Beispiel #1
        void SetTextLerpView(float param)
            float ease = EaseUtility.EasedLerp(0, 1, param, animationEaseType);

            if (scaleTarget == ScaleTarget.Self)
                textComponent.transform.localScale = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(startScale,, ease);
                textComponent.transform.parent.localScale = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(startScale,, ease);

            Color c = initShadowColor;

            if (isChangeOpacity)
                textComponent.color = new Color(textComponent.color.r, textComponent.color.g, textComponent.color.b, ease);
                if (isHasShadow)
                    shadow.effectColor = new Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, Mathf.Lerp(0, c.a, param));
                textComponent.color = new Color(textComponent.color.r, textComponent.color.g, textComponent.color.b, 1);
                if (isHasShadow)
                    shadow.effectColor = new Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, Mathf.Lerp(0, c.a, 1));
Beispiel #2
        IEnumerator ChangeNumberAnimation(int targetNumber, float numberDuration, string extraTextInFront = "", string extraTextInEnd = "", float delay = 0)
            if (delay != 0)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));
            int startNumber;

            if (!int.TryParse(textComponent.text, out startNumber))
                startNumber = 0;

            float progress   = 0;
            float v          = 1f / numberDuration;
            int   lastNumber = startNumber;

            while (progress <= 1)
                progress += v * Time.deltaTime;
                float easedValue = EaseUtility.EasedLerp(startNumber, targetNumber, progress, numberEaseType);
                int   tmp        = Mathf.FloorToInt(easedValue);
                if (lastNumber != tmp)
                    lastNumber = tmp;
                    SetTextAnimation(extraTextInFront + lastNumber.ToString() + extraTextInEnd);
                yield return(null);
            SetTextAnimation(extraTextInFront + targetNumber.ToString() + extraTextInEnd);
    IEnumerator Shaking(Transform _transform, Vector3 magnetude, float duration, float motion, bool isSexy = false, bool isIgnoreTimeScale = false, EaseStyle easeStyle = EaseStyle.QuadEaseOut)
        float   lifeTime    = duration;
        float   age         = lifeTime;
        Vector3 offset      =;
        Vector2 seedX       = Vector2Extension.RandomInSqaure * 10f;
        Vector2 seedY       = Vector2Extension.RandomInSqaure * 10f;
        Vector2 seedZ       = Vector2Extension.RandomInSqaure * 10f;
        Vector2 motionVectX = Vector2Extension.RandomOnCircle * motion;
        Vector2 motionVectY = Vector2Extension.RandomOnCircle * motion;
        Vector2 motionVectZ = Vector2Extension.RandomOnCircle * motion;

        while (_transform != null & age > 0)
            _transform.position -= offset;

            float deltaTime = (isIgnoreTimeScale) ? Time.unscaledDeltaTime : Time.deltaTime;
            age -= deltaTime;
            float power = (age / lifeTime);

            power *= EaseUtility.EasedLerp(0f, 1f, power, easeStyle);

            seedX += ((isSexy) ? motionVectX * power : motionVectX) * deltaTime;
            seedY += ((isSexy) ? motionVectY * power : motionVectY) * deltaTime;
            seedZ += ((isSexy) ? motionVectZ * power : motionVectZ) * deltaTime;

            offset = new Vector3(
                Mathf.PerlinNoise(seedX.x, seedX.y),
                Mathf.PerlinNoise(seedY.x, seedY.y),
                Mathf.PerlinNoise(seedZ.x, seedZ.y));

            //***** Center the noise signal *****
            offset -= * 0.5f;
            offset *= 2f;
            offset *= power;
            offset  = new Vector3(
                offset.x * magnetude.x,
                offset.y * magnetude.y,
                offset.z * magnetude.z);
            //***** Center the noise signal *****

            _transform.position += offset;
            yield return(null);
        if (_transform != null)
            _transform.position -= offset;
        yield break;