Beispiel #1
 public void onAfterEvent(ref object data, EFAction action)
     if (AfterEvent != null)
         AfterEvent.Invoke(this, new EFEventArgs(ref data, action));
Beispiel #2
 public void onBeforeEvent(ref object data, EFAction action)
     if (BeforeEvent != null)
         BeforeEvent.Invoke(this, new EFEventArgs(ref data, action));
Beispiel #3
        public ActionResult Menu()
            List<CMS_CategoryModels> models = null;

            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())// 事务对象
                using (var ctx = new StarDBContext())
                    EFAction<CMS_CategoryModels> model = new EFAction<CMS_CategoryModels>();
                    model.ctx = ctx;

                    models = model.GetAll().ToList();

            return View(GetMenu(models));
Beispiel #4
        public void TestEF()
            // Add Person To DB
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())// 事务对象
                using (var ctx = new StarDBContext())
                    //var person = new Person();
                    //person.FirstName = "Robbert2";
                    //person.MiddleName = "Allen2";
                    //person.LastName = "Doe2";

                    //var table1 = new Table1();
                    //table1.Field1 = "tt2";
                    //table1.Field2 = "ddd";
                    //table1.Field3 = "sss";

                    // exe sql command
                    //var parameters = new DbParameter[]{
                    //    new SqlParameter(parameterName:"Field1",value:"tt"),
                    //    new SqlParameter(parameterName:"Field2",value:"ddd")
                    //var result = new Table1();
                    var efAction = new EFAction<Table1>();
                    efAction.ctx = ctx;
                    var table1 = efAction.Get(1);
                    var efAction2 = new EFAction<Person>();
                    efAction2.ctx = ctx;
                    var person = efAction2.Get(1);
                    //var res = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<Table1>("select * from Table1 where Field1=@Field1 and Field2=@Field2", parameters).ToList();
                    var a = 1;
 public EFEventArgs(ref object data, EFAction action)
     Data   = data;
     Action = action;
        public void onExceptionEvent(Exception e, EFAction action)
            //if (ExceptionEvent != null)
            //    ExceptionEvent.Invoke(this, new EFEventArgs(ref e, action));

        public void onAfterEvent(ref object data, EFAction action)
            if (AfterEvent != null)
                AfterEvent.Invoke(this, new EFEventArgs(ref data, action));

        public void onBeforeEvent(ref object data, EFAction action)
            if (BeforeEvent != null)
                BeforeEvent.Invoke(this, new EFEventArgs(ref data, action));

 public EFEventArgs(ref object data, EFAction action)
     Data = data;
     Action = action;
Beispiel #10
 public void onExceptionEvent(Exception e, EFAction action)
     //if (ExceptionEvent != null)
     //    ExceptionEvent.Invoke(this, new EFEventArgs(ref e, action));