protected void TxtSearch_OnTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Setting all the labels visibility to false until data is gathered
            LblName.Visible  = false;
            LblDept.Visible  = false;
            LblDesc.Visible  = false;
            LblPrice.Visible = false;

            //Filtering the list of items based on what the user searches for
            List <Item> filteredItems = _items.FindAll(item => item.Name.ToUpper().Contains(TxtSearch.Text.ToUpper()));

            if (filteredItems.Count == 0)
                //Setting the DropDown to only the items that fit the search criteria
                DrpSearch.DataTextField  = "Name";
                DrpSearch.DataValueField = "Name";
                DrpSearch.DataSource     = _items;
                DrpSearch.SelectedIndex = 0;
                //Setting the DropDown to only the items that fit the search criteria
                DrpSearch.DataTextField  = "Name";
                DrpSearch.DataValueField = "Name";
                DrpSearch.DataSource     = filteredItems;
                DrpSearch.SelectedIndex = 0;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Getting a list of all departments and items in the database
            _departments = _departmentDao.GetDepartments();
            _items       = _itemDao.GetItems();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Setting the DropDown to only the items that fit the search criteria
                DrpSearch.DataTextField  = "Name";
                DrpSearch.DataValueField = "Name";
                DrpSearch.DataSource     = _items;
                DrpSearch.SelectedIndex = 0;