Beispiel #1
        public void PortAllBEPsTestsUsingAnUnopenedSource(
            [Values(FDOBackendProviderType.kXML, FDOBackendProviderType.kDb4oClientServer)]
            FDOBackendProviderType sourceType,
            [Values(FDOBackendProviderType.kXML, FDOBackendProviderType.kDb4oClientServer, FDOBackendProviderType.kMemoryOnly)]
            FDOBackendProviderType targetType)
            var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "FieldWorksTest");

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
            var sourceBackendStartupParameters = GenerateBackendStartupParameters(false, sourceType);
            var targetBackendStartupParameters = GenerateBackendStartupParameters(true, targetType);

            var sourceGuids = new List <Guid>();

            // Make sure we start from a clean slate

            // Set up data source
            var projId = new TestProjectId(sourceBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Type,

            using (FdoCache sourceCache = FdoCache.CreateCacheWithNewBlankLangProj(
                       projId, "en", "fr", "en", new DummyFdoUI(), FwDirectoryFinder.FdoDirectories, new FdoSettings()))
                // BEP is a singleton, so we shouldn't call Dispose on it. This will be done
                // by service locator.
                var sourceDataSetup = GetMainBEPInterface(sourceCache);
                sourceCache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IUndoStackManager>().Save();                // persist the new db so we can reopen it.
                sourceGuids.AddRange(GetAllCmObjects(sourceCache).Select(obj => obj.Guid));         // Collect all source Guids

            // Migrate source data to new BEP.
            IThreadedProgress progressDlg = new DummyProgressDlg();

            using (var targetCache = FdoCache.CreateCacheWithNoLangProj(
                       new TestProjectId(targetBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Type, null), "en", new DummyFdoUI(), FwDirectoryFinder.FdoDirectories, new FdoSettings()))
                // BEP is a singleton, so we shouldn't call Dispose on it. This will be done
                // by service locator.
                var targetDataSetup = GetMainBEPInterface(targetCache);
                targetDataSetup.InitializeFromSource(new TestProjectId(targetBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Type,
                                                                       targetBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Path), sourceBackendStartupParameters, "en", progressDlg);
                CompareResults(sourceGuids, targetCache);
            // Try to clean up after ourselves
            DeleteDatabase(sourceBackendStartupParameters, false);
            DeleteDatabase(targetBackendStartupParameters, false);
Beispiel #2
        public void RestoreProject_OverwriteOnlyDataRestored()
            IThreadedProgress progressDlg = new DummyProgressDlg();

            m_restoreSettings.IncludeConfigurationSettings = false;

            m_restoreProjectService = new ProjectRestoreService(m_restoreSettings);

            //Restore the project once and do not delete it so that we can restore the project over the previous one.

            string restoreProjectDirectory = m_restoreSettings.ProjectPath;

            VerifyFileExists(restoreProjectDirectory, DirectoryFinder.GetXmlDataFileName("TestRestoreFWProject"));
            var dateTimeTicksOfFirstFile = GetLastWriteTimeOfRestoredFile(restoreProjectDirectory, DirectoryFinder.GetXmlDataFileName("TestRestoreFWProject"));

            // Linux filesystem modification time precision can be to the second, so wait a moment.
            if (MiscUtils.IsUnix)

            //Verify that the restoreProjectService indicates that the project already exists. The restoreProjectPresenter
            //can then inform the user that the project already exists on disk and gives them the chance to backup before
            //overwriting it.
            Assert.True(m_restoreSettings.ProjectExists, "Project does not exist but it should.");

            //Now do another restore then verify that the two files are not the same by comparing the LastWriteTime values.

            var dateTimeTicksOfSecondFile = GetLastWriteTimeOfRestoredFile(restoreProjectDirectory, DirectoryFinder.GetXmlDataFileName("TestRestoreFWProject"));

            Assert.True(dateTimeTicksOfSecondFile.Equals(dateTimeTicksOfFirstFile), "The dates and times of the files should be the same since they are set to the timestamp of the file in the zip file.");


		public void RestoreProject_OverwriteOnlyDataRestored()
			IThreadedProgress progressDlg = new DummyProgressDlg();
			m_restoreSettings.IncludeConfigurationSettings = false;

			m_restoreProjectService = new ProjectRestoreService(m_restoreSettings, new DummyFdoUI(),
				FwDirectoryFinder.ConverterConsoleExe, FwDirectoryFinder.DbExe);

			//Restore the project once and do not delete it so that we can restore the project over the previous one.

			string restoreProjectDirectory = m_restoreSettings.ProjectPath;
			VerifyFileExists(restoreProjectDirectory, FdoFileHelper.GetXmlDataFileName("TestRestoreFWProject"));
			var dateTimeTicksOfFirstFile = GetLastWriteTimeOfRestoredFile(restoreProjectDirectory, FdoFileHelper.GetXmlDataFileName("TestRestoreFWProject"));

			// Linux filesystem modification time precision can be to the second, so wait a moment.
			if (MiscUtils.IsUnix)

			//Verify that the restoreProjectService indicates that the project already exists. The restoreProjectPresenter
			//can then inform the user that the project already exists on disk and gives them the chance to backup before
			//overwriting it.
			Assert.True(m_restoreSettings.ProjectExists, "Project does not exist but it should.");

			//Now do another restore then verify that the two files are not the same by comparing the LastWriteTime values.

			var dateTimeTicksOfSecondFile = GetLastWriteTimeOfRestoredFile(restoreProjectDirectory, FdoFileHelper.GetXmlDataFileName("TestRestoreFWProject"));
			Assert.True(dateTimeTicksOfSecondFile.Equals(dateTimeTicksOfFirstFile), "The dates and times of the files should be the same since they are set to the timestamp of the file in the zip file.");


        public void PortAllBEPsTestsUsingAnUnopenedSource()
            var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "FieldWorksTest");

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
            foreach (var sourceBackendStartupParameters in m_sourceInfo)
                if (sourceBackendStartupParameters == null)

                // The Memory only source BEP can't tested here, since it can't be deleted, created, and restarted
                // which is required of all source BEPs in this test.
                // The source memory BEP is tested in 'PortAllBEPsTestsUsingAnAlreadyOpenedSource',
                // since source BEPs are only created once and the open connection is reused for all targets.
                if (sourceBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Type == FDOBackendProviderType.kMemoryOnly)

                var createSource = true;
                var sourceGuids  = new List <Guid>();
                foreach (var targetBackendStartupParameters in m_targetInfo)
                    if (targetBackendStartupParameters == null)


                    if (createSource)                     // When 'createSource' is true, the source is created ex-nihilo.

                    // Set up data source, but only do it once.
                    TestProjectId projId = new TestProjectId(sourceBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Type,
                    IThreadedProgress progressDlg = new DummyProgressDlg();
                    using (FdoCache sourceCache = createSource ? FdoCache.CreateCacheWithNewBlankLangProj(
                               projId, "en", "fr", "en", progressDlg.ThreadHelper) :
                                                  FdoCache.CreateCacheFromExistingData(projId, "en", progressDlg))
                        // BEP is a singleton, so we shouldn't call Dispose on it. This will be done
                        // by service locator.
                        var sourceDataSetup = GetMainBEPInterface(sourceCache);
                        if (createSource)
                            sourceCache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IUndoStackManager>().Save(); // persist the new db so we can reopen it.
                            createSource = false;                                                // Next time, only load it.
                        foreach (var obj in GetAllCmObjects(sourceCache))
                            sourceGuids.Add(obj.Guid);                             // Collect up all source Guids.

                    // Migrate source data to new BEP.
                    using (var targetCache = FdoCache.CreateCacheWithNoLangProj(
                               new TestProjectId(targetBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Type, null), "en", progressDlg.ThreadHelper))
                        // BEP is a singleton, so we shouldn't call Dispose on it. This will be done
                        // by service locator.
                        var targetDataSetup = GetMainBEPInterface(targetCache);
                        targetDataSetup.InitializeFromSource(new TestProjectId(targetBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Type,
                                                                               targetBackendStartupParameters.ProjectId.Path), sourceBackendStartupParameters, "en", progressDlg);
                        CompareResults(sourceGuids, targetCache);
Beispiel #5
		public void ConvertLexEntryTypes()
			var variantEntryTypes = Cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.VariantEntryTypesOA;
			Assert.That(variantEntryTypes, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(variantEntryTypes, Is.EqualTo(Cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.VariantEntryTypesOA), "should not make a new one each time!");
			Assert.That(variantEntryTypes.PossibilitiesOS.Count, Is.EqualTo(6));
			var leitFactory = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexEntryInflTypeFactory>();
			var lexEntryInflType1 = variantEntryTypes.PossibilitiesOS[3] as ILexEntryInflType;
			var lexEntryInflType2 = variantEntryTypes.PossibilitiesOS[4] as ILexEntryInflType;
			var lexEntryInflType1Sub1 = leitFactory.Create();
			lexEntryInflType1.SubPossibilitiesOS.Insert(0, lexEntryInflType1Sub1);

			var leFactory = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexEntryFactory>();
			var lerFactory = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexEntryRefFactory>();

			var entry1 = leFactory.Create();
			var ler1 = lerFactory.Create();

			var entry2 = leFactory.Create();
			var ler2 = lerFactory.Create();

			var progressBar = new DummyProgressDlg();
			var itemsToChange = new List<ILexEntryType>();

			Cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.ConvertLexEntryTypes(progressBar, itemsToChange);
			var let1 = ler1.VariantEntryTypesRS[0];
			Assert.AreEqual(LexEntryTypeTags.kClassId, let1.ClassID, "first lex entry type of first entry should be variant");
			let1 = ler1.VariantEntryTypesRS[1];
			Assert.AreEqual(LexEntryInflTypeTags.kClassId, let1.ClassID, "second lex entry type of first entry should be irregularly inflected form");
			let1 = ler2.VariantEntryTypesRS[0];
			Assert.AreEqual(LexEntryTypeTags.kClassId, let1.ClassID, "first lex entry type of second entry should be variant");

			variantEntryTypes = Cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.VariantEntryTypesOA;
			Assert.That(variantEntryTypes, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(variantEntryTypes, Is.EqualTo(Cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.VariantEntryTypesOA), "should not make a new one each time!");
			Assert.That(variantEntryTypes.PossibilitiesOS.Count, Is.EqualTo(6));

			var lexEntryType1 = variantEntryTypes.PossibilitiesOS[3] as ILexEntryType;
			Assert.AreEqual(LexEntryTypeTags.kClassId, lexEntryType1.ClassID, "third type should be variant");
			var lexEntryType1Sub1 = lexEntryType1.SubPossibilitiesOS[0] as ILexEntryType;
			Assert.AreEqual(LexEntryTypeTags.kClassId, lexEntryType1Sub1.ClassID, "third's first type should be variant");