internal List <LatterFormate> getLatterFormates(string OCOde)
                //var query = (from latterFormate in _context.HRM_LETTER_FORMAT
                //             where latterFormate.OCODE == OCOde
                //             select latterFormate).OrderByDescending(x => x.LTR_ID);

                using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                    return((from lF in _context.HRM_LETTER_FORMAT
                            join Lt in _context.HRM_LetterType on lF.LTR_Type equals Lt.LatterTypeId

                            where lF.OCODE == OCOde
                            select new LatterFormate
                        LId = (int)lF.LTR_ID,

                        Title = lF.LTR_Title,
                        Type = Lt.LatterType
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message.ToString());
Beispiel #2
        public IEnumerable <HRM_EMPLOYEES_CONTRACT> GetEmployeeIDDetails(string employeeID, string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                return((from emp in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations
                        //join srv in _context.HRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT on emp.EID equals srv.EID
                        join d in _context.HRM_DEPARTMENTS on emp.DepartmentId equals d.DPT_ID
                        join dg in _context.HRM_DESIGNATIONS on emp.DesginationId equals dg.DEG_ID

                        where emp.EID == employeeID && emp.OCODE == OCODE
                        select new HRM_EMPLOYEES_CONTRACT
                    EMP_ID = (Int64)emp.EmpId,
                    EID = emp.EID,

                    EMP_FIRSTNAME = emp.FirstName,
                    EMP_LASTNAME = emp.LastName,
                    EMP_CONTACT_NO = emp.ContactNumber,

                    //CONTRACT = srv.CONTRACT,
                    DEG_NAME = dg.DEG_NAME,
                    //DEG_ID = dg.DEG_ID,

                    DPT_NAME = d.DPT_NAME
                               //DPT_ID = d.DPT_ID,
Beispiel #3
        public virtual List <REmployee> GetAllEmployeeByDept(string OCODE, string depCode)
            //    var query = (from emp in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations join dpt in _context.HRM_DEPARTMENTS on emp.DepartmentId equals dpt.DPT_ID
            //                 where emp.OCODE == OCODE && dpt.DPT_CODE == depCode
            //                 select emp).OrderBy(x => x.FirstName);

            //    return query.ToList();
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    throw ex;

            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                return((from emp in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations
                        join dpt in _context.HRM_DEPARTMENTS on emp.DepartmentId equals dpt.DPT_ID
                        where emp.OCODE == OCODE && dpt.DPT_CODE == depCode

                        select new REmployee
                    EID = emp.EID,
                    FullName = emp.FirstName + " " + emp.LastName + "-" + emp.EID
Beispiel #4
        public int InsertEmployeeLeave(HRM_LEAVE_EMPLOYEE obj)
            int result = 0;

            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                var PRM_EMP_ID         = new SqlParameter("EMP_ID", obj.EMP_ID);
                var PRM_EID            = new SqlParameter("EID", obj.EID);
                var PRM_LEV_TYPE_ID    = new SqlParameter("LEV_TYPE_ID", obj.LEV_TYPE_ID);
                var PRM_TOTAL_LEV_DAYS = new SqlParameter("TOTAL_LEV_DAYS", obj.TOTAL_LEV_DAYS);
                var PRM_REMARKS        = new SqlParameter("REMARKS", obj.REMARKS);
                var PRM_EDIT_USER      = new SqlParameter("EDIT_USER", obj.EDIT_USER);
                var PRM_EDIT_DATE      = new SqlParameter("EDIT_DATE", obj.EDIT_DATE);
                var PRM_OCODE          = new SqlParameter("OCODE", obj.OCODE);

                //int return_value = _context.ExecuteStoreQuery<int>(SP_SQL, PRM_EMP_ID, PRM_EID, PRM_LEV_TYPE_ID, PRM_TOTAL_LEV_DAYS, PRM_REMARKS, PRM_EDIT_USER, PRM_EDIT_DATE, PRM_OCODE);
                int return_value = _context.ExecuteStoreQuery <int>(SP_SQL, PRM_EMP_ID, PRM_EID, PRM_LEV_TYPE_ID, PRM_TOTAL_LEV_DAYS, PRM_REMARKS, PRM_EDIT_USER, PRM_EDIT_DATE, PRM_OCODE).FirstOrDefault();

                if (return_value == 1)
                    result = 1;
                else if (return_value == 2)
                    result = 2;
                    result = 0;

Beispiel #5
        internal int UpdateLeaveChangeForReportingBoss2(List <HRM_LeaveApply> newLeaveApplyList)
            string LeaveCOde = "";
            string Ocode     = "";

            foreach (HRM_LeaveApply oaitem in newLeaveApplyList)
                using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                    string laeaveDate  = oaitem.LeaveDates.ToString();
                    string approveDate = oaitem.ReportingBossHRMApproveDate.ToString();
                    LeaveCOde = oaitem.LeaveCode;
                    Ocode     = oaitem.OCODE;
                    var ParamempID  = new SqlParameter("@ocode", oaitem.OCODE);
                    var ParamempID1 = new SqlParameter("@date", laeaveDate);
                    var ParamempID2 = new SqlParameter("@LeaveCode", oaitem.LeaveCode);
                    var ParamempID3 = new SqlParameter("@ApproveDate", approveDate);

                    var    ParamempID4 = new SqlParameter("@HrmApproveStatus", oaitem.ReprotingBossHRmApporveStatus);
                    string SP_SQL      = "HRM_UpdateLeaveForReportinBoss2ByCodeandDate @ocode,@date,@LeaveCode,@ApproveDate,@HrmApproveStatus";
                    _context.ExecuteStoreCommand(SP_SQL, ParamempID, ParamempID1, ParamempID2, ParamempID3, ParamempID4);

            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                var    ParamempID  = new SqlParameter("@OCODE", Ocode);
                var    ParamempID1 = new SqlParameter("@LeaveCode", LeaveCOde);
                string SP_SQL      = "HRM_DeleteLeaveDateByReportingBoss2AppoveStatus @OCODE,@LeaveCode";
                _context.ExecuteStoreCommand(SP_SQL, ParamempID, ParamempID1);
Beispiel #6
        public IEnumerable <HRM_EMP_SALARY_UPDATE> GetEmployeeID(string employeeID, string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                return((from emp in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations
                        //join srv in _context.HRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT on emp.EMP_ID equals srv.EMP_ID
                        join d in _context.HRM_DEPARTMENTS on emp.DepartmentId equals d.DPT_ID
                        join dg in _context.HRM_DESIGNATIONS on emp.DesginationId equals dg.DEG_ID

                        where emp.EID == employeeID && emp.OCODE == OCODE && emp.EMP_TERMIN_STATUS == false && emp.EMP_Retired_Status == false && emp.EMP_Resignation_Status == false
                        select new HRM_EMP_SALARY_UPDATE
                    EMP_ID = (Int64)emp.EmpId,
                    EID = emp.EID,

                    EMP_FIRSTNAME = emp.FirstName,
                    EMP_LASTNAME = emp.LastName,
                    EMP_CONTACT_NO = emp.ContactNumber,

                    Grade = emp.Grade,
                    salary = (decimal)emp.Salary,

                    //CONTRACT = srv.CONTRACT,
                    DEG_NAME = dg.DEG_NAME,
                    //DEG_ID = dg.DEG_ID,

                    DPT_NAME = d.DPT_NAME,
                    DesginationID = emp.DesginationId
                                    //DPT_ID = d.DPT_ID,
        protected void btnProcess_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HRM_StoreLetter leterStoreobj = new HRM_StoreLetter();

                leterStoreobj.EID         = txtEid_AT.Text;
                leterStoreobj.Description = txtLatterDetails.Text;
                leterStoreobj.EDIT_USER   = ((SessionUser)Session["SessionUser"]).UserId;
                leterStoreobj.EDIT_DATE   = DateTime.Now;
                leterStoreobj.OCODE       = ((SessionUser)Session["SessionUser"]).OCode;
                int result = latterFormateBll.SaveLetterFormate(leterStoreobj);

                if (result == 1)
                    var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities();

                    var lastId = _context.HRM_StoreLetter.OrderByDescending(u => u.StoreLetterId).FirstOrDefault();
                    int lid    = lastId.StoreLetterId;

                    List <HRM_StoreLetter> vaues = latterFormateBll.getData(lid);
                    ReportDataSource reportDataset = new ReportDataSource("LatterIssue", vaues);
                    ReportViewerEmp.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("reports/LetterFormate.rdlc");
                    //lblmodalMessage.Text = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "text", "func('" + ex.Message + "')", true);
Beispiel #8
        public IEnumerable <HRM_EMPLOYEES_CONTRACT> GetEmployeeID(string employeeID, string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                return((from emp in _context.HRM_EMPLOYEES
                        //join srv in _context.HRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT on emp.EMP_ID equals srv.EMP_ID
                        join d in _context.HRM_DEPARTMENTS on emp.DPT_ID equals d.DPT_ID
                        join dg in _context.HRM_DESIGNATIONS on emp.DEG_ID equals dg.DEG_ID

                        where emp.EID == employeeID && emp.OCODE == OCODE
                        select new HRM_EMPLOYEES_CONTRACT
                    EMP_ID = (Int64)emp.EMP_ID,
                    EID = emp.EID,

                    EMP_FIRSTNAME = emp.EMP_FIRSTNAME,
                    EMP_LASTNAME = emp.EMP_LASTNAME,
                    EMP_CONTACT_NO = emp.EMP_CONTACT_NO,

                    //CONTRACT = srv.CONTRACT,
                    DEG_NAME = dg.DEG_NAME,
                    //DEG_ID = dg.DEG_ID,

                    DPT_NAME = d.DPT_NAME
                               //DPT_ID = d.DPT_ID,
        protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                    HRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT obj = new HRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT();
                    //Int64 EMP_ID = Convert.ToInt64(lblHiddenId.Text);
                    string EMP_ID   = txtEid_LV.Text;
                    string CONTRACT = txtServiceDetails.Text;

                    string   EDIT_USER = Convert.ToString(((SessionUser)Session["SessionUser"]).UserId);
                    DateTime EDIT_DATE = DateTime.Now;
                    string   OCODE     = ((SessionUser)Session["SessionUser"]).OCode;

                    string SP_SQL = "ENTER_SERVICE_CONTRACT @EMP_ID, @CONTRACT, @OCODE";

                    var ParamEid = new SqlParameter("EMP_ID", EMP_ID);
                    var ParamCt  = new SqlParameter("CONTRACT", txtServiceDetails.Text);
                    var ParamOc  = new SqlParameter("OCODE", OCODE);

                    if (_context.ExecuteStoreCommand(SP_SQL, ParamEid, ParamCt, ParamOc) == 1)
                        pnl_result.Visible       = true;
                        lblMessage.Text          = "Saved Successfully";
                        lblTrnsMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "text", "func('" + ex.Message + "')", true);
Beispiel #10
        internal int InsertAtt_ReasonIndByDepartment(int regionId, int officeId, int departmentId, DateTime date, TimeSpan inTime, TimeSpan outTime, int reasonTypeId, string reasonType, string remarks, Guid editUser, DateTime editDate, string oCode)
                using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                    var    ParamempID   = new SqlParameter("@RegionId", regionId);
                    var    ParamempID1  = new SqlParameter("@OfficeId", officeId);
                    var    ParamempID2  = new SqlParameter("@DepartmentId", departmentId);
                    var    ParamempID4  = new SqlParameter("@Date", date);
                    var    ParamempID5  = new SqlParameter("@InTime", inTime);
                    var    ParamempID6  = new SqlParameter("@OutTime", outTime);
                    var    ParamempID7  = new SqlParameter("@ReasonTypeId", reasonTypeId);
                    var    ParamempID8  = new SqlParameter("@ReasonType", reasonType);
                    var    ParamempID9  = new SqlParameter("@Remarks", remarks);
                    var    ParamempID10 = new SqlParameter("@Edit_User", editUser);
                    var    ParamempID11 = new SqlParameter("@Edit_Date", editDate);
                    var    ParamempID12 = new SqlParameter("@OCode", oCode);
                    string SP_SQL       = "HRM_InsertDepartmentAttendance @RegionId,@OfficeId,@DepartmentId,@Date,@InTime,@OutTime,@ReasonTypeId,@ReasonType,@Remarks,@Edit_User,@Edit_Date,@OCode";
                    _context.ExecuteStoreCommand(SP_SQL, ParamempID, ParamempID1, ParamempID2, ParamempID4, ParamempID5, ParamempID6, ParamempID7, ParamempID8, ParamempID9, ParamempID10, ParamempID11, ParamempID12);

            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #11
        internal int InsertSalary_Proccess(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, int totalDayofMonth, int totalWeekend, int totalHoliday, string shiftCode, string oCode, Guid edit_User)
                using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                    var Param  = new SqlParameter("@DATE_FROM", dateFrom);
                    var Param1 = new SqlParameter("@DATE_TO", dateTo);
                    var Param2 = new SqlParameter("@TOTAL_DAY_OF_MONTH", totalDayofMonth);
                    var Param3 = new SqlParameter("@TOTAL_WEEKEND", totalWeekend);
                    var Param4 = new SqlParameter("@TOTAL_OTH_HOLIDAY", totalHoliday);
                    var Param5 = new SqlParameter("@SHIFTCODE", shiftCode);
                    var Param6 = new SqlParameter("@OCODE", oCode);
                    var Param7 = new SqlParameter("@EDITUSER", edit_User);

                    _context.ExecuteStoreCommand(SP_SQL, Param, Param1, Param2, Param3, Param4, Param5, Param6, Param7);

            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #12
 internal int DeletedEmployeeBankInfoLog(HRM_BankInfo_Delete_Log bankDelObj)
     using (var context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
        protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string   FILE_TITLE = txtFileTitle.Text.Trim();
                string   employeeID = Convert.ToString(txtEid_LV.Text);
                Int64    EMP_ID     = Convert.ToInt64(lblHiddenId.Text);
                string   EDIT_USER  = Convert.ToString(((SessionUser)Session["SessionUser"]).UserId);
                DateTime EDIT_DATE  = DateTime.Now;
                string   OCODE      = ((SessionUser)Session["SessionUser"]).OCode;

                String   FILE_TYPE = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload.FileName);
                string[] sizes     = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB" };
                double   len       = Convert.ToDouble(FileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength);
                int      order     = 0;
                while (len >= 1024 && order + 1 < sizes.Length)
                    len = len / 1024;

                string FILE_SIZE = String.Format("{0:0.##} {1}", len, sizes[order]);
                string FILE_NAME = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName);

                string DB_FILE_PATH = "" + OCODE.ToString() + "\\" + FILE_NAME;

                //sets the image Save to Folder
                FileUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("../HRM/File/" + OCODE.ToString() + "/" + FILE_NAME));


                //var ParamEMP_ID = new SqlParameter("EMP_ID", EMP_ID);
                var ParamemployeeID   = new SqlParameter("EID", employeeID);
                var ParamFILE_TITLE   = new SqlParameter("FILE_TITLE", FILE_TITLE);
                var ParamFILE_TYPE    = new SqlParameter("FILE_TYPE", FILE_TYPE);
                var ParamDB_FILE_PATH = new SqlParameter("FILE_PATH", DB_FILE_PATH);
                var ParamFILE_SIZE    = new SqlParameter("FILE_SIZE", FILE_SIZE);
                var ParamEDIT_USER    = new SqlParameter("EDIT_USER", EDIT_USER);
                var ParamEDIT_DATE    = new SqlParameter("EDIT_DATE", EDIT_DATE);
                var ParamOCODE        = new SqlParameter("OCODE", OCODE);

                using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                    Int32 result = _context.ExecuteStoreCommand(SP_SQL, ParamemployeeID, ParamFILE_TITLE, ParamFILE_TYPE, ParamDB_FILE_PATH, ParamFILE_SIZE, ParamEDIT_USER, ParamEDIT_DATE, ParamOCODE);
                    pnl_result.Visible       = true;
                    lblMessage.Text          = "Saved Successfully";
                    lblTrnsMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "text", "func('" + ex.Message + "')", true);
Beispiel #14
 private void DeleteHolidayType(string HolCode)
     using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
         var    ParamempID = new SqlParameter("@holidayCode", HolCode);
         string SP_SQL     = "HRM_DeleteHoliday @holidayCode";
         _context.ExecuteStoreQuery <REmployee>(SP_SQL, ParamempID).ToList();
Beispiel #15
        public IEnumerable <HRM_EMPLOYEES_VIEWER> GetEmployeeDetailsID(string employeeID, string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                return((from emp in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations
                        join r in _context.HRM_Regions on emp.RegionsId equals r.RegionID
                        join ofc in _context.HRM_Office on emp.OfficeId equals ofc.OfficeID
                        join d in _context.HRM_DEPARTMENTS on emp.DepartmentId equals d.DPT_ID
                        join s in _context.HRM_SECTIONS on emp.SectionId equals s.SEC_ID
                        join ss in _context.HRM_SUB_SECTIONS on emp.SubSectionId equals ss.SUB_SEC_ID
                        join dg in _context.HRM_DESIGNATIONS on emp.DesginationId equals dg.DEG_ID
                        join sft in _context.HRM_TIMESCHEDULE on emp.ShiftCode equals sft.ShiftCode
                        // join grd in _context.HRM_GRADE on emp.GradeId equals grd.GRADE_ID

                        where emp.EID == employeeID && emp.OCODE == OCODE
                        select new HRM_EMPLOYEES_VIEWER
                    EMP_ID = (int)emp.EmpId,
                    EID = emp.EID,
                    BIO_ID = emp.BIO_MATRIX_ID,
                    REG_NAME = r.RegionName,
                    REG_ID = r.RegionID,

                    OFC_NAME = ofc.OfficeName,
                    OFC_ID = ofc.OfficeID,

                    DPT_NAME = d.DPT_NAME,
                    DPT_ID = d.DPT_ID,

                    SEC_NAME = s.SEC_NAME,
                    SEC_ID = s.SEC_ID,

                    SUB_SEC_NAME = ss.SUB_SEC_NAME,
                    SUB_SEC_ID = ss.SUB_SEC_ID,

                    DEG_NAME = dg.DEG_NAME,
                    DEG_ID = dg.DEG_ID,

                    SHIFT = sft.ShiftName,
                    SHIFTCODE = sft.ShiftCode,
                    Shift_TotalHour = sft.TotalHour,

                    GRADE = emp.Grade,
                    GorssSalary = (decimal)emp.Salary,
                    //STEP = (int)grd.STEP,
                    //GRADE_ID = grd.GRADE_ID,

                    EMP_FIRSTNAME = emp.FirstName,
                    EMP_LASTNAME = emp.LastName

                                   //EMP_CONTACT_NO = emp.EMP_CONTACT_NO,

                                   //CONTRACT = srv.CONTRACT
Beispiel #16

        internal IEnumerable <Department> GetDepartment(string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                var ParamempID = new SqlParameter("@OCODE", OCODE);

                string SP_SQL = "HRM_GetOfficeList @OCODE";

                return((_context.ExecuteStoreQuery <Department>(SP_SQL, ParamempID)).ToList());
Beispiel #17
        internal List <RptBossDSG> GetRptBossDSG(int BossDSG)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                var rptBoss_ID = new SqlParameter("@RptBoss_ID", BossDSG);

                string SP_SQL = "RptBossDesignation @RptBoss_ID";

                return((_context.ExecuteStoreQuery <RptBossDSG>(SP_SQL, rptBoss_ID)).ToList());
Beispiel #18
 internal void DeleteEmployeeBankInfo(string employee)
     using (var context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
         HRM_BankInfo ObjDel = (from b in context.HRM_BankInfo
                                where b.EID == employee
                                select b).FirstOrDefault();
Beispiel #19
        internal IEnumerable <SubSection> GetSub_Sections(string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                var ParamempID = new SqlParameter("@OCODE", OCODE);

                string SP_SQL = "HRM_GetSubSectionList @OCODE";

                return((_context.ExecuteStoreQuery <SubSection>(SP_SQL, ParamempID)).ToList());
Beispiel #20
 internal int LeaveForDisApproveNotChangeForHRM(HRM_LeaveApply leaveApplyObj)
     using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
         var    ParamempID  = new SqlParameter("@LeaveCOde", leaveApplyObj.LeaveCode);
         var    ParamempID1 = new SqlParameter("@ReprotingBoss1ApporveStatus", leaveApplyObj.ReprotingBossHRmDisApporveStatus);
         var    ParamempID2 = new SqlParameter("@ReportingBoss1pproveDate", leaveApplyObj.ReportingBossHRMDisApproveDate);
         string SP_SQL      = "HRM_LeaveDisApproveForForReportinHRM @LeaveCOde,@ReprotingBoss1ApporveStatus,@ReportingBoss1pproveDate";
         _context.ExecuteStoreCommand(SP_SQL, ParamempID, ParamempID1, ParamempID2);
Beispiel #21
        public IEnumerable <EmployementInfo> GetEmployemntInfo(string employeeid, string Ocode)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                var ParamempID  = new SqlParameter("@ocode", Ocode);
                var ParamempID1 = new SqlParameter("@Eid", employeeid);

                string SP_SQL = "HRM_EmployementListByEID @ocode,@Eid";

                return((_context.ExecuteStoreQuery <EmployementInfo>(SP_SQL, ParamempID, ParamempID1)).ToList());
Beispiel #22
        internal List <string> GetShiftCodeByOfficeID(int officeID)
            List <string> shiftCodes = null;

            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                shiftCodes = (from P in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations
                              where P.OfficeId == officeID
                              select P.ShiftCode).Distinct().ToList();
Beispiel #23
 internal int DeletePaySalaryByEIDandMonth(string eid, DateTime salaryMonth)
     using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
         HRM_Pay_Salary paysalary = _context.HRM_Pay_Salary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EID == eid && x.Salary_Month == salaryMonth);
         if (paysalary != null)
Beispiel #24
        public IEnumerable <HRM_EMPLOYEES_VIEWER> GetEmployeeDetailsForAttendece(string employeeID, string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                return((from emp in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations
                        join r in _context.HRM_Regions on emp.RegionsId equals r.RegionID
                        join ofc in _context.HRM_Office on emp.OfficeId equals ofc.OfficeID
                        join d in _context.HRM_DEPARTMENTS on emp.DesginationId equals d.DPT_ID
                        join s in _context.HRM_SECTIONS on emp.SectionId equals s.SEC_ID
                        join ss in _context.HRM_SUB_SECTIONS on emp.SubSectionId equals ss.SUB_SEC_ID
                        join dg in _context.HRM_DESIGNATIONS on emp.DesginationId equals dg.DEG_ID
                        //join grd in _context.HRM_GRADE on emp.GradeId equals grd.GRADE_ID
                        //join srv in _context.HRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT on emp.EMP_ID equals srv.EMP_ID

                        where emp.EID == employeeID && emp.OCODE == OCODE
                        select new HRM_EMPLOYEES_VIEWER
                    EMP_ID = (int)emp.EmpId,
                    EID = emp.EID,
                    FirstName = emp.FirstName,
                    LastName = emp.LastName,

                    REG_NAME = r.RegionName,
                    REG_ID = r.RegionID,

                    OFC_NAME = ofc.OfficeName,
                    OFC_ID = ofc.OfficeID,

                    DPT_NAME = d.DPT_NAME,
                    DPT_ID = d.DPT_ID,

                    SEC_NAME = s.SEC_NAME,
                    SEC_ID = s.SEC_ID,

                    SUB_SEC_NAME = ss.SUB_SEC_NAME,
                    SUB_SEC_ID = ss.SUB_SEC_ID,

                    DEG_NAME = dg.DEG_NAME,
                    DEG_ID = dg.DEG_ID,

                    //GRADE = grd.GRADE,
                    //GRADE_ID = grd.GRADE_ID,

                    //EMP_FIRSTNAME = emp.EMP_FIRSTNAME,
                    //EMP_LASTNAME = emp.EMP_LASTNAME,
                    //EMP_CONTACT_NO = emp.EMP_CONTACT_NO,

                    //CONTRACT = srv.CONTRACT
Beispiel #25
        public IEnumerable <HRM_EMPLOYEES_CONTRACT> GetEmployeeContract(string employeeID, string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                return((from emp in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations
                        join srv in _context.HRM_SERVICE_CONTRACT on emp.EID equals srv.EID

                        where emp.EID == employeeID && emp.OCODE == OCODE
                        select new HRM_EMPLOYEES_CONTRACT
                    CONTRACT = srv.CONTRACT,
Beispiel #26
        public IEnumerable <HRM_LEAVE> GetEmployeeTotalLeave(string selectedTyoe, string OCODE)
            using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
                var query = (from ev in _context.HRM_LEAVE_TYPE
                             where ev.LEV_TYPE == selectedTyoe && ev.OCODE == OCODE
                             select new HRM_LEAVE
                    TOTAL_LEV_DAYS = (Int32)ev.LEV_DAYS

 public virtual List <TIMESCHEDULE> GetDistinctSchedule()
         using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
             string SP_SQL = "HRM_Get_DistinctShift";
             return((_context.ExecuteStoreQuery <TIMESCHEDULE>(SP_SQL)).ToList());
     catch (Exception)
Beispiel #28
 internal CommercialR GetCommercialDetails()
         using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
             string SP_SQL = "[HRM_CommercialDetails]";
             return((_context.ExecuteStoreQuery <CommercialR>(SP_SQL)).FirstOrDefault());
     catch (Exception)
Beispiel #29
 public static List <string> SearchCurrentEmployee(string prefixText, int count)
     using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
         var employees = from emp in _context.HRM_PersonalInformations
                         where ((emp.EMP_TERMIN_STATUS == false && emp.EMP_Retired_Status == false && emp.EMP_Resignation_Status == false && emp.EMP_Dismissal_Status == false && emp.EMP_Died_Status == false && emp.EMP_Dis_Continution_Status == false && emp.EMP_Other == false) && (emp.FirstName.Contains(prefixText) || emp.LastName.Contains(prefixText) || emp.EID.Contains(prefixText) || emp.Gender.Contains(prefixText) || emp.ContactNumber.Contains(prefixText) || emp.Email.Contains(prefixText)))
                         select emp;
         List <String> employeeList = new List <String>();
         foreach (var employee in employees)
             employeeList.Add(employee.EID + "-" + employee.FirstName + "-" + employee.LastName);
Beispiel #30
 //internal InventoryDetailsR GetTodayStockDetails()
 //    try
 //    {
 //        using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
 //        {
 //            string SP_SQL = "Inv_TodayStockDetails";
 //            return (_context.ExecuteStoreQuery<InventoryDetailsR>(SP_SQL)).FirstOrDefault();
 //        }
 //    }
 //    catch (Exception)
 //    {
 //        throw;
 //    }
 //internal InventoryDetailsR GetTodayReqDetails()
 //    try
 //    {
 //        using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
 //        {
 //            string SP_SQL = "Inv_TodayRequisitionDetails";
 //            return (_context.ExecuteStoreQuery<InventoryDetailsR>(SP_SQL)).FirstOrDefault();
 //        }
 //    }
 //    catch (Exception)
 //    {
 //        throw;
 //    }
 internal InventoryDetailsR GetInventoryDetails()
         using (var _context = new ERPSSLHBEntities())
             string SP_SQL = "[Inv_InventoryDetailsR]";
             return((_context.ExecuteStoreQuery <InventoryDetailsR>(SP_SQL)).FirstOrDefault());
     catch (Exception)