Beispiel #1
        public string JxdwCreateOrder_submitsignal(string json1)
                JObject item = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json1);
                //JObject item2 = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(item["plan_data"].ToString());
                string flowname = item["Flow_Name"].ToString();
                Dictionary <string, string> signal = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                //signal["Job_Order"] = item2["Plan_num"].ToString();
                signal["Job_Name"]  = item["Job_Name"].ToString();
                signal["Job_Order"] = item["Job_Order"].ToString();
                ERPInfoManagement erp = new ERPInfoManagement();
                GD_InfoModal      res = erp.getGD_Modal_GDId("00" + item["Job_Order"].ToString());

                signal["Job_OrderState"] = res.GD_State;
                //signal["Job_OrderState"] = item["Job_OrderState"].ToString();
                //signal["job_Name"] = item2["Plan_name"].ToString();
                signal["ZjGxIsOK"] = "是";
                //signal["Equip_GyCode"] = "8";
                //signal["Equip_Code"] = "7";
                //signal["Equip_ABCMark"] = "A";
                Dictionary <string, string> record = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                record["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                record["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(flowname), signal, record);
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #2
        public string click_submitsignal(string wfe_id)
                Dictionary <string, string> signal = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                Dictionary <string, object> paras1 = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                paras1["Zz_Name"]      = null;
                paras1["Equip_GyCode"] = null;
                paras1["Equip_Code"]   = null;
                paras1["Plan_Name"]    = null;
                paras1["JobOrder"]     = null;
                UI_WFEntity_Info wfei = CWFEngine.GetWorkFlowEntityWithParams(Convert.ToInt32(wfe_id), paras1);
                EquipManagment    tm  = new EquipManagment();
                ERPInfoManagement erp = new ERPInfoManagement();
                GD_InfoModal      res = erp.getGD_Modal_GDId(paras1["JobOrder"].ToString());
                if (res != null)
                    //if (String.Compare(res.GD_EquipCode.Trim(), paras1["Equip_Code"].ToString().Trim()) != 0)
                    if (!res.GD_EquipCode.Contains(paras1["Equip_Code"].ToString()))

                Equip_Info getZy = tm.getEquip_ByGyCode(paras1["Equip_GyCode"].ToString());
                signal["Zy_Type"]    = getZy.Equip_Specialty;
                signal["Zy_SubType"] = getZy.Equip_PhaseB;
                signal["Equip_Type"] = getZy.Equip_Type;
                //EA_Name_EA_Id= tm.getEquip(paras1["Zz_Name"].ToString()).EA_Parent.EA_Id;
                signal["Cj_Name"]   = tm.getEquip(paras1["Zz_Name"].ToString());
                signal["Plan_Name"] = paras1["Plan_Name"].ToString();
                signal["JxdwAttachPlanOrder_Done"] = "true";
                signal["Data_Src"] = "计划管理";
                Dictionary <string, string> record1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                record1["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(wfe_id), signal, record1);
            catch (Exception e)

            //return ("/A13dot2/Index");
Beispiel #3
        public ActionResult JxdwCreateOrder(string wfe_id)
            Dictionary <string, object> paras1 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            paras1["Job_Name"]  = null;
            paras1["Job_Order"] = null;
            paras1["Data_Src"]  = null;
            UI_WFEntity_Info wfei = CWFEngine.GetWorkFlowEntityWithParams(Convert.ToInt32(wfe_id), paras1);

            ViewBag.GD_Id     = paras1["Job_Order"].ToString();
            ViewBag.Plan_Name = paras1["Job_Name"].ToString();
            ViewBag.Data_Src  = paras1["Data_Src"].ToString();
            ERPInfoManagement erp = new ERPInfoManagement();
            GD_InfoModal      res = erp.getGD_Modal_GDId(paras1["Job_Order"].ToString());

            if (res != null)
                ViewBag.GD_State = res.GD_State;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 有以前的通过Excel表读取数据模式改为现在的直接读取ERP中数据,通过周期调用此函数,周期存库
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="json1"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void ERPSubmit()
                PersonManagment   PM       = new PersonManagment();
                A6dot2Managment   WM       = new A6dot2Managment();
                A6dot2Tab1        WDT_list = new A6dot2Tab1();
                ERPInfoManagement erp      = new ERPInfoManagement();
                EquipManagment    EM       = new EquipManagment();

                string EquipPhaseB;
                WDT_list.uploadDesc      = ""; //字段保留,(以前用于上传五定表的描述)
                WDT_list.uuploadFileName = ""; //字段保留,(以前用于上传五定表的名字)
                //string[] savedFileName = WDT_list.uuploadFileName.Split(new char[] { '$' });
                //string wdt_filename = Path.Combine(Request.MapPath("~/Upload"), savedFileName[1]);//没有用到的变量
                //WDT_list.userName = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                WDT_list.userName   = "******";
                WDT_list.uploadtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                //WDT_list.pqName = PM.Get_Person_Depart((Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Id).Depart_Name;
                WDT_list.pqName = "待定";
                int WDT_ID = WM.add_WDT_list(WDT_list);

                List <OilInfo> OilInfo_Overdue = erp.getOilInfo_overdue();

                List <A6dot2Tab2> wdt_list = new List <A6dot2Tab2>();
                foreach (var i in OilInfo_Overdue)
                    A6dot2Tab2 tmp = new A6dot2Tab2();
                    tmp.isValid            = 1;
                    tmp.equipCode          = i.oil_EquipCode;
                    tmp.equipDesc          = i.oil_EquipDesc;
                    tmp.funLoc             = i.oil_Fun_Loc;
                    tmp.funLoc_desc        = i.oil_Fun_LocDesc;
                    tmp.oilLoc             = i.oil_Loc;
                    tmp.oilLoc_desc        = i.oil_Loc;
                    tmp.oilInterval        = Convert.ToInt32(i.oil_Interval);
                    tmp.unit               = i.oil_Unit;
                    tmp.lastOilTime        = i.oil_LastDate;
                    tmp.lastOilNumber      = Convert.ToDouble(i.oil_LastNum);
                    tmp.lastOilUnit        = i.oil_Unit;
                    tmp.NextOilTime        = i.oil_NextDate.ToString();
                    tmp.NextOilNumber      = Convert.ToDouble(i.oil_NextNum);
                    tmp.NextOilUnit        = i.oil_Unit2;
                    tmp.oilCode            = i.oil_Code;
                    tmp.oilCode_desc       = i.oil_Desc;
                    tmp.substiOilCode      = "";
                    tmp.substiOilCode_desc = "";
                    if (EM.getEquip_Info(tmp.equipCode) != null)
                        EquipPhaseB = EM.getEquip_Info(tmp.equipCode).Equip_PhaseB;
                        if (EquipPhaseB == null)
                            tmp.isOilType = 0;
                            if (EquipPhaseB.Equals("机泵") || EquipPhaseB.Equals("风机"))
                                tmp.isOilType = 1;
                                tmp.isOilType = 0;
                        List <Equip_Archi> ZzCj = EM.getEquip_ZzBelong(EM.getEquip_Info(tmp.equipCode).Equip_Id);
                        tmp.equip_ZzName = ZzCj.First().EA_Name;
                        tmp.equip_CjName = ZzCj.Last().EA_Name;
                        tmp.equip_PqName = EM.GetPqofZz(tmp.equip_ZzName).Pq_Name;

                    tmp.isExceed = 1;
                    tmp.Tab1_Id  = WDT_ID;
                WM.add_WDT_content(WDT_ID, wdt_list);

                /*  foreach(var i in wdt_content)
                 * {
                 *    return i.equip_CjName;
                 * }
                 * */

                // return "/A6dot2/Index_Tj";
            catch { }
        private DtResponse ProcessRequest(List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > data)
            DtResponse dt     = new DtResponse();
            var        http   = DtRequest.HttpData(data);
            var        Data   = http["data"] as Dictionary <string, object>;
            int        wfe_id = -1;

            foreach (var d in Data)
                wfe_id = Convert.ToInt32(d.Key);
            string jx_reason    = "";
            string E_code       = "";
            string job_order    = "";
            string notice_order = "";

            foreach (var d in Data)
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(d.Key);
                foreach (var dd in d.Value as Dictionary <string, object> )
                    ERPInfoManagement erp = new ERPInfoManagement();

                    if (dd.Key == "sb_code")
                        E_code = dd.Value.ToString();
                    if (dd.Key == "jxreason")
                        jx_reason = dd.Value.ToString();
                    if (dd.Key == "notice_order2")
                        if (dd.Value.ToString() == "")
                        notice_order = "00" + dd.Value.ToString();
                        GD_InfoModal res = erp.getGD_Modal_Notice(notice_order);
                        if (res != null)
                            job_order = res.GD_Id;
                    if (dd.Key == "job_order2")
                        if (dd.Value.ToString() == "")
                        job_order = "00" + dd.Value.ToString();
                        GD_InfoModal res = erp.getGD_Modal_GDId(job_order);
                        if (res != null)
                            notice_order = res.GD_Notice_Id;
                    //if (dd.Key == "JumpA8dot2DR")
                    //    string Equip_Code = E_code;
                    //    string Jx_Reason = jx_reason;
                    //    string flowname = "A8dot2";
                    //    UI_WorkFlow_Entity wfe = CWFEngine.CreateAWFEntityByName(flowname);
                    //    if (wfe != null)
                    //    {
                    //        EquipManagment em = new EquipManagment();
                    //        Equip_Info eqinfo = em.getEquip_Info(Equip_Code);
                    //        List<Equip_Archi> Equip_ZzBelong = em.getEquip_ZzBelong(eqinfo.Equip_Id);
                    //        Dictionary<string, string> record = wfe.GetRecordItems();
                    //        record["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                    //        record["time"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    //        wfe.Start(record);
                    //        int flow_id = wfe.EntityID;
                    //        //paras
                    //        Dictionary<string, string> signal = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    //        signal["JxSubmit_done"] = "true";
                    //        signal["Cj_Name"] = Equip_ZzBelong[1].EA_Name; //Cj_Name
                    //        signal["Zz_Name"] = Equip_ZzBelong[0].EA_Name; //Zz_Name
                    //        signal["Equip_GyCode"] = eqinfo.Equip_GyCode;
                    //        signal["Equip_Code"] = eqinfo.Equip_Code;
                    //        signal["Equip_Type"] = eqinfo.Equip_Type;
                    //        signal["Zy_Type"] = eqinfo.Equip_Specialty;
                    //        signal["Zy_SubType"] = eqinfo.Equip_PhaseB;
                    //        signal["Equip_ABCMark"] = eqinfo.Equip_ABCmark;
                    //        signal["Jx_Reason"] = Jx_Reason;//计划检修原因 PM?
                    //        signal["Job_Name"] = "来自DRBPM";
                    //        signal["Job_Order"] = job_order;
                    //        //record
                    //        record["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                    //        record["time"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    //        //submit
                    //        CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(flow_id, signal, record);

                    //    }

            Dictionary <string, object> m_kv   = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            EquipManagment     em1             = new EquipManagment();
            Equip_Info         eqinfo1         = em1.getEquip_Info(E_code);
            List <Equip_Archi> Equip_ZzBelong1 = em1.getEquip_ZzBelong(eqinfo1.Equip_Id);

            int             UserId = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Id;
            PersonManagment pm     = new PersonManagment();

            EquipBLL.AdminManagment.PersonManagment.P_viewModal pv = pm.Get_PersonModal(UserId);

            m_kv["index_Id"]      = wfe_id;
            m_kv["zz_name"]       = Equip_ZzBelong1[0].EA_Name; //Zz_Name
            m_kv["sb_gycode"]     = eqinfo1.Equip_GyCode;
            m_kv["sb_code"]       = E_code;
            m_kv["sb_type"]       = eqinfo1.Equip_Type;
            m_kv["sb_ABCMark"]    = eqinfo1.Equip_ABCmark;
            m_kv["plan_name"]     = "来自DRBPM";
            m_kv["jxreason"]      = jx_reason;
            m_kv["kkconfirm2"]    = "同意";
            m_kv["zytdconfirm2"]  = "同意";
            m_kv["job_order2"]    = job_order;
            m_kv["notice_order2"] = notice_order;
            m_kv["missionname"]   = "完善工单与通知单后跳转";
            m_kv["role"]          = pv.Role_Names;

        public string click_submitsignal(string json1)
                JObject           item = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json1);
                ERPInfoManagement erp  = new ERPInfoManagement();
                GD_InfoModal      res  = erp.getGD_Modal_GDId(item["Job_Order"].ToString());
                if (res != null)
                    if (String.Compare(res.GD_EquipCode.Trim(), item["Equip_Code"].ToString().Trim()) != 0)

                string             Equip_Code = item["Equip_Code"].ToString();
                string             Jx_Reason  = item["Jx_Reason"].ToString();
                string             flowname   = "A8dot2";
                UI_WorkFlow_Entity wfe        = CWFEngine.CreateAWFEntityByName(flowname);
                if (wfe != null)
                    EquipManagment              em             = new EquipManagment();
                    Equip_Info                  eqinfo         = em.getEquip_Info(Equip_Code);
                    List <Equip_Archi>          Equip_ZzBelong = em.getEquip_ZzBelong(eqinfo.Equip_Id);
                    Dictionary <string, string> record         = wfe.GetRecordItems();
                    record["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                    record["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    int flow_id = wfe.EntityID;
                    Dictionary <string, string> signal = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    signal["JxSubmit_done"] = "true";
                    signal["Cj_Name"]       = Equip_ZzBelong[1].EA_Name; //Cj_Name
                    signal["Zz_Name"]       = Equip_ZzBelong[0].EA_Name; //Zz_Name
                    signal["Equip_GyCode"]  = eqinfo.Equip_GyCode;
                    signal["Equip_Code"]    = eqinfo.Equip_Code;
                    signal["Equip_Type"]    = eqinfo.Equip_Type;
                    signal["Zy_Type"]       = eqinfo.Equip_Specialty;
                    signal["Zy_SubType"]    = eqinfo.Equip_PhaseB;
                    signal["Equip_ABCMark"] = eqinfo.Equip_ABCmark;
                    signal["Jx_Reason"]     = Jx_Reason;//计划检修原因 PM?
                    signal["Data_Src"]      = "月度计划DRBPM";
                    signal["Job_Name"]      = "来自DRBPM";
                    signal["Job_Order"]     = item["Job_Order"].ToString();
                    record["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                    record["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(flow_id, signal, record);
            catch (Exception e)

            //return ("/A14dot1/Index");
Beispiel #7
        private DtResponse ProcessRequest(List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > data)
            DtResponse dt     = new DtResponse();
            var        http   = DtRequest.HttpData(data);
            var        Data   = http["data"] as Dictionary <string, object>;
            int        wfe_id = -1;

            foreach (var d in Data)
                wfe_id = Convert.ToInt32(d.Key);
            foreach (var d in Data)
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(d.Key);
                foreach (var dd in d.Value as Dictionary <string, object> )
                    ERPInfoManagement           erp    = new ERPInfoManagement();
                    Dictionary <string, string> signal = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    if (dd.Key == "plan_name")
                        signal["Plan_Name"] = dd.Value.ToString();

                        Dictionary <string, string> record1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                        record1["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(id), signal, record1);
                    if (dd.Key == "jxreason")
                        signal["JxCauseDesc"]             = dd.Value.ToString();
                        signal["CompleteNameReason_Done"] = "true";
                        Dictionary <string, string> record1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                        record1["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(id), signal, record1);
                    if (dd.Key == "xcconfirm")
                        string[] result = dd.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { '$' });
                        signal["XcConfirm_Result"] = result[0];
                        if (result.Length > 1)
                            signal["XcConfirm_Reason"] = result[1];
                        Dictionary <string, string> record1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                        record1["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(id), signal, record1);
                    if (dd.Key == "kkconfirm")
                        if (dd.Value.ToString() == "")
                        string[] result = dd.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { '$' });
                        signal["KkConfirm_Result"] = result[0];
                        if (result.Length > 1)
                            signal["KkConfirm_Reason"] = result[1];
                        Dictionary <string, string> record1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                        record1["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(id), signal, record1);
                    if (dd.Key == "zytdconfirm")
                        if (dd.Value.ToString() == "")
                        string[] result = dd.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { '$' });
                        signal["ZytdConfirm_Result"] = result[0];
                        if (result.Length > 1)
                            signal["ZytdConfirm_Reason"] = result[1];

                        Dictionary <string, string> record1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                        record1["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(id), signal, record1);
                    if (dd.Key == "notice_order")
                        if (dd.Value.ToString() == "")
                        signal["NoticeOrder"] = "00" + dd.Value.ToString();
                        GD_InfoModal res = erp.getGD_Modal_Notice("00" + dd.Value.ToString());
                        if (res != null)
                            signal["JobOrder"] = res.GD_Id;

                        Dictionary <string, string> record1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                        record1["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(id), signal, record1);
                    if (dd.Key == "job_order")
                        if (dd.Value.ToString() == "")
                        signal["JobOrder"] = "00" + dd.Value.ToString();
                        GD_InfoModal res = erp.getGD_Modal_GDId("00" + dd.Value.ToString());
                        if (res != null)
                            signal["NoticeOrder"] = res.GD_Notice_Id;

                        Dictionary <string, string> record1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                        record1["time"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(id), signal, record1);
                    //if (dd.Key == "JumpA8dot2T")
                    //    //补充跳转A8dot2的变量,Cj_Name,Zy_Type,Zy_SubType
                    //    Dictionary<string, object> paras1 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    //    paras1["Zz_Name"] = null;
                    //    paras1["Equip_GyCode"] = null;
                    //    paras1["Equip_Code"] = null;
                    //    paras1["Plan_Name"] = null;
                    //    UI_WFEntity_Info wfei = CWFEngine.GetWorkFlowEntityWithParams(id, paras1);
                    //    //获取设备专业类别和子类别及设备所属车间
                    //    EquipManagment tm = new EquipManagment();
                    //    Equip_Info getZy = tm.getEquip_ByGyCode(paras1["Equip_GyCode"].ToString());
                    //    signal["Zy_Type"] = getZy.Equip_Specialty;
                    //    signal["Zy_SubType"] = getZy.Equip_PhaseB;
                    //    signal["Equip_Type"] = getZy.Equip_Type;
                    //    //EA_Name_EA_Id= tm.getEquip(paras1["Zz_Name"].ToString()).EA_Parent.EA_Id;
                    //    signal["Cj_Name"] = tm.getEquip(paras1["Zz_Name"].ToString());
                    //    signal["Plan_Name"] = paras1["Plan_Name"].ToString();
                    //    signal["JxdwAttachPlanOrder_Done"] = dd.Value.ToString();
                    //    //record
                    //    Dictionary<string, string> record1 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    //    record1["username"] = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
                    //    record1["time"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    //    //submit
                    //    CWFEngine.SubmitSignal(Convert.ToInt32(id), signal, record1);

            Dictionary <string, object> paras = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            paras["Zz_Name"]            = null;
            paras["Equip_GyCode"]       = null;
            paras["Equip_Code"]         = null;
            paras["Equip_Type"]         = null;
            paras["Equip_ABCMark"]      = null;
            paras["Plan_Name"]          = null;
            paras["JxCauseDesc"]        = null;
            paras["XcConfirm_Result"]   = null;
            paras["KkConfirm_Result"]   = null;
            paras["ZytdConfirm_Result"] = null;
            paras["JobOrder"]           = null;
            paras["NoticeOrder"]        = null;
            if (wfe_id != -1)
                WorkFlows                   wfsd = new WorkFlows();
                UI_WFEntity_Info            wfei = CWFEngine.GetWorkFlowEntityWithParams(wfe_id, paras);
                Dictionary <string, object> m_kv = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                Mission         db_miss          = wfsd.GetWFEntityMissions(wfe_id).Last();//获取该实体最后一个任务
                int             UserId           = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Id;
                PersonManagment pm = new PersonManagment();
                EquipBLL.AdminManagment.PersonManagment.P_viewModal pv = pm.Get_PersonModal(UserId);

                m_kv["index_Id"]     = wfe_id;
                m_kv["zz_name"]      = paras["Zz_Name"].ToString();
                m_kv["sb_gycode"]    = paras["Equip_GyCode"].ToString();
                m_kv["sb_code"]      = paras["Equip_Code"].ToString();
                m_kv["sb_type"]      = paras["Equip_Type"].ToString();
                m_kv["sb_ABCMark"]   = paras["Equip_ABCMark"].ToString();
                m_kv["plan_name"]    = paras["Plan_Name"].ToString();
                m_kv["jxreason"]     = paras["JxCauseDesc"].ToString();
                m_kv["xcconfirm"]    = paras["XcConfirm_Result"].ToString();
                m_kv["kkconfirm"]    = paras["KkConfirm_Result"].ToString();
                m_kv["zytdconfirm"]  = paras["ZytdConfirm_Result"].ToString();
                m_kv["job_order"]    = paras["JobOrder"].ToString();
                m_kv["notice_order"] = paras["NoticeOrder"].ToString();
                m_kv["missionname"]  = db_miss.Miss_Desc;
                m_kv["role"]         = pv.Role_Names;
Beispiel #8
          public ActionResult DSZzSubmit(string wfe_id)
              submitmodel sm = new submitmodel();
              ViewBag.curtime = DateTime.Now;
              ViewBag.curuser = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;
              int UserId = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Id;
              PersonManagment pm = new PersonManagment();
              EquipBLL.AdminManagment.PersonManagment.P_viewModal pv = pm.Get_PersonModal(UserId);
              if (pv.Role_Names.Contains("可靠性工程师"))
                  sm.kkxgcs = 1;
              if (pv.Role_Names.Contains("检维修人员"))
                  sm.jwxry = 1;
              ERPInfoManagement erp = new ERPInfoManagement();
              EquipArchiManagment em = new EquipArchiManagment();
              UI_MISSION mi = CWFEngine.GetActiveMission<Person_Info>(int.Parse(wfe_id), ((IObjectContextAdapter)(new EquipWebContext())).ObjectContext);
              Dictionary<string, object> mi_params = mi.Miss_Params;
              ViewBag.Pqname = mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString();
              string ea_code = em.getEa_codebyname(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString());
              ViewBag.scoreDeductFaultIntensity = (erp.getNoticesYx_1(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString()) * 50) + (erp.getNoticeYx_2(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString()) * 30) + (erp.getNoticeYx_3(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString()) * 20) + (erp.getNoticeYx_4(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString()) * 5);
              ViewBag.rateFaultMaintenance = erp.getFaultRation(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString());
              ViewBag.MTBF = erp.getNonFaultInterVal(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString());
              ViewBag.rateEquipUse = erp.DeliverRatio(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString());
              ViewBag.rateBigUnitFault = erp.bigEquipsRatio(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString());
              ViewBag.wfe_id = wfe_id;
              TablesManagment tm = new TablesManagment();
              EquipManagment Em = new EquipManagment();
              List<EANummodel> E = Em.getequipnum_byarchi();
              List<Equip_Archi> AllCj_List = Em.GetAllCj();

              List<WebApp.Controllers.A5dot1Controller.NameandNum> cj = new List<WebApp.Controllers.A5dot1Controller.NameandNum>();
              List<WebApp.Controllers.A5dot1Controller.NameandNum> pq = new List<WebApp.Controllers.A5dot1Controller.NameandNum>();

              for (int i = 0; i < AllCj_List.Count; i++)
                  int count = 0;
                  WebApp.Controllers.A5dot1Controller.NameandNum temp1 = new WebApp.Controllers.A5dot1Controller.NameandNum();
         = AllCj_List[i].EA_Name;
                  for (int j = 0; j < E.Count; j++)
                      if (AllCj_List[i].EA_Id == Em.getEA_parentid(E[j].EA_Id))
                          count += E[j].Equip_Num;
                  temp1.Equip_Num = count;
                  count = 0;
              WebApp.Controllers.A5dot1Controller.NameandNum temp = new WebApp.Controllers.A5dot1Controller.NameandNum();
     = mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString();
              List<Pq_Zz_map> Pq_Zz_map = Em.GetZzsofPq(mi.Miss_Params["Pqname"].ToString());
              int count1 = 0;
              for (int j = 0; j < Pq_Zz_map.Count; j++)
                  for (int z = 0; z < E.Count; z++)
                      if (Pq_Zz_map[j].Zz_Name == Em.getEa_namebyid(E[z].EA_Id))
                          count1 += E[z].Equip_Num;
              temp.Equip_Num = count1;

              double pq_bwh = 0.00;
              for (int i = 0; i < pq.Count; i++)
                  List<A5dot1Tab1> pq_list = tm.get_pq_bwh(pq[i].name, pq[i].Equip_Num);
                  double pq_bxhcount = 0;
                  int wzg_count = 0;
                  if (pq_list.Count > 0)
                      pq_bxhcount = 0;
                      wzg_count = 0;
                      string sbcode_temp = pq_list[0].sbCode;
                      for (int j = 0; j < pq_list.Count; j++)
                          pq_list = tm.get_cj_bwh(cj[i].name, cj[i].Equip_Num);
                          if (pq_list[j].temp1 == null)
                              List<A5dot1Tab1> cj_bycode = tm.GetAll1_bycode(pq_list[j].sbCode);
                              for (int k = 0; k < cj_bycode.Count; k++)
                                  if (cj_bycode[k].isRectified == 0)
                                  tm.modifytemp1_byid(cj_bycode[k].Id, "已合并");

                              if (wzg_count > 0)
                              wzg_count = 0;

                          // cjbwh.Add(f);

                  for (int n = 0; n < pq_list.Count; n++)
                      tm.modifytemp1_byid(pq_list[n].Id, null);
                  pq_bwh=Math.Round(((double)pq_bxhcount / pq[i].Equip_Num), 6);
              ViewBag.Pq_bwh = (1-pq_bwh)*100;
              return View(sm);
Beispiel #9
        public string A8ActiveList(string WorkFlow_Name)
            string username = (Session["User"] as EquipModel.Entities.Person_Info).Person_Name;

            string          WE_Status       = "0";
            string          query_list      = "distinct E.WE_Ser, E.WE_Id, R.username";
            string          query_condition = "E.W_Name='" + WorkFlow_Name + "' and E.WE_Status='" + WE_Status + "' and R.username is not null";
            string          record_filter   = "username is not null";
            DataTable       dt     = CWFEngine.QueryAllInformation(query_list, query_condition, record_filter);
            List <Gxqmodel> Gmlist = new List <Gxqmodel>();

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                Gxqmodel Gm = new Gxqmodel();
                Gm.WE_Id  = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i]["WE_Id"]);
                Gm.WE_Ser = dt.Rows[i]["WE_Ser"].ToString();
            List <A8Model>    Hm  = new List <A8Model>();
            ERPInfoManagement erp = new ERPInfoManagement();

            foreach (var item in Gmlist)
                A8Model h = new A8Model();

                Dictionary <string, object> paras = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                paras["Equip_GyCode"] = null;
                paras["Job_Order"]    = null; //通过工单找通知单号
                paras["Zz_Name"]      = null;
                paras["Job_Name"]     = null; //计划名称

                UI_WFEntity_Info wfei = CWFEngine.GetWorkFlowEntityWithParams(item.WE_Id, paras);
                h.zz_name   = paras["Zz_Name"].ToString();
                h.sb_gycode = paras["Equip_GyCode"].ToString();
                h.job_order = paras["Job_Order"].ToString();
                h.plan_name = paras["Job_Name"].ToString();
                GD_InfoModal res = erp.getGD_Modal_GDId(paras["Job_Order"].ToString());
                if (res != null)
                    h.notice_order = res.GD_Notice_Id;
                h.gd_state = "检修中";
                WorkFlows wfsd          = new WorkFlows();
                Mission   db_missA8dot2 = wfsd.GetWFEntityMissions(item.WE_Id).Last();
                //写if而不写else if是因为13.1和8.2是断开的,跳转8.2仍满足db_miss.Miss_Desc == "专业团队审核"
                if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "检修单位按计划建立工单,完善工序、组件")
                    if (res != null)
                        h.gd_state = res.GD_State;
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "检修计划提报")
                    if (res != null)
                        h.gd_state = res.GD_State;
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "现场工程师审核工单")
                    if (res != null)
                        h.gd_state = res.GD_State;
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "专业团队审1")
                    if (res != null)
                        h.gd_state = res.GD_State;
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "可靠性工程师审1")
                    if (res != null)
                        h.gd_state = res.GD_State;
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "机动处计划科审2")
                    if (res != null)
                        h.gd_state = res.GD_State;
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "物资处采购,填写到货时间")
                    h.gd_state = "物资采购中";
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "物资处确认到货并通知检修单位")
                    h.gd_state = "物资已到货";
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "检修单位上传检修方案" || db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "专业团队审批" || db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "检修单位填写检修内容及关键工序,关联作业指导书" || db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "可靠性工程师审批")
                    h.gd_state = "检修方案制定与审判";
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "现场工程师确认是否可实施计划")
                    UI_MISSION           ui       = new UI_MISSION();
                    List <Mission_Param> mis_pars = wfsd.GetMissParams(db_missA8dot2.Miss_Id);//获取当前任务参数
                    foreach (var par in mis_pars)
                        CParam cp = new CParam();
                        ui.Miss_Params[] = cp.value;
                    if (ui.Miss_Params["ZzConfirmPlan_Result"].ToString() == "是")
                        h.gd_state = "检修计划实施中";
                    else if (ui.Miss_Params["ZzConfirmPlan_Result"].ToString() == "否")
                        h.gd_state = "检修计划延期";
                else if (db_missA8dot2.Miss_Desc == "检修单位确认施工完毕,上传交工资料")
                    h.gd_state = "处理完成";
                h.Data_Src = "待定";
                h.detail   = "待定";
            List <object> or = new List <object>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Hm.Count; i++)
                object o = new
                    index        = i + 1,
                    equip_gycode = Hm[i].sb_gycode,
                    job_order    = Hm[i].job_order,
                    notice_order = Hm[i].notice_order,
                    gd_state     = Hm[i].gd_state,
                    datasrc      = Hm[i].Data_Src,
                    detail       = Hm[i].detail,
                    zzname       = Hm[i].zz_name,
                    planname     = Hm[i].plan_name
            string str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(or);

            return("{" + "\"data\": " + str + "}");