/// <summary>
        /// Reset all parameters to their default values
        /// </summary>
        public void ResetParameters()
            UseGaze            = false;
            DefaultDistance    = 200.0f;
            UseNormal          = true;
            ReticleSize        = Vector3.one;
            GazeExclusionLayer = 0;

            ReticleColor       = Color.red;
            ReticleTargetColor = Color.red;

            GazePointerState = EPointerState.ON;

            ColorOnReticleBackgroud = Color.blue;
            ColorOnReticleTarget    = Color.blue;

            ColorOffReticleBackgroud = Color.red;
            ColorOffReticleTarget    = Color.red;

            ColorSelectableReticleBackgroud = Color.green;
            ColorSelectableReticleTarget    = Color.green;

            UseDifferentStates = false;

            GazeButtonOVR       = EControllersInput.NONE;
            GazeButtonOpenVR    = EControllersInput.NONE;
            GazeButtonSimulator = EControllersInput.NONE;
Beispiel #2
        #region PUBLIC_METHODS

        #region PRIVATE_METHODS
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the pointer is touching the UI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isOver">If the Raycast is over something</param>
        /// <param name="pointerState">The current state of the pointer</param>
        /// <param name="pointer">The linerenderer to which the material is attached</param>
        /// <returns>The new state of the pointer</returns>
        private EPointerState CheckPointer(BoolVariable isOver, EPointerState pointerState, LineRenderer pointer, EHand hand)
            Color on         = Color.white;
            Color off        = Color.white;
            Color selectable = Color.white;

            GetColor(hand, ref on, ref off, ref selectable);

            // If the pointer is supposed to be off
            if (pointerState == EPointerState.OFF)
                pointer.material.color = off;
            // If the pointer is not over something and it's state is not On
            else if (!isOver.Value && pointerState != EPointerState.ON)
                pointer.material.color = on;
            // If the pointer is over something and it's state is not at Selectable
            else if (isOver.Value && pointerState != EPointerState.SELECTABLE)
                pointer.material.color = selectable;