Beispiel #1
        void DebugDrawCellDetails(int x, int y, int cellCount, float secondsToDisplay = 0.5f, float textScale = 1f)
            ECDebug.DrawHollowRect(new Rectangle(x * _cellSize, y * _cellSize, _cellSize, _cellSize), Color.Red,

            if (cellCount > 0)
                var textPosition = new Vector2((float)x * (float)_cellSize + 0.5f * _cellSize,
                                               (float)y * (float)_cellSize + 0.5f * _cellSize);
                ECDebug.DrawText(Graphics.Instance.DevFont, cellCount.ToString(), textPosition, Color.DarkGreen,
                                 secondsToDisplay, textScale);
Beispiel #2
        public static bool IntersectMovingCircleBox(Circle s, Box b, Vector2 movement, out float time)
            // compute the AABB resulting from expanding b by sphere radius r
            var e = b.bounds;

            e.Inflate(s.Radius, s.Radius);

            // Intersect ray against expanded expanded Rectangle e. Exit with no intersection if ray
            // misses e, else get intersection point p and time t as result
            var ray = new Ray2D(s.position - movement, s.position);

            if (!e.RayIntersects(ref ray, out time) && time > 1.0f)

            // get the intersection point
            var point = ray.Start + ray.Direction * time;

            // compute which min and max faces of b the intersection point p lies outside of. Note, u and v cannot have the
            // same bits set and they must have at least one bit set among them.
            int u = 0, v = 0;

            if (point.X < b.bounds.Left)
                u |= 1;
            if (point.X > b.bounds.Right)
                v |= 1;
            if (point.Y < b.bounds.Top)
                u |= 2;
            if (point.Y > b.bounds.Bottom)
                v |= 2;

            // 'or' all set bits together into a bitmask (note u + v == u | v)
            var m = u + v;

            // if all 3 bits are set then point is in a vertex region
            if (m == 3)
                // must now intersect segment against the capsules of the two edges meeting at the vert and return the best time,
                // if one or more hit
                //throw new NotImplementedException();
                Debug.Log("m == 3. corner {0}", Time.FrameCount);

            // if only one bit is set in m then point is in a face region
            if ((m & (m - 1)) == 0)
                ECDebug.DrawHollowBox(point, 4, Color.Black, 0.4f);

                // do nothing. time from the expanded rect intersection is the correct time

            // point is on an edge region. intersect against the capsule at the edge.
