Beispiel #1
    private void TranslateUDP(EN_UDP_PACKET_TYPE type, byte[] bytes)
        if (type == EN_UDP_PACKET_TYPE.TRANSFORM)
            EN_PacketTransform packet = EN_Protocol.BytesToObject <EN_PacketTransform>(bytes);

            GameObject go = EN_NetworkObject.Find(packet.packet_network_id);
            if (go != null)
                go.GetComponent <EN_SyncTransformClient>().Translate(packet.tX, packet.tY, packet.tZ, packet.rX, packet.rY, packet.rZ, packet.vX, packet.vY, packet.vZ);
Beispiel #2
        private void TranslateUDP(IPEndPoint source, EN_UDP_PACKET_TYPE type, byte[] bytes)
            if (type == EN_UDP_PACKET_TYPE.TRANSFORM)
                EN_PacketTransform packet = EN_Protocol.BytesToObject <EN_PacketTransform>(bytes);

                // This comes in as a Unity InstanceID, we need to networkID-it
                packet.packet_network_id = networkIDs[packet.packet_network_id];

                byte[] bytes_data = EN_Protocol.ObjectToBytes(packet);

                BroadcastUDP(source, bytes_data);
Beispiel #3
        private void ReceiveUDP(int loops)
            if (udp_server.Available > 0)
                byte[] bytes = udp_server.Receive(ref udp_source); //TODO: If Receive fails again after DC, try {} catch {} and spit it into console

                if (bytes.Length > 0)
                    // Get & translate first 4 bytes
                    EN_UDP_PACKET_TYPE packet_type = EN_Protocol.BytesToUDPType(bytes);

                    TranslateUDP(udp_source, packet_type, bytes);
Beispiel #4
    private IEnumerator ReceiveUDP()
        while (true)
            while (udp_client.Available > 0)
                byte[] bytes = udp_client.Receive(ref server);

                if (bytes.Length > 0)
                    EN_UDP_PACKET_TYPE type = EN_Protocol.BytesToUDPType(bytes);
                    TranslateUDP(type, bytes);

                    udpBytesIn += (uint)bytes.Length;

            yield return(null);