public bool JoinConference(string conferenceName, EV_SVC_CONFERENCE_NAME_TYPE_CLI nameType, string displayName, string password, EV_SVC_CALL_TYPE_CLI type)
            _log.InfoFormat("JoinConference, conferenceName:{0}, display name:{1}", conferenceName, displayName);
            if (null == displayName)
                _log.Info("display name is null and set it to empty");
                displayName = "";
            if (null == password)
                _log.Info("password is null and set it to empty");
                password = "";
            int rst = this.EVSdkWrapper.EVEngineJoinConference(conferenceName, nameType, displayName, password, type);

            _log.Info("JoinConference done");
            if ((int)ManagedEVSdk.ErrorInfo.EV_ERROR_CLI.EV_OK != rst)
                _log.InfoFormat("Failed to JoinConference, conferenceName:{0}, display name:{1}, result:{2}", conferenceName, displayName, rst);
        public bool JoinConferenceWithLocation(string locationServer, uint port, string conferenceName, EV_SVC_CONFERENCE_NAME_TYPE_CLI nameType, string displayName, string password)
            _log.InfoFormat("JoinConferenceWithLocation, location server:{0}, port:{1}, conferenceName:{2} display name:{3}", locationServer, port, conferenceName, displayName);
            if (null == displayName)
                _log.Info("display name is null and set it to empty");
                displayName = "";
            if (null == password)
                _log.Info("password is null and set it to empty");
                password = "";
            int rst = this.EVSdkWrapper.EVEngineJoinConferenceWithLocation(locationServer, port, conferenceName, nameType, displayName, password);

            _log.Info("JoinConferenceWithLocation done");
            if ((int)ManagedEVSdk.ErrorInfo.EV_ERROR_CLI.EV_OK != rst)
                _log.InfoFormat("Failed to JoinConferenceWithLocation, location server:{0}, port:{1} conferenceName:{2}, display name:{3}, result:{4}"
                                , locationServer
                                , port
                                , conferenceName
                                , displayName
                                , rst);