public DrLinkedValue(TKey key, TValue value, DrLinkedValue previous, DrLinkedValue next)
     this.Key      = key;
     this.Value    = value;
     this.Previous = previous;
     this.Next     = next;
 /// <summary>
 /// rebuild links for the item which will be removed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">value which will be removed</param>
 private void rebuildLinkBeforeRemoveItem(DrLinkedValue value)
         if ((value.IsFirst) && (value.IsLast))
             return;                                                      // dictionary has only one item
         if (value.IsFirst)
             value.Next.Previous = null; return;
         }                                                                // the first element will be removed
         if (value.IsLast)
             value.Previous.Next = null; return;
         }                                                                // the last element will be removed
         value.Previous.Next = value.Next;
         value.Next.Previous = value.Previous;
     catch (Exception e)
         if (value == null)
             throw new ApplicationException(Res.Msg.CANNOT_REBUILD_LINKS_VALUE_IS_NULL, e);
         if (value.Key == null)
             throw new ApplicationException(Res.Msg.CANNOT_REBUILD_LINKS_KEY_IS_NULL, e);
         throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(Res.Msg.CANNOT_REBUILD_LINKS_FOR_ITEM, value.Key.ToString()), e);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="afterKey">if value is null item will be inserted as last element</param>
 /// <param name="key"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 public void InsertAfter(TKey afterKey, TKey key, TValue value)
     if (afterKey == null)
         InsertAsLast(key, value);
         DrLinkedValue afterValue;
         if (dic.TryGetValue(afterKey, out afterValue))
             var item = new DrLinkedValue(key, value, afterValue, afterValue.Next);
             dic.Add(key, item);
             if (afterValue.IsLast)
                 this.last = item;
                 afterValue.Next.Previous = item;
             afterValue.Next = item;
             throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(Res.Msg.CANNOT_INSERT_AFTER_KEY_NOT_FOUND, afterKey.ToString()));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="beforeKey">if value is null item will be inserted as first element</param>
 /// <param name="key"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 public void InsertBefore(TKey beforeKey, TKey key, TValue value)
     if (beforeKey == null)
         InsertAsFirst(key, value);
         DrLinkedValue beforeValue;
         if (dic.TryGetValue(beforeKey, out beforeValue))
             var item = new DrLinkedValue(key, value, beforeValue.Previous, beforeValue);
             dic.Add(key, item);
             if (beforeValue.IsFirst)
                 this.first = item;
                 beforeValue.Previous.Next = item;
             beforeValue.Previous = item;
             throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(Res.Msg.CANNOT_INSERT_BEFORE_KEY_NOT_FOUND, beforeKey.ToString()));
        public void InsertAsFirst(TKey key, TValue value)
            var item = new DrLinkedValue(key, value, null, first); // first is null if dictionary does not have any items

            dic.Add(key, item);
            if (first != null)
                first.Previous = item;
            this.first = item; // the following code will be executed only if the item was successfully added to the dictionary
 public LinkedEnumerator(DrLinkedDictonary <TKey, TValue> linkedDictionary, DrEnumerationRules eRules)
     this.dic    = linkedDictionary;
     this.eRules = (DrEnumerationRules)eRules.Clone();
     if (this.eRules.IsFirstItemRelative)
         this.startFrom = this.eRules.Direction == EDirection.FORWARD ? linkedDictionary.first : linkedDictionary.last;
         this.startFrom = linkedDictionary.dic[this.eRules.StartFromKey];
     nextLinkedValue    = this.startFrom;
     currentLinkedValue = default(DrLinkedValue);
 public bool MoveNext()
     if (nextLinkedValue == null)
     currentLinkedValue = nextLinkedValue;
     if (this.eRules.Direction == EDirection.FORWARD)
         nextLinkedValue = nextLinkedValue.Next;
         nextLinkedValue = nextLinkedValue.Previous;
        public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
            var item = new DrLinkedValue(key, value, last, null);

            dic.Add(key, item);

            {// the following code will be executed only if the item was successfully added to the dictionary
                if (last != null)
                    last.Next = item;
                last = item;
                if (first == null)
                    first = item;