public ImageId SaveImageHDR(Texture2D texture, EHDRTextureType type, int maxSize = -1, string path = null)
            if (_texture2d2ImageID.ContainsKey(texture))
                return _texture2d2ImageID[texture];

            string format = ".png";
            string[] pathes;
            if (path == null)
                pathes = GetTextureOutPath(texture, format);
                pathes = ExporterUtils.GetAssetOutPath(path, format);
            var exportPath = pathes[0];
            var pathInGlTF = pathes[1];

            var newtex = GLTFTextureUtils.HDR2RGBD(texture);

            if (maxSize > 0 && (newtex.width > maxSize || newtex.height > maxSize))
                TextureScale.Bilinear(newtex, maxSize, maxSize);

            byte[] content = newtex.EncodeToPNG();

            return GenerateImage(content, exportPath, pathInGlTF);
        public TextureId SaveTextureHDR(Texture2D texture, EHDRTextureType type, int maxSize = -1, string path = null)
            if (type != EHDRTextureType.RGBD)
                throw new Exception("HDR Texture can only be exported as 'RGBD' now !");

            var isGammaSpace = PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Gamma;
            if (isGammaSpace)
                // we need linear space lightmap in Sein
                Debug.LogWarning("You are using lightmap in `Gamma ColorSpace`, it may have wrong result in Sein ! Please checkout '' for details !");

            if (_texture2d2ID.ContainsKey(texture))
                return _texture2d2ID[texture];

            var imageId = SaveImageHDR(texture, type, maxSize, path);

            return GenerateTexture(texture, imageId);