private static async Task ApproveOrRejectLeaveRequest(IDialogContext context, Activity activity, string type, Employee employee) { var managerResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ManagerResponse>(activity.Value.ToString()); var leaveDetails = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <LeaveDetails>(managerResponse.LeaveId); var appliedByEmployee = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <Employee>(leaveDetails.AppliedByEmailId); // Check the leave type and reduce in DB. leaveDetails.Status = type == Constants.ApproveLeave ? LeaveStatus.Approved : LeaveStatus.Rejected; leaveDetails.ManagerComment = managerResponse.ManagerComment; await DocumentDBRepository.UpdateItemAsync(leaveDetails.LeaveId, leaveDetails); var conunt = EchoBot.GetDayCount(leaveDetails); var employeeView = EchoBot.EmployeeViewCard(appliedByEmployee, leaveDetails); UpdateMessageInfo managerMessageIds = leaveDetails.UpdateMessageInfo; ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl)); var managerCardUpdate = activity.CreateReply(); var managerView = EchoBot.ManagerViewCard(appliedByEmployee, leaveDetails); managerCardUpdate.Attachments.Add(managerView); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(managerMessageIds.Manager)) { await connector.Conversations.UpdateActivityAsync(managerCardUpdate.Conversation.Id, managerMessageIds.Manager, managerCardUpdate); } bool isGroup = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(leaveDetails.ChannelId); if (!isGroup) { var messageId = await SendNotification(context, isGroup?leaveDetails.ChannelId : appliedByEmployee.UserUniqueId, null, employeeView, managerMessageIds.Employee, isGroup); // Update card. var msg = $"Your {conunt} days leave has been {leaveDetails.Status.ToString()} by your manager."; messageId = await SendNotification(context, isGroup?leaveDetails.ChannelId : appliedByEmployee.UserUniqueId, msg, null, null, isGroup); // Send message. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageId)) { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = $"Failed to notify {appliedByEmployee.DisplayName}. Please try again later."; await context.PostAsync(reply); } } else { var msg = $" - Your {conunt} days leave has been {leaveDetails.Status.ToString()} by your manager."; var messageId = await SendChannelNotification(context, leaveDetails.ChannelId, null, employeeView, appliedByEmployee, managerMessageIds.Employee, leaveDetails.ConversationId, false); // Update card. messageId = await SendChannelNotification(context, leaveDetails.ChannelId, msg, null, appliedByEmployee, null, leaveDetails.ConversationId, true); // Send message. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageId)) { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = $"Failed to notify {appliedByEmployee.DisplayName}. Please try again later."; await context.PostAsync(reply); } } }
private async Task HandleActions(IDialogContext context, Activity activity) { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.CreateSiteRequest()); await context.PostAsync(reply); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity) { using (var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl))) { if (activity.IsComposeExtensionQuery()) { var response = MessageExtension.HandleMessageExtensionQuery(connector, activity); return(response != null ? Request.CreateResponse <ComposeExtensionResponse>(response) : new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } else if (activity.GetTextWithoutMentions().ToLower().Trim() == "score") { await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityWithRetriesAsync(activity.CreateReply(tracker.GetScore().ToString())); return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted)); } else { //if (tracker.GetScore() < 0.4) await EchoBot.SendMessage(connector, activity, "Cheer up buddy!"); await EchoBot.EchoMessage(connector, activity, tracker.GetScore(), tracker); return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } } }
private async Task ShowPendingApprovals(IDialogContext context, Activity activity, Employee employee) { var pendingLeaves = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemsAsync <LeaveDetails>(l => l.Type == LeaveDetails.TYPE); pendingLeaves = pendingLeaves.Where(l => l.ManagerEmailId == employee.EmailId && l.Status == LeaveStatus.Pending); if (pendingLeaves.Count() == 0) { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "No pending leaves for approval."; await context.PostAsync(reply); } else { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Here are all the leaves pending for approval:"; foreach (var leave in pendingLeaves) { var attachment = EchoBot.ManagerViewCard(employee, leave); reply.Attachments.Add(attachment); } await context.PostAsync(reply); } }
private static async Task SendSetManagerCard(IDialogContext context, Activity activity, Employee employee, string message) { //Ask for manager details. var card = EchoBot.SetManagerCard(); // WelcomeLeaveCard(employee.Name.Split(' ').First()); if (message.Contains("@")) { var emailId = ExtractEmails(message).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailId)) { await SetEmaployeeManager(context, activity, employee, emailId); return; } } var msg = context.MakeMessage(); msg.Text = "Please enter manager email ID for leave approval"; msg.Attachments.Add(card); await context.PostAsync(msg); }
public async Task <JsonResult> GetEditCard(string leaveId) { var leaveDetails = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <LeaveDetails>(leaveId); var card = EchoBot.LeaveRequest(leaveDetails); return(Json(card, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private static async Task WithdrawLeave(IDialogContext context, Activity activity, Employee employee, string leaveCategory) { var managerId = await GetManagerId(employee); if (managerId == null) { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Unable to fetch your manager details. Please make sure that your manager has installed the Leave App."; await context.PostAsync(reply); } else { EditLeaveDetails vacationDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EditLeaveDetails>(activity.Value.ToString()); LeaveDetails leaveDetails = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <LeaveDetails>(vacationDetails.LeaveId); leaveDetails.Status = LeaveStatus.Withdrawn; var attachment = EchoBot.ManagerViewCard(employee, leaveDetails); // Manger Updates. var conversationId = await SendNotification(context, managerId, null, attachment, leaveDetails.UpdateMessageInfo.Manager, false); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationId)) { leaveDetails.UpdateMessageInfo.Manager = conversationId; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationId)) { ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl)); var employeeCardReply = activity.CreateReply(); var employeeView = EchoBot.EmployeeViewCard(employee, leaveDetails); employeeCardReply.Attachments.Add(employeeView); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leaveDetails.UpdateMessageInfo.Employee)) { await connector.Conversations.UpdateActivityAsync(employeeCardReply.Conversation.Id, leaveDetails.UpdateMessageInfo.Employee, employeeCardReply); } else { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Your leave request has been successfully withdrawn!"; await context.PostAsync(reply); var msgToUpdate = await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(employeeCardReply); } } else { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Failed to send notification to your manger. Please try again later."; await context.PostAsync(reply); } // Update DB for all the message Id realted changes await DocumentDBRepository.UpdateItemAsync(leaveDetails.LeaveId, leaveDetails); } }
public async Task WelcomeDialogAsync(IDialogContext context) { var replyMessage = context.MakeMessage(); Attachment attachment = null; attachment = EchoBot.WelcomeCard(); replyMessage.Attachments = new List <Attachment> { attachment }; await context.PostAsync(replyMessage); }
public async Task SiteProvisioningSettingDialogAsync(IDialogContext context) { var replyMessage = context.MakeMessage(); Attachment attachment = null; attachment = EchoBot.ShowTeamSiteRequestProvisoning(); replyMessage.Attachments = new List <Attachment> { attachment }; await context.PostAsync(replyMessage); this.DisplayOptionsAsync(context); }
public StartUp( BotListener botListener, BotCommander botCommander, BotLogger botLogger, EchoBot bot, TranslateBot translateBot) { _botListener = botListener; _botCommander = botCommander; _botLogger = botLogger; _echoBot = bot; _translateBot = translateBot; }
public async Task SiteRequestDialogAsync(IDialogContext context) { var replyMessage = context.MakeMessage(); Attachment attachment = null; DataController dc = new DataController(); string SiteSettings = dc.getSiteProvisionConfig(); List <string> SelectedValue = SiteSettings.Split(',').ToList(); attachment = EchoBot.Test1(SelectedValue); replyMessage.Attachments = new List <Attachment> { attachment }; await context.PostAsync(replyMessage); this.DisplayOptionsAsync(context); }
private async Task <Attachment> PrepareCardForFinanceTeam(IDialogContext context, ExpenseReport expenseReport, string profileKey, string employeeId) { Employee employee; if (context.ConversationData.ContainsKey(profileKey)) { employee = context.ConversationData.GetValue <Employee>(profileKey); } else { employee = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <Employee>(employeeId, nameof(Employee)); } var attachment = EchoBot.PrepareCardWithAttachment(expenseReport, employee, false, true); return(attachment); }
private async Task <HttpResponseMessage> HandleInvokeMessages(Activity activity) { var activityValue = activity.Value.ToString(); if (activity.Name == "task/fetch") { var action = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TaskModule.TaskModuleActionData <EditLeaveDetails> >(activityValue); var leaveDetails = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <LeaveDetails>(action.Data.Data.LeaveId); // TODO: Convert this to helpers once available. JObject taskEnvelope = new JObject(); JObject taskObj = new JObject(); JObject taskInfo = new JObject(); taskObj["type"] = "continue"; taskObj["value"] = taskInfo; taskInfo["card"] = JObject.FromObject(EchoBot.LeaveRequest(leaveDetails)); taskInfo["title"] = "Edit Leave"; taskInfo["height"] = 500; taskInfo["width"] = 600; taskEnvelope["task"] = taskObj; return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, taskEnvelope)); } else if (activity.Name == "task/submit") { activity.Name = Constants.EditLeave; await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, () => new RootDialog()); } return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted)); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity) { using (var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl))) { if (activity.IsComposeExtensionQuery()) { var response = MessageExtension.HandleMessageExtensionQuery(connector, activity); return(response != null ? Request.CreateResponse <ComposeExtensionResponse>(response) : new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } else { await EchoBot.EchoMessage(connector, activity); return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted)); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { EchoBot echoBot = new EchoBot(); echoBot.StartBot(); }
private static async Task AddUserToDatabase(IDialogContext context, TokenResponse tokenResponse) { var client = new SimpleGraphClient(tokenResponse.Token); User me = null; //User manager = null; var profilePhotoUrl = string.Empty; try { me = await client.GetMe(); // manager = await client.GetManager(); var photo = await client.GetProfilePhoto(); var fileName = me.Id + "-ProflePhoto.png"; string imagePath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/ProfilePhotos/"); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(imagePath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(imagePath); } imagePath += fileName; using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(imagePath)) { photo.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); photo.CopyTo(fileStream); } profilePhotoUrl = ApplicationSettings.BaseUrl + "/ProfilePhotos/" + fileName; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogService.LogError(ex); profilePhotoUrl = null; } ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(context.Activity.ServiceUrl)); var channelData = context.Activity.GetChannelData <TeamsChannelData>(); var employee = new Employee() { Name = me.DisplayName, EmailId = me.UserPrincipalName.ToLower(), UserUniqueId = context.Activity.From.Id, // For proactive messages TenantId = channelData.Tenant.Id, DemoManagerEmailId = string.Empty, JobTitle = me.JobTitle ?? me.UserPrincipalName, LeaveBalance = new LeaveBalance { OptionalLeave = 2, PaidLeave = 20, SickLeave = 10 }, AzureADId = me.Id, PhotoPath = profilePhotoUrl, }; var employeeDoc = await DocumentDBRepository.CreateItemAsync(employee); context.ConversationData.SetValue(GetProfileKey(context.Activity), employee); var msg = context.MakeMessage(); var card = EchoBot.SetManagerCard(); // WelcomeLeaveCard(employee.Name.Split(' ').First()); msg.Attachments.Add(card); await context.PostAsync(msg); }
private static async Task SendNotificaiotnToManager(IDialogContext context, string profileKey, ExpenseReport expenseReport) { var employee = context.ConversationData.GetValue <Employee>(profileKey); var attachmentForManagerNotification = EchoBot.PrepareCardWithAttachment(expenseReport, employee, true); var conversationId = await SendNotification(context, employee.UserUniqueId, null, attachmentForManagerNotification, "", false); }
/// <summary> /// Supports the commands recents, send, me, and signout against the Graph API /// </summary> private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result) { var activity = await result as Activity; string message = string.Empty; if (activity.Text != null) { message = Microsoft.Bot.Connector.Teams.ActivityExtensions.GetTextWithoutMentions(activity).ToLowerInvariant(); } string userEmailId = string.Empty; string emailKey = GetEmailKey(activity); if (context.ConversationData.ContainsKey(emailKey)) { userEmailId = context.ConversationData.GetValue <string>(emailKey); } else { // Fetch from roaster userEmailId = await GetUserEmailId(activity); context.ConversationData.SetValue(emailKey, userEmailId); } string profileKey = GetProfileKey(activity); Employee employee; if (context.ConversationData.ContainsKey(profileKey)) { employee = context.ConversationData.GetValue <Employee>(profileKey); } else { employee = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <Employee>(userEmailId); if (employee != null) { context.ConversationData.SetValue <Employee>(profileKey, employee); } } if (employee == null) { // If Bot Service does not have a token, send an OAuth card to sign in. await SendOAuthCardAsync(context, (Activity)context.Activity); } else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(employee.ManagerEmailId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(employee.DemoManagerEmailId)) && (!IsValidActionWithoutManager(activity.Value))) { await SendSetManagerCard(context, activity, employee, message); } else if (activity.Value != null) { await HandleActions(context, activity, employee); } else { if (message.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("set manager")) { await SendSetManagerCard(context, activity, employee, message); } else if (message.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("reset")) { // Sign the user out from AAD await Signout(userEmailId, context); } else { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); bool isManager = await IsManager(employee); reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.WelcomeLeaveCard(employee.DisplayName, isManager)); try { await context.PostAsync(reply); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); throw; } } } }
private static async Task ApplyForLeave(IDialogContext context, Activity activity, Employee employee, string leaveCategory) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(employee.ManagerEmailId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(employee.DemoManagerEmailId)) { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Please set your manager and try again."; reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.SetManagerCard()); await context.PostAsync(reply); return; } var managerId = await GetManagerId(employee); if (managerId == null) { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Unable to fetch your manager details. Please make sure that your manager has installed the Leave App."; await context.PostAsync(reply); } else { VacationDetails vacationDetails = null; if (activity.Name == Constants.EditLeave) // Edit request { var editRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EditRequest>(activity.Value.ToString()); vacationDetails =; } else { vacationDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VacationDetails>(activity.Value.ToString()); } LeaveDetails leaveDetails; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vacationDetails.LeaveId)) { // Edit request leaveDetails = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <LeaveDetails>(vacationDetails.LeaveId); } else { leaveDetails = new LeaveDetails(); leaveDetails.LeaveId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } leaveDetails.AppliedByEmailId = employee.EmailId; leaveDetails.EmployeeComment = vacationDetails.LeaveReason; var channelData = context.Activity.GetChannelData <TeamsChannelData>(); leaveDetails.ChannelId = channelData.Channel?.Id; // Set channel Data if request is coming from a channel. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leaveDetails.ChannelId)) { leaveDetails.ConversationId = activity.Conversation.Id; } leaveDetails.StartDate = new LeaveDate() { Date = DateTime.Parse(vacationDetails.FromDate), Type = (DayType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DayType), vacationDetails.FromDuration) }; leaveDetails.EndDate = new LeaveDate() { Date = DateTime.Parse(vacationDetails.ToDate), Type = (DayType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DayType), vacationDetails.ToDuration) }; leaveDetails.LeaveType = (LeaveType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LeaveType), vacationDetails.LeaveType); leaveDetails.Status = LeaveStatus.Pending; leaveDetails.ManagerEmailId = employee.ManagerEmailId;// Added for easy reporting. switch (leaveCategory) { case Constants.ApplyForPersonalLeave: leaveDetails.LeaveCategory = LeaveCategory.Personal; break; case Constants.ApplyForSickLeave: leaveDetails.LeaveCategory = LeaveCategory.Sickness; break; case Constants.ApplyForVacation: leaveDetails.LeaveCategory = LeaveCategory.Vacation; break; case Constants.ApplyForOtherLeave: default: leaveDetails.LeaveCategory = LeaveCategory.Other; break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vacationDetails.LeaveId)) { // Edit request await DocumentDBRepository.UpdateItemAsync(leaveDetails.LeaveId, leaveDetails); } else { await DocumentDBRepository.CreateItemAsync(leaveDetails); } var attachment = EchoBot.ManagerViewCard(employee, leaveDetails); UpdateMessageInfo managerMessageIds = leaveDetails.UpdateMessageInfo; // Manger Updates. var conversationId = await SendNotification(context, managerId, null, attachment, managerMessageIds.Manager, false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationId)) { managerMessageIds.Manager = conversationId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationId)) { ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl)); var employeeCardReply = activity.CreateReply(); var employeeView = EchoBot.EmployeeViewCard(employee, leaveDetails); employeeCardReply.Attachments.Add(employeeView); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(managerMessageIds.Employee)) { // Update existing item. await connector.Conversations.UpdateActivityAsync(employeeCardReply.Conversation.Id, managerMessageIds.Employee, employeeCardReply); } else { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Your leave request has been successfully submitted to your manager! Please review your details below:"; await context.PostAsync(reply); var msgToUpdate = await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(employeeCardReply); managerMessageIds.Employee = msgToUpdate.Id; } } else { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Failed to send notification to your manger. Please try again later."; await context.PostAsync(reply); } await DocumentDBRepository.UpdateItemAsync(leaveDetails.LeaveId, leaveDetails); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when a message is received by the dialog /// </summary> private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result) { var activity = await result as Activity; var reply = activity.CreateReply(); string userEmailId = string.Empty; string userName = string.Empty; string managerEmailKey = activity.From.Id + ManagerEmailKey; userEmailId = await GetUserMailId(context, activity); userName = await getUserName(activity); string profileKey = GetProfileKey(activity); Employee employee = new Employee(); if (activity.Value != null) { var activityValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.activityJson>(activity.Value.ToString()); if (activityValue.type == Constants.SetManager) { if (ValidateManagerId(activityValue.managerId)) { await SetManagerId(context, managerEmailKey, profileKey, activityValue.managerId); reply.Text = "Manager Email Id is updated as : " + activityValue.managerId; } else { reply.Text = "Invalid Email Id, Please enter a valid manager email id. "; } } } if (context.ConversationData.ContainsKey(profileKey)) { employee = context.ConversationData.GetValue <Employee>(profileKey); } else { // TODO: Check if employee exists in DB before creating new record. employee = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemAsync <Employee>(userEmailId, nameof(Employee)); if (employee != null) { context.ConversationData.SetValue <Employee>(profileKey, employee); } else { employee = await SaveEmployeeToDbAsync(context, userEmailId, profileKey, managerEmailKey); string emailKey = activity.From.Id + EmailKey; context.ConversationData.SetValue(emailKey, userEmailId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(employee.ManagerEmailId)) { context.ConversationData.SetValue(managerEmailKey, employee.ManagerEmailId); } } } if (!(await IsManagerMailIdPresent(context, activity, managerEmailKey, employee))) { reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.CraeteManagerCard()); await context.PostAsync(reply); return; } if (activity.Value != null) { var activityValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.activityJson>(activity.Value.ToString()); switch (activityValue.type) { case Constants.CreateExpense: reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.CreateExpense()); break; case Constants.EditExpense: reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.EditExpense()); break; case Constants.UploadReport: reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.UploadExpense()); break; case Constants.PendingApproval: reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.PendingApproval()); break; case Constants.ApproveReport: await HandleManagerAction(context, activity, profileKey, activityValue.reportId, activityValue.employeeId, true); return; case Constants.RejectReport: await HandleManagerAction(context, activity, profileKey, activityValue.reportId, activityValue.employeeId); return; case Constants.SubmitExpense: reply.Text = await ValidateAndSubmitExpense(context, activity, profileKey); break; } } else if (activity.Attachments.Count > 0) { //Read attachement and save data to database try { var attachmentList = HandleCsvAttachment.ReadCsv(activity.Attachments.First()); reply.Text = await ValidateAndSubmitExpense(context, activity, profileKey, attachmentList); PrepareExpenseList(attachmentList); var expenseReport = CreateExpenseReport(attachmentList); reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.PrepareCardWithAttachment(expenseReport, null)); //reply.Text = "Uploaded sucessfully. "; } catch (Exception ex) { reply.Text = "Unable to process the uploaded file, Please verify the file format. "; } } else { var typingReply = activity.CreateReply(); typingReply.Text = null; typingReply.Type = ActivityTypes.Typing; await context.PostAsync(typingReply); reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.WelcomeCard(userEmailId, userName)); } await context.PostAsync(reply); }
private async Task HandleActions(IDialogContext context, Activity activity, Employee employee) { string type = string.Empty; if (activity.Name == Constants.EditLeave) // Edit request { var editRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EditRequest>(activity.Value.ToString()); type =; } else { var details = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InputDetails>(activity.Value.ToString()); type = details.Type; } var reply = activity.CreateReply(); switch (type) { case Constants.ApplyForOtherLeave: case Constants.ApplyForPersonalLeave: case Constants.ApplyForSickLeave: case Constants.ApplyForVacation: await ApplyForLeave(context, activity, employee, type); break; case Constants.Withdraw: await WithdrawLeave(context, activity, employee, type); break; case Constants.RejectLeave: case Constants.ApproveLeave: await ApproveOrRejectLeaveRequest(context, activity, type, employee); break; case Constants.SetManager: await SetEmployeeManager(context, activity, employee); break; case Constants.ShowPendingApprovals: await ShowPendingApprovals(context, activity, employee); break; case Constants.LeaveRequest: try { reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.LeaveRequest()); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogService.LogError(ex); } await context.PostAsync(reply); break; case Constants.LeaveBalance: reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.ViewLeaveBalance(employee)); await context.PostAsync(reply); break; case Constants.Holidays: reply.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.PublicHolidays()); await context.PostAsync(reply); break; default: reply = activity.CreateReply("It will redirect to the tab"); await context.PostAsync(reply); break; } }
private async Task <Activity> HandleSystemMessage(Activity message) { if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.DeleteUserData) { // Implement user deletion here // If we handle user deletion, return a real message } else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate) { // Handle conversation state changes, like members being added and removed // Use Activity.MembersAdded and Activity.MembersRemoved and Activity.Action for info // Not available in all channels for (int i = 0; i < message.MembersAdded.Count; i++) { if (message.MembersAdded[i].Id == message.Recipient.Id) { // Bot is added. Let's send welcome message. message.Text = "hi"; await Conversation.SendAsync(message, () => new RootDialog()); break; } else { try { var userId = message.MembersAdded[i].Id; var channelData = message.GetChannelData <TeamsChannelData>(); var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(message.ServiceUrl)); var parameters = new ConversationParameters { Members = new ChannelAccount[] { new ChannelAccount(userId) }, ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData { Tenant = channelData.Tenant, Notification = new NotificationInfo() { Alert = true } } }; var conversationResource = await connectorClient.Conversations.CreateConversationAsync(parameters); var replyMessage = Activity.CreateMessageActivity(); replyMessage.ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData() { Notification = new NotificationInfo(true) }; replyMessage.Conversation = new ConversationAccount(id: conversationResource.Id.ToString()); var name = message.MembersAdded[i].Name; if (name != null) { name = name.Split(' ').First(); } replyMessage.Attachments.Add(EchoBot.WelcomeLeaveCard(name, false)); await connectorClient.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync((Activity)replyMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogService.LogError(ex); } } } } else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ContactRelationUpdate) { // Handle add/remove from contact lists // Activity.From + Activity.Action represent what happened } else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.Typing) { // Handle knowing tha the user is typing } return(null); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { EchoBot T = new EchoBot(); }
private async Task <Activity> HandleSystemMessage(Activity message) { if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.DeleteUserData) { // Implement user deletion here // If we handle user deletion, return a real message } else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate) { // Handle conversation state changes, like members being added and removed // Use Activity.MembersAdded and Activity.MembersRemoved and Activity.Action for info // Not available in all channels if (message.MembersAdded.Any(m => m.Id.Contains(message.Recipient.Id))) { try { var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(message.ServiceUrl)); var channelData = message.GetChannelData <TeamsChannelData>(); var TeamorConversationId = channelData.Team != null ? channelData.Team.Id : message.Conversation.Id; if (channelData.Team == null) { await AddtoDatabase(message, TeamorConversationId, message.From.Id); //await Conversation.SendAsync(message, () => new EchoBot()); ThumbnailCard card = EchoBot.GetWelcomeMessage(); var reply = message.CreateReply(); reply.TextFormat = TextFormatTypes.Xml; reply.Attachments.Add(card.ToAttachment()); await connectorClient.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply); return(null); } var members = await connectorClient.Conversations.GetConversationMembersAsync(TeamorConversationId); foreach (var meb in members) { await AddtoDatabase(message, TeamorConversationId, meb.Id); ThumbnailCard card = EchoBot.GetWelcomeMessage(); //ThumbnailCard card = EchoBot.GetHelpMessage(); var replyMessage = Activity.CreateMessageActivity(); var parameters = new ConversationParameters { Members = new ChannelAccount[] { new ChannelAccount(meb.Id) }, ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData { Tenant = channelData.Tenant, Notification = new NotificationInfo() { Alert = true } } }; var conversationResource = await connectorClient.Conversations.CreateConversationAsync(parameters); replyMessage.ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData() { Notification = new NotificationInfo(true) }; replyMessage.Conversation = new ConversationAccount(id: conversationResource.Id.ToString()); replyMessage.TextFormat = TextFormatTypes.Xml; replyMessage.Attachments.Add(card.ToAttachment()); await connectorClient.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync((Activity)replyMessage); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } // Bot Installation // Bot is added. Let's send welcome message. //var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(message.ServiceUrl)); } // For Add new member for (int i = 0; i < message.MembersAdded.Count; i++) { if (message.MembersAdded[i].Id != message.Recipient.Id) { try { var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(message.ServiceUrl)); var userId = message.MembersAdded[i].Id; var channelData = message.GetChannelData <TeamsChannelData>(); var user = new UserDetails(); var TeamorConversationId = channelData.Team != null ? channelData.Team.Id : message.Conversation.Id; //string emailid = await GetUserEmailId(userId, message.ServiceUrl, TeamorConversationId); //user.EmaildId = emailid; user.EmaildId = await GetUserEmailId(userId, message.ServiceUrl, TeamorConversationId); user.UserId = userId; user.UserName = await GetUserName(userId, message.ServiceUrl, TeamorConversationId); var parameters = new ConversationParameters { Members = new ChannelAccount[] { new ChannelAccount(userId) }, ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData { Tenant = channelData.Tenant, Notification = new NotificationInfo() { Alert = true } } }; var conversationResource = await connectorClient.Conversations.CreateConversationAsync(parameters); var replyMessage = Activity.CreateMessageActivity(); replyMessage.ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData() { Notification = new NotificationInfo(true) }; replyMessage.Conversation = new ConversationAccount(id: conversationResource.Id.ToString()); var name = await GetUserName(userId, message.ServiceUrl, TeamorConversationId); if (name != null) { name = name.Split(' ').First(); } user.Type = Helper.Constants.NewUser; var existinguserRecord = await DocumentDBRepository.GetItemsAsync <UserDetails>(u => u.EmaildId == user.EmaildId && u.Type == Helper.Constants.NewUser); if (existinguserRecord.Count() == 0) { var NewUserRecord = await DocumentDBRepository.CreateItemAsync(user); } ThumbnailCard card = EchoBot.GetWelcomeMessage(); replyMessage.Attachments.Add(card.ToAttachment()); await connectorClient.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync((Activity)replyMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } } } else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ContactRelationUpdate) { // Handle add/remove from contact lists // Activity.From + Activity.Action represent what happened } else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.Typing) { // Handle knowing tha the user is typing } else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.Ping) { } return(null); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity) { using (var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl))) { var val = activity.Value; if (activity.IsComposeExtensionQuery()) { var response = MessageExtension.HandleMessageExtensionQuery(connector, activity, result); return(response != null ? Request.CreateResponse <ComposeExtensionResponse>(response) : new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } else { if (activity.Value != null) { result = await GetActivity(activity); } else { await EchoBot.EchoMessage(connector, activity); } } if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate) { for (int i = 0; i < activity.MembersAdded.Count; i++) { if (activity.MembersAdded[i].Id == activity.Recipient.Id) { var reply = activity.CreateReply(); reply.Text = "Hi! I am the Event Management bot for Dev Days 2019 happening in Taiwan. Ask me questions about the event and I can help you find answers Ask me questions like \n\n" + " *\r What is the venue? \r\n\n" + " *\r What tracks are available? \r\n\n" + " *\r Do we have workshops planned? \n\n".Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine); await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply); var channelData = activity.GetChannelData <TeamsChannelData>(); if (channelData.Team != null) { ConversationParameters param = new ConversationParameters() { Members = new List <ChannelAccount>() { new ChannelAccount() { Id = activity.From.Id } }, ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData() { Tenant = channelData.Tenant, Notification = new NotificationInfo() { Alert = true } } }; var resource = await connector.Conversations.CreateConversationAsync(param); await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(resource.Id, reply); } break; } } } return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted)); } }