Beispiel #1
        public static void RectangleAroundCell(ref Frame frame, ESprite sprite, double x, double y)
            double xx = Const.FieldOriginX + x * Const.TileWidth;
            double yy = Const.FieldOriginY + y * Const.TileHeight;

            Rectangle(ref frame, sprite, xx, yy, Const.TileWidth, Const.TileHeight);
Beispiel #2
        public static void Rectangle(ref Frame frame, ESprite sprite, double x, double y, double w, double h)
            double pointSz = Const.TileHeight / 15;

            frame.Add(new Sprite(sprite, w, pointSz, new Vector2(x + w / 2, y)));
            frame.Add(new Sprite(sprite, pointSz, h, new Vector2(x, y + h / 2)));
            frame.Add(new Sprite(sprite, w, pointSz, new Vector2(x + w / 2, y + h)));
            frame.Add(new Sprite(sprite, pointSz, h, new Vector2(x + w, y + h / 2)));
Beispiel #3
        public void Draw(ref Frame frame, double stage, int turnNumber)
            if (currAnim == null)
                if (anims.Count == 0)
                    isFinished = true;
                currAnim = anims.Dequeue();
                if (!Utility.doubleEqual(lastPos.x, -1))
                    currAnim.Pos = lastPos;

            if (Utility.doubleGreaterOrEqual(stage, currAnim.GetAnimationsStart()))
                currAnim.Draw(ref frame, stage, turnNumber);
            if (currAnim.CurrentSprite == ESprite.explosionNuclear && !currAnim.IsAnimationsFinished())
                double  pointSz = Const.TileHeight / 15;
                ESprite sprite  = ESprite.explosionPoint;
                double  x       = currAnim.Pos.x - Const.TileWidth * 2.5;
                double  y       = currAnim.Pos.y - Const.TileHeight * 2.5;
                double  w       = Const.TileWidth * 5;
                double  h       = Const.TileHeight * 5;
                double  alpha   = -2 * Math.Pow((currAnim.CurrentInnerStage - 0.5), 2) + 1;
                frame.Add(new Sprite(sprite, w, pointSz, new Vector2(x + w / 2, y))
                    Alpha = alpha
                frame.Add(new Sprite(sprite, pointSz, h, new Vector2(x, y + h / 2))
                    Alpha = alpha
                frame.Add(new Sprite(sprite, w, pointSz, new Vector2(x + w / 2, y + h))
                    Alpha = alpha
                frame.Add(new Sprite(sprite, pointSz, h, new Vector2(x + w, y + h / 2))
                    Alpha = alpha
            if (currAnim.IsAnimationsFinished())
                lastPos  = currAnim.Pos;
                currAnim = null;
                Draw(ref frame, stage, turnNumber);
Beispiel #4
 /// <param name="name">какой спрайт</param>
 /// <param name="frame">номер кадра, если анимация. Начинаем с 0</param>
 /// <param name="width">ширина</param>
 /// <param name="height">высота</param>
 /// <param name="pos">Где находится спрайт и угол поворота</param>
 public Sprite(ESprite name, double width, double height, Vector2 pos, int frame = 0)
     if (name != ESprite.end)
         this.frameCount = Config.Sprites[name.ToString()].horFrames *
         this.frameCount = 0;
     }    = name;
     this.frame   = frame;
     this.width   = width;
     this.height  = height;
     this.pos     = pos;
     this.texture = name.ToString();
Beispiel #5
 public static int GetSpriteFramesCount(ESprite sprite)
     return(Sprites[sprite.ToString()].horFrames * Sprites[sprite.ToString()].vertFrames);
Beispiel #6
 public void drawSprite(ESprite eSprite, Vector2 textPos, SpriteEffects effectFlag = SpriteEffects.None)
     spriteBatch_.Draw(spriteTex_, textPos, spriteRec_[eSprite][0], Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 2, effectFlag, 0f);
Beispiel #7
 public void drawAtRecPos(ESprite es, Rectangle rec, float transparency = 1f)
     App.SpriteBatch.Draw(textureManager.getTexture(sprites[es].Value), rec, sprites[es].Key, Color.White * transparency);
Beispiel #8
 public void drawAtPos(ESprite es, Vector2 pos, float transparency = 1f)
     App.SpriteBatch.Draw(textureManager.getTexture(sprites[es].Value), pos, sprites[es].Key, Color.White * transparency);
Beispiel #9
 internal void drawZoom(ESprite sprite, Vector2 pos, float sprtSize, float ort = 0f)
     App.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.Instance.getTexture(sprites[sprite].Value), new Vector2(pos.X + (sprites[sprite].Key.Width * sprtSize) / 2, pos.Y + (sprites[sprite].Key.Height * sprtSize) / 2), sprites[sprite].Key, Color.White, ort, new Vector2(sprites[sprite].Key.Width / 2f, sprites[sprite].Key.Height /2f), sprtSize, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Beispiel #10
 public void drawRotatedAtPos(ESprite es, Vector2 pos, float ort, float sprtSize, float transparency = 1f)
     App.SpriteBatch.Draw(textureManager.getTexture(sprites[es].Value), new Vector2(pos.X + sprtSize / 2, pos.Y + sprtSize / 2), sprites[es].Key, Color.White * transparency, ort, new Vector2(Constants.Measures.spriteSquareSize / 2f), sprtSize / Constants.Measures.spriteSquareSize, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Beispiel #11
        bool GetTurn(State state, Player player, IGetKeyboardState keyboard, out Turn retTurn, ref Frame frame)
            retTurn = null;
            if (player.programAddress != null)
                retTurn = GetTurnFromProgramExecuter(state, player);

            ESprite color = player.Owner == OwnerType.Player1 ? ESprite.gridPoint1 : ESprite.gridPoint2;

            player.moneySpent = _commandsFromKeyboard.Where(x => x.type == Turn.CommandType.Buy).Sum(x => CreateUnit(x.arguments[0]).Cost);

            int  cellLine, cellPosition;
            bool mouseInField = GetCellUnderMouse(keyboard, out cellLine, out cellPosition);

            if (mouseInField)
                Animator.RectangleAroundCell(ref frame, color, cellPosition, cellLine);
                if (keyboard.MouseClick)
                    bool unitAtBase      = player.Units[cellLine] != null && player.Units[cellLine].AtBase();
                    bool unitJustCreated = _commandsFromKeyboard.Exists(x => x.type == Turn.CommandType.Buy && x.arguments[1] == cellLine);
                    if (unitAtBase || unitJustCreated)
                        _commandsFromKeyboard.Add(new Turn.Command(Turn.CommandType.Start, cellLine, cellPosition));
                        state.Message = "Нет юнита на базе";

                for (var unitAction = EKeyboardAction.Unit1; unitAction <= EKeyboardAction.Unit5; unitAction++)
                    if (keyboard.GetActionTime(unitAction) == 1)
                        int type        = (int)unitAction - (int)EKeyboardAction.Unit1 + 1;
                        var unit        = CreateUnit(type);
                        int playerMoney = player.Money - player.moneySpent;
                        if (player.Units[cellLine] != null && !player.Units[cellLine].AtBase())
                            state.Message = "Горизонталь занята";
                        else if (playerMoney >= unit.Cost)
                            //предыдущее убираем, чтобы деньги зря не расходовали
                            _commandsFromKeyboard.RemoveAll(x => x.type == Turn.CommandType.Buy && x.arguments[1] == cellLine);
                            // _commandsFromKeyboard.Add(new Turn.Command(Turn.CommandType.Remove,cellLine ));
                            _commandsFromKeyboard.Add(new Turn.Command(Turn.CommandType.Buy, type, cellLine, 1));
                            _commandsFromKeyboard.Add(new Turn.Command(Turn.CommandType.Start, cellLine, cellPosition));
                            state.Message = "Недостаточно денег";

            //рисуем выделенные ранее клетки и цифры , если создан юнит
            for (int i = 0; i < Const.NumberOfLines; i++)
                var lastStartCommandonThisLine = _commandsFromKeyboard.LastOrDefault(x =>
                                                                                     x.type == Turn.CommandType.Start && x.arguments[0] == i);
                if (lastStartCommandonThisLine != null)
                    Animator.RectangleAroundCell(ref frame, color, lastStartCommandonThisLine.arguments[1], i);

                var lastBuyCommandonThisLine = _commandsFromKeyboard.LastOrDefault(x =>
                                                                                   x.type == Turn.CommandType.Buy && x.arguments[1] == i);
                if (lastBuyCommandonThisLine != null)
                    Animator.TextInCell(ref frame, player.Owner == OwnerType.Player1 ? :,
                                        lastBuyCommandonThisLine.arguments[0].ToString(), lastStartCommandonThisLine.arguments[1], i);

            //dont forget to reflect everything in the end
            if (keyboard.GetActionTime(EKeyboardAction.Enter) == 1)
                if (player.Owner == OwnerType.Player2)
                    _commandsFromKeyboard.Where(x => x.type == Turn.CommandType.Start).ToList().ForEach(x => x.arguments[1] = Reflect(x.arguments[1]));
                    _commandsFromKeyboard.Where(x => x.type == Turn.CommandType.Buy).ToList().ForEach(x => x.arguments[2]   = Reflect(x.arguments[2]));
                retTurn = new Turn {
                    commands = _commandsFromKeyboard, TurnStatus = ExternalProgramExecuteResult.Ok
                _commandsFromKeyboard = new List <Turn.Command>();
                retTurn.input         = GetInput(state, player, player.Owner == OwnerType.Player1 ? state.players[1]: state.players[0]);
Beispiel #12
 public void drawSprite(ESprite eSprite, Vector2 textPos, SpriteEffects effectFlag = SpriteEffects.None)
     spriteBatch_.Draw(spriteTex_, textPos, spriteRec_[eSprite][0], Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 2, effectFlag, 0f);