.TextBody4; this.selectedColor = selectedColor ?? CColors.TextTitle; this.currentIndex = currentIndex; this.headerHeight = headerHeight; this.trailing = trailing; this.headerDecoration = headerDecoration ?? new BoxDecoration( color: CColors.White, border: new Border(bottom: new BorderSide(color: CColors.Separator2)) ); this.indicator = indicator ?? new CustomGradientsTabIndicator( insets:, height: 8, gradient: new LinearGradient( begin: Alignment.centerLeft, end: Alignment.centerRight, new List <Color> { new Color(0xFFB1E0FF), new Color(0xFF6EC6FF) } ) ); this.headerPadding = headerPadding ?? EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 10); this.labelPadding = labelPadding ?? EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16); this.indicatorWidth = indicatorWidth; this.unselectedTextStyle = unselectedTextStyle ?? new TextStyle( fontSize: 16, fontFamily: "Roboto-Regular", color: this.unselectedColor ); this.selectedTextStyle = selectedTextStyle ?? new TextStyle( fontSize: 16, fontFamily: "Roboto-Medium", color: this.unselectedColor ); this.controller = controller; this.physics = physics; this.onTap = onTap; }
public static Widget SettingHSVColorPicker( BuildContext context, string title, ValueChanged <Color> onColorChanged, Color color = null, string buttonName = "", bool enableAlpha = false, bool showPreviousColor = false ) { if (color == null) { color = Colors.blueAccent; } if (buttonName == "") { buttonName = color.ToHexString(enableAlpha); } return(new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 6f), child: new Row( children: new List <Widget> { new Container(child: new Text(title)), new Expanded( child: new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(6), alignment: Alignment.bottomRight, child: new RaisedButton( color: color, child: new Text( buttonName, style: new TextStyle( color: Utils.useWhiteForeground(color) ? Colors.white : ) //TextStyle ), //Text onPressed: () => { DialogUtils.showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext _) => { if (showPreviousColor) { return new AlertDialog( titlePadding: EdgeInsets.all(0), contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(0f), shape: new RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(25) ), //RoundedRectangleBorder content: new SingleChildScrollView( child: new SlidePicker( pickerColor: color, onColorChanged: onColorChanged, paletteType: PaletteType.hsv, enableAlpha: enableAlpha, displayThumbColor: true, showLabel: false, showIndicator: true, indicatorBorderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(top: Radius.circular(25)) ) //SlidePicker ) //SingleChildScrollView ); //AlertDialog } else { return new AlertDialog( titlePadding: EdgeInsets.all(0f), contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(0f), content: new SingleChildScrollView( child: new ColorPicker( pickerColor: color, onColorChanged: onColorChanged, colorPickerWidth: 300f, pickerAreaHeightPercent: 0.7f, enableAlpha: enableAlpha, displayThumbColor: true, showLabel: true, paletteType: PaletteType.hsv, pickerAreaBorderRadius: BorderRadius.only( topLeft: Radius.circular(2f), topRight: Radius.circular(2f) ) //BorderRadius ) //ColorPicker ) //SingleChildScrollView ); //AlertDialog } } ); } ) ) //container ), //expanded } //list ) //row )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { var mediaQueryData = MediaQuery.of(context); return(new Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: new List <Widget> { new Container( color: CColors.White, width: mediaQueryData.size.width, height: this.projectType == ProjectType.article ? 319 : 211 + mediaQueryData.padding.bottom, child: new Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Container( height: 54, padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 16, left: 16), child: new Text("分享至", style: CTextStyle.PRegularBody4) ), new Container( height: 108, padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 16), decoration: new BoxDecoration( border: new Border( new BorderSide(CColors.Separator2), bottom: new BorderSide(CColors.Separator2) ) ), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: this._buildShareItems() ) ), this.projectType == ProjectType.article ? new Container( height: 108, padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 16), decoration: new BoxDecoration( border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide(CColors.Separator2) ) ), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: this._buildOtherItems() ) ) : new Container(), new GestureDetector( onTap: () => { if (Router.navigator.canPop()) { Router.navigator.pop(); } }, child: new Container( height: 49, color: CColors.Transparent, alignment:, child: new Text("取消", style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody) ) ), new Container( height: mediaQueryData.padding.bottom ) } ) ) } )); }
public List <Widget> BuildNavigations() { var navigations = new List <Widget> { new SliverToBoxAdapter( child: CreateChannelsListHeader() ), }; if (Window.socketConnected) { if (widget.channels.Count > 0) { var sortedChannels = widget.channels.Values.ToList(); sortedChannels.Sort((c1, c2) => { if (!c1.stickTime.IsNullOrEmpty() && c2.stickTime.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(-1); } if (c1.stickTime.IsNullOrEmpty() && !c2.stickTime.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(1); } var d2 = ExtractTimeFromSnowflakeId(c2.lastMessage?.id ??; var d1 = ExtractTimeFromSnowflakeId(c1.lastMessage?.id ??; return(d2.CompareTo(d1)); }); navigations.Add( new SliverList( del: new SliverChildBuilderDelegate( builder: (buildContext, index) => new LobbyChannelCard( sortedChannels[index], widget.users, widget.readStates, SelectedChannelId == sortedChannels[index].id ), childCount: widget.channels.Count ) ) ); } else { navigations.Add( new SliverToBoxAdapter( child: new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 16, right: 16, top: 32), child: new Text( "你还没有加入任何群聊,快加入感兴趣的群聊频道和大家一起讨论吧!", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 14, color: new Color(0xff797979), fontFamily: "PingFang" ) ) ) ) ); } if (widget.discoverChannels.Count > 0) { navigations.Add( new SliverToBoxAdapter( child: new Container( height: 82, decoration: new BoxDecoration( border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide( color: new Color(0xffd8d8d8), width: 1 ) ) ), padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 16, right: 16, bottom: 8), alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: new Container( height: 24, alignment:, child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: new List <Widget> { new Text( "发现群聊", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: new Color(0xff000000), fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, fontFamily: "PingFang" ) ), new GestureDetector( onTap: () => Select(string.Empty, true), child: new Container( color: new Color(0x00000000), child: new Text( "查看全部", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: new Color(0xff2196f3), fontFamily: "PingFang" ) ) ) ) } ) ) ) ) ); navigations.Add( new SliverList( del: new SliverChildBuilderDelegate( builder: (buildContext, index) => new DiscoverChannelCard( widget.discoverChannels[index], widget.channels ), childCount: widget.discoverChannels.Count ) ) ); } } else { navigations.Add( new SliverToBoxAdapter( child: new Container( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - 64, alignment:, child: new Loading(size: 64) ) ) ); } return(navigations); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { var stacked = new List <Widget> { new Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, children: new List <Widget> { new Expanded( child: new Container( alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 24, bottom: 2), child: new EditableText( globalKeyEventHandler: GlobalKeyEventHandler, controller: m_TextEditingController, focusNode: widget.focusNode, style: new TextStyle( color: new Color(0xff000000), fontSize: 16, height: 28 / 22.4f, fontFamily: "PingFang" ), selectionColor: new Color(0xff2199f4), cursorColor: new Color(0xa0000000), minLines: 1, maxLines: 8, onSubmitted: OnSubmitted, backgroundCursorColor: new Color(0xffffffff) ) ) ), new GestureDetector( onTap: () => { var filePath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanelWithFilters( "", "", EmptyFilters); if (filePath != null && filePath.isNotEmpty()) { var rootState = HomePage.of(context); var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); var fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath); var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName); var nonce = CreateNonce(); var mimeType = GetMimeType(ext); var form = new List <IMultipartFormSection> { new MultipartFormDataSection("channel", rootState.SelectedChannelId), new MultipartFormDataSection("nonce", nonce), new MultipartFormDataSection("size", $"{bytes.Length}"), new MultipartFormFileSection("file", bytes, fileName, mimeType) }; PostForm <Models.Message>( $"/api/channels/{rootState.SelectedChannelId}/messages/attachments", form, message => { }, out var progress ); Window.NewMessages.ForEach(msg => Window.Messages[msg.channelId].Insert(0, msg)); Window.NewMessages.Clear(); setState(); SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(value => { ChattingWindow.currentState?.m_ScrollController.animateTo( 0, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 480), Curves.easeInOut ); }); var attachment = new Attachment { local = true, url = filePath, contentType = mimeType, progress = progress, filename = fileName, size = bytes.Length, }; if (mimeType.StartsWith("image/")) { var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1); texture.LoadImage(bytes); attachment.width = texture.width; attachment.height = texture.height; } rootState.InsertMessage( rootState.SelectedChannelId, new Models.Message { channelId = rootState.SelectedChannelId, content = string.Empty, nonce = nonce, embeds = new List <Embed>(), attachments = new List <Attachment> { attachment, }, author = widget.users[Window.currentUserId], } ); } }, child: new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only( right: 24, left: 16 ), child: new Icon( IconFont.IconFontSendPic, size: 28, color: new Color(0xff979a9e) ) ) ), }
Widget _buildFollowButton(Following following) { var user = new User(); if (following.type == "user") { user = this.widget.viewModel.userDict[key : following.followeeId]; } var team = new Team(); if (following.type == "team") { team = this.widget.viewModel.teamDict[key : following.followeeId]; } return(new GestureDetector( onTap: () => { if (following.type == "user") { this.widget.actionModel.pushToUserDetail(obj:; } if (following.type == "team") { this.widget.actionModel.pushToTeamDetail(obj:; } }, child: new Container( width: this.cardWidth, child: new Column( children: new List <Widget> { new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 4), child: following.type == "user" ? Avatar.User( user: user, size: this.avatarSize ) : Avatar.Team( team: team, size: this.avatarSize, avatarShape: ) ), new Container( child: new Text( following.type == "user" ? user.fullName ?? :, style: CTextStyle.PRegularBody, textAlign:, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis ) ) } ) ) )); }
Widget _buildArticleList(BuildContext context) { Widget content; var recommendArticleIds = this.widget.viewModel.recommendArticleIds; if (!this._hasBeenLoadedData || this.widget.viewModel.articlesLoading && recommendArticleIds.isEmpty()) { content = ListView.builder( physics: new NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(), itemCount: 6, itemBuilder: (cxt, index) => new ArticleLoading() ); } else if (recommendArticleIds.isEmpty()) { content = new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: CConstant.TabBarHeight + CCommonUtils.getSafeAreaBottomPadding(context: context)), child: new BlankView( "哎呀,暂无推荐文章", "image/default-article", true, () => { this.widget.actionModel.startFetchArticles(); this.widget.actionModel.fetchArticles(arg1: this.widget.viewModel.currentUserId, arg2: initOffset); } ) ); } else { var items = this._buildItems(recommendArticleIds); var enablePullUp = this.widget.viewModel.hottestHasMore; content = new CustomListView( controller: this._refreshController, enablePullDown: true, enablePullUp: enablePullUp, onRefresh: this._onRefresh, hasBottomMargin: true, itemCount: items.Count, itemBuilder: (cxt, index) => items[index], headerWidget: new Column( children: new List <Widget> { this._buildSwiper(), new KingKongView( leaderBoardUpdatedTime: this.widget.viewModel.leaderBoardUpdatedTime, type => { if (type == KingKongType.dailyCollection) { var articleId = this.widget.viewModel.dailySelectionId; this.widget.actionModel.pushToArticleDetail(obj: articleId); } if (type == KingKongType.leaderBoard) { this.widget.actionModel.pushToLeaderBoard(); } if (type == KingKongType.activity) { this.widget.actionModel.pushToHomeEvent(); } if (type == KingKongType.blogger) { this.widget.actionModel.pushToBlogger(); } } ) } ), footerWidget: enablePullUp?null: new EndView(hasBottomMargin: true), hasScrollBar: false ); } return(new CustomScrollbar(child: content)); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(WidgetsD.debugCheckHasDirectionality(context)); D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context); List <Widget> children = new List <Widget> { }; if (this.widget.accountName != null) { Widget accountNameLine = new LayoutId( id: _AccountDetailsLayout.accountName, child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 2.0f), child: new DefaultTextStyle( style: theme.primaryTextTheme.body2, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, child: this.widget.accountName ) ) ); children.Add(accountNameLine); } if (this.widget.accountEmail != null) { Widget accountEmailLine = new LayoutId( id: _AccountDetailsLayout.accountEmail, child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 2.0f), child: new DefaultTextStyle( style: theme.primaryTextTheme.body1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, child: this.widget.accountEmail ) ) ); children.Add(accountEmailLine); } if (this.widget.onTap != null) { MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context); Widget dropDownIcon = new LayoutId( id: _AccountDetailsLayout.dropdownIcon, child: new SizedBox( height: UserAccountsDrawerHeaderUtils._kAccountDetailsHeight, width: UserAccountsDrawerHeaderUtils._kAccountDetailsHeight, child: new Center( child: Transform.rotate( degree: this._animation.value * Mathf.PI, child: new Icon( Icons.arrow_drop_down, color: Colors.white ) ) ) ) ); children.Add(dropDownIcon); } Widget accountDetails = new CustomMultiChildLayout( layoutDelegate: new _AccountDetailsLayout(), children: children ); if (this.widget.onTap != null) { accountDetails = new InkWell( onTap: this.widget.onTap == null ? (GestureTapCallback)null : () => { this.widget.onTap(); }, child: accountDetails ); } return(new SizedBox( height: UserAccountsDrawerHeaderUtils._kAccountDetailsHeight, child: accountDetails )); }
Widget _buildFollowingList() { var followings = this.widget.viewModel.followings; if (followings.isEmpty()) { return(new Container()); } var followButtons = new List <Widget>(); if (followings.Count > 5) { followings = followings.GetRange(0, 5); } for (int i = 0; i < followings.Count; i++) { var following = followings[index : i]; var followButton = this._buildFollowButton(following: following); followButtons.Add(item: followButton); if (i < followings.Count - 1) { followButtons.Add(new Container(width: 10)); } } return(new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 16), decoration: new BoxDecoration( color: CColors.White, border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide( color: CColors.Background, 8 ) ) ), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(16, 0, 0, 12), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: new List <Widget> { new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 16), child: new Text( "最近关注", style: CTextStyle.PMediumBody2 ) ), new GestureDetector( onTap: () => this.widget.actionModel.pushToUserFollowing( obj: this.widget.viewModel.currentUserId), child: new Container( color: CColors.Transparent, child: new Row( children: new List <Widget> { new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(16, 18), child: new Text( "查看全部", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 12, fontFamily: "Roboto-Regular", color: CColors.TextBody4 ) ) ), new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 16, right: 8), child: new Icon( icon: Icons.chevron_right, size: 20, color: Color.fromRGBO(199, 203, 207, 1) ) ) } ) ) ) } ) ), new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 18), child: new Row( children: followButtons ) ) } ) )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterial(context)); ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context); ListTileTheme tileTheme = ListTileTheme.of(context); IconThemeData iconThemeData = null; if (this.leading != null || this.trailing != null) { iconThemeData = new IconThemeData(color: this._iconColor(theme, tileTheme)); } Widget leadingIcon = null; if (this.leading != null) { leadingIcon = IconTheme.merge( data: iconThemeData, child: this.leading); } TextStyle titleStyle = this._titleTextStyle(theme, tileTheme); Widget titleText = new AnimatedDefaultTextStyle( style: titleStyle, duration: Constants.kThemeChangeDuration, child: this.title ?? new SizedBox() ); Widget subtitleText = null; TextStyle subtitleStyle = null; if (this.subtitle != null) { subtitleStyle = this._subtitleTextStyle(theme, tileTheme); subtitleText = new AnimatedDefaultTextStyle( style: subtitleStyle, duration: Constants.kThemeChangeDuration, child: this.subtitle); } Widget trailingIcon = null; if (this.trailing != null) { trailingIcon = IconTheme.merge( data: iconThemeData, child: this.trailing); } EdgeInsets _defaultContentPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0f); EdgeInsets resolvedContentPadding = this.contentPadding ?? tileTheme?.contentPadding ?? _defaultContentPadding; return(new InkWell( onTap: this.enabled ? this.onTap : null, onLongPress: this.enabled ? this.onLongPress : null, child: new SafeArea( top: false, bottom: false, mininum: resolvedContentPadding, child: new _ListTile( leading: leadingIcon, title: titleText, subtitle: subtitleText, trailing: trailingIcon, isDense: this._isDenseLayout(tileTheme), isThreeLine: this.isThreeLine, titleBaselineType: titleStyle.textBaseline, subtitleBaselineType: subtitleStyle?.textBaseline ) ) )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext buildContext) { var container = new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 64f, top: 32, bottom: 32f), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Text( "欢迎使用 Unity Scripting Reference(脚本手册)!", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 36, height: 1.16666666667f.LineHeight(), color: new Color(0xff212121) ) ), new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 36), child: new RichText( text: new TextSpan( children: new List <TextSpan> { new TextSpan( "文档的这部分包含 Unity 提供的脚本 API 的详细信息。要使用这些信息,您应该了解 Unity 中脚本编写的基本理论和实践。我们使用手册的"), new TextSpan( " Scripting(脚本)部分", style: EntranceLinkTextStyle, recognizer: _scriptingSectionRecognizer ), new TextSpan("对此进行了解释。") }, style: EntranceNormalTextStyle ) ) ), new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 24), child: new Text( "脚本引用文档是根据脚本可用的类建立的,同时会描述这些类的方法、属性以及任何与它们的用法相关的信息。", style: EntranceNormalTextStyle ) ), new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 24), child: new RichText( text: new TextSpan( children: new List <TextSpan> { new TextSpan( "这些页面配有大量的示例代码,您可以将这些示例代码用于任何目的,而无需说明源自 Unity。此外,您可以使用每个页面顶部的菜单以 "), new TextSpan( "C#", style: EntranceBoldTextStyle ), new TextSpan(" 或 "), new TextSpan( "JavaScript", style: EntranceBoldTextStyle ), new TextSpan(" 查看示例代码。请注意,无论使用哪种编程语言,API 都是相同的,所以编程语言的选择完全取决于您的喜好。") }, style: EntranceNormalTextStyle ) ) ), new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 24), child: new RichText( text: new TextSpan( children: new List <TextSpan> { new TextSpan("API 按其所属的 namespace 进行分组,可以从左侧的侧栏中选择。对于大多数用户,"), new TextSpan("UnityEngine"), new TextSpan("部分将是主要的调用端口。") }, style: EntranceNormalTextStyle ) ) ), } ) ); return(new Scroller( child: new SingleChildScrollView( child: new ScrollableOverlay( child: new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 48f), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, children: new List <Widget> { new Container( constraints: new BoxConstraints( minHeight: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - Header.Height - SearchBar.Height - Footer.Height), child: container ), new Footer(style: Footer.Light, showSocials: false) } ) ) ) ) )); }
Widget _buildInputField() { var imageName = $"{CImageUtils.FavoriteCoverImagePath}/{this._favoriteImageName}"; return(new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(16), color: CColors.White, child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Row( children: new List <Widget> { new FavoriteTagCoverImage( coverImage: imageName, new Color(value: this._favoriteImageColor), margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 16) ), new Expanded( child: new InputField( focusNode: this._nameFocusNode, height: 48, controller: this._nameController, maxLength: _nameMaxLength, style: new TextStyle( height: 1.2f, fontSize: 18, fontFamily: "Roboto-Medium", color: CColors.TextBody2 ), hintText: "收藏夹标题", hintStyle: new TextStyle( fontSize: 18, fontFamily: "Roboto-Medium", color: CColors.TextBody4 ), cursorColor: CColors.PrimaryBlue, clearButtonMode: InputFieldClearButtonMode.never, onChanged: text => { this.setState(() => this._favoriteName = text); this._setEnableSubmit(); } ) ), new Text( $"{_nameMaxLength - this._favoriteName.Length}", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 12, fontFamily: "Roboto-Regular", color: CColors.ShadyLady ) ) } ), new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 16), child: new Stack( children: new List <Widget> { new InputField( focusNode: this._descriptionFocusNode, height: 120, controller: this._descriptionController, maxLength: _descriptionMaxLength, maxLines: null, alignment: Alignment.topLeft, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2, hintText: "描述一下这个收藏夹…", hintStyle: CTextStyle.PLargeBody4, cursorColor: CColors.PrimaryBlue, clearButtonMode: InputFieldClearButtonMode.never, onChanged: text => { this.setState(() => this._favoriteDescription = text); this._setEnableSubmit(); } ), new Positioned( right: 0, bottom: 0, child: new Text( $"{_descriptionMaxLength - this._favoriteDescription.Length}", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 12, fontFamily: "Roboto-Regular", color: CColors.ShadyLady ) ) ) } ) ) } ) )); }
Widget _buildChatBar(bool showChatWindow) { IconData iconData; Widget bottomWidget; if (showChatWindow) { iconData = Icons.expand_more; bottomWidget = new Container(); } else { iconData = Icons.expand_less; bottomWidget = new Text( "轻点展开聊天", style: CTextStyle.PSmallBody4 ); } return(new GestureDetector( onTap: () => { this._focusNode.unfocus(); if (!showChatWindow) { this._controller.forward(); } else { this._controller.reverse(); } this.widget.actionModel.showChatWindow(!this.widget.viewModel.showChatWindow); }, child: new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), color: CColors.White, height: showChatWindow ? 44 : 64, child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: new List <Widget> { new Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Row( children: new List <Widget> { new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 6), width: 6, height: 6, decoration: new BoxDecoration( CColors.SecondaryPink, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(3) ) ), new Text( "直播聊天", style: new TextStyle( height: 1.09f, fontSize: 16, fontFamily: "Roboto-Medium", color: CColors.TextBody ) ) } ), bottomWidget } ), new Icon( iconData, color: CColors.BrownGrey, size: 28 ) } ) ) )); }
Widget _buildSwiper() { var homeSliderIds = this.widget.viewModel.homeSliderIds; if (homeSliderIds.isNullOrEmpty()) { return(new Container()); } Widget swiperContent; if (homeSliderIds.Count == 1) { var homeSliderId = homeSliderIds[0]; var imageUrl = this.widget.viewModel.rankDict.ContainsKey(key: homeSliderId) ? this.widget.viewModel.rankDict[key : homeSliderId].image : ""; swiperContent = new GestureDetector( onTap: () => { var redirectURL = this.widget.viewModel.rankDict.ContainsKey(key: homeSliderId) ? this.widget.viewModel.rankDict[key: homeSliderId].redirectURL : ""; if (redirectURL.isNotEmpty()) { this.widget.actionModel.openUrl(obj: redirectURL); } }, child: new PlaceholderImage( imageUrl: imageUrl, fit: BoxFit.fill, useCachedNetworkImage: true, color: CColorUtils.GetSpecificDarkColorFromId(id: homeSliderId) ) ); } else { swiperContent = new Swiper( (cxt, index) => { var homeSliderId = homeSliderIds[index: index]; var imageUrl = this.widget.viewModel.rankDict.ContainsKey(key: homeSliderId) ? this.widget.viewModel.rankDict[key: homeSliderId].image : ""; return(new PlaceholderImage( CImageUtils.SizeToScreenImageUrl(imageUrl: imageUrl), fit: BoxFit.fill, useCachedNetworkImage: true, color: CColorUtils.GetSpecificDarkColorFromId(id: homeSliderId) )); }, itemCount: homeSliderIds.Count, autoplay: true, onTap: index => { var homeSliderId = homeSliderIds[index: index]; var redirectURL = this.widget.viewModel.rankDict.ContainsKey(key: homeSliderId) ? this.widget.viewModel.rankDict[key: homeSliderId].redirectURL : ""; if (redirectURL.isNotEmpty()) { this.widget.actionModel.openUrl(obj: redirectURL); } }, pagination: new SwiperPagination(margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 5)) ); } return(new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 8, left: 16, right: 16), decoration: new BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(8), color: CColors.White ), child: new AspectRatio( aspectRatio: 3, child: new ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(8), child: swiperContent ) ) )); }
Widget _buildChatList() { Widget child = new Container(); if (this.widget.viewModel.messageLoading) { child = new GlobalLoading(); } else { if (this.widget.viewModel.messageList.Count <= 0) { child = new BlankView("暂无聊天内容", null); } else { child = new SmartRefresher( controller: this._refreshController, enablePullDown: this.widget.viewModel.hasMore, enablePullUp: false, onRefresh: this._onRefresh, child: ListView.builder( padding: EdgeInsets.only(16, right: 16, bottom: 10), physics: new AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics(), itemCount: this.widget.viewModel.messageList.Count, itemBuilder: (cxt, index) => { var messageId = this.widget.viewModel.messageList[ this.widget.viewModel.messageList.Count - index - 1]; var messageDict = new Dictionary <string, Message>(); if (this.widget.viewModel.channelMessageDict.ContainsKey( this.widget.viewModel.channelId)) { messageDict = this.widget.viewModel.channelMessageDict[this.widget.viewModel.channelId]; } var message = new Message(); if (messageDict.ContainsKey(messageId)) { message = messageDict[messageId]; } return(new ChatMessage( message )); } ) ); } } return(new Flexible( child: new GestureDetector( onTap: () => this._focusNode.unfocus(), child: new Container( color: CColors.White, child: child ) ) )); }
Widget _buildTopView() { Widget leftWidget; switch (this.widget.viewModel.fromPage) { case FromPage.login: { leftWidget = new CustomButton( onPressed: () => this.widget.actionModel.loginRouterPop(), child: new Icon( icon: Icons.arrow_back, size: 24, color: CColors.Icon ) ); break; } case FromPage.wechat: { leftWidget = new CustomButton( onPressed: () => this.widget.actionModel.mainRouterPop(), child: new Text( "跳过", style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody4 ) ); break; } case FromPage.setting: { leftWidget = new CustomButton( onPressed: () => this.widget.actionModel.mainRouterPop(), child: new Icon( icon: Icons.arrow_back, size: 24, color: CColors.Icon ) ); break; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return(new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Container( height: 44, padding: EdgeInsets.only(8, 8, 8), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: new List <Widget> { leftWidget, new CustomButton( onPressed: () => this.widget.actionModel.openCreateUnityIdUrl(), child: new Text( "创建 Unity ID", style: CTextStyle.PLargeMediumBlue ) ) } ) ), new Container(height: 16), new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), child: new Text( this.widget.viewModel.fromPage == FromPage.login ? "登录你的Unity账号" : "绑定你的Unity账号", style: CTextStyle.H2 ) ) } )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { var screenSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size; var screenWidth = screenSize.width; var screenHeight = screenSize.height; var headerChildren = new List <Widget> { new Expanded( child: new Text( $"{channel?.name ?? string.Empty}", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: new Color(0xff212121), fontFamily: "PingFang" ) ) ), }; headerChildren.Add( new GestureDetector( onTap: () => { if (screenWidth < 750) { m_AnimationController.reverse(); } else { HomePage.of(this.context).HideChannelInfo(); } }, child: new Icon( IconFont.IconFontClose, color: new Color(0xff979a9e), size: 28 ) ) ); var children = new List <Widget> { }; if (channel == null) { children.Add( new Loading(size: 56) ); } else { children.Add( CreateLobbyIcon( channel.thumbnail, size: 184, radius: 4 ) ); children.Add( new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 32), child: new Text(, style: new TextStyle( color: new Color(0xff000000), fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold ) ) ) ); children.Add( new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 8), child: new Text( $"{channel.memberCount}成员", style: new TextStyle( color: new Color(0xff797979), fontSize: 14 ) ) ) ); var topic = channel.topic; if (!channel.groupId.IsNullOrEmpty() && group != null) { topic = group.description; } children.Add( new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 32), child: new Text( topic, style: new TextStyle( color: new Color(0xff000000), fontSize: 14 ) ) ) ); var buttonChildren = new List <Widget>(); if (m_Joining) { buttonChildren.Add( new Text( "加入群聊", style: new TextStyle( color: new Color(0x00000000), fontSize: 18, fontFamily: "PingFang" ) ) ); buttonChildren.Add( new Loading( size: 24 ) ); } else { buttonChildren.Add( new Text( "加入群聊", style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 18, color: new Color(0xff2196f3), fontFamily: "PingFang" ) ) ); } children.Add( new GestureDetector( onTap: () => { if (m_Joining) { return; } setState(() => m_Joining = true); var requestUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel.groupId) ? $"/api/connectapp/v1/channels/{}/join" : $"/api/connectapp/v1/groups/{channel.groupId}/join"; Utils.Post <JoinChannelResponse>( requestUrl, "{}" ).Then(response => { using (WindowProvider.of(context).getScope()) { if (mounted) { var state = HomePage.of(context); var responseChannel =; state.AddChannel(responseChannel); state.Select(; state.Ack(; setState(() => m_Joining = false); } } }); }, child: new Container( height: 56, width: 234, margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 48), decoration: new BoxDecoration( color: new Color(0xffffffff), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(6), border: Border.all( color: new Color(0xff2196f3) ) ), alignment:, child: new Stack( alignment:, children: buttonChildren ) ) ) ); } Widget all = new Container( color: new Color(0xffffffff), child: new Scroller( child: new SingleChildScrollView( child: new Column( children: new List <Widget> { new Container( height: 64, decoration: new BoxDecoration( border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide( color: new Color(0xffd8d8d8) ) ) ), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24), alignment:, child: new Row( crossAxisAlignment:, children: headerChildren ) ), new Container( constraints: new BoxConstraints( minHeight: screenHeight - 64 ), width: screenWidth < 750 ? (float?)null : 450, margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24), alignment:, child: new Column( children: children ) ), } ) ) ) ); var stacked = new List <Widget> { all }; all = new Stack( children: stacked ); if (screenWidth < 750) { all = Transform.translate( offset: new Offset(0, (1 - m_AnimationController.value) * screenHeight), child: all ); } return(all); }
Widget _buildMiddleView(BuildContext context) { return(new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Container(height: 32), new Container( child: new Text( "邮箱", style: CTextStyle.PMediumBody4 ) ), new Container( height: 46, decoration: new BoxDecoration( CColors.Transparent, border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide( this._isEmailFocus ? CColors.PrimaryBlue : CColors.Separator, this._isEmailFocus ? 2 : 1 ) ) ), alignment:, child: new InputField( focusNode: this._emailFocusNode, maxLines: 1, autofocus: true, enabled: !this.widget.viewModel.loginLoading, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody, cursorColor: CColors.PrimaryBlue, clearButtonMode: InputFieldClearButtonMode.whileEditing, keyboardType: TextInputType.emailAddress, onChanged: text => this.widget.actionModel.changeEmail(text), onSubmitted: _ => { if (null == this._focusScopeNode) { this._focusScopeNode = FocusScope.of(context); } this._focusScopeNode.requestFocus(this._passwordFocusNode); } ) ), new Container(height: 16), new Container( child: new Text( "密码", style: CTextStyle.PMediumBody4 ) ), new Container( height: 46, decoration: new BoxDecoration( CColors.Transparent, border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide( this._isPasswordFocus ? CColors.PrimaryBlue : CColors.Separator, this._isPasswordFocus ? 2 : 1 ) ) ), alignment:, child: new InputField( focusNode: this._passwordFocusNode, maxLines: 1, autofocus: false, obscureText: true, enabled: !this.widget.viewModel.loginLoading, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody, cursorColor: CColors.PrimaryBlue, clearButtonMode: InputFieldClearButtonMode.whileEditing, onChanged: text => this.widget.actionModel.changePassword(text), onSubmitted: _ => this._login() ) ) } ) )); }
public static Widget SettingValueUpDownButton(string title, string value, VoidCallback upPressed = null, VoidCallback downPressed = null, string upButtonText = "+", string downButtontext = "-") { return(new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 6f), child: new Row( children: new List <Widget> { new Container( child: new Text(title) ), new Expanded( child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: Unity.UIWidgets.rendering.MainAxisAlignment.end, children: new List <Widget> { new Container( width: 40, child: new RaisedButton( padding:, child: new Text(downButtontext), color: Colors.white, shape: new CircleBorder( side: new BorderSide( color: Colors.grey, width: 1, style: BorderStyle.solid ) //BorderSide ), //CircleBorder onPressed: () => { downPressed?.Invoke(); } ) ), //RaisedButton new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16f), alignment:, child: new Text(value.ToString()) ), new Container( width: 40, child: new RaisedButton( padding:, child: new Text(upButtonText), color: Colors.white, shape: new CircleBorder( side: new BorderSide( color: Colors.grey, width: 1, style: BorderStyle.solid ) //BorderSide ), //CircleBorder onPressed: () => { upPressed?.Invoke(); } ) //RaisedButton ) //Container } ) //Container ) //Expand } //list ) //row )); }
Widget _buildBottomView() { Widget right; if (this.widget.viewModel.loginLoading) { right = new CustomActivityIndicator( loadingColor: LoadingColor.white, size: LoadingSize.small ); } else { right = new Container(); } return(new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Container(height: 32), new CustomButton( onPressed: this._login, padding:, child: new Container( height: 48, decoration: new BoxDecoration(this.widget.viewModel.loginBtnEnable ? this.widget.viewModel.loginLoading ? CColors.ButtonActive : CColors.PrimaryBlue : CColors.Disable, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(24) ), child: new Stack( children: new List <Widget> { new Align( alignment:, child: new Text( "确定", maxLines: 1, style: CTextStyle.PLargeWhite ) ), new Positioned( right: 24, height: 48, child: right ) } ) ) ), new Container(height: 8), new CustomButton( onPressed: () => this.widget.actionModel.openUrl($"{Config.idBaseUrl}/password/new"), child: new Text( "忘记密码", style: CTextStyle.PRegularBody3 ) ) } ) )); }
public static Widget SettingBlockColorPicker( BuildContext context, string title, ValueChanged <Color> onColorChanged, Color color = null, string buttonName = "", List <Color> availableColors = null ) { if (color == null) { color = Colors.blueAccent; } if (buttonName == "") { buttonName = color.ToHexString(false); } if (availableColors == null) { availableColors = Utils._defaultColors; } return(new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 6f), child: new Row( children: new List <Widget> { new Container(child: new Text(title)), new Expanded( child: new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(6), alignment: Alignment.bottomRight, child: new RaisedButton( color: color, child: new Text( buttonName, style: new TextStyle( color: Utils.useWhiteForeground(color) ? Colors.white : ) //TextStyle ), //Text onPressed: () => { DialogUtils.showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext _) => { return new AlertDialog( title: new Text("Select color"), content: new SingleChildScrollView( child: new BlockPicker( pickerColor: color, onColorChanged: onColorChanged, availableColors: availableColors ) //BlockPicker ) //SingleChildScrollView ); //AlertDialog } ); //showDialog } ) ) //container ), //expanded } //list ) //row )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Orientation?orientation = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation; return(new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text("Grid list"), actions: new List <Widget> { new MaterialDemoDocumentationButton(GridListDemo.routeName), new PopupMenuButton <GridDemoTileStyle>( onSelected: changeTileStyle, itemBuilder: (BuildContext subContext) => new List <PopupMenuEntry <GridDemoTileStyle> > { new PopupMenuItem <GridDemoTileStyle>( value: GridDemoTileStyle.imageOnly, child: new Text("Image only") ), new PopupMenuItem <GridDemoTileStyle>( value: GridDemoTileStyle.oneLine, child: new Text("One line") ), new PopupMenuItem <GridDemoTileStyle>( value: GridDemoTileStyle.twoLine, child: new Text("Two line") ) } ) } ), body: new Column( children: new List <Widget> { new Expanded( child: new SafeArea( top: false, bottom: false, child: GridView.count( crossAxisCount: (orientation == Orientation.portrait) ? 2 : 3, mainAxisSpacing: 4.0f, crossAxisSpacing: 4.0f, padding: EdgeInsets.all(4.0f), childAspectRatio: (orientation == Orientation.portrait) ? 1.0f : 1.3f, children: photos.Select <Photo, Widget>((Photo photo) => { return new GridDemoPhotoItem( photo: photo, tileStyle: _tileStyle, onBannerTap: (Photo curPhoto) => { setState(() => { curPhoto.isFavorite = !curPhoto.isFavorite; }); } ); }).ToList() ) ) ) } ) )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return(new DividerTheme( data: new DividerThemeData( ), child: new Container( height: 200, padding: EdgeInsets.all(10), decoration: new BoxDecoration( color: new Color(0xFFEF1F7F), border: Border.all(color: Color.fromARGB(255, 0xDF, 0x10, 0x70), width: 5), borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(20) ), child: new Center( child: new Column( children: new List <Widget>() { new Text(this.title), new Divider(), new Text(this.subtitle), new Divider(), new Container( width: 500, decoration: new BoxDecoration(border: Border.all(new Color(0xFF00FF00), 1)), child: new EditableText( controller: this.controller, focusNode: new FocusNode(), style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 18, height: 1.5f, color: new Color(0xFFFF89FD)), cursorColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 0), backgroundCursorColor: Colors.grey ) ), new Divider(), new ButtonBar( children: new List <Widget> { new FlatButton( onPressed: () => { this.setState(() => { this.title = this.controller.text; }); }, padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0f), child: new Center( child: new Text("Set Title") ) ), new RaisedButton( onPressed: () => { this.setState(() => { this.subtitle = this.controller.text; }); }, padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0f), child: new Center( child: new Text("Set Subtitle") ) ) } ) } ) ) ))); }
Widget _buildHeadTop(bool isShowTitle, IEvent eventObj) { Widget shareWidget = new CustomButton( onPressed: () => this._showShareView(eventObj), child: new Container( color: CColors.Transparent, child: new Icon(Icons.share, size: 28, color: this._showNavBarShadow ? CColors.White : CColors.Icon)) ); Widget titleWidget = new Container(); if (isShowTitle) { Widget child = new Container(); if (this._isHaveTitle) { child = new Text( eventObj.title, style: CTextStyle.PXLargeMedium, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, textAlign: ); } titleWidget = new Expanded( child: new Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: new List <Widget> { new PositionedTransition( rect: this._titleAnimation, child: child ) } ) ); } return(new AnimatedContainer( height: 44, duration: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8), decoration: new BoxDecoration( CColors.White, border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide(this._isHaveTitle ? CColors.Separator2 : CColors.Transparent)), gradient: this._showNavBarShadow ? new LinearGradient( colors: new List <Color> { new Color(0x80000000), new Color(0x0) }, begin: Alignment.topCenter, end: Alignment.bottomCenter ) : null ), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: new List <Widget> { new CustomButton( onPressed: () => { this.widget.actionModel.mainRouterPop(); }, child: new Icon( Icons.arrow_back, size: 28, color: this._showNavBarShadow ? CColors.White : CColors.Icon ) ), titleWidget, shareWidget } ) )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterial(context)); D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); List <Widget> items = this._enabled ? new List <Widget>(this.widget.items) : new List <Widget>(); int hintIndex = 0; if (this.widget.hint != null || (!this._enabled && this.widget.disabledHint != null)) { Widget emplacedHint = this._enabled ? this.widget.hint : new DropdownMenuItem <Widget>(child: this.widget.disabledHint ?? this.widget.hint); hintIndex = items.Count; items.Add(new DefaultTextStyle( style: this._textStyle.copyWith(color: Theme.of(context).hintColor), child: new IgnorePointer( child: emplacedHint ) )); } EdgeInsets padding = ButtonTheme.of(context).alignedDropdown ? DropdownConstants._kAlignedButtonPadding : DropdownConstants._kUnalignedButtonPadding; IndexedStack innerItemsWidget = new IndexedStack( index: this._enabled ? (this._selectedIndex ?? hintIndex) : hintIndex, alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, children: items ); Icon defaultIcon = new Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down); Widget result = new DefaultTextStyle( style: this._textStyle, child: new Container( padding: padding, height: this.widget.isDense ? this._denseButtonHeight : null, child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: new List <Widget> { this.widget.isExpanded ? new Expanded(child: innerItemsWidget) : (Widget)innerItemsWidget, new IconTheme( data: new IconThemeData( color: this._iconColor, size: this.widget.iconSize ), child: this.widget.icon ?? defaultIcon ) } ) ) ); if (! { float bottom = this.widget.isDense ? 0.0f : 8.0f; result = new Stack( children: new List <Widget> { result, new Positioned( left: 0.0f, right: 0.0f, bottom: bottom, child: this.widget.underline ?? new Container( height: 1.0f, decoration: new BoxDecoration( border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide(color: new Color(0xFFBDBDBD), width: 0.0f)) ) ) ) } ); } return(new GestureDetector( onTap: this._enabled ? (GestureTapCallback)this._handleTap : null, behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, child: result )); }
Widget _buildEventBottom(IEvent eventObj, EventType eventType, EventStatus eventStatus, bool isLoggedIn) { if (eventStatus != EventStatus.future && eventType == && isLoggedIn) { return(new Container()); } var onlineCount = eventObj.onlineMemberCount; var recordWatchCount = eventObj.recordWatchCount; var userIsCheckedIn = eventObj.userIsCheckedIn; var title = ""; var subTitle = ""; if (eventStatus == { title = "正在直播"; subTitle = $"{onlineCount}人正在观看"; } if (eventStatus == EventStatus.past) { title = "回放"; subTitle = $"{recordWatchCount}次观看"; } if (eventStatus == EventStatus.future || eventStatus == EventStatus.countDown) { var begin = eventObj.begin != null ? eventObj.begin : new TimeMap(); var startTime = begin.startTime; if (startTime.isNotEmpty()) { subTitle = DateConvert.GetFutureTimeFromNow(startTime); } title = "距离开始还有"; } var backgroundColor = CColors.PrimaryBlue; var joinInText = "立即加入"; var textStyle = CTextStyle.PLargeMediumWhite; if (userIsCheckedIn && isLoggedIn) { backgroundColor = CColors.Disable; joinInText = "已加入"; textStyle = CTextStyle.PLargeMediumWhite; } Widget child = new Text( joinInText, style: textStyle ); if (this.widget.viewModel.joinEventLoading) { child = new CustomActivityIndicator( loadingColor: LoadingColor.white ); } return(new Container( height: 64, padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), decoration: new BoxDecoration( CColors.White, border: new Border(new BorderSide(CColors.Separator)) ), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: new List <Widget> { new Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Text( title, style: CTextStyle.PSmallBody4 ), new Container(height: 2), new Text( subTitle, style: CTextStyle.H5Body ) } ), new CustomButton( onPressed: () => { if (this.widget.viewModel.joinEventLoading) { return; } if (!this.widget.viewModel.isLoggedIn) { this.widget.actionModel.pushToLogin(); } else { if (!userIsCheckedIn) { this.widget.actionModel.startJoinEvent(); this.widget.actionModel.joinEvent(this.widget.viewModel.eventId); } } }, child: new Container( width: 96, height: 40, decoration: new BoxDecoration( backgroundColor, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(4) ), alignment:, child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: new List <Widget> { child } ) ) ) } ) )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (this.model == null) { return(new Container()); } var time = Convert.ToDateTime(this.model.begin.startTime); var hour = $"{time.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}"; var minute = $"{time.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}"; var hourMinute = $"{hour}:{minute}"; var address = ?? ""; var imageUrl = this.model.avatar ?? this.model.background; var card = new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(16), color: CColors.White, child: new Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Container( width: 32, margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 10), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: new List <Widget> { new Text( time.Day.ToString(), style: new TextStyle( height: 1.33f, fontSize: 24, fontFamily: "Roboto-Bold", color: CColors.SecondaryPink ) ), new Text( $"{time.Month.ToString()}月", style: CTextStyle.CaptionBody ) } ) ), new Expanded( child: new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8), child: new Text(this.model.title, style: CTextStyle.PLargeMedium, maxLines: 2, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis ) ), new Text(this.model.mode == "online" ? $"{hourMinute} · {this.model.participantsCount}人已预订" : $"{hourMinute} · {address}", style: CTextStyle.PSmallBody3 ) } ) ) ), new Container( width: 114, height: 76, child: new Stack( children: new List <Widget> { new PlaceholderImage( imageUrl.EndsWith(".gif") ? imageUrl : $"{imageUrl}.600x0x1.jpg", 114, 76, 4, BoxFit.cover ), new Positioned( bottom: 0, right: 0, child: new ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(bottomRight: 4), child: new Container( width: 41, height: 24, color: this.model.mode == "online" ? CColors.SecondaryPink : CColors.PrimaryBlue, alignment:, child: new Text(this.model.mode == "online" ? "线上" : "线下", style: CTextStyle.CaptionWhite, textAlign: ) ) ) ) } ) ) } ) ); return(new GestureDetector( child: card, onTap: this.onTap )); }
IEnumerable <Widget> _buildComments(BuildContext context) { List <string> channelComments = new List <string>(); if (this.widget.viewModel.channelMessageList.ContainsKey(key: this._article.channelId)) { channelComments = this.widget.viewModel.channelMessageList[key : this._article.channelId]; } var mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context); var comments = new List <Widget> { new Container( color: CColors.White, width: mediaQuery.size.width, padding: EdgeInsets.only(16, 16, 16), child: new Text( "评论", style: CTextStyle.H5, textAlign: TextAlign.left ) ) }; var titleHeight = CTextUtils.CalculateTextHeight( "评论", CTextStyle.H5, mediaQuery.size.width - 16 * 2 // 16 is horizontal padding ) + 16; // 16 is top padding float safeAreaPadding = 0; if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android) { safeAreaPadding = mediaQuery.padding.vertical; } var height = mediaQuery.size.height - navBarHeight - 44 - safeAreaPadding; if (channelComments.Count == 0) { var blankView = new Container( height: height - titleHeight, child: new BlankView( "快来写下第一条评论吧", "image/default-comment" ) ); comments.Add(item: blankView); return(comments); } var messageDict = this.widget.viewModel.channelMessageDict[key : this._article.channelId]; float contentHeights = 0; foreach (var commentId in channelComments) { if (!messageDict.ContainsKey(key: commentId)) { break; } var message = messageDict[key : commentId]; var userLicense = CCommonUtils.GetUserLicense(userId:, userLicenseMap: this.widget.viewModel.userLicenseDict); bool isPraised = _isPraised(message: message, loginUserId: this.widget.viewModel.loginUserId); var parentName = ""; var parentAuthorId = ""; if (message.upperMessageId.isNotEmpty()) { if (messageDict.ContainsKey(key: message.upperMessageId)) { var parentMessage = messageDict[key : message.upperMessageId]; parentName =; parentAuthorId =; } } else if (message.parentMessageId.isNotEmpty()) { if (messageDict.ContainsKey(key: message.parentMessageId)) { var parentMessage = messageDict[key : message.parentMessageId]; parentName =; parentAuthorId =; } } var content = MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(message.content, message.mentions, message.mentionEveryone) + (parentName.isEmpty() ? "" : $"回复@{parentName}"); var contentHeight = CTextUtils.CalculateTextHeight( content, CTextStyle.PLargeBody, // 16 is horizontal padding, 24 is avatar size, 8 is content left margin to avatar mediaQuery.size.width - 16 * 2 - 24 - 8 ) + 16 + 24 + 3 + 5 + 22 + 12; // 16 is top padding, 24 is avatar size, 3 is content top margin to avatar, 5 is content bottom margin to commentTime // 22 is commentTime height, 12 is commentTime bottom margin contentHeights += contentHeight; var card = new CommentCard( message: message, userLicense: userLicense, isPraised: isPraised, parentName: parentName, parentAuthorId: parentAuthorId, () => ReportManager.showReportView( isLoggedIn: this.widget.viewModel.isLoggedIn, reportType: ReportType.comment, () => this.widget.actionModel.pushToLogin(), () => this.widget.actionModel.pushToReport(arg1: commentId, arg2: ReportType.comment) ), replyCallBack: () => this._sendComment( "Article_Comment", message.parentMessageId.isNotEmpty() ? message.parentMessageId : commentId, message.parentMessageId.isNotEmpty() ? commentId : "", ? "" : ), praiseCallBack: () => { if (!this.widget.viewModel.isLoggedIn) { this.widget.actionModel.pushToLogin(); } else { if (isPraised) { this.widget.actionModel.removeLikeComment(arg: message); } else { this.widget.actionModel.likeComment(arg: message); } } }, pushToUserDetail: this.widget.actionModel.pushToUserDetail ); comments.Add(item: card); } float endHeight = 0; if (!this._article.hasMore) { comments.Add(new EndView()); endHeight = 52; } if (titleHeight + contentHeights + endHeight < height) { return(new List <Widget> { new Container( height: height, child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: comments ) ) }); } return(comments); }