Beispiel #1
 public void PrintPath(Level level)
     if (Config.GetProperty("Pathfinder.PrintPath", false))
         foreach (var tile in Current)
             Block block    = GetBlock(tile);
             Color color    = Color.FromArgb(Math.Max(0, 255 - Current.Count * 10), 255, 255);
             var   particle = new DustParticle(level, color);
             particle.Position = (Vector3)block.Coordinates + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
Beispiel #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Create the particles and their respective stats. This includes velocity, rotation, etc.
        particleCount = Random.Range(minParticleCount, maxParticleCount);
        particles     = new ArrayList(particleCount);
        DustParticle particle;

        for (int i = particleCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            particle     = new DustParticle();
            particle.obj = Instantiate(dustParticles[Random.Range(0, dustParticles.Length)], transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
            particle.obj.transform.parent = transform;
            particle.renderer             = particle.obj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

            particle.velocity      = Random.Range(minVel, maxVel);
            particle.angle         = Random.Range(minAngle, maxAngle) * Mathf.PI / 180;
            = particle.lifeMax = Random.Range(minLife, maxLife);
            particle.rotationSpeed = Random.Range(minRotSpeed, maxRotSpeed);

Beispiel #3
        public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
            //hitscan. We only "take" a single frame to hit something.
            //first, normalize the Velocity.
            _Velocity = _Velocity.Normalize();

            //now, starting from _Origin, advance position by _Velocity until we hit a block or leave the gamearea.
            List<Block> blockshit = new List<Block>();
            PointF currpos = _Origin;
            PointF lastpos = _Origin;
            bool scancomplete = false;
            int spawnjump = 0;
            int particlecomparator = Math.Max(gamestate.Particles.Count-500, 2);
            //particlecomparator is our modulus. This will be modulo'd with spawnjump each iteration

            while (!scancomplete)
                currpos = new PointF(currpos.X + _Velocity.X, currpos.Y + _Velocity.Y);

                PointF diff = new PointF(currpos.X-lastpos.X,currpos.Y-lastpos.Y);
                //spawn some particles here.
                if (spawnjump>particlecomparator && Tracer)
                    spawnjump = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)

                            float randomspot = (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble();
                            PointF randomoffset = new PointF(currpos.X + diff.X * randomspot, currpos.Y + diff.Y * randomspot);
                            if (BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() > 0.5)
                                DustParticle dp = new DustParticle(randomoffset, 3, 25, _BulletColor);
                                dp.Important = true;
                                LightOrb dp = new LightOrb(randomoffset, Color.Green, 16);
                                dp.TTL = 25;

                                dp.Important = true;

                //are we outside gamearea?
                if (!gamestate.GameArea.Contains(currpos.ToPoint()))
                    scancomplete = true;

                //have we hit a block?
                var hitblock = BCBlockGameState.Block_HitTestOne(gamestate.Blocks, currpos);
                if (hitblock != null && !blockshit.Contains(hitblock))

                    if(_Strength == HitscanStrengthConstants.hitscan_bullet)
                        //create a bullet at currpos, make it go in our direction.
                        Bullet bb = new Bullet(currpos, _Velocity, false);
                        bb.BulletBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent); //invisible bullet...
                        gamestate.NextFrameCalls.Enqueue(new BCBlockGameState.NextFrameStartup(() => gamestate.GameObjects.AddLast(bb)));
                else if(_Strength==HitscanStrengthConstants.hitscan_hit)

                    gamestate.NextFrameCalls.Enqueue(new BCBlockGameState.NextFrameStartup(() => BCBlockGameState.Block_Hit(gamestate, hitblock, _Velocity)));

                    if (!Penetrate) scancomplete = true;

                lastpos = currpos;

            if (!Tracer)
                DustParticle pa = new DustParticle(Origin, 800,9000,Color.Transparent);
                DustParticle pb = new DustParticle(currpos,800,9000,Color.Transparent);

                pa.Velocity = PointF.Empty;
                pb.Velocity = PointF.Empty;

                LineParticle ls = new LineParticle(pa, pb,new Pen(Color.Yellow,1));
                ls.Important = true;
                ls.TTL = 750;

                //show the impact point.
                PointF Impactpoint = currpos;
                for (int i = 0; i < 14 * BCBlockGameState.Settings.ParticleGenerationFactor; i++)
                    Particle xp = BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() > 0.5 ?
                        new EmitterParticle(Impactpoint,(gstate,emitter,aint,bint)=>
                                float ssspeed = (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 5 + 2;
                                PointF ssusespeed = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0,-ssspeed), Math.PI / 10);
                                DustParticle addit = new DustParticle(emitter.Location, 40);
                                addit.Velocity = ssusespeed;
                                return addit;
                            : (Particle)new DustParticle(Impactpoint);
                    float speed = (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 5 + 2;
                    PointF usespeed = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0,-speed), Math.PI / 10);
                    xp.Velocity = usespeed;


            return true; //we only exist for one frame.
Beispiel #4
        public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate)
            bool retval = base.PerformFrame(gamestate);

                //add some particles around the edges of the explosion, moving outward...
                if (gamestate.Particles.Count((w)=>!w.Important) < BCBlockGameState.MaxParticles)
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)(25f * BCBlockGameState.ParticleGenerationFactor); i++)
                        const float speedmult = 1;
                        //choose a random Angle...
                        double randomangle = Math.PI * 2 * BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble();
                        //create the appropriate speed vector, based on our radius...
                        double usespeed = (_CurrentRadius / _MaxRadius) * speedmult;
                        //should be proportional to how close we are to the maximum radius; max radius will have particles move 1...
                        usespeed += ((BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 0.6) - 0.3);

                        PointF addpointLocation = new PointF(Location.X + (float)Math.Cos(randomangle) * _CurrentRadius,
                                                             Location.Y + (float)Math.Sin(randomangle) * _CurrentRadius);

                        //create a dustparticle...
                        PointF PointSpeed = new PointF((float)(Math.Cos(randomangle) * usespeed),
                                                       (float)(Math.Sin(randomangle) * usespeed));
                        Particle addparticle = null;
                        if (i % 5 != 0)
                            addparticle = new DustParticle(addpointLocation, PointSpeed);

                        else if (_ShowOrbs)
                            LightOrb lo = new LightOrb(addpointLocation, ExplosionColor,
                                                       (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 10 + 5);
                            lo.Velocity = PointSpeed;
                            addparticle = lo;


                        if (addparticle != null) gamestate.Particles.Add(addparticle);


                //each frame, check for blocks that are within the given radius. Hell with it, we'll check their centerpoints...

                if (gamestate.PlayerPaddle != null)

                    if (DamagePaddle && BCBlockGameState.RectangleIntersectsCircle(gamestate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect(), Location, _CurrentRadius))

                        gamestate.PlayerPaddle.HP -= 1f;

                if (_EffectObjects)
                    //find all GameObjects that implement IExplodable.
                    //we might be bothered to do the same for Balls, I suppose. No promises.

                    IEnumerable<IExplodable> result = BCBlockGameState.Join<IExplodable>(
                        (from ball in gamestate.Balls where ball is IExplodable && (BCBlockGameState.Distance(Location,ball.Location) < _CurrentRadius)  select ball as IExplodable),
                        (from obj in gamestate.GameObjects where obj is IExplodable select obj as IExplodable));

                        //in order to prevent contention issues, we will defer the loop that "effects" each item until the next gametick iteration starts.
                    gamestate.NextFrameCalls.Enqueue(new BCBlockGameState.NextFrameStartup(() =>
                        foreach (var iterateresult in result)

                            PointF useVelocityEffect = new PointF(Math.Max(1,Velocity.X),Math.Max(1,Velocity.Y));

                            iterateresult.ExplosionInteract(this, Location, useVelocityEffect);




                List<Block> removethese = new List<Block>();
                if (_DamageBlocks)
                    var blowemup = from p in gamestate.Blocks
                                       BCBlockGameState.Distance(Location.X, Location.Y, p.CenterPoint().X,
                                                                 p.CenterPoint().Y) < _CurrentRadius
                                   select p;
                    if (blowemup.Any())
                        foreach (var loopblock in blowemup)
                            //destroy it.

                            if (loopblock is DestructionBlock)
                                //special handling for combos
                                Debug.Print("DestructionBlock detected in ExplosionEffect...");
                                (loopblock as DestructionBlock).ComboCount = this.ComboCount + 1;

                            if (DestroyAll || loopblock.MustDestroy())


                        lock (gamestate.Blocks)
                            foreach (Block removeit in removethese)
                                //get angle between the center of the explosion and the block's center.
                                double Angle = BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(CenterPoint(), removeit.CenterPoint());
                                int useSpeed = BCBlockGameState.ClampValue((int)_MaxRadius / 2, 1, 5);
                                PointF useVelocity = BCBlockGameState.GetVelocity(useSpeed, Angle);
                                cBall tempball = new cBall(new PointF(removeit.CenterPoint().X-useVelocity.X,removeit.CenterPoint().Y-useVelocity.Y), useVelocity);
                                tempball.PreviousVelocity = useVelocity;
                                tempball.Behaviours.Add(new TempBallBehaviour());
                                //add a proxy behaviour to remove it as well.
                                //tempball.Behaviours.Add(new ProxyBallBehaviour("ExplosionEffect", null, proxyperformframe, null, null, null, null, null, null));

                                List<cBall> discardlist = new List<cBall>();
                                    //this is... well, cheating...

                                    //we cannot add GameObjects to the List, except by plopping them in the ref AddedObject parameter.
                                    //however, we cannot "force" the PerformBlockHit of a block (say a destruction block) to add a GameObject (another ExplosionEffect, in that case)

                                    //we cheat. we swap out the entire gamestate.GameObject LinkedList with a new one, call the routine, and then
                                    //we add any added GameObjects to our ref parameter, and swap the old list back in, hoping nobody notices our
                                    //audacity to fiddle with core game state objects...
                                    var copiedref = gamestate.GameObjects;
                                    gamestate.GameObjects = new LinkedList<GameObject>();

                                    removeit.PerformBlockHit(gamestate, tempball);
                                    var tempadded = gamestate.GameObjects;
                                    gamestate.GameObjects = copiedref;
                                    //now we add the ones we need to add to our ref array. I feel dirty.
                                    gamestate.Defer(() =>
                                        foreach (var iterate in tempadded)



                                //we don't add the ball to our GameState, so we don't have to worry about it persisting :D

                                //the idea is that we want to invoke the actions of the block (which for many blocks will simply be destroyed).
                                //at the same time, some blocks might react weirdly to having temporary balls tossed into their centers, so we make it so the ball will only live for
                                //two frames by adding a proxyballbehaviour that ensure that.
                                gamestate.Forcerefresh = true;

                            //changed: instead of removing them, create a temporary ball at their center point.



                return retval;
        private void BobberThread()
            int EffectLengthi = 5000;
            if (BobberThreadEffectFinish == null)
                BobberThreadEffectFinish = DateTime.Now;
            const int numeffects = 6;
            while (true)

                lock (ImageBackBufferCanvas)
                    while (Form.ActiveForm == null) Thread.Sleep(50);
                    if (!this.Visible)
                        Thread.Sleep(50); //nothing to do, allow other threads to run.
                    if (performingEffect)
                        bool doflip = false;
                        TimeSpan EffectLength = DateTime.Now - BobberThreadEffectStart;
                        //currently the only supported "effect" ,draws a bunch of particles across the screen halfway. (Y).

                        if (EffectLength.TotalMilliseconds > EffectLengthi)
                            performingEffect = false;
                            prevparticlepos = new PointF(0, 0);
                            BobberThreadEffectFinish = DateTime.Now;
                            double currpercent = (double) EffectLength.TotalMilliseconds/(double) EffectLengthi;
                            int Xpos =
                                (((float) (ImageBackBufferbitmap.Width*1.5)*currpercent) -
                                 ((float) (ImageBackBufferbitmap.Width*0.2f)));

                            Debug.Print("Effect currpercent=" + currpercent);
                            //                        PointF addparticlepos = new PointF(Xpos, ImageBackBufferbitmap.Height / 2);
                            int effectnumber = EffectCount%numeffects;

                            if (effectnumber%2 == 0)
                                Xpos = ImageBackBufferbitmap.Width - Xpos;
                                doflip = true;
                            PointF addparticlepos = new PointF(Xpos, 163);
                            if (prevparticlepos.X == 0 && prevparticlepos.Y == 0) prevparticlepos = addparticlepos;
                            float usehue = (((float) currpercent*3)%1)*240;
                            Color particlecolor = new HSLColor(usehue, 240, 120);
                            const float maxoutspeed = 1f;
                            const int numparticles = 25;
                            Image[] usepics = null;
                            System.Drawing.Size? usesize;

                            switch (effectnumber)
                                case 0:
                                case 2:
                                    usepics = new Image[] { rdash.BackgroundImage };
                                    if (effectnumber == 2)
                                        addparticlepos = new PointF(addparticlepos.X,
                                                                    ((float) Math.Sin(addparticlepos.X/16)*8) +

                                    /*for (int addp = 0; addp < numparticles*2; addp++)
                                        Particle addparticle = new DustParticle(addparticlepos, (float) (rg.NextDouble()*4),
                                                                                7500, particlecolor);

                                        lock (DrawParticles)

                                    //create a spectrum...
                                    const float numlines = 25;
                                    const int totalsize = 100;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)

                                        float useYoffset = (totalsize/2) + (((float) i/numlines)*totalsize);
                                        float pct = ((float) i/numlines);
                                        float percenthue = (pct*240);
                                        PointF offsetamount = new PointF(addparticlepos.X - prevparticlepos.X,
                                                                         addparticlepos.Y - prevparticlepos.Y);
                                        //PointF firstpoint = new PointF(addparticlepos.X, useYoffset);
                                        //PointF secondpoint = new PointF(firstpoint.X+offsetamount.X,firstpoint.Y+offsetamount.Y);
                                        PointF firstpoint = addparticlepos;
                                        PointF secondpoint = prevparticlepos;
                                        if (firstpoint.X > secondpoint.X)
                                            firstpoint = new PointF(firstpoint.X + 2, firstpoint.Y);
                                            secondpoint = new PointF(secondpoint.X - 2, secondpoint.Y);

                                            firstpoint = new PointF(firstpoint.X - 2, firstpoint.Y);
                                            secondpoint = new PointF(secondpoint.X + 2, secondpoint.Y);

                                        //float phue = (percenthue + (Xpos/2)%240 )%240;
                                        float phue = percenthue%240;
                                        Color linecoloruse = new HSLColor(phue, 240, 120);
                                        float usevel = (pct - 0.5f)*5;
                                        DustParticle dust1 = new DustParticle(firstpoint, new PointF(0, usevel));
                                        DustParticle dust2 = new DustParticle(secondpoint, new PointF(0, usevel));
                                        LineParticle lp = new LineParticle(dust1, dust2, linecoloruse);

                                        lock (DrawParticles)

                                            if (Math.Truncate((double) Xpos)%15 == 0)
                                                //add a 5-pointed star...
                                                //StarParticle staradd = new StarParticle(addparticlepos, BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(0,3), 5, 3, 6, Color.Yellow, Color.Black, (float)(rg.NextDouble() * 2));
                                                CharacterDebris staradd = new CharacterDebris(addparticlepos,
                                                                                                  GetRandomVelocity(0, 3),
                                                                                              Color.Yellow, 8, 18);




                                    Particle addParticleA = new DustParticle(addparticlepos, new PointF(0, -2));
                                    Particle addParticleB = new DustParticle(addparticlepos, new PointF(0, 2));
                                    LineParticle lp = new LineParticle(addParticleA, addParticleB, particlecolor);
                                    lock (DrawParticles)

                                case 1:
                                case 3:
                                    usepics = new Image[] {rdash.BackgroundImage};
                                    if (effectnumber == 3)
                                        addparticlepos = new PointF(addparticlepos.X,
                                                                    ((float) Math.Sin(addparticlepos.X/32)*16) +
                                    for (int addp = 0; addp < numparticles; addp++)
                                        float ppercent = (float) addp/(float) numparticles;
                                        float usespeed = (float) (((maxoutspeed*2)*ppercent) - maxoutspeed);
                                        PointF speeduse = new PointF((float) (rg.NextDouble() - 0.5d), usespeed);
                                        particlecolor = new HSLColor(ppercent*240, 240, 120);
                                        //Particle addparticle = new PolyDebris(addparticlepos, rg.NextDouble() * 2, particlecolor, 3, 4, 3, 8);
                                        Particle addparticle = new PolyDebris(addparticlepos, speeduse, particlecolor, 3,
                                                                              3, 8);

                                        lock (DrawParticles)
                                case 4:
                                    usepics = new Image[] { ttoaster.BackgroundImage };
                                    for (int addp = 0; addp < numparticles*2; addp++)
                                        particlecolor = Color.FromArgb(rg.Next(255), rg.Next(255), 0);
                                        Particle addparticle = new DustParticle(addparticlepos,
                                                                                (float) (rg.NextDouble()*4),
                                                                                7500, particlecolor);

                                        lock (DrawParticles)

                                case 5:
                                    //megaman sprites...
                                    //since these are loaded

                                    if (!mmimagesloaded)

                                        mmimagesloaded = true;
                                            mmimages = BCBlockGameState.Imageman.getImageFrames("megaman");
                                            mmimagesloaded = false;


                                    if (mmimagesloaded)
                                        if ((DateTime.Now - lastmmFrameChange) > mmFrameDelayTime)
                                            //advance the frame.

                                        mmimageframe = mmimageframe%mmimages.Length;
                                        //they are... or should  be, loaded now.

                                        usepics = new Image[] {mmimages[mmimageframe]};
                                        usesize = new Size(usepics[0].Size.Width*3, usepics[0].Size.Height*3);


                            case 3:
                                addparticlepos = new PointF(addparticlepos.X, ((float)Math.Sin(addparticlepos.X / 16) * 8) + addparticlepos.Y);
                                for (int addp = 0; addp < numparticles; addp++)
                                    Particle addparticle = new PolyDebris(addparticlepos, rg.NextDouble()*2, particlecolor, 3, 4, 3, 8);

                                    lock (DrawParticles)
                            drawimagedata dd = new drawimagedata();
                            //dd.DrawImage = (Image) usepic.Clone();
                            dd.ImageFrames = usepics;
                            if (doflip) dd.DrawImage.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX);
                            dd.Location = addparticlepos;

                            //imagesdraw.Add(new drawimagedata(BCBlockGameState.Imageman.GetLoadedImage("rdash")

                            double ang = BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(prevparticlepos, addparticlepos);
                            Debug.Print("chosen angle=" + ang);
                            dd.Angle = ang;
                            //if (doflip) dd.Angle += (float) Math.PI;
                            prevparticlepos = addparticlepos;
                    else if ((DateTime.Now - BobberThreadEffectFinish.Value).TotalSeconds >= 60)
                        EffectCount = EffectCount%numeffects;
                        switch (EffectCount)
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                                EffectLengthi = 5000;
                                if (BCBlockGameState.Soundman != null) //can be null, if you press shift during startup and take a while on the screen presented...
                                    if (BCBlockGameState.Soundman.HasSound("asboom"))
                                        BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("asboom", 3.0f);
                            case 4:
                                iSoundSourceObject grabsound;
                                if (BCBlockGameState.Soundman != null)
                                    if (((grabsound = BCBlockGameState.Soundman.GetSoundRnd("TTOASTER")) != null))
                                        grabsound.Play(false, 3.0f);
                            case 5:
                                if(BCBlockGameState.Soundman!=null) BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("ray");
                        Debug.Print("invoking effect #" + EffectCount);
                        performingEffect = true;

                        BobberThreadEffectStart = DateTime.Now;
Beispiel #6
 private void defaultemitter(cBall onball,BCBlockGameState gamestate)
     Particle addparticle = new DustParticle(onball);
Beispiel #7
        private void BobberThread()
            int EffectLengthi = 5000;

            if (BobberThreadEffectFinish == null)
                BobberThreadEffectFinish = DateTime.Now;
            const int numeffects = 6;

            while (true)
                lock (ImageBackBufferCanvas)
                    while (Form.ActiveForm == null)
                    if (!this.Visible)
                        Thread.Sleep(0); //nothing to do, allow other threads to run.
                    if (performingEffect)
                        bool     doflip       = false;
                        TimeSpan EffectLength = DateTime.Now - BobberThreadEffectStart;
                        //currently the only supported "effect" ,draws a bunch of particles across the screen halfway. (Y).

                        if (EffectLength.TotalMilliseconds > EffectLengthi)
                            performingEffect         = false;
                            prevparticlepos          = new PointF(0, 0);
                            BobberThreadEffectFinish = DateTime.Now;
                            double currpercent = (double)EffectLength.TotalMilliseconds / (double)EffectLengthi;
                            int    Xpos        =
                                (((float)(ImageBackBufferbitmap.Width * 1.5) * currpercent) -
                                 ((float)(ImageBackBufferbitmap.Width * 0.2f)));

                            Debug.Print("Effect currpercent=" + currpercent);
                            //                        PointF addparticlepos = new PointF(Xpos, ImageBackBufferbitmap.Height / 2);
                            int effectnumber = EffectCount % numeffects;

                            if (effectnumber % 2 == 0)
                                Xpos   = ImageBackBufferbitmap.Width - Xpos;
                                doflip = true;
                            PointF addparticlepos = new PointF(Xpos, 163);
                            if (prevparticlepos.X == 0 && prevparticlepos.Y == 0)
                                prevparticlepos = addparticlepos;
                            float               usehue        = (((float)currpercent * 3) % 1) * 240;
                            Color               particlecolor = new HSLColor(usehue, 240, 120);
                            const float         maxoutspeed   = 1f;
                            const int           numparticles  = 25;
                            Image               usepic        = null;

                            switch (effectnumber)
                            case 0:
                            case 2:
                                usepic = rdash.BackgroundImage;
                                if (effectnumber == 2)
                                    addparticlepos = new PointF(addparticlepos.X,
                                                                ((float)Math.Sin(addparticlepos.X / 16) * 8) +

                                /*for (int addp = 0; addp < numparticles*2; addp++)
                                 * {
                                 *  Particle addparticle = new DustParticle(addparticlepos, (float) (rg.NextDouble()*4),
                                 *                                          7500, particlecolor);
                                 *  lock (DrawParticles)
                                 *  {
                                 *      DrawParticles.Add(addparticle);
                                 *  }
                                 * }*/

                                //create a spectrum...
                                const float numlines  = 25;
                                const int   totalsize = 100;
                                for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
                                    float  useYoffset   = (totalsize / 2) + (((float)i / numlines) * totalsize);
                                    float  pct          = ((float)i / numlines);
                                    float  percenthue   = (pct * 240);
                                    PointF offsetamount = new PointF(addparticlepos.X - prevparticlepos.X,
                                                                     addparticlepos.Y - prevparticlepos.Y);
                                    //PointF firstpoint = new PointF(addparticlepos.X, useYoffset);
                                    //PointF secondpoint = new PointF(firstpoint.X+offsetamount.X,firstpoint.Y+offsetamount.Y);
                                    PointF firstpoint  = addparticlepos;
                                    PointF secondpoint = prevparticlepos;
                                    if (firstpoint.X > secondpoint.X)
                                        firstpoint  = new PointF(firstpoint.X + 2, firstpoint.Y);
                                        secondpoint = new PointF(secondpoint.X - 2, secondpoint.Y);
                                        firstpoint  = new PointF(firstpoint.X - 2, firstpoint.Y);
                                        secondpoint = new PointF(secondpoint.X + 2, secondpoint.Y);
                                    //float phue = (percenthue + (Xpos/2)%240 )%240;
                                    float        phue         = percenthue % 240;
                                    Color        linecoloruse = new HSLColor(phue, 240, 120);
                                    float        usevel       = (pct - 0.5f) * 5;
                                    DustParticle dust1        = new DustParticle(firstpoint, new PointF(0, usevel));
                                    DustParticle dust2        = new DustParticle(secondpoint, new PointF(0, usevel));
                                    LineParticle lp           = new LineParticle(dust1, dust2, linecoloruse);

                                    lock (DrawParticles)

                                        if (Math.Truncate((double)Xpos) % 15 == 0)
                                            //add a 5-pointed star...
                                            //StarParticle staradd = new StarParticle(addparticlepos, BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(0,3), 5, 3, 6, Color.Yellow, Color.Black, (float)(rg.NextDouble() * 2));
                                            CharacterDebris staradd = new CharacterDebris(addparticlepos,
                                                                                          GetRandomVelocity(0, 3),
                                                                                          Color.Yellow, 8, 18);

                                 * Particle addParticleA = new DustParticle(addparticlepos, new PointF(0, -2));
                                 * Particle addParticleB = new DustParticle(addparticlepos, new PointF(0, 2));
                                 * LineParticle lp = new LineParticle(addParticleA, addParticleB, particlecolor);
                                 * lock (DrawParticles)
                                 * {
                                 *  DrawParticles.Add(lp);
                                 * }

                            case 1:
                            case 3:
                                usepic = rdash.BackgroundImage;
                                if (effectnumber == 3)
                                    addparticlepos = new PointF(addparticlepos.X,
                                                                ((float)Math.Sin(addparticlepos.X / 32) * 16) +
                                for (int addp = 0; addp < numparticles; addp++)
                                    float  ppercent = (float)addp / (float)numparticles;
                                    float  usespeed = (float)(((maxoutspeed * 2) * ppercent) - maxoutspeed);
                                    PointF speeduse = new PointF((float)(rg.NextDouble() - 0.5d), usespeed);
                                    particlecolor = new HSLColor(ppercent * 240, 240, 120);
                                    //Particle addparticle = new PolyDebris(addparticlepos, rg.NextDouble() * 2, particlecolor, 3, 4, 3, 8);
                                    Particle addparticle = new PolyDebris(addparticlepos, speeduse, particlecolor, 3,
                                                                          3, 8);

                                    lock (DrawParticles)

                            case 4:
                                usepic = ttoaster.BackgroundImage;
                                for (int addp = 0; addp < numparticles * 2; addp++)
                                    particlecolor = Color.FromArgb(rg.Next(255), rg.Next(255), 0);
                                    Particle addparticle = new DustParticle(addparticlepos,
                                                                            (float)(rg.NextDouble() * 4),
                                                                            7500, particlecolor);

                                    lock (DrawParticles)

                            case 5:
                                //megaman sprites...
                                //since these are loaded

                                if (!mmimagesloaded)
                                    mmimagesloaded = true;
                                        mmimages = BCBlockGameState.Imageman.getImageFrames("megaman");
                                        mmimagesloaded = false;
                                if (mmimagesloaded)
                                    if ((DateTime.Now - lastmmFrameChange) > mmFrameDelayTime)
                                        //advance the frame.
                                    mmimageframe = mmimageframe % mmimages.Length;
                                    //they are... or should  be, loaded now.

                                    usepic  = mmimages[mmimageframe];
                                    usesize = new Size(usepic.Size.Width * 3, usepic.Size.Height * 3);

                                 * case 3:
                                 * addparticlepos = new PointF(addparticlepos.X, ((float)Math.Sin(addparticlepos.X / 16) * 8) + addparticlepos.Y);
                                 * for (int addp = 0; addp < numparticles; addp++)
                                 * {
                                 * Particle addparticle = new PolyDebris(addparticlepos, rg.NextDouble()*2, particlecolor, 3, 4, 3, 8);
                                 * lock (DrawParticles)
                                 * {
                                 *  DrawParticles.Add(addparticle);
                                 * }
                                 * }
                                 * break;
                            drawimagedata dd = new drawimagedata();
                            dd.DrawImage = (Image)usepic.Clone();

                            if (doflip)
                            dd.Location = addparticlepos;

                            //imagesdraw.Add(new drawimagedata(BCBlockGameState.Imageman.GetLoadedImage("rdash")

                            double ang = BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(prevparticlepos, addparticlepos);
                            Debug.Print("chosen angle=" + ang);
                            dd.Angle = ang;
                            if (doflip)
                                dd.Angle += (float)Math.PI;
                            prevparticlepos = addparticlepos;
                    else if ((DateTime.Now - BobberThreadEffectFinish.Value).TotalSeconds >= 60)
                        EffectCount = EffectCount % numeffects;
                        switch (EffectCount)
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                        case 3:
                            EffectLengthi = 5000;
                            if (BCBlockGameState.Soundman != null)     //can be null, if you press shift during startup and take a while on the screen presented...
                                if (BCBlockGameState.Soundman.HasSound("asboom"))
                                    BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("asboom", 3.0f);

                        case 4:
                            iSoundSourceObject grabsound;
                            if (BCBlockGameState.Soundman != null)
                                if (((grabsound = BCBlockGameState.Soundman.GetSoundRnd("TTOASTER")) != null))
                                    grabsound.Play(false, 3.0f);

                        case 5:
                            if (BCBlockGameState.Soundman != null)
                        Debug.Print("invoking effect #" + EffectCount);
                        performingEffect = true;

                        BobberThreadEffectStart = DateTime.Now;