Beispiel #1
        public void EHUB_13819()
            //PreReq: Agent 2 should be ondemand Agent

            var        testname = "EHUB-13819";
            ExtentTest test     = null;

            var Driver  = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);
            var Driver1 = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);

                test = extent.CreateTest(testname).Info("Execution Started");
                Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                Driver1.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                //OnDemand Agent 1 in Park no audio
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "user1") + "@" + get(testname, "org") + ".com", get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station1"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver, test, testname, "NOTREADY", get(testname, "nr_rc"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver, test, testname, "PARK", get(testname, "park_rc"));

                //Agent 1 dial external num
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Manual_Dial(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "ext_num"));
                // MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "ACTIVEMANUAL", "");
                //Agent 1 dropped the call and back to Park no audio
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "PARK", get(testname, "park_rc"));
                //Agent 2 consulted with Agent
                //Agent 1 timeout and was in NotReady
                //Agent 1 went to Park
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "user2"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station2"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.Generate_Voicecalls_prophecy(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "dnis"), get(testname, "org"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver1, test, testname, "Enabled");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Consult_User(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "user1"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "PARK", "Controlled Call Connection Timeout");

                //Agent 2 consult with Agent 1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver1, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver1, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Consult_User(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "user1"));
                //Agent 1 accept the call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver, test, testname, "Enabled");
                //Agent 2 transfer the call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Warm_Transfer(Driver1, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");
                //Agent 1 complete the call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                //Agent 1 logout
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver1, test, testname);

                //clear calls
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "PARK", "Controlled Call Connection Timeout");
                //Agent 1 logout
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver, test, testname);

            catch (Exception e)
                var screenShotName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h-mm-ss-tt");
                string filePath  = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver, screenShotName);
                string filePath1 = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver1, screenShotName + "1_");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "" + "<pre>" + e + "</pre>");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath));
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath1));
                if (Driver != null)
                if (Driver != null)
Beispiel #2
        public void EHUB_13832()
            //PreReq: Agent 2 should be ondemand Agent

            var        testname = "EHUB_13832";
            ExtentTest test     = null;

            var Driver  = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);
            var Driver1 = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);

                test = extent.CreateTest(testname).Info("Execution Started");
                Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                Driver1.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "user1"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station1"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "user2"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station2"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver1, test, testname, "NOTREADY", get(testname, "nr_rc"));

                //Agent 1 got voice call from Worktype 1 in Line 1
                MethodsVUE.Generate_Voicecalls_prophecy(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "dnis"), get(testname, "org"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver, test, testname, "Enabled");

                //Agent 1 made consultation to Worktype 2 and queued for Agent
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Consult_Worktype(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "cons_wt"));
                //Agent 1 conference the call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Conference(Driver, test, testname);

                //Agent 1 drop the call in Line 1 and was in Wrap state
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver, test, testname);
                //Agent 1 disposition the call in Line 1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                //Agent 1 made external consultation
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Manual_Dial(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "ext_num"));
                //Agent 1 requested to transfer the call while consultation call was still queuing in Worktype
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Warm_Transfer(Driver, test, testname);
                //Agent 2 became idle in Worktype 2 and got the transferred call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver1, test, testname, "Enabled");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver1, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver1, test, testname);

            catch (Exception e)
                var screenShotName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h-mm-ss-tt");
                string filePath  = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver, screenShotName);
                string filePath1 = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver1, screenShotName + "1_");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "" + "<pre>" + e + "</pre>");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath));
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath1));
                if (Driver != null)
                if (Driver != null)
Beispiel #3
        public void EHUB_18585_4()
            //Sceanario 4: Hold consult call while transfer
            var        testname = "EHUB_18585";
            ExtentTest test     = null;

            var Driver  = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);
            var Driver1 = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);

                test = extent.CreateTest(testname + "_4").Info("Execution Started");
                Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                Driver1.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));

                //Agent 1 got inbound call C1 and consult WT 1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "user1"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station1"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.Generate_Voicecalls_prophecy(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "dnis"), get(testname, "org"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver, test, testname, "Enabled");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");

                //Login Agent 2 receive WT consultation call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "ondemanduser"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station2"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver1, test, testname, "NOTREADY", get(testname, "nr_rc"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "NOTREADY", get(testname, "nr_rc"));

                //worktype consult
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Consult_Worktype(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "cons_wt"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "HOLD");

                //Agent2 receives the call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_for_Call(Driver1, test, testname, 120);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver1, test, testname, "Enabled");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "INTERNAL", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "UNHOLD");

                //Agent2 ends the consult call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver1, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "UNHOLD");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver1, test, testname);
                test.Info("Execution Completed");
            catch (Exception e)
                var screenShotName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h-mm-ss-tt");
                string filePath  = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver, screenShotName);
                string filePath1 = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver1, screenShotName + "1_");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "" + "<pre>" + e + "</pre>");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath));
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath1));
                if (Driver != null)
                if (Driver != null)
Beispiel #4
        public void EHUB_13825()
            //PreReq: Agent 2 should be ondemand Agent

            var        testname = "EHUB_13825";
            ExtentTest test     = null;

            var Driver  = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);
            var Driver1 = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);

                test = extent.CreateTest(testname).Info("Execution Started");
                Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                Driver1.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));

                //Agent 1 got inbound call C1 and consult WT 1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "user1"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station1"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "user2"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station2"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                MethodsVUE.Generate_Voicecalls_prophecy(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "dnis"), get(testname, "org"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver, test, testname, "Enabled");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");

                //Agent-1 consults to worktype and Agent-2 is located
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Consult_Worktype(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "cons_wt"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver1, test, testname, "Enabled");
                //Agent-1 presses conference and then transfers the caller to Agent-2 directly (Agent-1 dropped out at this point)
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Conference(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Warm_Transfer(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver, test, testname);

                //Agent-2 consults to worktype (no agent available)
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Consult_Worktype(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "wt3"));
                //Agent-2 conferences the caller and the consult call together
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Conference(Driver1, test, testname);
                //Agent-2 releases the caller leaving him with just the consult worktype call (still queuing)
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver1, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver1, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));

                //Agent-2 makes external call on other line
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Manual_Dial(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "ext_num"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");

                //Agent-2 releases the caller leaving him with just the consult worktype call (still queuing)
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver1, test, testname, "Line1");
                //Agent-2 attempts to transfer the worktype call to the external call - EHUB rejects this and error message  - Invalid agent index is popped up on VUE
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Warm_Transfer(Driver, test, testname);
                //In the above step agent able to transfer the call to external number so the below steps are not valid
                //Agent-2 repeats this request multiple times
                //Agent-2 releases the worktype call (leaving him with the external call only)
                //Agent-2 consults to worktype (no agent available)
                //Agent-2 attempts to transfer the worktype call to the external call - EHUB allows this

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver1, test, testname);

                test.Info("Execution Completed");
            catch (Exception e)
                var screenShotName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h-mm-ss-tt");
                string filePath  = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver, screenShotName);
                string filePath1 = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver1, screenShotName + "1_");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "" + "<pre>" + e + "</pre>");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath));
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath1));
                if (Driver != null)
                if (Driver != null)
Beispiel #5
        public void EHUB_18585_1()
            //After  Executing this scenario verify EHUB logs, should not see "ghost CallIndex<>"
            //and verify CC2DCP logs should not see "Duplicate Call"
            // get(testname, "user2") should be an On-Demand Agent

            //Scenario 1 :

            var        testname = "EHUB_18585";
            ExtentTest test     = null;

            var Driver  = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);
            var Driver1 = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);

                test = extent.CreateTest(testname + "_1").Info("Execution Started");
                Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                Driver1.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));

                //Agent 1 got inbound call C1 and consult WT 1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "user1"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station1"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Check_for_Audiopath(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.Generate_Voicecalls_prophecy(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "dnis"), get(testname, "org"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver, test, testname, "Enabled");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");
                //worktype consult
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Consult_Worktype(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "cons_wt"));

                //Login Agent 2 receive WT consultation call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "user2"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station2"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_for_Call(Driver1, test, testname, 120);

                //Agent1 conference then transfer the call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Conference(Driver, test, testname);

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver1, test, testname, "Enabled");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "INTERNAL", "");

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Warm_Transfer(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                //Agetn 2 hangup
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver1, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver1, test, testname);
                test.Info("Excecution Completed");
            catch (Exception e)
                var screenShotName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h-mm-ss-tt");
                string filePath  = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver, screenShotName);
                string filePath1 = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver1, screenShotName + "1_");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "" + "<pre>" + e + "</pre>");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath));
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath1));
                if (Driver != null)
                if (Driver != null)
Beispiel #6
        public void EHUB_19074()
            //PreReq: Agent 2 should be ondemand Agent

            var        testname = "EHUB_19074";
            ExtentTest test     = null;

            var Driver  = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);
            var Driver1 = new Driverhelper().Init(driver);

                test = extent.CreateTest(testname).Info("Execution Started");
                Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                Driver1.Navigate().GoToUrl(get(testname, "url"));
                //Agent 1 got inbound call C1 and consult WT 1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "user1"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station1"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");

                MethodsVUE.VUE_Login(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "user2"), get(testname, "password"), get(testname, "station2"), "IDLE");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver1, test, testname, "NOTREADY", get(testname, "nr_rc"));

                MethodsVUE.Generate_Voicecalls_prophecy(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "dnis"), get(testname, "org"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver, test, testname, "Enabled");

                //worktype consult
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Consult_Worktype(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "cons_wt"));

                //Agent 1 hold consultation Call C2
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "HOLD");
                //Agent 1 retrieve call C1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "UNHOLD");
                //Agent 1 hold call C1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "HOLD");
                //Agent 1 retrieve C2
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "UNHOLD");
                //Agent 1 Hold C2
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "HOLD");
                //Agent 1 Retrieve C1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "UNHOLD");

                // OnDemand Agent 2 with audio call became Idle and got the call while the call was held by Agent 1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver1, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Accept_Reject(Driver1, test, testname, "Enabled");
                //Agent 2 request NotReady and was in NotReady-Pending State
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Change_State(Driver1, test, testname, "NOTREADY", get(testname, "nr_rc"));
                //Caller in C1 dropped and was in Wrap State
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hangup(Driver, test, testname);
                // Agent 1 retrieve consultation call C2
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "UNHOLD");
                //Agent 1 disposition the call in Line 1 and back to idle in Line 1
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                //Agent 1 hold the call C2 in Line 2
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "HOLD");
                //Agent 1 made external consultation Call C3
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Manual_Dial(Driver, test, testname, get(testname, "ext_num"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "ACTIVE", "");
                //Agent 1 hold call C3
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "HOLD");
                //Agent 1 retrieve C2
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "UNHOLD");
                //Agent 1 hold C2
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line2");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "HOLD");
                //Agent 1 retrieve C3
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Active_Line(Driver, test, testname, "Line1");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Hold_Action(Driver, test, testname, "UNHOLD");
                // Agent 1 transferred the call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Warm_Transfer(Driver, test, testname);
                //Agent 1 back to idle
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver, test, testname, "IDLE", "");
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver, test, testname);
                //Agent 2 made an external consultation
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Manual_Dial(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "ext_num"));
                //Agent 2 transferred the call
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Warm_Transfer(Driver1, test, testname);
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Dispose_Call(Driver1, test, testname, get(testname, "disp"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Wait_For_State(Driver1, test, testname, "NOTREADY", get(testname, "nr_rc"));
                MethodsVUE.VUE_Logout(Driver1, test, testname);
            catch (Exception e)
                var screenShotName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h-mm-ss-tt");
                string filePath  = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver, screenShotName);
                string filePath1 = Custommethods.TakeScreenshot(Driver1, screenShotName + "1_");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "" + "<pre>" + e + "</pre>");
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath));
                test.Log(Status.Fail, "Snapshot below: " + test.AddScreenCaptureFromPath(filePath1));
                if (Driver != null)
                if (Driver != null)