private List <DropDownListViewModel> GetProductDropDownList(string lookupTypeName, int?lookupCodeId)
            var _list = new List <DropDownListViewModel>();

            ProductService          productService   = new ProductService();
            List <LookupCodeMaster> lookUpCategories = new List <LookupCodeMaster>();

            if (lookupTypeName != null)
                lookUpCategories = productService.GetProductDropDownList(lookupTypeName);
            else if (lookupCodeId != null)
                lookUpCategories = productService.GetProductDropDownList(lookupCodeId ?? 0);

            foreach (LookupCodeMaster cat in lookUpCategories)
                DropDownListViewModel ddl = new DropDownListViewModel();

                ddl.Id   = cat.LookupCodeId;
                ddl.Name = cat.LookupCodeName;

Beispiel #2
        private DropDownListViewModel AllTypeItems(string[] selectedValues = null)
            var ddList = new DropDownListViewModel();

            // Add the values to be used in the checkbox list
            // The values can come from anywhere
            var selectListItems = new List <SelectListItem> {
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "Computer", Value = "Computer"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "Mobile", Value = "Mobile"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "Electronic", Value = "Electronic"

            // Concatenating with our DefaultItem so we have that classic "- SELECT -"
            ddList.SelectListItems = new SelectList(DefaultItem.Concat(selectListItems), "Value", "Text");

            if (selectedValues != null)
                ddList.SelectedValues = selectedValues;

        public IActionResult DropDownList(DropDownListViewModel model)
            this.ViewBag.AllMonths = this.GetAllMonths();

            if (this.ModelState.IsValid)
                return(this.View("DropDownListResult", model));

        public JsonResult GetLevelCategory(int levelID)
            DropDownListViewModel model = new DropDownListViewModel();

                var endpoint = url + "/LevelCategory/" + levelID;
                model = Utilities.RestAPIHelper <DropDownListViewModel> .Submit("", Method.GET, endpoint, Request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Beispiel #5
        // GET: Category
        public ActionResult Index()
            DropDownListViewModel viewModel = new DropDownListViewModel();

            viewModel.categoryList.Add(new SelectListItem {
                Text  = "İstanbul",
                Value = "1"
            viewModel.categoryList.Add(new SelectListItem
                Text  = "Ankara",
                Value = "2"
            }); viewModel.categoryList.Add(new SelectListItem
                Text  = "İzmir",
                Value = "3"
Beispiel #6
        public static MvcHtmlString CustomDropDownList(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string id, string label,
                                                       string dataBindingValue, int col = 6, string readUrl = "", bool required    = false, object currentValue = null,
                                                       bool readOnly = false, string eventChange            = "", string moreClass = "")
            var viewModel = new DropDownListViewModel
                Id               = id,
                Label            = label,
                DataBindingValue = dataBindingValue,
                Col              = col,
                Required         = required,
                CurrentValue     = currentValue,
                ReadUrl          = readUrl,
                ReadOnly         = readOnly,
                EventChange      = eventChange,
                MoreClass        = moreClass

            return(htmlHelper.Partial("~/Views/Shared/Input/DropDownList.cshtml", viewModel));