Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 ///  consider that other databases may have differnt defauls for ondelete and onupdate...
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode"></param>
 public XDataTableForeignKey(DsnConnection.ConnectionMode mode)
     switch (mode)
     case DsnConnection.ConnectionMode.MySqlNative:
     case DsnConnection.ConnectionMode.Odbc:
Beispiel #2
        public static String GetColumnDef(DsnConnection.ConnectionMode mode, DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor flavor, DataColumn col)
            object o = col.ExtendedProperties["Extra Type"];
            String extra_type_info = (o == null ? "" : o.ToString());
            string ColTypeString;
            string default_val = (col.DefaultValue == DBNull.Value) ? null : col.DefaultValue.ToString();
            bool   timecol     = false;

            switch (mode)
            case DsnConnection.ConnectionMode.MySqlNative:
            case DsnConnection.ConnectionMode.Odbc:
                if ((col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "createstamp") ||
                    (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "createstamp"))
                    timecol     = true;
                    default_val = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
                ColTypeString = ((col.DataType == typeof(string) && extra_type_info == "text")
                                        ? "text"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(string) && col.Namespace == "text")
                                        ? "text"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(Guid))
                                        ? "char(36)"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(Money))
                                        ? "decimal(18,2)"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                        ? "decimal"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(string))
                                        ? GetVarChar(col)
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(Color))
                                        ? "bigint"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(long))
                                        ? "bigint"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(bool))
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "bit" : "tinyint(1)")
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                        ? "decimal(11,2)"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(double))
                                        ? "double"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "datetime" : "time default,")
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "time")
                                        ? "timestamp"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "time")
                                        ? "timestamp"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "date")
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "datetime" : "date")
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "date")
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "datetime" : "date")
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "createstamp")
                                        ? "timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "createstamp")
                                        ? "timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                        ? "datetime"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(byte[]))
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "varbinary(max) default" : "blob default NULL")
                                        : (col.AutoIncrement
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY" : "int(11) auto_increment")
                                        : (col.ColumnName.EndsWith("_id")
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "int" : "int(11)")
                                        : ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "int" : "int(11)"))))

                if (default_val == null)
                    ColTypeString += (col.AllowDBNull)?" NULL":" NOT NULL";
                    if (!timecol)
                        if (col.DataType == typeof(bool))
                            return(ColTypeString + " default '" + Convert.ToInt32(col.DefaultValue).ToString() + "'");
                            return(ColTypeString + " default '" + default_val + "'");

            case DsnConnection.ConnectionMode.SQLServer:
                if ((col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "createstamp") ||
                    (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "createstamp"))
                    timecol     = true;
                    default_val = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
                ColTypeString = ((col.DataType == typeof(string) && extra_type_info == "text")
                                        ? "text"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(string) && col.Namespace == "text")
                                        ? "text"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(Guid))
                                        ? "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(Money))
                                        ? "decimal(18,2)"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                        ? "decimal(18,4)"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(string))
                                        ? GetVarChar(col)
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(Color))
                                        ? "bigint"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(long))
                                        ? "bigint"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(bool))
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "bit" : "tinyint(1)")
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                        ? "decimal(11,2)"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(double))
                                        ? "double"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "datetime" : "time default,")
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "time")
                                        ? "timestamp"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "time")
                                        ? "timestamp"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "date")
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "datetime" : "date")
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "date")
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "datetime" : "date")
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "createstamp")
                                        ? "timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "createstamp")
                                        ? "timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                        ? "datetime"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(byte[]))
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "varbinary(max) default" : "blob default NULL")
                                        : (col.AutoIncrement
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY" : "int(11) auto_increment")
                                        : (col.ColumnName.EndsWith("_id")
                                        ? ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "int" : "int(11)")
                                        : ((flavor == DsnConnection.ConnectionFlavor.SQLServer) ? "int" : "int(11)"))))

                if (default_val == null)
                    ColTypeString += (col.AllowDBNull) ? " NULL" : " NOT NULL";
                    if (!timecol)
                        if (col.DataType == typeof(bool))
                            return(ColTypeString + " default '" + Convert.ToInt32(col.DefaultValue).ToString() + "'");
                            return(ColTypeString + " default '" + default_val + "'");

            case DsnConnection.ConnectionMode.Sqlite:
                    ((col.DataType == typeof(string) && extra_type_info == "text")
                    ? "text NOT NULL default ''"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(string) && col.Namespace == "text")
                                        ? "text NOT NULL default ''"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(Guid))
                                        ? "char(36)"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(Money))
                                        ? "decimal(18,2)"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(string))
                                        ? GetVarChar(col)
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(bool))
                                        ? "tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                                        ? "decimal(18,4) default 0.00"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(double))
                                        ? "double not NULL default 0.0"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                                        ? "time default NULL,"
                    : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "time")
                    ? "timestamp default '00-00-00 00:00:00'"
                    : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "date")
                    ? "date default '0000-00-00'"
                    : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && extra_type_info == "createstamp")
                    ? "timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
                    : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "time")
                                        ? "timestamp default '00-00-00 00:00:00'"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "date")
                                        ? "date default '0000-00-00'"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && col.Namespace == "createstamp")
                                        ? "timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                        ? "datetime default '00-00-00 00:00:00'"
                                        : (col.DataType == typeof(byte[]))
                                        ? "blob default NULL"
                                        : (col.AutoIncrement
                                        ? "int(11) auto_increment"
                                        : (col.ColumnName.EndsWith("_id")
                                        ? "int(11)"
                                        : "int(11) NOT NULL default '0'")));

                throw new Exception("unsupported get column def");
                //return null;