public Form1() { this.Text = "DroppedBoxx"; Settings.Instance = new Settings(); //bust a theme Settings.Instance.ReloadTheme(); Instance = this; InitializeComponent(); Host.Bounds = Host.ClientBounds; Host.BackColor = Color.Empty; DropBox = new DropBox(); //Login should always be open coz scrolling fails with nothing behind the panel... :S OpenLogin(); if (Settings.Instance.RememberMe) { DropBox.UserLogin = new DroppedBoxx.Code.Responses.UserLogin { Token = Settings.Instance.UserToken, Secret = Settings.Instance.UserSecret }; //auto Login OpenFoldersPanel(); } }
// Main Methode in .Net Core akzeptiert noch kein async private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("AZURE WORKSHOP"); var waitingForCommand = true; while (waitingForCommand) { // Demo auswählen var arguments = (Console.ReadLine() ?? string.Empty) .ToLower() .Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (arguments.Length == 0) { arguments = new[] { string.Empty } } ; // Demo starten switch (arguments[0]) { case "messenger": var messenger = new Messenger(account: arguments.Length > 1 ? arguments[1] : "anonym"); await messenger.Start(); waitingForCommand = false; break; case "dropbox": var dropBox = new DropBox( account: arguments.Length > 1 ? arguments[1] : "anonym", folder: arguments.Length > 2 ? arguments[2] : @"d:\ma-workshop\dropbox\"); await dropBox.StartAsync(); return; case "bibliothek": var bibliothek = new Bibliothek(); await bibliothek.StartAsync(); return; case "exit": waitingForCommand = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Usage: messenger <account> | dropbox <account> <folder>| elastic | exit"); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Ciao"); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static string Get_DropBox_Files_Folder() { string str = File.ReadAllText(DropBox.Get_DropBox_Inastal_Folder() + "\\info.json"); if (str == "error_1" || str == "error_2") { return("DropBox not install"); } return(str.Split('"')[5]); }
public ActionResult Callback(string state, string code) { DropBox dropbox = TempData["oauth"] as DropBox; dropbox.AccessToken(code); byte[] accountInfo = dropbox.ConsumeService(new Uri(""), "POST", null); return(Content(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(accountInfo), "text/plain")); }
static List<Page> GetPageList() { using (var dropbox = new DropBox()) { return dropbox["/Archives"] .Where(_ => _ is ICloudFileSystemEntry) .OrderByDescending(_ => _.Modified) .Select(_ => new Page(_)) .ToList(); } }
bool IsDropBoxOpen(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) { if (entity is DropBox) { DropBox dropboxFront = entity as DropBox; if (dropboxFront.PlayerInfront(player)) { return(true); } return(false); } return(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Events[] eventDecks = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Events>(); cardDeck = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Deck>(); hand = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Hand>(); shower = FindObjectOfType <ContentController>(); dropBox = FindObjectOfType <DropBox>(); button = FindObjectOfType <AdvanceButton>(); lifeSegmentBar = FindObjectOfType <LifeSegmentManager>(); foreach (Events eventDeck in eventDecks) { switch (eventDeck.DeckMood) { case eMood.Optimisism: optimismEvents = eventDeck; break; case eMood.Pessismism: pessimismEvents = eventDeck; break; case eMood.Anger: angerEvents = eventDeck; break; case eMood.Chilled: chilledEvents = eventDeck; break; case eMood.eMoodCount: throw new UnityException("Invalid deck type"); default: throw new UnityException("Invalid deck type"); } } ResetValues(); gameState = GameState.Begin; }
} // 边框图片 /// <summary> /// 将方块添加进游戏舞台 /// </summary> /// <param name="dropBox"></param> public void AddDropBox(DropBox dropBox) { int[,] boxData = dropBox.boxData; for (int i = 0; i < boxData.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < boxData.GetLength(1); j++) { if (boxData[i, j] == 1) { DropedBox db = new DropedBox(game); db.color = dropBox.color; db.Background = dropBox.Background; db.position = new Vector2(dropBox.position.X + j * DropBox.size, dropBox.position.Y + i * DropBox.size); stageBoxs[(int)dropBox.position.Y / DropBox.size + i, (int)dropBox.position.X / DropBox.size + j] = db; } } } }
public void Sync() { IsSyncing = true; SyncStatus = SyncStatus.Checking; //FilesUp = new List<SyncFile>(); //FilesDown = new List<SyncFile>(); //FilesNew = new List<MetaData>(); //FilesSkipped = new List<SyncFile>(); //FilesSkippedD = new List<MetaData>(); DropBox = new DropBox(); DropBox.UserLogin = Form1.Instance.DropBox.UserLogin; var syncThread = new SyncThread(); syncThreadThread = new Thread(syncThread.Go); syncThreadThread.Start(); }
public ActionResult Index() { DropBox dropbox = new DropBox( "http://localhost:10493/DropBoxOAuth/callback", "ulinnbzqxokqxbc", "xvjv5j2lokymztr", "email"); string redirectUrl = null; dropbox.ReadyRedirect += (s, e) => { redirectUrl = e.RedirectUrl; }; dropbox.RequestToken(); TempData["oauth"] = dropbox; return(Redirect(redirectUrl)); }
public ActionResult AuthorizationCallBack() { // 4. Get oauth token and uid from Request.Form[] var oauth_token = Request["oauth_token"]; var uid = Request["uid"]; // 5. Set auth cookie if (oauth_token != null && uid != null) { using (var dropbox = new DropBox()) { var info = DropBoxStorageProviderTools .GetAccountInformation(dropbox.AccessToken); if (info.UserId == int.Parse(uid)) FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(info.DisplayName, true); } } return Redirect("/"); }
protected override void OnMouseDrag() { if (disabled) { return; } transform.position = cursorOnTransform + dragRelative; DropBox nextBox = RaycastMaster.ComponentUnderCursor <DropBox>(collidr); if (nextBox) { dropBox = nextBox; dropBox.canAccept(transform); } else { if (dropBox) { dropBox.cancel(); dropBox = null; } } }
public ResourcesLIB lib; // 资源库 /// <summary> /// 初始化对象 /// </summary> public void InitObjects() { Rectangle clientBounds = tetris.Window.ClientBounds; BigStage.AlphaChange = AlphaChange; bigStage = new BigStage(tetris); /* 在整个场景的中间绘制游戏场景 */ DropBox.size = boxSize; gameStage = new GameStage(new Rectangle((clientBounds.Width - gameStageWidth) / 2, (clientBounds.Height - gameStageHeight) / 2, gameStageWidth, gameStageHeight), tetris); pointStage = new PointStage(tetris); dropBox = new DropBox(tetris); input = new InputState(); table = new Hashtable(); DropBoxThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(dropBox.AutoDrop)); lib = new ResourcesLIB(tetris.Content); }
/// <summary> /// 随机生成掉落道具ID。可以直接调该方法,在掉落包内随机掉落道具,不需要在掉落包间随机。 /// </summary> /// <param name="dropboxId">dropbox.txt的Id</param> /// <param name="droplist">输出生成的DropItem列表</param> /// <param name="dropnum">需要生成几个道具,-1表示不限制个数,按表规则掉落</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool GenerateDropBox(int dropboxId, out ArrayList droplist, int dropnum = -1) { droplist = null; if (!mDropBoxes.ContainsKey(dropboxId) || !DataManager.DropBoxTable.ContainsKey(dropboxId)) { return(false); } DropBoxTableItem res = DataManager.DropBoxTable[dropboxId] as DropBoxTableItem; DropBox box = mDropBoxes[dropboxId] as DropBox; if (box == null) { return(false); } droplist = new ArrayList(); if (dropnum > 0) { // 在dropnum次随机中 不允许重复掉落 在掉落组中整体随机 while (droplist.Count < dropnum) { int rand = Random.Range(0, MAX_WEIGHT); int weight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < box.items.Count; ++i) { DropBoxItem item = box.items[i] as DropBoxItem; if ((item.itemweight + weight) > rand) { if (!droplist.Contains(item)) { droplist.Add(item); } break; } weight += item.itemweight; } } } else { // 未指定掉落个数 不允许重复掉落 每个道具单独随机 int maxnum = res.maxnum; if (maxnum > box.items.Count) { maxnum = box.items.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < box.items.Count; ++i) { int rand = Random.Range(0, MAX_WEIGHT); DropBoxItem item = box.items[i] as DropBoxItem; if ((item.itemweight) > rand) { if (!droplist.Contains(item)) { droplist.Add(item); } } if (droplist.Count >= maxnum) { break; } } } return(true); }
public Player Simulate5() { Log.worldId = WorldId; Log.stageId = StageId; Log.waveCount = _waves.Count; Log.clearedWaveNumber = 0; Log.newlyCleared = false; Player.SpawnV2(); TurnNumber = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _waves.Count; i++) { Characters = new SimplePriorityQueue <CharacterBase, decimal>(); Characters.Enqueue(Player, TurnPriority / Player.SPD); WaveNumber = i + 1; WaveTurn = 1; _waves[i].SpawnV2(this); while (true) { // 제한 턴을 넘어서는 경우 break. if (TurnNumber > TurnLimit) { if (i == 0) { Result = BattleLog.Result.Lose; if (StageId < GameConfig.MimisbrunnrStartStageId) { Player.GetExp((int)(Exp * 0.3m), true); } } else { Result = BattleLog.Result.TimeOver; } break; } // 캐릭터 큐가 비어 있는 경우 break. if (!Characters.TryDequeue(out var character)) { break; } character.Tick(); // 플레이어가 죽은 경우 break; if (Player.IsDead) { if (i == 0) { Result = BattleLog.Result.Lose; if (StageId < GameConfig.MimisbrunnrStartStageId) { Player.GetExp((int)(Exp * 0.3m), true); } } else { Result = BattleLog.Result.Win; } break; } // 플레이어의 타겟(적)이 없는 경우 break. if (!Player.Targets.Any()) { Result = BattleLog.Result.Win; Log.clearedWaveNumber = WaveNumber; switch (WaveNumber) { case 1: if (StageId < GameConfig.MimisbrunnrStartStageId) { Player.GetExp(Exp, true); } break; case 2: { ItemMap = Player.GetRewards(_waveRewards); var dropBox = new DropBox(null, _waveRewards); Log.Add(dropBox); var getReward = new GetReward(null, _waveRewards); Log.Add(getReward); break; } default: if (WaveNumber == _waves.Count) { if (!IsCleared) { Log.newlyCleared = true; } } break; } break; } foreach (var other in Characters) { var current = Characters.GetPriority(other); var speed = current * 0.6m; Characters.UpdatePriority(other, speed); } Characters.Enqueue(character, TurnPriority / character.SPD); } // 제한 턴을 넘거나 플레이어가 죽은 경우 break; if (TurnNumber > TurnLimit || Player.IsDead) { break; } } Log.result = Result; return(Player); }
public Player Simulate3() { #if TEST_LOG var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); #endif Log.worldId = WorldId; Log.stageId = StageId; Log.waveCount = _waves.Count; Log.clearedWaveNumber = 0; Log.newlyCleared = false; Player.SpawnV2(); TurnNumber = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _waves.Count; i++) { Characters = new SimplePriorityQueue <CharacterBase, decimal>(); Characters.Enqueue(Player, TurnPriority / Player.SPD); WaveNumber = i + 1; WaveTurn = 1; _waves[i].SpawnV2(this); #if TEST_LOG sb.Clear(); sb.Append($"{nameof(TurnNumber)}: {TurnNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveNumber)}: {WaveNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveTurn)}: {WaveTurn}"); sb.Append(" / Wave Start"); UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); #endif while (true) { // 제한 턴을 넘어서는 경우 break. if (TurnNumber > TurnLimit) { if (i == 0) { Result = BattleLog.Result.Lose; if (StageId < GameConfig.MimisbrunnrStartStageId) { Player.GetExp3((int)(Exp * 0.3m), true); } } else { Result = BattleLog.Result.TimeOver; } #if TEST_LOG sb.Clear(); sb.Append($"{nameof(TurnNumber)}: {TurnNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveNumber)}: {WaveNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveTurn)}: {WaveTurn}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(TurnLimit)}: {TurnLimit}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(Result)}: {Result.ToString()}"); UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); #endif break; } // 캐릭터 큐가 비어 있는 경우 break. if (!Characters.TryDequeue(out var character)) { break; } #if TEST_LOG var turnBefore = TurnNumber; #endif character.Tick(); #if TEST_LOG var turnAfter = TurnNumber; if (turnBefore != turnAfter) { sb.Clear(); sb.Append($"{nameof(TurnNumber)}: {TurnNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveNumber)}: {WaveNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveTurn)}: {WaveTurn}"); sb.Append(" / Turn End"); UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); } #endif // 플레이어가 죽은 경우 break; if (Player.IsDead) { if (i == 0) { Result = BattleLog.Result.Lose; if (StageId < GameConfig.MimisbrunnrStartStageId) { Player.GetExp3((int)(Exp * 0.3m), true); } } else { Result = BattleLog.Result.Win; } #if TEST_LOG sb.Clear(); sb.Append($"{nameof(TurnNumber)}: {TurnNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveNumber)}: {WaveNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveTurn)}: {WaveTurn}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(Player)} Dead"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(Result)}: {Result.ToString()}"); UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); #endif break; } // 플레이어의 타겟(적)이 없는 경우 break. if (!Player.Targets.Any()) { Result = BattleLog.Result.Win; Log.clearedWaveNumber = WaveNumber; switch (WaveNumber) { case 1: if (StageId < GameConfig.MimisbrunnrStartStageId) { Player.GetExp3(Exp, true); } break; case 2: { ItemMap = Player.GetRewards2(_waveRewards); var dropBox = new DropBox(null, _waveRewards); Log.Add(dropBox); var getReward = new GetReward(null, _waveRewards); Log.Add(getReward); break; } default: if (WaveNumber == _waves.Count) { if (!IsCleared) { Log.newlyCleared = true; } } break; } break; } foreach (var other in Characters) { var current = Characters.GetPriority(other); var speed = current * 0.6m; Characters.UpdatePriority(other, speed); } Characters.Enqueue(character, TurnPriority / character.SPD); } // 제한 턴을 넘거나 플레이어가 죽은 경우 break; if (TurnNumber > TurnLimit || Player.IsDead) { break; } } Log.result = Result; #if TEST_LOG sb.Clear(); sb.Append($"{nameof(TurnNumber)}: {TurnNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveNumber)}: {WaveNumber}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(WaveTurn)}: {WaveTurn}"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(Simulate)} End"); sb.Append($" / {nameof(Result)}: {Result.ToString()}"); UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); #endif return(Player); }
/********/ public void SetDBB(DropBox _DBB) { DBB = _DBB; }
public static void Main() { int minLength = int.MaxValue; int maxLength = 0; int minWidth = int.MaxValue; int maxWidth = 0; FileStream inputStream = new FileStream("Tests/", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(inputStream); int n = int.Parse(sr.ReadLine()); Tuple<int, int>[] files = new Tuple<int, int>[n]; //create a tuple of length&width representing all files. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { string[] inputs = sr.ReadLine().Split(' '); int templength = int.Parse(inputs[0]); int tempwidth = int.Parse(inputs[1]); int length = Math.Max(templength, tempwidth); int width = Math.Min(templength, tempwidth); files[i] = new Tuple<int, int>(length, width); maxLength += length; maxWidth += width; minLength = Math.Min(minLength, length); minWidth = Math.Min(minWidth, width); } int dropBoxLength = minLength; int dropBoxWidth = maxWidth; int bestArea = maxWidth * maxLength; int bestWidth = maxWidth; int bestLength = maxLength; string treeDump = string.Empty; //heuristics as described in summary at top while (dropBoxLength <= maxLength && dropBoxWidth >= minWidth) { if (dropBoxLength * dropBoxWidth < bestArea) { DropBox dp = new DropBox(files, dropBoxLength, dropBoxWidth); if (dp.IsStable) { bestArea = dropBoxLength * dropBoxWidth; bestWidth = dropBoxWidth; bestLength = dropBoxLength; dropBoxWidth--; treeDump = dp.Dump(); continue; } else { dropBoxLength++; continue; } } dropBoxWidth--; } //Console.WriteLine ("({1},{2}),{0}", bestArea, bestLength, bestWidth); Console.WriteLine("{0}", bestArea); Console.Error.WriteLine(treeDump); }
private Content BuildContentCache() { using (var dropbox = new DropBox()) { var remote_file = string.Format("/Archives/{0}", Name); var local_dir = Path.GetTempPath(); dropbox.Storage.DownloadFile(remote_file, local_dir); var local_file = Path.Combine(local_dir, Name); var text = File.ReadAllText(local_file); string body = null; string side_bar = null; switch (PageType) { case PageType.Markdown: var content = text.Split( new string[] { "\r\n---\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ); /* SideBar */ if (content.Length > 1) { side_bar = content[1]; side_bar = ProcessBlocks(side_bar); side_bar = markdown.Transform(side_bar); } /* Body */ { body = content[0]; body = ProcessFootnotes(body); body = ProcessBlocks(body); body = markdown.Transform(body); } return new Content(body, side_bar); case PageType.Html: body = text; body = ProcessBlocks(body); return new Content(body, side_bar); default: throw new Exception("コンテンツタイプが不明です。"); } } }
private void showState1() { #region stat1 goButton = new Button { VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, // Vertical alignment within the parent control HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, // Horizontal alignment within the parent control Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray), // Color of button Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), // Color of text written on button Padding = new Thickness(Screen.NormalFontSize), // Padding is using predefined constant NormalFontSize that depends // on client device screen size WrapContent = true, // The button "wraps" its text with given padding Font = new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), // Font for drawing text 0.5 * Screen.LargeFontSize), // LargeFontSize is a predefined constant that depends on client device screen size Text = "Показать расписание", }; source = new TextBlock { VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, // Vertical alignment within the parent control HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, // Horizontal alignment within the parent control WrapContent = true, // If we don't set WrapContent attribute, the text block will Font = new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), Screen.LargeFontSize), // Font for drawing text. LargeFontSize is a predefined constant Text = "Откуда", }; target = new TextBlock { VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, // Vertical alignment within the parent control HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, // Horizontal alignment within the parent control WrapContent = true, // If we don't set WrapContent attribute, the text block will Font = new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), Screen.LargeFontSize), // Font for drawing text. LargeFontSize is a predefined constant Text = "Куда", }; dropBox1 = new DropBox { VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, // Vertical alignment within the parent control HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, // Horizontal alignment within the parent control //Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), // Color of button //Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), // Color of text written on button Padding = new Thickness(Screen.NormalFontSize), // Padding is using predefined constant NormalFontSize that depends // on client device screen size WrapContent = true, // The button "wraps" its text with given padding Font = new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), // Font for drawing text 0.5 * Screen.LargeFontSize), // LargeFontSize is a predefined constant that depends on client device screen size ItemList = new List <string>(new string[] { "Мартышкино", "Университет", "Старый Петергоф", "Новый Петергоф", "Стрельна", "Сергиево", "Сосновая Полняна", "Лигово", "Ульянка", "Дачное", "Ленинский Проспект", "Санкт-Петербург" }), }; dropBox2 = new DropBox { VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, // Vertical alignment within the parent control HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, // Horizontal alignment within the parent control //Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), // Color of button //Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), // Color of text written on button Padding = new Thickness(Screen.NormalFontSize), // Padding is using predefined constant NormalFontSize that depends // on client device screen size WrapContent = true, // The button "wraps" its text with given padding Font = new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), // Font for drawing text 0.5 * Screen.LargeFontSize), // LargeFontSize is a predefined constant that depends on client device screen size ItemList = new List <string>(new string[] { "Мартышкино", "Университет", "Старый Петергоф", "Новый Петергоф", "Стрельна", "Сергиево", "Сосновая Полняна", "Лигово", "Ульянка", "Дачное", "Ленинский Проспект", "Санкт-Петербург" }), }; #endregion goButton.Pressed += (s, e) => SwitchState(); DropBox dropBox = new DropBox { }; var panel = new StackPanel { Children = { new Cell { Content = new StackPanel { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Children = { new Cell { Content = new StackPanel{ Children ={ new Cell { Content = source }, new Cell { Content = dropBox1, } }, Orientation = Orientation.Vertical } }, new Cell { Content = new StackPanel{ Children ={ new Cell { Content = target }, new Cell { Content = dropBox2 } }, Orientation = Orientation.Vertical } }, } } }, new Cell { Content = goButton }, }, }; Screen.Content = panel; }
public void Start() { ParentScript = GetComponentInParent <DropBox>(); }
// 初始化 public void InitDataStruct() { mDropGroups = new Dictionary <int, DropGroup>(); System.Type grouptype = typeof(DropGroupTableItem); IDictionaryEnumerator itr = DataManager.DropGroupTable.GetEnumerator(); while (itr.MoveNext()) { DropGroupTableItem res = itr.Value as DropGroupTableItem; DropGroup dropgroup = new DropGroup(); dropgroup.items = new ArrayList(); =; for (int i = 0; i < DropGroupTableItem.MAX_ITEM_NUM; ++i) { System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldid = grouptype.GetField("dropBoxId" + i.ToString()); int dropboxid = (int)fieldid.GetValue(res); System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldweight = grouptype.GetField("dropBoxWeight" + i.ToString()); int dropboxweight = (int)fieldweight.GetValue(res); if (dropboxid < 0 || dropboxweight < 1) { break; } DropGroupItem item = new DropGroupItem(); item.dropboxid = dropboxid; item.dropboxweight = dropboxweight; dropgroup.items.Add(item); } mDropGroups.Add(, dropgroup); } // foreach (DropGroupTableItem res in DataManager.DropGroupTable.Values) // { // DropGroup dropgroup = new DropGroup(); // dropgroup.items = new ArrayList(); // =; // // for (int i = 0; i < DropGroupTableItem.MAX_ITEM_NUM; ++i) // { // System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldid = grouptype.GetField("dropBoxId" + i.ToString()); // int dropboxid = (int)fieldid.GetValue(res); // // System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldweight = grouptype.GetField("dropBoxWeight" + i.ToString()); // int dropboxweight = (int)fieldweight.GetValue(res); // // if (dropboxid < 0 || dropboxweight < 1) // { // break; // } // // DropGroupItem item = new DropGroupItem(); // item.dropboxid = dropboxid; // item.dropboxweight = dropboxweight; // // dropgroup.items.Add(item); // } // // mDropGroups.Add(, dropgroup); // } mDropBoxes = new Dictionary <int, DropBox>(); System.Type type = typeof(DropBoxTableItem); itr = DataManager.DropBoxTable.GetEnumerator(); while (itr.MoveNext()) { DropBoxTableItem res = itr.Value as DropBoxTableItem; DropBox dropbox = new DropBox(); dropbox.items = new ArrayList(); =; dropbox.desc = res.desc; for (int i = 0; i < DropBoxTableItem.MAX_ITEM_NUM; ++i) { System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldid = type.GetField("itemid" + i.ToString()); int itemid = (int)fieldid.GetValue(res); System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldnum = type.GetField("itemnum" + i.ToString()); int itemnum = (int)fieldnum.GetValue(res); System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldweight = type.GetField("itemweight" + i.ToString()); int itemweight = (int)fieldweight.GetValue(res); if (itemid < 0 || itemnum < 1 || itemweight < 1) { break; } DropBoxItem item = new DropBoxItem(); item.itemid = itemid; item.itemnum = itemnum; item.itemweight = itemweight; item.isItemOrCondition = res.isItemId > 0; dropbox.items.Add(item); } mDropBoxes.Add(, dropbox); } // foreach(DropBoxTableItem res in DataManager.DropBoxTable.Values) // { // // } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Application start"); try { LogUtils.Log("*********** APP STARTED **********"); LogUtils.Log("Step # 1 : Unmapping previous drive."); string UserLinks = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Links\\Cloud Drive.lnk"); MirrorUtils.UnmapDrive(ApplicationSettings.MappedDriveLetter); if (!Directory.Exists(ApplicationSettings.MappedFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ApplicationSettings.MappedFolder); } ResourceUtils.SetFolderIcon(ApplicationSettings.MappedFolder, "Cloude Plus Drive"); LogUtils.Log("Removing favoriates...."); if (File.Exists(UserLinks)) { File.Delete(UserLinks); } LogUtils.Log("Adding folder into favoriates"); try { MirrorUtils.CreateShortcut(ApplicationSettings.MappedFolder, UserLinks, "", "", "", Path.GetDirectoryName(UserLinks)); } catch { } // this is comment by masroor LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Mapping drive {0} at {1}", ApplicationSettings.MappedDriveLetter, ApplicationSettings.MappedFolder)); MirrorUtils.MapDrive(ApplicationSettings.MappedDriveLetter, ApplicationSettings.MappedFolder); MirrorUtils.SetDriveIcon(ApplicationSettings.MappedDriveLetter); LogUtils.Log("drive mapped"); MirrorUtils.DisplayDriveInfo(); ResourceUtils.RecreateAllExecutableResources(); ICloudService dropbox = new DropBox(); ICloudService googledrive = new GoogleDrive(); ICloudService copydrive = new CopyDrive(); ICloudService onedrive = new OneDrive(); ICloudService amazon = new AmazonDrive(); dropbox.AvaiableMemoryInBytes = DirectoryUtils.SizeInBytes(0, 2, 512, 0, 0); googledrive.AvaiableMemoryInBytes = DirectoryUtils.SizeInBytes(0, 15, 0, 0, 0); copydrive.AvaiableMemoryInBytes = DirectoryUtils.SizeInBytes(0, 15, 0, 0, 0); onedrive.AvaiableMemoryInBytes = DirectoryUtils.SizeInBytes(0, 7, 0, 0, 0); amazon.AvaiableMemoryInBytes = DirectoryUtils.SizeInBytes(0, 5, 0, 0, 0); LogUtils.Log("Unmapping drives..."); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Unmapping Dropbox: {0}", MirrorUtils.UnmapFolder(dropbox.ApplicationName))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Unmapping Google Drive: {0}", MirrorUtils.UnmapFolder(googledrive.ApplicationName))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Unmapping Copy Drive: {0}", MirrorUtils.UnmapFolder(copydrive.ApplicationName))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Unmapping One Drive: {0}", MirrorUtils.UnmapFolder(onedrive.ApplicationName))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Unmapping Amazon: {0}", MirrorUtils.UnmapFolder(amazon.ApplicationName))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Dropbox installed status: {0}", dropbox.IsInstalled)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Dropbox client folder: {0}", dropbox.ClientFolder)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Dropbox folder status: {0}", dropbox.ClientFolderExists ? "Exists" : "Not Exists")); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Dropbox Drive Available Space: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(dropbox.AvaiableMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Dropbox Drive Used Space: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(dropbox.UsedMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Dropbox Drive mapping : {0}", MirrorUtils.MapFolder(dropbox))); LogUtils.Log("---------------------------------------------------------------"); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Amazon Drive installed status: {0}", amazon.IsInstalled)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Amazon client folder: {0}", amazon.ClientFolder)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Amazon folder status: {0}", amazon.ClientFolderExists ? "Exists" : "Not Exists")); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Amazon Drive Available Space: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(amazon.AvaiableMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Amazon Drive Used Space: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(amazon.UsedMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Amazon Drive mapping : {0}", MirrorUtils.MapFolder(amazon))); LogUtils.Log("---------------------------------------------------------------"); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("One Drive installed status: {0}", onedrive.IsInstalled)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("One Drive Client Folder: {0}", onedrive.ClientFolder)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("One Drive folder status: {0}", onedrive.ClientFolderExists ? "Exists" : "Not Exists")); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("One Drive Available Size: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(onedrive.AvaiableMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("One Drive Used Size: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(onedrive.UsedMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("One Drive mapping : {0}", MirrorUtils.MapFolder(onedrive))); LogUtils.Log("---------------------------------------------------------------"); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Copy Drive installed status: {0}", copydrive.IsInstalled)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Copy Drive Client Folder: {0}", copydrive.ClientFolder)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Copy Drive folder status: {0}", copydrive.ClientFolderExists ? "Exists" : "Not Exists")); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Copy Drive Available Size: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(copydrive.AvaiableMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Copy Drive Used Size: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(copydrive.UsedMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Copy Drive mapping : {0}", MirrorUtils.MapFolder(copydrive))); LogUtils.Log("---------------------------------------------------------------"); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Google Drive installed status: {0}", googledrive.IsInstalled)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Google Drive Client Folder: {0}", googledrive.ClientFolder)); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Google Drive folder status: {0}", googledrive.ClientFolderExists ? "Exists" : "Not Exists")); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Google Drive Available Size: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(googledrive.AvaiableMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Google Drive Used Size: {0}", DirectoryUtils.PretifyBytes(googledrive.UsedMemoryInBytes))); LogUtils.Log(string.Format("Google Drive mapping : {0}", MirrorUtils.MapFolder(googledrive))); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtils.LogE(ex); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end"); Console.Read(); }
public void InstantiateDropBox(Vector3 pos) { DropBox dB = Instantiate(dropBox, pos, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <DropBox>(); dB.Init_DropBox(); }