Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Test whether this string ends with given string.
 /// @param SearchCase            Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
 /// @return true if this string ends with specified text, false otherwise
 /// </summary>
 public extern static bool EndsWith(FString SourceString, FString InSuffix, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase);
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Test whether this string starts with given string.
 /// @param SearchCase            Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
 /// @return true if this string begins with specified text, false otherwise
 /// </summary>
 public extern static bool StartsWith(FString SourceString, FString InPrefix, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace all occurrences of a substring in this string
 /// @param From substring to replace
 /// @param To substring to replace From with
 /// @param SearchCase    Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
 /// @return a copy of this string with the replacement made
 /// </summary>
 public extern static FString Replace(FString SourceString, FString From, FString To, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Searches this string for a given wild card
 /// @param Wildcard              *?-type wildcard
 /// @param SearchCase    Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
 /// @return true if this string matches the *?-type wildcard given.
 /// @warning This is a simple, SLOW routine. Use with caution
 /// </summary>
 public extern static bool MatchesWildcard(FString SourceString, FString Wildcard, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase);
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Splits this string at given string position case sensitive.
 /// @param InStr The string to search and split at
 /// @param LeftS out the string to the left of InStr, not updated if return is false
 /// @param RightS out the string to the right of InStr, not updated if return is false
 /// @param SearchCase             Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
 /// @param SearchDir                      Indicates whether the search starts at the begining or at the end ( defaults to ESearchDir::FromStart )
 /// @return true if string is split, otherwise false
 /// </summary>
 public extern static bool Split(FString SourceString, FString InStr, out FString LeftS, out FString RightS, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase, ESearchDir SearchDir = ESearchDir.FromStart);
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace all occurrences of SearchText with ReplacementText in this string.
 /// @param       SearchText      the text that should be removed from this string
 /// @param       ReplacementText         the text to insert in its place
 /// @param SearchCase    Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
 /// @return      the number of occurrences of SearchText that were replaced.
 /// </summary>
 public extern static int ReplaceInline(out FString SourceString, FString SearchText, FString ReplacementText, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase);
Beispiel #7
/// <summary>
/// Splits this string at given string position case sensitive.
/// @param InStr The string to search and split at
/// @param LeftS out the string to the left of InStr, not updated if return is false
/// @param RightS out the string to the right of InStr, not updated if return is false
/// @param SearchCase             Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
/// @param SearchDir                      Indicates whether the search starts at the begining or at the end ( defaults to ESearchDir::FromStart )
/// @return true if string is split, otherwise false
/// </summary>
        public static bool Split(string SourceString, string InStr, out string LeftS, out string RightS, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase, ESearchDir SearchDir = ESearchDir.FromStart)
            int ___ret = Split(IntPtr.Zero, SourceString, InStr, out LeftS, out RightS, (int)SearchCase, (int)SearchDir);

            return(___ret != 0);
Beispiel #8
/// <summary>
/// Test whether this string starts with given string.
/// @param SearchCase            Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
/// @return true if this string begins with specified text, false otherwise
/// </summary>
        public static bool StartsWith(string SourceString, string InPrefix, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase)
            int ___ret = StartsWith(IntPtr.Zero, SourceString, InPrefix, (int)SearchCase);

            return(___ret != 0);
Beispiel #9
/// <summary>
/// Searches this string for a given wild card
/// @param Wildcard              *?-type wildcard
/// @param SearchCase    Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
/// @return true if this string matches the *?-type wildcard given.
/// @warning This is a simple, SLOW routine. Use with caution
/// </summary>
        public static bool MatchesWildcard(string SourceString, string Wildcard, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase)
            int ___ret = MatchesWildcard(IntPtr.Zero, SourceString, Wildcard, (int)SearchCase);

            return(___ret != 0);
Beispiel #10
/// <summary>
/// Replace all occurrences of a substring in this string
/// @param From substring to replace
/// @param To substring to replace From with
/// @param SearchCase    Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
/// @return a copy of this string with the replacement made
/// </summary>
        public static string Replace(string SourceString, string From, string To, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase)
            string ___ret = Replace(IntPtr.Zero, SourceString, From, To, (int)SearchCase);

Beispiel #11
/// <summary>
/// Replace all occurrences of SearchText with ReplacementText in this string.
/// @param       SearchText      the text that should be removed from this string
/// @param       ReplacementText         the text to insert in its place
/// @param SearchCase    Indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not ( defaults to ESearchCase::IgnoreCase )
/// @return      the number of occurrences of SearchText that were replaced.
/// </summary>
        public static int ReplaceInline(out string SourceString, string SearchText, string ReplacementText, ESearchCase SearchCase = ESearchCase.IgnoreCase)
            int ___ret = ReplaceInline(IntPtr.Zero, out SourceString, SearchText, ReplacementText, (int)SearchCase);
