public static (string, bool, EProjectFolders) GetModRelativePath(this string fullpath, string activeModFileDirectory)
            var             relativePath = fullpath.Substring(activeModFileDirectory.Length + 1);
            bool            isDLC;
            EProjectFolders projectfolder = EProjectFolders.Cooked;

            if (relativePath.StartsWith("DLC\\"))
                isDLC = true;
            else if (relativePath.StartsWith("Mod\\"))
                isDLC = false;
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            relativePath = relativePath.Substring(4);

            if (relativePath.StartsWith(EProjectFolders.Cooked.ToString()))
                relativePath  = relativePath.Substring(EProjectFolders.Cooked.ToString().Length + 1);
                projectfolder = EProjectFolders.Cooked;

            if (relativePath.StartsWith(EProjectFolders.Uncooked.ToString()))
                relativePath  = relativePath.Substring(EProjectFolders.Uncooked.ToString().Length + 1);
                projectfolder = EProjectFolders.Uncooked;

            else if (relativePath.StartsWith(EBundleType.SoundCache.ToString()))
                relativePath = relativePath.Substring(EBundleType.SoundCache.ToString().Length + 1);
            else if (relativePath.StartsWith(EBundleType.Speech.ToString()))
                relativePath = relativePath.Substring(EBundleType.Speech.ToString().Length + 1);

            return(relativePath, isDLC, projectfolder);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds all file dependencies (cr2w imports) to a specified folder
        /// retaining relative paths
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importfilepath"></param>
        /// <param name="recursive"></param>
        /// <param name="silent"></param>
        /// <param name="alternateOutDirectory"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task AddAllImports(string importfilepath,
                                               bool recursive = false, bool silent = false, string alternateOutDirectory = "", bool logonly = false)
            if (!File.Exists(importfilepath))

            string          relativepath  = "";
            bool            isDLC         = false;
            EProjectFolders projectFolder = EProjectFolders.Uncooked;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(alternateOutDirectory))
                (relativepath, isDLC, projectFolder) = importfilepath.GetModRelativePath(ActiveMod.FileDirectory);
                relativepath = importfilepath.Substring(alternateOutDirectory.Length + 1);

            List <CR2WImportWrapper> importslist = new List <CR2WImportWrapper>();
            List <CR2WBufferWrapper> bufferlist  = new List <CR2WBufferWrapper>();
            bool hasinternalBuffer;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(importfilepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (var reader = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    var cr2w = new CR2WFile();
                    (importslist, hasinternalBuffer, bufferlist) = cr2w.ReadImportsAndBuffers(reader);

            bool success = true;

            // add imports
            foreach (var import in importslist)
                var filename = Path.GetFileName(import.DepotPathStr);
                if (logonly)
                    MainController.LogString(filename, Logtype.Important);

                var path = UnbundleFile(import.DepotPathStr, isDLC, projectFolder, EArchiveType.Bundle, alternateOutDirectory, false, silent);
                // If unbundled file is xbm, also extract tga from texturecache
                if (Path.GetExtension(import.DepotPathStr) == ".xbm")
                    UnbundleFile(import.DepotPathStr, isDLC, EProjectFolders.Raw, EArchiveType.TextureCache, alternateOutDirectory, false, silent);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
                    Logger.LogString($"Did not unbundle {filename}, import is missing.", Logtype.Error);
                    // recursively add all 1st order dependencies :Gp:
                    if (recursive)
                        AddAllImports(path, true, silent, alternateOutDirectory, logonly);

            // add buffers
            if (hasinternalBuffer)
                Logger.LogString($"{Path.GetFileName(importfilepath)} has internal buffers. If you need external buffers, unbundle them manually.", Logtype.Important);
                // unbundle external buffers
                foreach (CR2WBufferWrapper buffer in bufferlist)
                    var    index      = buffer.Buffer.index;
                    string bufferpath = $"{relativepath}.{index}.buffer";
                    var    bufferName = $"{Path.GetFileName(relativepath)}.{index}.buffer";

                    var path = UnbundleFile(bufferpath, isDLC, projectFolder, EArchiveType.Bundle, alternateOutDirectory, false, silent);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
                        Logger.LogString($"Did not unbundle {bufferName}, import is missing.", Logtype.Error);

            //if (success && !silent)
            //    Logger.LogString($"Succesfully imported all dependencies.", Logtype.Success);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Unbundles a file with the given relativepath from either the Game or the Mod BundleManager
        /// and adds it to the depot, optionally copying to the project
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
        /// <param name="isDLC"></param>
        /// <param name="projectFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="bundleType"></param>
        /// <param name="alternateOutDirectory"></param>
        /// <param name="loadmods"></param>
        /// <param name="silent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string UnbundleFile(string relativePath, bool isDlc, EProjectFolders projectFolder, EArchiveType bundleType = EArchiveType.Bundle, string alternateOutDirectory = "", bool loadmods = false, bool silent = false)
            string extension = Path.GetExtension(relativePath);
            string filename  = Path.GetFileName(relativePath);

            // Jato said not to add textures to an fbx
            // so I am keeping meshes violet :)
            //if (extension == ".xbm" && bundleType == EBundleType.Archive)
            //    //var uncookTask = Task.Run(() => UncookFileToPath(relativePath, isDLC, alternateOutDirectory));
            //    //Task.WaitAll(uncookTask);
            //    //return relativePath;
            //    UnbundleFile(relativePath, isDLC, projectFolder, EBundleType.TextureCache, alternateOutDirectory,
            //        loadmods, silent);
            IGameArchiveManager manager = MainController.Get().GetManagers(loadmods).FirstOrDefault(_ => _.TypeName == bundleType);

            if (manager != null && manager.Items.Any(x => x.Value.Any(y => y.Name == relativePath)))
                var archives = manager.FileList
                               .Where(x => x.Name == relativePath)
                               .Select(y => new KeyValuePair <string, IGameFile>(y.Archive.ArchiveAbsolutePath, y))

                // Extract
                    // if more than one archive get the last
                    var archive = archives.Last().Value;

                    string newpath = "";
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(alternateOutDirectory))
                        switch (projectFolder)
                        case EProjectFolders.Cooked:
                            newpath = Path.Combine(isDlc
                                    ? ActiveMod.DlcCookedDirectory
                                    : ActiveMod.ModCookedDirectory, relativePath);

                        case EProjectFolders.Uncooked:
                            newpath = Path.Combine(isDlc
                                    ? ActiveMod.DlcUncookedDirectory
                                    : ActiveMod.ModUncookedDirectory, relativePath);

                        case EProjectFolders.Raw:
                            newpath = Path.Combine(isDlc
                                    ? ActiveMod.RawDlcDirectory
                                    : ActiveMod.RawModDirectory, relativePath);

                        newpath = Path.Combine(alternateOutDirectory, relativePath);

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newpath))

                    // for xbms check if a file with the current export extensions exists
                    if (!File.Exists(newpath) && (extension != ".xbm" || !File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(newpath,
                        string extractedfile = archive.Extract(new BundleFileExtractArgs(newpath,
                        if (!silent)
                            Logger.LogString($"Succesfully unbundled {filename}.", Logtype.Success);
                    //    if (!silent) Logger.LogString($"File already exists in mod project: {filename}.", Logtype.Success);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.LogString(ex.ToString(), Logtype.Error);
