Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates multilayer network.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the network.</param>
        public MultilayerNetwork(string name)
            // Initialize.
            #region Init
            Name       = name;
            maxActorId = 0;
            maxEdgeId  = 0;
            maxLayerId = 0;
            maxNodeId  = 0;

            Actors     = new HashSet <Actor>();
            Layers     = new HashSet <Layer>();
            Nodes      = new HashSet <Node>();
            Edges      = new HashSet <Edge>();
            EmptyEdges = new HashSet <Edge>();
            EmptyNodes = new HashSet <Node>();

            EdgeDirectionality = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, bool> >();

            LayerByName         = new Dictionary <string, Layer>();
            ActorByName         = new Dictionary <string, Actor>();
            NodeByActorAndLayer = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, Node> >();
            EdgeByNodes         = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, Edge> >();

            NodesByLayer     = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <Node> >();
            NodesByActor     = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <Node> >();
            EdgesByLayerPair = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, HashSet <Edge> > >();

            NeighborsOut = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <Node> >();
            NeighborsIn  = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <Node> >();
            NeighborsAll = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <Node> >();

            ActorAttributes = new AttributeCollection <Attribute>();
            LayerAttributes = new AttributeCollection <Attribute>();
            // Layer ID : Attributes.
            NodeAttributes = new Dictionary <int, AttributeCollection <Attribute> >();
            // Layer ID -> Layer Id : Attributes.
            EdgeAttributes = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, AttributeCollection <Attribute> > >();

            DefaultEdgeDirectionality = MultilayerNetworks.EdgeDirectionality.Undirected;
            #endregion Init
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds new layer to the network.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layerName">Name of the new layer.</param>
        /// <param name="directionality">Directed or undirected edges on this layer.</param>
        /// <returns>Newly added layer.</returns>
        public Layer AddLayer(string layerName, EdgeDirectionality directionality)
            Layer newLayer = GetLayer(layerName);

            if (newLayer == null)
                var layerId = maxLayerId++;
                newLayer = new Layer(layerId, layerName);
                LayerByName.Add(newLayer.Name, newLayer);

                switch (directionality)
                case MultilayerNetworks.EdgeDirectionality.Directed: SetDirected(newLayer, newLayer, true); break;

                case MultilayerNetworks.EdgeDirectionality.Undirected: SetDirected(newLayer, newLayer, false); break;
Beispiel #3
 public void RemoveEdge(string fromId, string toId, float edgeWeight = default, EdgeDirectionality directionality = default)
     graph.RemoveEdge(fromId, toId);
Beispiel #4
 public void RemoveEdge(MBGraphNode from, MBGraphNode to, float edgeWeight = default, EdgeDirectionality directionality = default)
     RemoveEdge(from.nodeId, to.nodeId);
Beispiel #5
 public void SetEdge(string fromId, string toId, float edgeWeight = default, EdgeDirectionality directionality = default)
     graph.SetEdge(fromId, toId, edgeWeight, directionality);
Beispiel #6
 public void SetEdge(MBGraphNode from, MBGraphNode to, float edgeWeight = default, EdgeDirectionality directionality = default)
     SetEdge(from.nodeId, to.nodeId, edgeWeight, directionality);
Beispiel #7
        public GameObject AddNode(MBGraphNode from = null, float edgeWeight = default, EdgeDirectionality directionality = default)
            GameObject obj = new GameObject("Node", typeof(MBGraphNode));

            obj.transform.parent   = transform;
            obj.transform.position = from != null ? from.transform.position : transform.position;

            MBGraphNode graphNodeComponent = obj.GetComponent <MBGraphNode>();

            graphNodeComponent.mbGraph = this;

            if (from == null)
                graphNodeComponent.nodeId = graph.AddNode(obj).Id;
                graphNodeComponent.nodeId = graph.AddNode(obj, from.nodeId, edgeWeight, directionality).Id;

        /// <summary>
        /// Function reads multilayer network file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to the multilayer network file.</param>
        /// <param name="networkName">Name of the multilayer network.</param>
        /// <param name="separator">Separator that is used in the file. Default separator is ','.</param>
        public async Task <Components.MultilayerNetwork> ReadMultilayerAsync(string path, string networkName, char separator = ',')
            var multinet = new Components.MultilayerNetwork(networkName);

            List <AttributeType> actorAttributeTypes = new List <AttributeType>();
            List <string>        actorAttributeNames = new List <string>();

            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <AttributeType> > > edgeAttributeTypes = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <AttributeType> > >();
            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <string> > >        edgeAttributeNames = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <string> > >();
            Dictionary <string, List <AttributeType> > nodeAttributeTypes = new Dictionary <string, List <AttributeType> >();
            Dictionary <string, List <string> >        nodeAttributeNames = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            EdgeDirectionality DefaultEdgeDirectionality = EdgeDirectionality.Undirected;
            NetworkType        networkType    = NetworkType.MULTIPLEX_NETWORK;
            Section            currentSection = Section.DEFAULT;
            EdgeDirectionality dir            = DefaultEdgeDirectionality;
            var lineNumber = 0;

            using (var sr = File.OpenText(path))
                var line = string.Empty;
                while ((line = await sr.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
                     * // For debug purposes.
                     * if (lineNumber % 10000 == 0)
                     * {
                     *  Console.Clear();
                     *  Console.WriteLine(lineNumber);
                     * }
                     * lineNumber++;
                     * line = line.TrimEnd();

                    // Skip empty lines
                    if (line.Equals(""))

                    // Section #TYPE
                    if (line.StartsWith("#TYPE"))
                        currentSection = Section.TYPE;
                        line           = line.ToUpper();

                        if (line.Equals("#TYPE MULTILAYER"))
                            networkType = NetworkType.MULTILAYER_NETWORK;
                        else if (line.Equals("#TYPE MULTIPLEX"))
                            networkType = NetworkType.MULTIPLEX_NETWORK;
                            throw new System.FormatException("Type of the network can be only multilayer or multiplex. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);


                    if (line.StartsWith("#LAYERS"))
                        currentSection = Section.LAYERS;

                    if (line.StartsWith("#ACTOR ATTRIBUTES"))
                        currentSection = Section.ACTOR_ATTRS;

                    if (line.StartsWith("#NODE ATTRIBUTES"))
                        currentSection = Section.NODE_ATTRS;

                    if (line.StartsWith("#EDGE ATTRIBUTES"))
                        currentSection = Section.EDGE_ATTRS;

                    if (line.StartsWith("#EDGES"))
                        currentSection = Section.EDGES;

                    if (line.StartsWith("#NODES"))
                        currentSection = Section.NODES;

                    if (line.StartsWith("#ACTORS"))
                        currentSection = Section.ACTORS;

                    if (currentSection == Section.ACTOR_ATTRS)
                        var split = line.Split(',');
                        if (split.Length != 2)
                            throw new System.FormatException("For actor attributes, attribute name and type expected. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                        string attrName = split[0];
                        attrName = attrName.ToUpper();
                        if (multinet.ActorFeatures().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == attrName) != null)
                            throw new System.FormatException("For actor attributes, attribute name and type expected. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                        AttributeType attrType;
                        if (split[1].Trim() == "NUMERIC")
                            attrType = AttributeType.NumericType;
                        else if (split[1].Trim() == "STRING")
                            attrType = AttributeType.StringType;
                            throw new System.FormatException("Unsupported attribute type - " + split[1].Trim());
                        //var actorAttribute = new Components.Attribute(attrName, attrType);
                        multinet.ActorFeatures().Add(attrName, attrType);

                    if (currentSection == Section.NODE_ATTRS)
                        var split = line.Split(',');
                        if (split.Length != 3)
                            throw new System.FormatException("For node attributes, layer name, attribute name and attribute type expected. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                        string layerName = split[0];
                        string attrName  = split[1];
                        if (multinet.NodeFeatures(multinet.GetLayer(layerName)).FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == attrName) != null)
                            throw new System.FormatException("For actor attributes, attribute name and type expected. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                        AttributeType attrType;
                        split[2] = split[2].ToUpper();
                        if (split[2] == "NUMERIC")
                            attrType = AttributeType.NumericType;
                        else if (split[2] == "STRING")
                            attrType = AttributeType.StringType;
                            throw new System.FormatException("Unsupported attribute type - " + split[1] + ". Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                        //var nodeAttribute = new Components.Attribute(attrName, attrType);

                        if (nodeAttributeTypes.ContainsKey(layerName))
                            nodeAttributeTypes.Add(layerName, new List <AttributeType>()

                        if (nodeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(layerName))
                            nodeAttributeNames.Add(layerName, new List <string>()

                        multinet.NodeFeatures(multinet.GetLayer(layerName)).Add(attrName, attrType);

                    if (currentSection == Section.EDGE_ATTRS)
                        var split = line.Split(',');
                        if (networkType == NetworkType.MULTIPLEX_NETWORK)
                            if (split.Length != 3)
                                throw new System.FormatException("For edge attributes, layer name, attribute name and type expected. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                            string layerName = split[0];
                            var    layer     = multinet.GetLayer(layerName);
                            string attrName  = split[1];
                            if (multinet.EdgeFeatures(layer, layer).FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == attrName) != null)
                                throw new System.FormatException("For actor attributes, attribute name and type expected. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                            AttributeType attrType;
                            split[2] = split[2].ToUpper();
                            if (split[2] == "NUMERIC")
                                attrType = AttributeType.NumericType;
                            else if (split[2] == "STRING")
                                attrType = AttributeType.StringType;
                                throw new System.FormatException("Unsupported attribute type - " + split[1] + ". Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                            //var edgeAttribute = new Components.Attribute(attrName, attrType);

                            if (edgeAttributeTypes.ContainsKey(layerName) &&
                            else if (edgeAttributeTypes.ContainsKey(layerName) && !edgeAttributeTypes[layerName].ContainsKey(layerName))
                                edgeAttributeTypes[layerName].Add(layerName, new List <AttributeType>()
                                edgeAttributeTypes.Add(layerName, new Dictionary <string, List <AttributeType> >()
                                    { layerName, new List <AttributeType>()
                                          { attrType }
                                      } }

                            if (edgeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(layerName) &&
                            else if (edgeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(layerName) && !edgeAttributeNames[layerName].ContainsKey(layerName))
                                edgeAttributeNames[layerName].Add(layerName, new List <string>()
                                edgeAttributeNames.Add(layerName, new Dictionary <string, List <string> >()
                                    { layerName, new List <string>()
                                          { attrName }
                                      } }

                            multinet.EdgeFeatures(layer, layer).Add(attrName, attrType);
                        else if (networkType == NetworkType.MULTILAYER_NETWORK)
                            if (split.Length != 4)
                                throw new System.FormatException("For edge attributes, layer names, attribute name and type expected. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                            string layerName1 = split[0];
                            Layer  layer1     = multinet.GetLayer(layerName1);
                            string layerName2 = split[1];
                            Layer  layer2     = multinet.GetLayer(layerName2);
                            string attrName   = split[2];
                            if (multinet.EdgeFeatures(layer1, layer2).FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == attrName) != null)
                                throw new System.FormatException("For actor attributes, attribute name and type expected. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                            AttributeType attrType;
                            split[3] = split[3].ToUpper();
                            if (split[3] == "NUMERIC")
                                attrType = AttributeType.NumericType;
                            else if (split[3] == "STRING")
                                attrType = AttributeType.StringType;
                                throw new System.FormatException("unsupported attribute type - " + split[2] + ". Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                            //var edgeAttribute = new Components.Attribute(attrName, attrType);

                            if (edgeAttributeTypes.ContainsKey(layerName1) &&
                            else if (edgeAttributeTypes.ContainsKey(layerName1) && !edgeAttributeTypes[layerName1].ContainsKey(layerName2))
                                edgeAttributeTypes[layerName1].Add(layerName2, new List <AttributeType>()
                                edgeAttributeTypes.Add(layerName1, new Dictionary <string, List <AttributeType> >()
                                    { layerName2, new List <AttributeType>()
                                          { attrType }
                                      } }

                            if (edgeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(layerName1) &&
                            else if (edgeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(layerName1) && !edgeAttributeNames[layerName1].ContainsKey(layerName2))
                                edgeAttributeNames[layerName1].Add(layerName2, new List <string>()
                                edgeAttributeNames.Add(layerName1, new Dictionary <string, List <string> >()
                                    { layerName2, new List <string>()
                                          { attrName }
                                      } }

                            multinet.EdgeFeatures(layer1, layer2).Add(attrName, attrType);

                    // Section #LAYERS
                    if (currentSection == Section.LAYERS)
                        string layerName1 = null, layerName2 = null;
                        string directionality = null;

                        if (networkType == NetworkType.MULTIPLEX_NETWORK)
                            var split = line.Split(',');
                            if (split.Length < 2)
                                throw new System.FormatException("Expected Layer name followed by DIRECTED/UNDIRECTED. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);

                            layerName1     = layerName2 = split[0];
                            directionality = split[1];
                        else if (networkType == NetworkType.MULTILAYER_NETWORK)
                            var split = line.Split(',');
                            if (split.Length < 3)
                                throw new System.FormatException("Expected two Layer names followed by DIRECTED/UNDIRECTED. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);

                            layerName1     = split[0];
                            layerName2     = split[1];
                            directionality = split[2];

                        line = line.ToUpper();
                        if (directionality.Equals("DIRECTED"))
                            dir = EdgeDirectionality.Directed;
                        else if (directionality.Equals("UNDIRECTED"))
                            dir = EdgeDirectionality.Undirected;
                            throw new System.FormatException("Either DIRECTED or UNDIRECTED must be specified. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);

                        if (layerName1.Equals(layerName2))
                            multinet.AddLayer(layerName1, dir);
                            // TODO first single layers must be specified
                            //LayerSharedPtr layer1 = mnet->get_layer(layer_name1);
                            //LayerSharedPtr layer2 = mnet->get_layer(layer_name2);
                            //mnet->set_directed(layer1, layer2, ((dir == DIRECTED) ? true : false));

                    if (currentSection == Section.ACTORS)
                        var split = line.Split(',');
                        if (split.Length < 1)
                            throw new System.FormatException("Actor name must be specified. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);

                        var actorName = split[0];
                        var actor     = multinet.AddActor(actorName);
                        if (actor == null)
                            // Actor already present
                            actor = multinet.GetActor(actorName);

                        // TODO: Read attributes.
                        if (actorAttributeTypes.Count != 0 && actorAttributeNames.Count != 0)
                            ReadAttributes(multinet.ActorFeatures(), actor.Id, actorAttributeTypes, actorAttributeNames, split, 1, lineNumber);

                    if (currentSection == Section.NODES)
                        var split = line.Split(',');
                        if (split.Length < 2)
                            throw new System.FormatException("Node name and layer name must be specified. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);

                        var nodeName  = split[0];
                        var layerName = split[1];

                        var actor = multinet.GetActor(nodeName);
                        if (actor == null)
                            actor = multinet.AddActor(nodeName);

                        var layer = multinet.GetLayer(layerName);
                        if (layer == null)
                            layer = multinet.AddLayer(layerName, DefaultEdgeDirectionality);

                        var node = multinet.GetNode(actor, layer);
                        if (node == null)
                            node = multinet.AddNode(actor, layer);

                        // TODO: Read attributes.
                        if (nodeAttributeTypes.ContainsKey(layer.Name) && nodeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(layer.Name))
                            ReadAttributes(multinet.NodeFeatures(layer), node.Id, nodeAttributeTypes[layer.Name], nodeAttributeNames[layer.Name], split, 2, lineNumber);

                    if (currentSection == Section.EDGES || currentSection == Section.DEFAULT)
                        var split = line.Split(',');

                        if (split.Length < 3)
                            if (currentSection == Section.EDGES)
                                throw new System.FormatException("From and To node names and layers name must be specified for each edge. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);
                            else if (currentSection == Section.DEFAULT)
                                throw new System.FormatException("Unrecognized statement. Error occured on line: " + lineNumber);

                        string fromNode   = null;
                        string toNode     = null;
                        string layerName1 = null;
                        string layerName2 = null;

                        if (networkType == NetworkType.MULTIPLEX_NETWORK)
                            fromNode   = split[0];
                            toNode     = split[1];
                            layerName2 = layerName1 = split[2];
                        else if (networkType == NetworkType.MULTILAYER_NETWORK)
                            fromNode   = split[0];
                            layerName1 = split[1];
                            toNode     = split[2];
                            layerName2 = split[3];

                        var actor1 = multinet.GetActor(fromNode);
                        if (actor1 == null)
                            actor1 = multinet.AddActor(fromNode);

                        var actor2 = multinet.GetActor(toNode);
                        if (actor2 == null)
                            actor2 = multinet.AddActor(toNode);

                        //if (actor1.Name == "U107")
                        //    var st = 10;

                        var layer1 = multinet.GetLayer(layerName1);
                        if (layer1 == null)
                            layer1 = multinet.AddLayer(layerName1, DefaultEdgeDirectionality);

                        var layer2 = multinet.GetLayer(layerName2);
                        if (layer2 == null)
                            layer2 = multinet.AddLayer(layerName2, DefaultEdgeDirectionality);

                        var node1 = multinet.GetNode(actor1, layer1);
                        if (node1 == null)
                            node1 = multinet.AddNode(actor1, layer1);

                        var node2 = multinet.GetNode(actor2, layer2);
                        if (node2 == null)
                            node2 = multinet.AddNode(actor2, layer2);

                        var edge = multinet.GetEdge(node1, node2);
                        if (edge == null)
                            edge = multinet.AddEdge(node1, node2);

                        // TODO: Read attributes.
                        if (networkType == NetworkType.MULTIPLEX_NETWORK && (edgeAttributeTypes.ContainsKey(layerName1) && edgeAttributeTypes[layerName1].ContainsKey(layerName2)) &&
                            (edgeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(layerName1) && edgeAttributeNames[layerName1].ContainsKey(layerName2)))
                            ReadAttributes(multinet.EdgeFeatures(layer1, layer2), edge.Id, edgeAttributeTypes[layerName1][layerName2], edgeAttributeNames[layerName1][layerName2], split, 3, lineNumber);
                        else if (networkType == NetworkType.MULTILAYER_NETWORK && (edgeAttributeTypes.ContainsKey(layerName1) && edgeAttributeTypes[layerName1].ContainsKey(layerName2)) &&
                                 (edgeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(layerName1) && edgeAttributeNames[layerName1].ContainsKey(layerName2)))
                            ReadAttributes(multinet.EdgeFeatures(layer1, layer2), edge.Id, edgeAttributeTypes[layerName1][layerName2], edgeAttributeNames[layerName1][layerName2], split, 4, lineNumber);

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates edge.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Id of the edge.</param>
 /// <param name="node1">First node on the edge.</param>
 /// <param name="node2">Second node on the edge.</param>
 /// <param name="directionality">Direction of the edge.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the edge.</param>
 public Edge(int id, Node node1, Node node2, EdgeDirectionality directionality, string name = null) : base(id, name)
     V1             = node1;
     V2             = node2;
     Directionality = directionality;