Beispiel #1
        public static void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1175);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1075);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1100);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3250);

            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 110f, 1300f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            W.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 110f, 1200f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 280f, 1300f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            R.SetSkillshot(1.35f, 190f, 5000000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            Config = new Menu("Mighty Lux", "Mighty Lux", true);
            Config.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mighty Lux", "Mighty Lux"));
            Bootstrap.Init(new string[] {});

            var spell = Config.Add(new Menu("spell", "Combo Settings"));
            var combo = Config.Add(new Menu("combo", "Spell Settings"));

            spell.Add(new MenuSeparator("Combo Menu", "Combo Menu"));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("UseR", "Use R", true));

            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced Q Settings", "Advanced Q Settings"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("AutoQcc", "Auto [Q] on CC'd enemies", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced W Settings", "Advanced W Settings"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("AutoWturret", "Auto [W] on Turret Shots", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced R Settings", "Advanced R Settings"));
            combo.Add(new MenuKeyBind("forceR", "Semi-Manual [R] cast", Keys.R, KeyBindType.Press));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseRF", "Use [R] to Finish off enemies", true));
            combo.Add((new MenuBool("useraoe", "Use [R] if it will hit X amount of Enemies", true)));
            combo.Add((new MenuSlider("raoeslider", "Enemy Count", 4, 0, 5)));

            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Killsteal Settings", "Killsteal Settings"));
            combo.Add((new MenuBool("UseQKS", "Use [Q] for Killstealing", true)));
            combo.Add((new MenuBool("UseRKS", "Use [R] for Killstealing", true)));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseEKS", "Use [E] for Killstealing", true));

            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("science", "Prediction Settings"));
            combo.Add(new MenuList <string>("hitchanceQ", "[Q] Hitchance",
                                            objects: new[] { "High", "Medium", "Low", "VeryHigh" }));
            combo.Add(new MenuList <string>("hitchanceE", "[E] Hitchance",
                                            objects: new[] { "High", "Medium", "Low", "VeryHigh" }));
            combo.Add(new MenuList <string>("hitchanceR", "[R] Hitchance",
                                            objects: new[] { "High", "Medium", "Low", "VeryHigh" }));

            var harass = Config.Add(new Menu("harass", "Harass Settings"));

            harass.Add(new MenuSeparator("Harass Menu", "Harass Menu"));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("harrQ", "Use Q", true));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("harrE", "Use E", true));
            harass.Add(new MenuSlider("harassmana", "Mana Percentage", 65, 0, 100));

            var laneclear = Config.Add(new Menu("laneclear", "Laneclear Settings"));

            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("Laneclear Menu", "Laneclear Menu"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("laneQ", "Use Q", true));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("laneE", "Use E", true));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("[E] Settings", "[E] Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("laneclearEcount", "Minion Count", 2, 0, 10));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("[Q] Settings", "[Q] Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("laneclearQcount", "Minion Count", 2, 0, 10));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("Misc Settings", "Misc Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("lanemana", "Mana Percentage", 65, 0, 100));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("lanelevel", "Don't use Abilities till level", 8, 0, 18));

            var jungle = Config.Add(new Menu("jungle", "Junglesteal Settings"));

            jungle.Add(new MenuSeparator("Jungle Settings", "Junglesteal Settings"));
            jungle.Add(new MenuKeyBind("toggle", "Junglesteal with [R] (TOGGLE)", Keys.K, KeyBindType.Toggle));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("blue", "Blue buff", true));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("red", "Red buff", true));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("dragon", "Dragon", true));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("baron", "Baron", true));
            jungle.Add(new MenuList <string>("jungleteam", "[BROKEN/NOT WORKING]", new[] { "Enemy", "Ally" }));

            var misc = Config.Add(new Menu("misc", "Sound Settings"));

            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("sound", "Sound Settings"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("rsound", "Enable [R] Cast Sound Effect", true));

            var drawing = Config.Add(new Menu("draw", "Draw Settings"));
            var utility = Config.Add(new Menu("util", "Utility Drawings"));

            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Draw Menu", "Draw Menu"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disable", "Disable all drawings", false));
            drawing.Add(new MenuList <string>("drawmode", "Drawing Mode:", new[] { "Normal", "Custom" }));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disableq", "[Q] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disablew", "[W] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disablee", "[E] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disabler", "[R] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Color Settings", "Color Settings"));

            //I'll call your parents if you copy this. KappaHD
            //Do you need an Onii-chan or a Senpai? Feel free to contact me on Skype: djkleeven
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawq", "[Q] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("draww", "[W] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawe", "[E] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawr", "[R] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));

            utility.Add(new MenuSeparator("Utility Drawings", "Utility Drawings"));

            utility.Add(new MenuList <string>("dmgdrawer", "Damage Indicator", new[] { "Custom", "SDK" }));
            utility.Add(new MenuColor("dmgcolor", "Damage Indicator Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 155, 120, 255)));
            utility.Add(new MenuBool("drawRdmg", "Draw [R] Damage Indicator", true));
            // utility.Add(new MenuColor("rdmgcolor", "Damage Indicator Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 155, 120, 255)));
            //  utility.Add(new MenuBool("HUD", "Heads-Up Display", true));
            utility.Add(new MenuBool("indicator", "Enemy Indicator", true));
            utility.Add(new MenuBool("orbmode", "Draw Active Orbwalk Mode", true));

            Config.Add(new MenuButton("resetAll", "Settings", "Reset All Settings")
                Action = () =>

            Dash.OnDash                    += AntiGapcloser;
            Game.OnUpdate                  += OnUpdate;
            GameObject.OnDelete            += GameObject_OnDelete;
            GameObject.OnCreate            += GameObject_OnCreate;
            Obj_AI_Turret.OnAggro          += Turretaggro;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += TurretOnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw                 += MiscDrawings;