public static void AddCharacterGlyph(this DrawingVisualHost visualHost, Point position, string character, bool isSmall = false, Brush color = null)
            Brush          characterColor = color ?? Brushes.Black;
            DrawingVisual  visual         = new DrawingVisual();
            ushort         glyphIndex     = character.GetGlyphIndexOfCharacter();
            PageProperties pageProperties = (PageProperties)ViewModel.ViewModelLocator.Instance.Main.CurrentPageLayout;
            GlyphTypeface  gtf;
            Typeface       typeFace = TypeFaces.BravuraMusicFont;

            typeFace.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out gtf);
            double smallFactor        = isSmall ? 0.7 : 1;
            Point  calculatedPosition = new Point(position.X, position.Y /* + pageProperties.IndexStaffLinePositions[3]*/);

            double characterSize = pageProperties.StaffHeight.MMToWPFUnit() * smallFactor;

            using (DrawingContext dc = visual.RenderOpen())
                GlyphRun gr = new GlyphRun(gtf,
                                           0,                           // Bi-directional nesting level
                                           false,                       // isSideways
                                           characterSize,               // pt size
                                           new ushort[] { glyphIndex }, // glyphIndices
                                           calculatedPosition,          // baselineOrigin
                                           new double[] { 0.0 },        // advanceWidths
                                           null,                        // glyphOffsets
                                           null,                        // characters
                                           null,                        // deviceFontName
                                           null,                        // clusterMap
                                           null,                        // caretStops
                                           null);                       // xmlLanguage
                dc.DrawGlyphRun(characterColor, gr);
        private void Draw()
            LayoutStyle.NotesLayoutStyle notesStyle = ViewModel.ViewModelLocator.Instance.Main.CurrentLayout.LayoutStyle.NotesStyle;
            DrawingVisual dravingVisualStem         = new DrawingVisual();

            using (DrawingContext dc = dravingVisualStem.RenderOpen())
                dc.DrawLine(new Pen(note.Color, notesStyle.StemThickness * sizeFactor), startPoint, endPoint);
            //! check if added previously to prevent unnecessary remove+add calls
            bool stemVisualAdded = false;

            if (stemVisual == null)
                stemVisual     = new DrawingVisualHost();
                stemVisual.Tag = "stem";
                stemVisualAdded = true; //! no need to add to noteVisual

            //! add visual to noteVisual (one time only)
            if (!stemVisualAdded)
Beispiel #3
        public void Draw(Dictionary <int, double> positionsTable)
            Dictionary <int, Point> stemPositions = new Dictionary <int, Point>();

            foreach (var item in beamedStems)
                int    direction = item.Value.Stem.IsDirectionDown() ? -1 : 1;
                double offset    = 2.5.TenthsToWPFUnit() * direction;
                Dictionary <string, Point> beamPositions = new Dictionary <string, Point>();
                Point  position    = new Point(positionsTable[item.Key] + beamedStems[item.Key].Stem.GetStemEndCalculated().X, beamedStems[item.Key].Stem.GetStemEndCalculated().Y);
                double tempYOffset = offset;
                for (int i = 1; i <= item.Value.Beams.Count; i++)
                    beamPositions.Add(i.ToString(), new Point(position.X, position.Y + tempYOffset));
                    tempYOffset += 7.5.TenthsToWPFUnit() * direction;
                stemPositions.Add(item.Key, new Point(positionsTable[item.Key] + beamedStems[item.Key].Stem.GetStemEndCalculated().X, beamedStems[item.Key].Stem.GetStemEndCalculated().Y + offset));
            DrawingVisual beamsDrawingVisual = new DrawingVisual();
            var           fractionKeys       = stemPositions.Keys.ToArray();
            int           dir = beamedStems.FirstOrDefault().Value.Stem.IsDirectionDown() ? -1 : 1;

            using (DrawingContext dc = beamsDrawingVisual.RenderOpen())
                for (int i = 1; i < stemPositions.Count; i++)
                    //! skip counting beam hooks
                    int beamsCount = beamedStems[fractionKeys[i - 1]].Beams.Count(
                        x => x.Value != Model.Helpers.SimpleTypes.BeamValueMusicXML.forwardhook ||
                        x.Value != Model.Helpers.SimpleTypes.BeamValueMusicXML.backwardhook);

                    for (int j = 0; j < beamsCount; j++)
                        if (beamedStems[fractionKeys[i]].Beams.ContainsKey(j + 1))//? necessary to skip beam drawing if current beam is end
                            dc.DrawLine(new Pen(beamedStems.FirstOrDefault().Value.Stem.GetColor(), 5.0.TenthsToWPFUnit()), new Point(stemPositions[fractionKeys[i - 1]].X, stemPositions[fractionKeys[i - 1]].Y + j * (7.5.TenthsToWPFUnit() * dir)), new Point(stemPositions[fractionKeys[i]].X, stemPositions[fractionKeys[i]].Y + j * (7.5.TenthsToWPFUnit() * dir)));
                        if (beamedStems[fractionKeys[i]].Beams.ContainsValue(Model.Helpers.SimpleTypes.BeamValueMusicXML.backwardhook) && j + 1 == beamsCount)
                            DrawBeamHooks(dc, i, j, stemPositions, Model.Helpers.SimpleTypes.BeamValueMusicXML.backwardhook);
                        if (beamedStems[fractionKeys[i - 1]].Beams.ContainsValue(Model.Helpers.SimpleTypes.BeamValueMusicXML.forwardhook) && j + 1 == beamsCount)
                            //? j-1 temp, need tests (without decrementing hook is drawn with one beamSpacing lower
                            DrawBeamHooks(dc, i, j - 1, stemPositions, Model.Helpers.SimpleTypes.BeamValueMusicXML.forwardhook);
            DrawingVisualHost drawingVisualHost = new DrawingVisualHost();

        public static void AddLedgerLine(this DrawingVisualHost canvas, Point position, double noteHeadWidth)
            DrawingVisual ledgerLine = new DrawingVisual();
            Pen           pen        = new Pen(Brushes.Black, (0.9).TenthsToWPFUnit());
            double        offset     = noteHeadWidth / 4;
            Point         p1         = new Point(position.X - offset, position.Y);
            Point         p2         = new Point(position.X + noteHeadWidth + offset, position.Y);

            using (DrawingContext dc = ledgerLine.RenderOpen())
                dc.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Visual red barline drawn at the beginning of measure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="staffHeight">Staff Line height (WPFUnits)</param>
        private void DrawTempStartBarline(double staffHeight)
            temporaryStartBarline = new Canvas();
            Point         p1  = new Point();
            Point         p2  = new Point(0, staffHeight);
            Pen           pen = new Pen(Brushes.Red, 1.5.TenthsToWPFUnit());
            DrawingVisual dv  = new DrawingVisual();

            using (DrawingContext dc = dv.RenderOpen())
                dc.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);
            DrawingVisualHost dvh = new DrawingVisualHost();

Beispiel #6
        private void Draw(bool updatePositions = false)
            DrawingVisual staffLineVisual = new DrawingVisual();
            Pen           pen             = new Pen(Color, LineThickness);

            if (updatePositions || _yOffsets.Count == 0)
            using (DrawingContext dc = staffLineVisual.RenderOpen())
                for (int i = 1; i <= _linesCount; i++)
                    dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(0.0, _yOffsets[i]), new Point(Width, _yOffsets[i]));
        private void CreateStaffLine()
            Point p = new Point(0, layout.PageProperties.StaffHeight.MMToWPFUnit());

            staffLinesCoords     = new double[stavesCount];
            staffLinesYpositions = new Dictionary <int, double[]>();
            if (visualObject.Count != 0)
            for (uint i = 0; i < stavesCount; i++)
                p.Y += (stavesDistance.TenthsToWPFUnit() + layout.PageProperties.StaffHeight.MMToWPFUnit()) * i;
                DrawableStaffLine staff = new DrawableStaffLine(layout.PageProperties, measureWidth, offsetPoint: p);
                staffLinesYpositions.Add((int)i + 1, staff.LinesYpositions);
                staffLinesCoords[i] = p.Y;