Beispiel #1
        protected bool AnyContentFileExceedsAvailableSpace(EdataFile file)
            var contentFiles = file.ContentFiles
                               .OfType <EdataContentFile>()
                               .OrderBy(cf => cf.TotalOffset)

            for (int i = 0; i < contentFiles.Length; ++i)
                var currentFile = contentFiles[i];
                if (currentFile.IsContentLoaded)
                    var nextFile = i + 1 < contentFiles.Length ? contentFiles[i + 1] : null;
                    if (nextFile != null)
                        if ((currentFile.TotalOffset + currentFile.ContentSize + MinBytesBetweenFiles) >=
                        if ((currentFile.TotalOffset + currentFile.ContentSize + MinBytesBetweenFiles) >=
                            (file.Header.FileOffset + file.Header.FileLenght))

        public EdataFile Read(String edataFilePath, bool loadContent, CancellationToken token)
            //Cancel if requested;

            if (!File.Exists(edataFilePath))
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("File '{0}' doesn't exist.", edataFilePath), "edataFilePath");

            EdataHeader header;
            IEnumerable <EdataContentFile> contentFiles;

            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(edataFilePath, FileMode.Open))
                header = ReadHeader(stream);

                if (header.Version != 2)
                    throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Edata Version {0} is currently not supported", header.Version));

                var dictRoot = ReadDcitionaryEntries(stream, header.DictOffset, header.DictLength);
                contentFiles = TranslateDictionaryEntriesToContentFiles(stream, header.FileOffset, dictRoot);

                if (loadContent)
                    LoadContentFiles(stream, contentFiles);

            EdataFile edataFile = new EdataFile(edataFilePath, header, contentFiles);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edataFile"></param>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual byte[] WriteContentInternal(EdataFile edataFile, CancellationToken?token = null)
            //Cancel if requested;

            using (MemoryStream edataStream = new MemoryStream())
                WriteHeader(edataStream, edataFile);

                if (CanUseReplacementWrite(edataFile))
                    //Wydaję się że w tym wypadku to nigdy nie będzie miało miejsca, bo załadoway content oryginale
                    //(któy w tym przypadku powinien być załadowany zawsze w całości) zawsze będzie równy max dostępnej przestrzeni replacement.
                    WriteLoadedContentByReplace(edataStream, edataFile, token);
                    WriteLoadedContent(edataStream, edataFile, token);

                WriteDictionary(edataStream, edataFile);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="edataFile"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Method based on enohka's code.
        /// See more at:
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void WriteLoadedContent(Stream target, EdataFile edataFile, CancellationToken?token = null)
            byte[] spaceBuffer       = null;
            var    sourceEdataHeader = edataFile.Header;

            uint filesContentLength = 0;

            foreach (EdataContentFile file in edataFile.ContentFiles)
                //Cancel if requested;

                //long oldOffset = file.Offset;

                byte[] fileBuffer = file.Content;
                file.Checksum = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(fileBuffer);
                file.Size     = file.Content.Length;
                file.Offset   = target.Position - sourceEdataHeader.FileOffset;

                long spaceSize = GetSpaceSizeForFile(file);
                spaceBuffer = GetNewBufferIfNeeded(spaceBuffer, spaceSize);

                target.Write(fileBuffer, 0, fileBuffer.Length);
                target.Write(spaceBuffer, 0, (int)spaceSize);

                filesContentLength += (uint)fileBuffer.Length + (uint)spaceSize;

            target.Seek(0x25, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            target.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(filesContentLength), 0, 4);
Beispiel #5
        protected void SaveEdataFile(EdataFile edataFile, CancellationToken?token = null)
            IEdataFileWriter edataWriter = new EdataFileWriter();

            if (token.HasValue)
                edataWriter.Write(edataFile, token.Value);
        /// <remarks>
        /// Method based on enohka's code.
        /// See more at:
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void WriteHeader(Stream target, EdataFile edataFile)
            //var sourceEdataHeader = edataFile.Header;
            //var headerPart = new byte[sourceEdataHeader.FileOffset];
            //sourceEdata.Read(headerPart, 0, headerPart.Length);
            //newEdata.Write(headerPart, 0, headerPart.Length);

            var sourceEdataHeader = edataFile.Header;

            byte[] rawHeader = MiscUtilities.StructToBytes(sourceEdataHeader);
            target.Write(rawHeader, 0, rawHeader.Length);
            target.Write(edataFile.PostHeaderData, 0, edataFile.PostHeaderData.Length);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Source stream, from which content files will be loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="edataFile"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Method based on enohka's code.
        /// See more at:
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void WriteNotLoadedContent(Stream source, Stream target, EdataFile edataFile, CancellationToken?token = null)
            byte[] spaceBuffer       = null;
            var    sourceEdataHeader = edataFile.Header;

            source.Seek(sourceEdataHeader.FileOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            uint filesContentLength = 0;

            foreach (EdataContentFile file in edataFile.ContentFiles)
                //Cancel if requested;

                long oldOffset = file.Offset;
                file.Offset = target.Position - sourceEdataHeader.FileOffset;

                byte[] fileBuffer;

                if (file.IsContentLoaded)
                    fileBuffer    = file.Content;
                    file.Size     = file.Content.Length;                  // To przenieść do klasy tak aby było ustawiane przy zmianie contnetu
                    file.Checksum = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(fileBuffer); //To przyszło z dołu
                    fileBuffer = new byte[file.Size];
                    source.Seek(oldOffset + sourceEdataHeader.FileOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    source.Read(fileBuffer, 0, fileBuffer.Length);

                long spaceSize = GetSpaceSizeForFile(file);
                spaceBuffer = GetNewBufferIfNeeded(spaceBuffer, spaceSize);

                target.Write(fileBuffer, 0, fileBuffer.Length);
                target.Write(spaceBuffer, 0, (int)spaceSize);

                filesContentLength += (uint)fileBuffer.Length + (uint)spaceSize;

            target.Seek(0x25, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            target.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(filesContentLength), 0, 4);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="edataFile"></param>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        protected virtual void WriteLoadedContentByReplace(Stream source, EdataFile edataFile, CancellationToken?token = null)
            byte[] spaceBuffer = null;

            var contentFiles = edataFile.ContentFiles.OfType <EdataContentFile>();

            foreach (var contentFile in contentFiles)

                if (!contentFile.IsContentLoaded)

                long orginalContentSize = contentFile.Size;

                byte[] fileBuffer = contentFile.Content;
                contentFile.Size     = fileBuffer.Length;
                contentFile.Checksum = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(fileBuffer);

                source.Seek(contentFile.TotalOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                source.Write(fileBuffer, 0, fileBuffer.Length);

                long contentSizeDffierence = orginalContentSize - contentFile.ContentSize;
                if (contentSizeDffierence > 0)
                    spaceBuffer = GetNewBufferIfNeeded(spaceBuffer, contentSizeDffierence);
                    source.Write(spaceBuffer, 0, (int)contentSizeDffierence);

                //Overwriting whole space, up to the next file:
                //var nextFile = (i + 1 < contentFiles.Length) ? contentFiles[i + 1] : null;
                //long fileSectionLength = edataFile.Header.FileOffset + edataFile.Header.FileLenght;
                //long spaceBetweenFiles = ((nextFile != null) ? nextFile.TotalOffset : fileSectionLength) -
                //    (currentFile.TotalOffset + currentFile.ContentSize);

                //spaceBuffer = (spaceBuffer == null) ?
                //    new byte[spaceBetweenFiles] : ((spaceBetweenFiles > spaceBuffer.Length) ?
                //    new byte[spaceBetweenFiles] : spaceBuffer);

                //source.Write(spaceBuffer, 0, (int)spaceBetweenFiles);
        public EdataFile Read(byte[] rawEdata, bool loadContent, CancellationToken token)
            //Cancel if requested;

            EdataHeader header;
            IEnumerable <EdataContentFile> contentFiles;

            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(rawEdata))
                if (!CanReadHeaderFromBuffer(rawEdata))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot read header from the buffer," +
                                                " because header size exceeds size of the buffer", "rawEdata");

                header = ReadHeader(stream);

                if (!CanReadDictionaryFromBuffer(rawEdata, header.DictOffset, header.DictLength))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot read dictionary from the buffer," +
                                                " because dictionary size exceeds size of the buffer", "rawEdata");

                if (header.Version != 2)
                    throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Edata Version {0} is currently not supported", header.Version));

                var dictRoot = ReadDcitionaryEntries(stream, header.DictOffset, header.DictLength);
                contentFiles = TranslateDictionaryEntriesToContentFiles(stream, header.FileOffset, dictRoot);

                if (loadContent)
                    LoadContentFiles(stream, contentFiles);

            EdataFile edataFile = new EdataFile(header, contentFiles);

        protected bool CanUseReplacementWrite(EdataFile file)
            //chyba zbedne to sotrtowaie, ale dla pewności...
            var contentFiles = file.ContentFiles
                               .OfType <EdataContentFile>()
                               .OrderBy(cf => cf.TotalOffset)

            for (int i = 0; i < contentFiles.Length; ++i)
                var currentFile = contentFiles[i];
                if (!currentFile.IsContentLoaded)

                var nextFile = i + 1 < contentFiles.Length ? contentFiles[i + 1] : null;
                if (nextFile != null)
                    if ((currentFile.TotalOffset + currentFile.ContentSize + MinBytesBetweenFiles) >=
                    if ((currentFile.TotalOffset + currentFile.ContentSize + MinBytesBetweenFiles) >=
                        (file.Header.FileOffset + file.Header.FileLenght))

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileToWrite"></param>
 public void Write(EdataFile edataFile)
     Write(edataFile, CancellationToken.None);
Beispiel #12
 public byte[] Write(EdataFile edata)
        /// <remarks>
        /// Method based on enohka's code.
        /// See more at:
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void WriteDictionary(Stream target, EdataFile edataFile)
            var sourceEdataHeader = edataFile.Header;
            var contentFilesDict  = edataFile
                                    .OfType <EdataContentFile>()
                                    .ToDictionary(x => x.Id);

            target.Seek(sourceEdataHeader.DictOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            long dictEnd = sourceEdataHeader.DictOffset + sourceEdataHeader.DictLength;
            uint id      = 0;

            //Odtworzenie słownika
            while (target.Position < dictEnd)
                var buffer = new byte[4];
                target.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
                int fileGroupId = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);

                if (fileGroupId == 0)
                    EdataContentFile curFile = contentFilesDict[id];

                    // FileEntrySize
                    target.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);

                    buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(curFile.Offset);
                    target.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(curFile.Size);
                    target.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    byte[] checkSum = curFile.Checksum;
                    target.Write(checkSum, 0, checkSum.Length);

                    string name = MiscUtilities.ReadString(target);

                    if ((name.Length + 1) % 2 == 1)
                        target.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current);

                else if (fileGroupId > 0)
                    target.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    string name = MiscUtilities.ReadString(target);

                    if ((name.Length + 1) % 2 == 1)
                        target.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current);

            target.Seek(sourceEdataHeader.DictOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var dictBuffer = new byte[sourceEdataHeader.DictLength];

            target.Read(dictBuffer, 0, dictBuffer.Length);

            //Overwriting checksum
            byte[] dictCheckSum = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(dictBuffer);
            target.Seek(0x31, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            target.Write(dictCheckSum, 0, dictCheckSum.Length);
Beispiel #14
 public byte[] Write(EdataFile edata, CancellationToken token)
     return(WriteContentInternal(edata, token));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileToWrite"></param>
 public void Write(EdataFile fileToWrite)
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileToWrite"></param>
 /// <param name="token"></param>
 public void Write(EdataFile fileToWrite, CancellationToken token)
     WriteContentInternal(fileToWrite, token);
        /// <remarks>
        /// Method based on enohka's code.
        /// See more at:
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void WriteContentInternal(EdataFile edataFile, CancellationToken?token = null)
            //Uważać tu na ścieżke jaka ma edata pełną czy relatywną...
            //No i dodatkowo od tego momentu może być pusta. A z racji tego że tylko możemy podmieniać edata nie pasuje
            //dodawać dodatkowy argument ścieżki do zapisu, bo to jasno wskazywało by że możemy zapisywać do dowolnej lokacji
            // a tak naprawde można tylko podmieniać edata.
            if (!File.Exists(edataFile.Path))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          String.Format("A following Edata file: \"{0}\" doesn't exist", edataFile.Path),

            //Cancel if requested;

            if (CanUseReplacementWrite(edataFile))
                using (var sourceEdata = new FileStream(edataFile.Path, FileMode.Open))
                    WriteHeader(sourceEdata, edataFile);

                    WriteLoadedContentByReplace(sourceEdata, edataFile, token);

                    WriteDictionary(sourceEdata, edataFile);
                //Try in the current dir to avoid double file moving
                String temporaryEdataPath = GetTemporaryEdataPathInCurrentLocation(edataFile.Path);
                if ((new FileInfo(edataFile.Path).Length > (new DriveInfo(temporaryEdataPath).AvailableFreeSpace)))
                    temporaryEdataPath = TryGetTemporaryEdataPathWhereFree(edataFile.Path);
                    if (temporaryEdataPath == null)
                        throw new IOException(
                                  String.Format("Not enough free disk space for rebuilding the \"{0}\" file.",

                //To avoid nested try catches.
                FileStream sourceEdata = null;
                FileStream newEdata    = null;
                    sourceEdata = new FileStream(edataFile.Path, FileMode.Open);
                    newEdata    = new FileStream(temporaryEdataPath, FileMode.Create);

                    WriteHeader(newEdata, edataFile);

                    WriteNotLoadedContent(sourceEdata, newEdata, edataFile, token);

                    WriteDictionary(newEdata, edataFile);

                    //Free file handles before the file move and delete
                    CloseEdataFilesStreams(sourceEdata, newEdata);

                    //Replace temporary file
                    File.Move(temporaryEdataPath, edataFile.Path);
                    //Spr czy zostały już zwolnione...?
                    CloseEdataFilesStreams(sourceEdata, newEdata);

                    if (File.Exists(temporaryEdataPath))
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edataFile"></param>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual byte[] Write(EdataFile edataFile, CancellationToken token)
            //Cancel if requested;

            var edataContentFiles = edataFile.ContentFiles.OfType <EdataContentFile>();

            using (MemoryStream edataStream = new MemoryStream())
                if (!AnyContentFileExceedsAvailableSpace(edataFile) &&
                    var header = edataFile.Header;

                    var  dictRoot   = CreateDictionaryEntries(edataContentFiles);
                    uint dictOffset = header.DictOffset;
                    uint dictLength = ComputeDictionaryLength(dictRoot);
                    uint dictEnd    = dictOffset + dictLength;

                    //Clear the old part of file up to content.
                    WritePadding(edataStream, 0, header.FileOffset);

                    WriteLoadedContentByReplace(edataStream, edataContentFiles, token);

                    AssignContentFilesInfoToDictEntries(edataContentFiles, dictRoot);

                    var dictWriteInfo = WriteDictionary(edataStream, dictRoot, dictOffset);

                    header.Checksum_V2 = Md5Hash.GetHash(dictWriteInfo.Checksum);
                    header.DictLength  = dictWriteInfo.Length;

                    WriteHeader(edataStream, header, 0);
                    //W tym przypadku rozmieszczamy wszystko od zera wg wartości obliczonych.
                    var  dictRoot   = CreateDictionaryEntries(edataContentFiles);
                    uint dictOffset = GetDictionaryOffset();
                    uint dictLength = ComputeDictionaryLength(dictRoot);
                    uint dictEnd    = dictOffset + dictLength;

                    uint fileOffset = GetFileOffset(dictEnd);

                    WritePadding(edataStream, 0, fileOffset);

                    var contentWriteInfo = WriteLoadedContent(edataStream, edataContentFiles, fileOffset, token);

                    AssignContentFilesInfoToDictEntries(edataContentFiles, dictRoot);

                    var dictWriteInfo = WriteDictionary(edataStream, dictRoot, dictOffset);

                    var header = edataFile.Header;
                    header.Checksum_V2 = Md5Hash.GetHash(dictWriteInfo.Checksum);
                    header.DictOffset  = dictOffset;
                    header.DictLength  = dictWriteInfo.Length;
                    header.FileOffset  = fileOffset;
                    header.FileLenght  = contentWriteInfo.Length;

                    WriteHeader(edataStream, header, 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileToWrite"></param>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        public void Write(EdataFile edataFile, CancellationToken token)
            //Uważać tu na ścieżke jaka ma edata pełną czy relatywną..
            //No i dodatkowo od tego momentu może być pusta. A z racji tego że tylko możemy podmieniać edata nie pasuje
            //dodawać dodatkowy argument ścieżki do zapisu, bo to jasno wskazywało by że możemy zapisywać do dowolnej lokacji
            // a tak naprawde można tylko podmieniać edata.
            if (!File.Exists(edataFile.Path))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          String.Format("A following Edata file: \"{0}\" doesn't exist", edataFile.Path),

            //Cancel if requested;

            var edataContentFiles = edataFile.ContentFiles.OfType <EdataContentFile>();

            //Wypieprzyć z tąd wszystkie zależności od starych metod, i stworzyć nowe metody zapisu poszczegołnych elementów
            //realizujące nową koncepcję wykorzystujaca model wpsiów słownika i być może w przyszłosci samego słownika.

            //W przypadku konieczności odbudowy słownika trzeba poszerzyć określenie czy można użyć ReplacemnetWrite
            //Jeśli nie ma nowego pliku, i słownik mieści sie w miejsce starego, to można użyć replacement write
            //Jeśli natomiast dodano nowy plik, lub słownik nie miesci sie na miejsce starego to trzeba zbudować plik Edata od zera.

            //Update na dobrą sprawę można założyć, że jeśli nie ma zmian w plikach to słownik zawszę będzie się mieścił w miejsce starego.
            if (!AnyContentFileExceedsAvailableSpace(edataFile) &&
                using (var sourceEdata = new FileStream(edataFile.Path, FileMode.Open))
                    //Taka uwaga: Nie robić canceli w trakcie zapisu czy to nagłowka czy słownika, zeby w przypadku przerwania bez backapu zminimalizwoać
                    //            szanse na uszkodzenie modyifkowane go pliku.

                    //W tym przypadku używamy starego rozmieszczenia danych żeby nie odbudowywac pliku od nowa.
                    var header = edataFile.Header;

                    var  dictRoot   = CreateDictionaryEntries(edataContentFiles);
                    uint dictOffset = header.DictOffset;
                    uint dictLength = ComputeDictionaryLength(dictRoot);
                    uint dictEnd    = dictOffset + dictLength;

                    WriteLoadedContentByReplace(sourceEdata, edataContentFiles, token);

                    AssignContentFilesInfoToDictEntries(edataContentFiles, dictRoot);

                    //Clear the old part of file up to content.
                    WritePadding(sourceEdata, 0, header.FileOffset);

                    var dictWriteInfo = WriteDictionary(sourceEdata, dictRoot, dictOffset);

                    header.Checksum_V2 = Md5Hash.GetHash(dictWriteInfo.Checksum);
                    header.DictLength  = dictWriteInfo.Length;

                    WriteHeader(sourceEdata, header, 0);
                //Try in the current dir to avoid double file moving
                String temporaryEdataPath = PathUtilities.GetTemporaryPath(edataFile.Path);
                if ((new FileInfo(edataFile.Path).Length > (new DriveInfo(temporaryEdataPath).AvailableFreeSpace)))
                    temporaryEdataPath = TryGetTemporaryEdataPathWhereFree(edataFile.Path);
                    if (temporaryEdataPath == null)
                        throw new IOException(
                                  String.Format("Not enough free disk space for rebuilding the \"{0}\" file.",

                //To avoid too many nested try catches.
                FileStream sourceEdata = null;
                FileStream newEdata    = null;
                    sourceEdata = new FileStream(edataFile.Path, FileMode.Open);
                    newEdata    = new FileStream(temporaryEdataPath, FileMode.Create);

                    //W tym przypadku rozmieszczamy wszystko od zera wg wartości obliczonych.
                    var  dictRoot   = CreateDictionaryEntries(edataContentFiles);
                    uint dictOffset = GetDictionaryOffset();
                    uint dictLength = ComputeDictionaryLength(dictRoot);
                    uint dictEnd    = dictOffset + dictLength;

                    uint fileOffset = GetFileOffset(dictEnd);

                    var contentWriteInfo = WriteNotLoadedContent(sourceEdata, newEdata, edataContentFiles, fileOffset, token);

                    AssignContentFilesInfoToDictEntries(edataContentFiles, dictRoot);

                    WritePadding(newEdata, 0, fileOffset);

                    var dictWriteInfo = WriteDictionary(newEdata, dictRoot, dictOffset);

                    var header = edataFile.Header;
                    header.Checksum_V2 = Md5Hash.GetHash(dictWriteInfo.Checksum);
                    header.DictOffset  = dictOffset;
                    header.DictLength  = dictWriteInfo.Length;
                    header.FileOffset  = fileOffset;
                    header.FileLenght  = contentWriteInfo.Length;

                    WriteHeader(newEdata, header, 0);

                    //Free file handles before the file move and delete
                    CloseEdataFilesStreams(sourceEdata, newEdata);

                    //Replace temporary file
                    File.Move(temporaryEdataPath, edataFile.Path);
                    //Spr czy zostały już zwolnione...?
                    CloseEdataFilesStreams(sourceEdata, newEdata);

                    if (File.Exists(temporaryEdataPath))
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edataFile"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual byte[] Write(EdataFile edataFile)
     return(Write(edataFile, CancellationToken.None));