public void OnInspectorGUI()

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Road Settings", GUIStyles.GroupTitleStyle);

                // show error color in case there's no container
                if (erRoad == null)


                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(road, new GUIContent("Road", "The Easy Roads road which will get the Biome Mask Area's nodes transferred to"));

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    if (road.objectReferenceValue != null)
                        erRoad = erRoadNetwork.GetRoadByGameObject(road.objectReferenceValue as GameObject);

                // default color in case error color was set

            // consistency check for EasyRoads road
            if (erRoad == null)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Easy Roads GameObject of type Road required", MessageType.Error);

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(smoothEnabled, new GUIContent("Smooth", "Perform smoothing on the polygon"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(closedTrack, new GUIContent("Closed Track", "Set the Closed Track setting of the road"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(minDistance, new GUIContent("Min. Node Distance", "Minimum distance between nodes. Use this to remove close curve jitter"));

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(autoPlaceGameObject, new GUIContent("Auto Placement", "Automatically place a GameObject on the road"));
            if (autoPlaceGameObject.boolValue)
                if (placementGameObject.objectReferenceValue == null)

                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(placementGameObject, new GUIContent("Placement GameObject", "The GameObject to place automatically."));

            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Requires Easy Roads installed and 'EASY_ROADS' Scripting Define Symbol", MessageType.Error);
    // Receive the JSON results from the Mapzen download
    // Parse the JSON to create road objects using EasyRoads3D
    public void ReceiveDownloadResults(string results)
        var       json         = JSON.Parse(results);
        JSONArray roadFeatures = json ["roads"] ["features"].AsArray;

        currentThreadRoads = new List <ERRoad> ();
        for (int i = 0; i < roadFeatures.Count; i++)
            string type       = roadFeatures [i] ["geometry"] ["type"].Value;
            string kindOfRoad = roadFeatures [i] ["properties"] ["kind"].Value;
            string nameOfRoad = roadFeatures [i] ["properties"] ["name"].Value;
            if (kindOfRoad != "path")
                if (type == "LineString")
                    JSONArray coordinates = roadFeatures [i] ["geometry"] ["coordinates"].AsArray;
                    Vector3[] roadMarkers = parseLineString(coordinates);
                    ERRoad    road        = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(nameOfRoad, roadType, roadMarkers);
                else if (type == "MultiLineString")
                    JSONArray coordinates = roadFeatures [i] ["geometry"] ["coordinates"].AsArray;
                    for (int j = 0; j < coordinates.Count; j++)
                        JSONArray coords      = coordinates [j].AsArray;
                        Vector3[] roadMarkers = parseLineString(coords);
                        ERRoad    road        = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(nameOfRoad, roadType, roadMarkers);
Beispiel #3
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        rNet = target as RouteNet;


        if (GUILayout.Button("BuildAllRoute"))
            Undo.RecordObject(target, "BuildAllRoute");

            ERRoadNetwork net = new ERRoadNetwork();
            foreach (var r in rNet.allRoutes)
                Debug.Log("Road Name : " + r.__roadName + " Points Count " + r.positions.Count);
                markers = net.GetRoadByName(r.__roadName);
                if (markers == null)
                    Debug.LogError("NO SUCH ROAD.....CANCELED......");

                r.resolution = 50;
                Vector3[] arr = markers.GetSplinePointsCenter();
                r.positions = new List <Vector3>(arr);
                for (int i = 0; i < r.positions.Count; i++)
Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Methode zum Fahren des Autos (Simulation).
    /// </summary>
    public void SimulateCar()
        // Die Collider des Autos holen
        Collider[]      colliders    = Physics.OverlapBox(cameraCar.gameObject.transform.position, (cameraCar.gameObject.transform.localScale / 5f), cameraCar.gameObject.transform.rotation);
        List <Collider> carColliders = new List <Collider>();
        ERRoad          road         = null;

        foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
            if (collider.tag == "Street")
                road = network.GetRoadByName(;

            if (collider.tag == "Car")

        Vector3 heading = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

        if (road != null)
            // Hole den letzten Punkt der Strecke
            Vector3[] markers    = road.GetMarkerPositions();
            Vector3   lastMarker = markers.Last();

            // Die richtige Rotation ausrechnen
            heading   = (lastMarker - markers[markers.Length - 2]).normalized;
            heading.y = 0;
            CustomEasyRoad customEasy = null;
            foreach (CustomEasyRoad customEasyRoad in customEasyRoads)
                if (customEasyRoad.Road.GetName() == road.GetName())
                    customEasy = customEasyRoad;

            //Tuple<Vector3, Vector3> markers = customEasy.GetIncludingMarkers(cameraCar.gameObject.transform.position);
            //heading = (markers.Second - markers.First).normalized;
            //heading.y = 0;

        // Geschwindigkeit setzen
        Rigidbody rigidbody = cameraCar.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        cameraCar.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * (carSpeed / 3.6f) * Time.deltaTime);
        cameraCar.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(heading), 2.5f * Time.deltaTime);

        // Die Autos im Weg entfernen
        foreach (Collider collider in carColliders)
Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Methode zum Erstellen einer CustomEasyRoad.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="car">Das Gameobject des Autos.</param>
    /// <param name="road">Die Straße.</param>
    /// <param name="minCars">Die Mindestanzahl von Autos auf dem Streckenpart.</param>
    /// <param name="maxCars">Die Maximalanzahl von Autos auf dem Streckenpart.</param>
    /// <param name="numberOfTracks">Die Anzahl der Spuren.</param>
    public CustomEasyRoad(GameObject car, ERRoad road, int minCars, int maxCars, int numberOfTracks)

        this.Road        = road;
        this.CarsOnLanes = new List <Tuple <GameObject, int> >();
        this.CarsPerLane = new Dictionary <int, List <GameObject> >();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTracks; i++)
            List <GameObject> carsOnLane = new List <GameObject>();
            CarsPerLane.Add(i, carsOnLane);

        Vector3[] markers  = road.GetSplinePointsCenter();
        Vector3[] markersR = road.GetSplinePointsRightSide();
        Vector3[] markersL = road.GetSplinePointsLeftSide();

        int carCount = Random.Range(minCars, maxCars);

        if (carCount > 0)
            int        increment = markers.Length / carCount;
            Vector3    look      =;
            GameObject newCar    = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < markers.Length; i += increment)
                // Die Spur bestimmen
                int       lane             = Random.Range(0, numberOfTracks);
                Vector3[] directionMarkers = null;

                // Die Richtung des Autos/Lane holen und setzen
                if (lane < (numberOfTracks / 2))
                    directionMarkers = markersL;
                    look             = (markers[Mathf.Max(0, i - 1)] - markers[Mathf.Min(markers.Length - 1, i + 1)]);
                    directionMarkers = markersR;
                    look             = (markers[Mathf.Min(markers.Length - 1, i + 1)] - markers[Mathf.Max(0, i - 1)]);

                // Den RoadSlerp holen
                float roadSlerp = RoadUtils.GetRoadSlerpByLane(numberOfTracks, lane);

                // Das Car mit der Richtung und der Spur spawnen
                newCar = GameObject.Instantiate(car, Vector3.Slerp(markers[i], directionMarkers[i], roadSlerp) + new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Quaternion.LookRotation(look));

                // Das Auto den Listen hinzufügen
                this.AddToIndexOnLane(lane, newCar);
                CarsOnLanes.Add(new Tuple <GameObject, int>(newCar, numberOfTracks - lane - 1));
    public Vector3 GetPosition(ERRoad road, float distance)
        //if (road.roadScript.distances != null && road.roadScript.distances.Count < 3)
        //    Debug.Log(;


        Vector3 result =;
        int     prevIndex = 0, nextIndex = 0;
        float   prevIndexDistance = 0f, nextIndexDistance = 0f;

        if (road.roadScript.distances.Count < 2)

        if (distance < road.roadScript.distances[0])

        if (road.roadScript.distances.Count == 2)
            prevIndex = 0;
            nextIndex = 1;
        else if (distance > road.roadScript.distances[road.roadScript.distances.Count - 1])
            return(road.roadScript.soSplinePoints[road.roadScript.distances.Count - 1]);

        if (road.roadScript.distances.Count > 2)
            for (int i = 0; i < road.roadScript.distances.Count - 1; i++)
                if (road.roadScript.distances[i] <= distance && road.roadScript.distances[i + 1] >= distance)
                    prevIndex = i;
                    nextIndex = i + 1;

        prevIndexDistance = road.roadScript.distances[prevIndex];
        nextIndexDistance = road.roadScript.distances[nextIndex];

        result = Vector3.Lerp(road.roadScript.soSplinePoints[prevIndex], road.roadScript.soSplinePoints[nextIndex], ((distance - prevIndexDistance) / (nextIndexDistance - prevIndexDistance)));

    void Start()
        Debug.Log("Please read the comments at the top before using the runtime API!");

        // Create Road Network object
        roadNetwork = new ERRoadNetwork();

        // Create road
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, Vector3[] markers);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, ERRoadType roadType);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, ERRoadType roadType, Vector3[] markers);

        ERRoadType roadType = new ERRoadType();

        roadType.roadWidth    = 6;
        roadType.roadMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/roads/single lane") as Material;

        Vector3[] markers = new Vector3[4];
        markers[0] = new Vector3(200, 5, 200);
        markers[1] = new Vector3(250, 5, 200);
        markers[2] = new Vector3(250, 5, 250);
        markers[3] = new Vector3(300, 5, 250);

        road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad("road 1", roadType, markers);

        // Add Marker: ERRoad.AddMarker(Vector3);
        road.AddMarker(new Vector3(300, 5, 300));

        // Add Marker: ERRoad.InsertMarker(Vector3);
        road.InsertMarker(new Vector3(275, 5, 235));

        // Delete Marker: ERRoad.DeleteMarker(int index);

        // Set the road width : ERRoad.SetWidth(float);
        //	road.SetWidth(10);

        // Set the road material : ERRoad.SetMaterial(Material);
        //	Material mat = Resources.Load("Materials/roads/single lane") as Material;
        //	road.SetMaterial(mat);

        // Build Road Network

        // Restore Road Network
        //	roadNetwork.RestoreRoadNetwork();

        // create dummy object
        go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
 // Adds a road, checking connections/intersections
 // Attempts to reduce chopiness in road merging
 // Uses road merging technique mentioned in Chris Hay's independent work
 // If angle < 30 degrees, connect roads as one
 // ****This isn't actually doing anything right now
 void addRoad(ERRoad toAdd)
     /* for (int i = 0; i < currentThreadRoads.Count; i++) {
      *      ERRoad existing = currentThreadRoads [i];
      *      Vector3 sharedPos = shareNode (existing, toAdd);
      *      ERConnection[] conns = roadNetwork.LoadConnections ();
      *      if (sharedPos.y >= 0) {
      *              //ERConnection conn = roadNetwork.InstantiateConnection(conns[10], "conn", sharedPos, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f));
      *              //toAdd.ConnectToEnd (conn,0);
      *      }
      * }*/
 // Checks if two roads share a node
 Vector3 shareNode(ERRoad road1, ERRoad road2)
     Vector3[] markers1 = road1.GetMarkerPositions();
     Vector3[] markers2 = road2.GetMarkerPositions();
     // bool share = false;
     foreach (Vector3 v1 in markers1)
         foreach (Vector3 v2 in markers2)
             if (vectorsCloseEqual(v1, v2))
     return(new Vector3(0, -100, 0));
    public RoadLine[] GenerateRoadNodes(ERRoad road, Road roadLines, float nodeDefinition, int definition, int count, int linesCount, bool invertFirst, bool oneWay)
        RoadLine[] lines     = new RoadLine[linesCount];//(count*(linesCount/2));
        float      plusMinus = 1f;
        int        elCount   = (int)(road.roadScript.distances[road.roadScript.distances.Count - 1] / nodeDefinition);

        if (elCount == 0)
            elCount = 2;

        if ((float)elCount % 2 != 0f)
            elCount += 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < linesCount; i++)
            GameObject tempGo = new GameObject("Line" + (i), typeof(RoadLine));
            lines[i] = (tempGo.GetComponent <RoadLine>());

            lines[i].GraphNodes = new List <GraphNode>(elCount / linesCount);
            lines[i].road       = roadLines;
            plusMinus          *= -1f;

            lines[i].GraphNodes.AddRange(GenerateOneLine(road, roadLines, (linesCount > 1 ? (road.roadScript.roadWidth / 2f) : 0f) * plusMinus, definition, elCount, oneWay ? !invertFirst : (plusMinus < 0f)));

            if (plusMinus > 0f)
                plusMinus += (road.roadScript.roadWidth / 4f);

        for (int i = 0; i < linesCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < lines[i].GraphNodes.Count; j++)

        /// <summary>
        /// Place a gameobject on the road at marker 0 looking at marker 1
        /// </summary>
        private void AutoPlaceGameObject()
            if (!editor.extension.roadSettings.autoPlaceGameObject)

            if (editor.extension.roadSettings.placementGameObject == null)
                Debug.LogError("No GameObject specified");

            ERRoadNetwork erRoadNetwork = new ERRoadNetwork();
            ERRoad        erRoad        = erRoadNetwork.GetRoadByGameObject(editor.extension.roadSettings.road);

            if (erRoad == null)
                Debug.LogError("No road gameobject specified");

            if (erRoad.GetMarkerCount() < 2)
                Debug.LogError("At least 2 markers required");

            GameObject gameObject = editor.extension.roadSettings.placementGameObject;

            // get marker with index 0 and 1
            Vector3 positionA = erRoad.GetMarkerPosition(0);
            Vector3 positionB = erRoad.GetMarkerPosition(1);

            Bounds prefabBounds = BoundsUtils.GetPrefabBounds(gameObject);

            // position at marker position
            gameObject.transform.position = positionA;

            // look at 2nd marker
        public void OnEnable()
            biomeMaskArea       = editor.FindProperty(x => x.roadSettings.biomeMaskArea);
            road                = editor.FindProperty(x => x.roadSettings.road);
            smoothEnabled       = editor.FindProperty(x => x.roadSettings.smoothEnabled);
            closedTrack         = editor.FindProperty(x => x.roadSettings.closedTrack);
            minDistance         = editor.FindProperty(x => x.roadSettings.minDistance);
            autoPlaceGameObject = editor.FindProperty(x => x.roadSettings.autoPlaceGameObject);
            placementGameObject = editor.FindProperty(x => x.roadSettings.placementGameObject);

            // create a reference to the road network in the scene
            erRoadNetwork = new ERRoadNetwork();
            erRoad        = null;

            if (road.objectReferenceValue != null)
                erRoad = erRoadNetwork.GetRoadByGameObject(road.objectReferenceValue as GameObject);
        public void ClearRoad()
            erRoad = erRoadNetwork.GetRoadByGameObject(road.objectReferenceValue as GameObject);

            if (erRoad == null)
                Debug.LogError("No road gameobject specified");

            // the mask didn't get refreshed with the road, it stayed the old one => according to raoul this helps:
            Object.DestroyImmediate(erRoad.gameObject.GetComponent <AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationMaskLine>());

            // delete all markers
            // TODO: find out how to do that properly
            while (erRoad.GetMarkerCount() > 0)

Beispiel #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Methode zum Platzieren des Autos am Anfang.
    /// </summary>
    private void PlaceCameraCar()
        // Das Auto auf die rechte erste Spur platzieren
        ERRoad  firstRoad            = network.GetRoads().First();
        Vector3 firstSplineRightSide = firstRoad.GetSplinePointsRightSide()[0];
        Vector3 firstMarker          = firstRoad.GetMarkerPosition(0);
        Vector3 rightMiddleLane      =;

        // Das Position je nach Anzahl der Spuren interpolieren
        switch (this.numberOfTracks)
        case 8:
            rightMiddleLane = Vector3.Slerp(firstMarker, firstSplineRightSide, 0.85f);

        case 6:
            rightMiddleLane = Vector3.Slerp(firstMarker, firstSplineRightSide, 0.825f);

        case 4:
            rightMiddleLane = Vector3.Slerp(firstMarker, firstSplineRightSide, 0.75f);

        case 2:
            rightMiddleLane = Vector3.Slerp(firstMarker, firstSplineRightSide, 0.5f);

        // Das Auto an die richtige Positions etzen
        cameraCar.gameObject.transform.position = rightMiddleLane;
        cameraCar.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // Ist platziert setzen
        isPlaced = true;
    public List <GraphNode> GenerateOneLine(ERRoad road, Road roadLines, float horizontalSep, int definition, int count, bool inverted)
        List <GraphNode> nodes = new List <GraphNode>(count * 2);

        Vector3    vect1 =, POS = default(Vector3), pos, tempVect =, prevTempVect =;
        GameObject temp;
        float      percent = 0f;
        GraphNode  node;


        float max = road.roadScript.distances[road.roadScript.distances.Count - 1], min = road.roadScript.distances[0];

        int counter        = 0;
        int currentElement = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1)
            percent = (float)i / (float)count;

            if (inverted)
                percent = 1f - ((float)i / (float)count);

            percent = Mathf.Lerp(min, max, percent);

            if (i == 0)
                if (!inverted)
                    percent = min;
                    percent = max;

            if (i == count - 1)
                if (!inverted)
                    percent = max;
                    percent = min;

            //Debug.Log( + " " + currentElement + " " + percent + " "+ road.roadScript.distances.Count);

            vect1    = GetPosition(road, percent);
            tempVect =
                (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) *
                 (GetPosition(road, percent + 0.01f) - vect1).normalized) *
                (horizontalSep * 0.4f);

            if (inverted && i == 0)
                tempVect =
                    (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) *
                     (GetPosition(road, percent - 1f) - vect1).normalized * -1f) *
                    (horizontalSep * 0.4f);

            if ((!inverted && i != count - 1) || (inverted))
                prevTempVect = tempVect;
                tempVect = prevTempVect;

            vect1 += tempVect;

            pos  = vect1;//(Vector3.Lerp(splinesAtLeft[currentElement], splinesAtRight[currentElement], horizontalSep/Vector3.Distance(splinesAtLeft[currentElement], splinesAtRight[currentElement])));
            pos += Vector3.up * 2f;

            temp = new GameObject("NavNode " + counter, typeof(GraphNode));

            nodes.Add(temp.GetComponent <GraphNode>());

            node = nodes[nodes.Count - 1];
            node.OverrideDefinition      = true;
            node.OverrideDefinitionValue = definition;

            node.MaxSpeed = 35f;

            node.Transform.position = pos;


            //GameObject tempGo = new GameObject(tempVect.ToString());
            //tempGo.transform.position = pos;


        currentElement = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < nodes.Count; i++)
            nodes[i - 1].ConnectedNodes.Add(nodes[i]);

            percent = (float)(i) / (float)count - (1f / (float)count) / 2f;

            if (inverted)
                percent = 1f - (((float)(i) / (float)count) - (1f / (float)count) / 2f);

            percent = Mathf.Lerp(min, max, percent);

            if (i == 1)
                if (!inverted)
                    percent = min;
                    percent = max;

            //if (i == count - 1)
            //    if (!inverted)
            //    {
            //        currentElement = road.GetSplinePointsCenter().Length - 1;
            //        percent = max;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        currentElement = 0;
            //        percent = min;
            //    }

            if (inverted && i == 1)
                vect1 = Vector3.Lerp(nodes[i - 1].transform.position, nodes[i].transform.position, 0.5f);
                vect1  = GetPosition(road, percent);
                vect1 +=
                    (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) *
                     (GetPosition(road, percent + 0.01f) - vect1).normalized) *
                    (horizontalSep * 0.4f);
                vect1 += Vector3.up * 2f;

            nodes[i - 1].LinksBezierHelpers.Add(vect1);

    private void SetNodes(Transform parent)
            //Problem in that the loop is finding itself
            //This avoids recursing a folder that was created by this process
            if (

            //TODO: will need to check for the preexisting nodes, and delete them
            //   "Traffic Nodes Right Lane(0)"

            bool   isRight  = true;
            string sSide    = "Right";
            string roadName =;

            //Hack: use the name to determine if this is the Right or Left hand side
            if ("left"))
                isRight = false;
                sSide   = "Left";

            //Get width of road, to get the number of lanes
            ERRoad           erRoad       = roadNetwork.GetRoadByName(roadName);
            ERRoadType       roadType     = erRoad.GetRoadType();
            float            roadWidth    = roadType.roadWidth;
            byte             laneCount    = System.Convert.ToByte((roadType.roadWidth / 2) / laneWidth);
            List <Transform> trafficNodes = new List <Transform>();
            Transform        nodeChild;

            for (byte b = 0; b < laneCount; b++)
                string folderName = nodeFolderName + " " + sSide + " Lane (" + b.ToString() + ")";

                //todo NOT FINDING IT WHEN IT IS INDEED there
                Transform tempFolder = parent.parent.Find(folderName);

                //Check for the existance of this folder, if it already exists, delete it.
                //The road has been adjusted and it is safer to assume that the old nodes are no longer correct
                //...just in case
                if (tempFolder != null)

                GameObject folder = new GameObject(folderName);

                if (b == 0)
                    //Remove existing Traffic Nodes from the folder that they were created
                    //Moving them insures that they are not moved again, in a forever recursive loop
                    //and to know they are completed, and not readjusted.
                    if (isRight)
                        for (int i = 0; i < parent.childCount; i++)
                            //NOTE: Be aware that when creating the Side Object the "Combine Objects" checkbox MUST be unchecked
                            //      otherwise a few of these children will not be TrafficSystemNodes and that will cause all sorts of issues.
                            nodeChild      = parent.GetChild(i);
                   = roadName + " " + sSide + " node (" + i + ")";
                        int iLoop = 0;
                        for (int i = (parent.childCount - 1); i > -1; i--)
                            nodeChild      = parent.GetChild(i);
                   = roadName + " " + sSide + " node (" + iLoop + ")";


                    //Add to new parent
                    foreach (Transform trafficNode in trafficNodes)

                    //Connect node to it's next neighbor
                    // PROCESS
                    // * Create new nodes
                    // * Place them
                    // * Connect them to each other - still a bit of an issue here

                    // * Connect them to the previous Lane
                    // * Connect previous lane to this lane

                    //Create the nodes and place them
                    for (int i = 0; i < trafficNodes.Count; i++)
                        float nodePosition = this.laneWidth;
                        if (isRight)
                            nodePosition = -(this.laneWidth);

                        Transform trafficNode = Instantiate(trafficNodeInstance, trafficNodes[i].position + trafficNodes[i].right * nodePosition, trafficNodes[i].rotation);
                        trafficNode.gameObject.isStatic = true;
               = roadName + " " + sSide + " node (" + i + ")";

                        //Connect to previous lane

                        //trafficNodes[i] = trafficNode;

                        //TODO: connect to next node, BUT this hasn't been created yet so....
                        //Do I need another LIST?  Do I update the current list with the new Node, then in a separate loop connect them?
                        //if (i < (folder.transform.childCount - 1))
                        //    TrafficSystemNode nextNode = folder.transform.GetChild(i + 1).GetComponent<TrafficSystemNode>();

                        //    folder.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent<TrafficSystemNode>().m_connectedChangeLaneNodes.Clear(); //To insure that previous values are removed
                        //    folder.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent<TrafficSystemNode>().m_connectedChangeLaneNodes.Add(nextNode);


                    //Connect node to it's next neighbor

                    //Connect to Previous nodes to Current nodes
                    folderName = nodeFolderName + " " + sSide + " Lane (" + (b - 1).ToString() + ")";
                    GameObject previousFolder = parent.parent.Find(folderName).gameObject;
                    ConnectLanes(folder, previousFolder);


            //DestroyImmediate(parent.gameObject);  //Remove the original folder, causes an issue with the loop

            //TODO: intersections (someday)
        catch (System.Exception ex)
Beispiel #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Methode zum Zeichnen einer geraden Straße.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="length">Die Länge der Straße.</param>
    /// <param name="minCars">Die minimale Anzahl der Autos auf dem Straßenteil.</param>
    /// <param name="maxCars">Die maximale Anzahl der Autos auf dem Straßenteil.</param>
    /// <param name="heightDifference">Der Höhenunterschied.</param>
    /// <param name="seed">Der Seed.</param>
    /// <returns>Die Straße.</returns>
    public ERRoad CreateStraight(float length, int minCars, int maxCars, float?heightDifference, string seed)
        // Die Strecke neu holen = new ERRoadNetwork();;

        // Den RoadType holen
        ERRoadType roadType = this.GetRandomRoadType();

        // Hole die akutellen Streckenteile
        ERRoad[] currentRoads = network.GetRoads();

        // Hole die Höhe der Strecke
        float fixHeightDifference = heightDifference ?? 0;

        // Lege die Positionen der Strecke an
        Vector3 startPosition  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3 middlePosition = new Vector3(0, fixHeightDifference / 2, length / 2);
        Vector3 endPosition    = new Vector3(0, fixHeightDifference, length);

        ERRoad lastRoad = null;
        ERRoad road     = null;

        if (currentRoads.Length > 0)
            // Hole die letzte Strecke
            lastRoad = currentRoads.Last();

            // Hole den letzten Punkt der Strecke
            Vector3[] markers    = lastRoad.GetMarkerPositions();
            Vector3   lastMarker = markers.Last();

            // Die richtige Rotation ausrechnen
            Vector3 heading   = (lastMarker - markers[markers.Length - 2]);
            Vector3 direction = heading / heading.magnitude;
            direction.y = 0;

            // Das Verhältnis zwischen x und z-Achse ausrechnen
            float x = direction.x / (direction.magnitude);
            float z = direction.z / (direction.magnitude);

            Vector3[] streetVectors = new Vector3[(int)length];
            float     heightPart    = fixHeightDifference / length;
            for (int lengthPart = 0; lengthPart < length; lengthPart++)
                streetVectors[lengthPart] = lastMarker + new Vector3(x * lengthPart, heightPart * lengthPart, z * lengthPart);

            // Generiere Straße
            road = network.CreateRoad("Straight" + currentRoads.Length, roadType, streetVectors);
            // Generiere erste Straße
            road = network.CreateRoad("Straight" + currentRoads.Length, roadType, new Vector3[] { startPosition, middlePosition, endPosition });

        // Erstelle die Strecke mit einem eindeutigen Namen
        customEasyRoads.Add(new CustomEasyRoad(car, road, minCars, maxCars, numberOfTracks));
Beispiel #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Erstellt eine Kurve anhand eines Winkels, der Länge der Kurve und den Positionen des aktuellen und vorherigen Straßen Elementes.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="angle">Der Winkel.</param>
    /// <param name="length">Die Länge des Straßenelementes.</param>
    /// <param name="heightDifference">Die Höhendifferenz für den Streckenabschnitt.</param>
    /// <param name="minCars">Die minimale Anzahl an Autos auf diesem Streckenabschnitt.</param>
    /// <param name="maxCars">Die maximale Anzahl an Autos auf diesem Streckenabschnitt.</param>
    /// <param name="seed">Der Seed des Random-Generators.</param>
    /// <returns>Die Kurve.</returns>
    public ERRoad CreateCurve(float angle, float length, float?heightDifference, int minCars, int maxCars, string seed)
        // Die Strecke neu holen = new ERRoadNetwork();;

        // hole die Höhendifference
        float fixHeightDifference = heightDifference ?? 0f;

        // Die StartPosition initialisieren.
        Vector3 startPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        // Die Ausrichtung initialisieren (default ist z-Richtung).
        Vector3 heading = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

        // Den RoadType holen
        ERRoadType roadType = this.GetRandomRoadType();

        // Hole die Position des letzten Streckenabschnitts, wenn vorhanden.
        ERRoad lastRoad = null;

        if (network.GetRoads().Length > 0)
            lastRoad = network.GetRoads().Last();
            Vector3[] markers      = lastRoad.GetMarkerPositions();
            Vector3   lastPosition = markers.Last();

            // Die Startposition an den letzten Streckenabschnitt anpassen.
            startPosition = lastPosition;

            // Die Ausrichtung in Bezug auf den vorherigen Streckenabschnitt holen.
            Vector3 secondToLast = markers[markers.Count() - 2];
            heading   = lastPosition - secondToLast;
            heading.y = 0;

        // Den (geraden) Richtungsvektor berechnen.
        Vector3 direction = heading / heading.magnitude;

        // Der Vektor der y-Achse
        Vector3 yAxis = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

        // Die Anzahl an zu berechnenden Positionen für die Kurve
        int   numbPositions      = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Abs(angle));
        float positionPercentage = numbPositions * percentageEven;

        // Das Array mit den neuen Positionen.
        Vector3[] curvePositions = new Vector3[numbPositions];
        curvePositions[0] = startPosition;

        // es werden in 1-Grad-Schritten Positionen berechnet.
        float anglePart  = angle / Math.Abs(angle);
        float lengthPart = length / numbPositions;
        float heightPart = fixHeightDifference / (numbPositions - (2 * positionPercentage));

        // Die Positionen berechnen.
        for (int i = 1; i < numbPositions; i++)
            // Die direction für den nächsten Schritt berechnen
            if (i > 1)
                heading   = curvePositions[i - 1] - curvePositions[i - 2];
                heading.y = 0;
                direction = heading / heading.magnitude;

            // Die letzte Position holen.
            Vector3 oldPosition = curvePositions[i - 1];

            // innerhalb des Prozent-Bereiches die Höhe anwenden.
            if (i > positionPercentage && i < (numbPositions - positionPercentage))
                oldPosition.y += heightPart.Truncate(5);

            // Die neue Position berechnen.
            curvePositions[i] = oldPosition + Quaternion.AngleAxis(anglePart, yAxis) * direction * lengthPart;

        // Die Kurve erzeugen.
        ERRoad thisRoad ="Curve" + network.GetRoads().Count(), roadType, curvePositions);

        customEasyRoads.Add(new CustomEasyRoad(car, thisRoad, minCars, maxCars, numberOfTracks));
    void Start()
        Debug_Log.Call_WriteLog("Please read the comments at the top of the runtime script (/Assets/EasyRoads3D/Scripts/runtimeScript) before using the runtime API!");

        // Create Road Network object
        roadNetwork = new ERRoadNetwork();

        // Create road
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, Vector3[] markers);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, ERRoadType roadType);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, ERRoadType roadType, Vector3[] markers);

        // get exisiting road types
        //  ERRoadType[] roadTypes = roadNetwork.GetRoadTypes();
        //  ERRoadType roadType = roadNetwork.GetRoadTypeByName(string name);

        // create a new road type
        ERRoadType roadType = new ERRoadType();

        roadType.roadWidth    = 6;
        roadType.roadMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/roads/road material") as Material;
        // optional
        roadType.layer = 1;
        roadType.tag   = "Untagged";
        //   roadType.hasMeshCollider = false; // default is true

//		roadType = roadNetwork.GetRoadTypeByName("Train Rail");
//		Debug_Log.Call_WriteLog(roadType.roadMaterial);

        // create a new road
        Vector3[] markers = new Vector3[4];
        markers[0] = new Vector3(200, 5, 200);
        markers[1] = new Vector3(250, 5, 200);
        markers[2] = new Vector3(250, 5, 250);
        markers[3] = new Vector3(300, 5, 250);

        road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad("road 1", roadType, markers);

        // road.SetResolution(float value):void;

        // Add Marker: ERRoad.AddMarker(Vector3);
        road.AddMarker(new Vector3(300, 5, 300));

        // Add Marker: ERRoad.InsertMarker(Vector3);
        road.InsertMarker(new Vector3(275, 5, 235));
        //  road.InsertMarkerAt(Vector3 pos, int index): void;

        // Delete Marker: ERRoad.DeleteMarker(int index);

        // Set the road width : ERRoad.SetWidth(float width);
        //	road.SetWidth(10);

        // Set the road material : ERRoad.SetMaterial(Material path);
        //	Material mat = Resources.Load("Materials/roads/single lane") as Material;
        //	road.SetMaterial(mat);

        // add / remove a meshCollider component
        //   road.SetMeshCollider(bool value):void;

        // set the position of a marker
        //   road.SetMarkerPosition(int index, Vector3 position):void;
        //   road.SetMarkerPositions(Vector3[] position):void;
        //   road.SetMarkerPositions(Vector3[] position, int index):void;

        // get the position of a marker
        //   road.GetMarkerPosition(int index):Vector3;

        // get the position of a marker
        //   road.GetMarkerPositions():Vector3[];

        // Set the layer
        //   road.SetLayer(int value):void;

        // Set the tag
        //   road.SetTag(string value):void;

        // set marker control type
        //  road.SetMarkerControlType(int marker, ERMarkerControlType type) : bool; // Spline, StraightXZ, StraightXZY, Circular

        // find a road
        //  public static function ERRoadNetwork.GetRoadByName(string name) : ERRoad;

        // get all roads
        //  public static function ERRoadNetwork.GetRoads() : ERRoad[];

        // snap vertices to the terrain (no terrain deformation)
//		road.SnapToTerrain(true);

        // Build Road Network

        // remove script components
//		roadNetwork.Finalize();

        // Restore Road Network
        //	roadNetwork.RestoreRoadNetwork();

        // Show / Hide the white surfaces surrounding roads
        //     public function roadNetwork.HideWhiteSurfaces(bool value) : void;

        //   road.GetConnectionAtStart(): GameObject;
        //   road.GetConnectionAtStart(out int connection): GameObject; // connections: 0 = bottom, 1= tip, 2 = left, 3 = right (the same for T crossings)

        //   road.GetConnectionAtEnd(): GameObject;
        //   road.GetConnectionAtEnd(out int connection): GameObject; // connections: 0 = bottom, 1= tip, 2 = left, 3 = right (the same for T crossings)

        // Snap the road vertices to the terrain following the terrain shape (no terrain deformation)
        //   road.SnapToTerrain(bool value): void;
        //   road.SnapToTerrain(bool value, float yOffset): void;

        // get the road length
        //   road.GetLength() : float;

        // create dummy object
        go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
 public void Init(ERModularRoad modularRoad)
     road          = new ERRoadNetwork().GetRoadByGameObject(modularRoad.gameObject);
     totalDistance = road.GetDistance();
Beispiel #21
    private void PlaceBuildings(Vector3[] markersSide, Vector3[] markersCenter, bool rightSide, ERRoad road)
            //Get a building from the list,
            //Measure the building's width
            //Get the current sidePoint's position and count points until the difference is greater than/equal to the width of the building.  If the end of the side markers is reached, don't place building
            //Get the angle based on the two points
            //Place the building at the center point of those two points
            //Move the building back away from edge of sidewalk (Min/Max values in the editors)
            //Optional: Move buildings back from road
            //Optional: Allow space between buildings

            float       offset        = 0;
            int         currentMarker = 0;
            bool        isProcessing  = true;
            bool        isFound       = false; //Check if the building fits on this street-block
            float       buildingDistance;
            const float increment = 0.2f;      //The value incremented back from the road.

                //If there are no buildings left, no need to prcess anything, obviously.
                if (buildings.Count == 0)
                    isProcessing = false;

                isFound = false;  //reset

                Vector3    startMarker = markersSide[currentMarker];
                GameObject building    = buildings[buildings.Count - 1]; //Get the last one, and build in reverse.  (allows removal from List without any issues)

                int buildingDepth = (building.GetComponent <BuildingModifier>().buildingDepth *buildingSizeMultiplier);
                int buildingWidth = (building.GetComponent <BuildingModifier>().buildingWidth *buildingSizeMultiplier);

                //loop to find the end position
                for (int i = (currentMarker + 1); i < markersSide.Length; i++)
                    Vector3 endMarker = markersSide[i];
                    buildingDistance = Vector3.Distance(startMarker, endMarker);

                    if (buildingDistance >= buildingDepth)
                        Vector3[] vectors     = new Vector3[] { startMarker, endMarker };
                        Vector3   centerPoint = CenterOfVectors(vectors);
                        bool      isRoad      = false;
                        offset = 0; //Reset

                            isRoad = isInRoad(road.GetName(), centerPoint);

                            //If this is on the road, then we need to move back a little bit until it's not touching the road
                            if (isRoad)
                                offset += increment;
                                var x = (currentMarker + i) / 2;
                                centerPoint = markersCenter[x] + (markersCenter[x] - centerPoint) * offset;
                        } while (isRoad);

                        //Optional: Push the building back farther from the road
                        if (minBuildingBack > 0 || maxBuildingBack > 0)
                            var percent = Random.Range(1, 100);

                            //This option allow a minimal amount of buildings to be moved back
                            if (percent <= percentBuildingBack)
                                var offsetAddition = Random.Range(minBuildingBack, maxBuildingBack);
                                if (offset == 0)
                                    offsetAddition += (road.GetWidth() * .1f);
                                offset += offsetAddition;

                        //if there is an offset value, push the building back farther
                        if (offset > 0)
                            startMarker = markersCenter[currentMarker] + (markersCenter[currentMarker] - markersSide[currentMarker]) * -(offset / 2);
                            endMarker   = markersCenter[i] + (markersCenter[i] - markersSide[i]) * -(offset / 2);

                        //Need to move back the start and end markers
                        if (rightSide)
                            building.transform.position = startMarker;
                            building.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(endMarker - startMarker, Vector3.up);
                            building.transform.position = endMarker;
                            building.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(startMarker - endMarker, Vector3.up);

                        isFound       = true;
                        currentMarker = i;

                if (isFound)
                    buildings.Remove(building);  //Only remove this from the list if the building was placed
                    isProcessing = false;

                //Optional: Allow space between buildings
                if (this.minBetweenBuildings > 0 && this.maxBetweenBuildings > 0)
                    isFound = false;  //Reset
                    float   distanceBetweenBuildings = Random.Range(minBetweenBuildings, maxBetweenBuildings);
                    Vector3 startPoint = markersSide[currentMarker];

                    for (int i = (currentMarker + 1); i < markersSide.Length; i++)
                        Vector3 endPoint = markersSide[i];

                        var buildingSeparation = Vector3.Distance(startPoint, endPoint);

                        if (buildingSeparation >= distanceBetweenBuildings)
                            currentMarker = i;
                            isFound       = true;

                    //In case we ran out of room for this side of the road, stop processing
                    isProcessing = isFound;
            } while (isProcessing);
        catch (System.Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Place Buildings Ex: " + ex.Message);