Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[7];
            _inputParam[0] = new PointFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.PointFeatureSet);
            _inputParam[1] = new ListParam(TextStrings.Zvalue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.layercontainsvalues
            _inputParam[2] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.CellSize, 0, 0, double.MaxValue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Thecellsizeingeographicunits
            _inputParam[3] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.Power, 2, 1, double.MaxValue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Theinfluenceofdistance
            _neighborhoodType = new List <string> {
                TextStrings.FixedDistance, TextStrings.FixedCount
            _inputParam[4] = new ListParam(TextStrings.NeighborhoodType, _neighborhoodType, 0)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Selectthetypeofneighborhood
            _inputParam[5] = new IntParam(TextStrings.MinMaxnumberofpoints, 12, 0, int.MaxValue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.FixedDistanceHelpText
            _inputParam[6] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.MinMaxdistance, 0, 0, double.MaxValue)
                HelpText = TextStrings.FixedDistanceHelpText

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.Raster);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when one of the paramters value has beend changed, usually when a user changes a input or output Parameter value, this can be used to populate input2 Parameter default values.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ParameterChanged(Parameter sender)
            // This will Diplay NoDataValue(Already exisit) in the Optional input box;
            if (sender != _inputParam[0])

            IRaster inputTemp = _inputParam[0].Value as IRaster;

            if (inputTemp == null)

            DoubleParam inParam1 = _inputParam[1] as DoubleParam;

            if (inParam1 != null)
                inParam1.Value = inputTemp.CellHeight;

            DoubleParam inParam2 = _inputParam[2] as DoubleParam;

            if (inParam2 != null)
                inParam2.Value = inputTemp.CellWidth;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Once the parameters have been configured, the Execute command can be called, it returns true if successful.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancelProgressHandler">The progress handler.</param>
        /// <returns>True if executed successfully.</returns>
        public override bool Execute(ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler)
            // Get the needed input and output parameters
            IFeatureSet inputFeatures  = _inputParam[0].Value as IFeatureSet;
            DoubleParam dp             = _inputParam[1] as DoubleParam;
            double      bufferDistance = 1;

            if (dp != null)
                bufferDistance = dp.Value;

            IFeatureSet outputFeatures = _outputParam[0].Value as IFeatureSet;

            if (Buffer.AddBuffer(inputFeatures, bufferDistance, outputFeatures, cancelProgressHandler))
                if (outputFeatures == null)

            _outputParam = null;
Beispiel #4
        public void TestDoubleParam()
            DoubleParam sparam  = new DoubleParam("myname", 42.0);
            DoubleParam sparam2 = (DoubleParam)sparam.ToXmlAndBack();

            Assert.AreEqual(sparam.Value, sparam2.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(sparam.Name, sparam2.Name);
Beispiel #5
 public override void Initialize()
     _inputParam     = new Parameter[2];
     _inputParam[0]  = new LineFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.InputFeatureSet);
     _inputParam[1]  = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.LiLinePara, 10.0);
     _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
     _outputParam[0] = new LineFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.OutputFeatureSet);
 /// <summary>
 /// Inititalize input and output arrays with parameter types and default values.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Initialize()
     _inputParam     = new Parameter[2];
     _inputParam[0]  = new FeatureSetParam(TextStrings.InputFeatureSet);
     _inputParam[1]  = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.BufferDistance, 10.0);
     _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
     _outputParam[0] = new PolygonFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.OutputPolygonFeatureSet);
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Inititalize input and output arrays with parameter types and default values.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Initialize()
     _inputParam     = new Parameter[2];
     _inputParam[0]  = new FeatureSetParam(TextStrings.InputFeatureSet);
     _inputParam[1]  = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.BufferDistance, 10.0);
     _outputParam    = new Parameter[2];
     _outputParam[0] = new PolygonFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.OutputPolygonFeatureSet);
     _outputParam[1] = new BooleanParam(TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap, TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap_CheckboxText, true);
Beispiel #8
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (!(value is double))
            double v = (double)value;
            double p = parameter as double? ?? 0;

            return(SingleParam?.Invoke(v) ?? DoubleParam?.Invoke(v, p));
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of the dialog
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="param">The parameter this element represents</param>
        public DoubleElement(DoubleParam param)
            //Needed by the designer
            GroupBox.Text = param.Name;

            //We save the Parameter passed in
            Param = param;

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[2];
            _inputParam[0] = new LineFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.LineFeatureSet);
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.Tolerance)
                Value = 10.0

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new LineFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.LineFeatureSet);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Once the Parameter have been configured the Execute command can be called, it returns true if successful.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancelProgressHandler">The progress handler.</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean, true if the method was successful.</returns>
        public override bool Execute(ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler)
            IRaster     input1 = _inputParam[0].Value as IRaster;
            DoubleParam dp1    = _inputParam[1] as DoubleParam;
            DoubleParam dp2    = _inputParam[2] as DoubleParam;
            double      value1 = dp1?.Value ?? 0;
            double      value2 = dp2?.Value ?? 0;

            IRaster output = _outputParam[0].Value as IRaster;

            return(Execute(input1, value1, value2, output, cancelProgressHandler));
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[2];
            _inputParam[0] = new LineFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.LineFeatureSet);
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.Tolerance)
                Value = 10.0

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[2];
            _outputParam[0] = new LineFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.LineFeatureSet);
            _outputParam[1] = new BooleanParam(TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap, TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap_CheckboxText, true);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Once the Parameter have been configured the Execute command can be called, it returns true if succesful
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Execute(ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler)
            IFeatureSet input          = _inputParam[0].Value as IFeatureSet;
            DoubleParam dp             = _inputParam[1] as DoubleParam;
            double      bufferDistance = 1;

            if (dp != null)
                bufferDistance = dp.Value;

            IFeatureSet output = _outputParam[0].Value as IFeatureSet;

            return(Execute(input, bufferDistance, output, cancelProgressHandler));
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Once the parameters have been configured, the Execute command can be called, it returns true if succesful
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Execute(ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler)
            //Get the needed input and output parameters
            IFeatureSet inputFeatures  = _inputParam[0].Value as IFeatureSet;
            DoubleParam dp             = _inputParam[1] as DoubleParam;
            double      bufferDistance = 1;

            if (dp != null)
                bufferDistance = dp.Value;
            // IFeatureSet outputFeatures = _outputParam[0].Value as IFeatureSet;

Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
 /// </summary>
 public override void Initialize()
     _inputParam    = new Parameter[2];
     _inputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.inputRaster)
         HelpText = TextStrings.InputRastercontainingtargetcells
     _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.Maximumdistance, 100.0)
         HelpText = TextStrings.Maximumdistancetobecalculated
     _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
     _outputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.OutputRaster)
         HelpText = TextStrings.SelectresultrasterfileName
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[5];
            _inputParam[0] = new LineFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.InputFeatureSet);
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.LiCirclePara1, 60.0);
            _inputParam[2] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.LiCirclePara2, 3.0);
            _inputParam[3] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.LiCirclePara3, 5.0);
            _inputParam[4] = new StringParam(TextStrings.LiCirclePara4, string.Empty);
            _outputParam    = new Parameter[2];
            _outputParam[0] = new PointFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.OutputFeatureSet);
            _outputParam[1] = new PolygonFeatureSetParam("DEBUG MODE OUTPUT");
            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new PointFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.OutputFeatureSet);
 /// <summary>
 /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
 /// </summary>
 public override void Initialize()
     _inputParam    = new Parameter[4];
     _inputParam[0] = new FeatureSetParam(TextStrings.input1polygontoRaster)
         HelpText = TextStrings.InputPolygontochange
     _inputParam[2] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.DesiredCellSize)
         HelpText = TextStrings.Themaximumnumber
     _inputParam[1] = new ListParam(TextStrings.stringnameoffield)
         HelpText = TextStrings.Thevalueofeachcell
     _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
     _outputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.OutputRaster)
         HelpText = TextStrings.Resultofaverageslope
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[3];
            _inputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.input1altitudeRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputRasterforaverageslopecalculation
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.inputZfactor, 1.0)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputZfactorforslopedisplay
            _inputParam[2] = new BooleanParam(TextStrings.slopeinpercentage, TextStrings.boxSlopeInPercentage, false)
                HelpText = TextStrings.slopeinpercentageindegree

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.OutputslopeRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Resultofaverageslope
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[7];
            _inputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.input1altitudeRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputRasterforaverageslopecalculation
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.inputZfactor, 1.0)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputZfactorforslopedisplay
            _inputParam[2] = new BooleanParam(TextStrings.slopeinpercentage, TextStrings.boxSlopeInPercentage, false)
                HelpText = TextStrings.slopeinpercentage
            _inputParam[3] = new FeatureSetParam(TextStrings.input1polygonfeatureset)
                HelpText = TextStrings.averageslopeinarribute
            _inputParam[4] = new FeatureSetParam(TextStrings.inputtheareaofinterest)
                HelpText = TextStrings.featuresetcontainareainterest
            _inputParam[5] = new IntParam(TextStrings.Indexofareaofinterestfeature, 0)
                HelpText = TextStrings.indexspecificarea
            _inputParam[6] = new StringParam(TextStrings.Fieldnameforavrageslope, TextStrings.AveSlope)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Fieldnamecolomavrageslope

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[2];
            _outputParam[0] = new FeatureSetParam(TextStrings.Outputwithaverageslope)
                HelpText = TextStrings.SelecttheResultofOutput
            _outputParam[2] = new BooleanParam(TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap, TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap_CheckboxText, true);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[3];
            _inputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.inputRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputtheRasterforCellsizeChange
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.InputnewcellHight)
                HelpText = TextStrings.DisplayingistheOldCellHight
            _inputParam[2] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.InputnewcellWidth)
                HelpText = TextStrings.DisplayingistheOldCellHight

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.OutputRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.newrastername
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Once the Parameter have been configured the Execute command can be called, it returns true if succesful
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Execute(ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler)
            IRaster     input1 = _inputParam[0].Value as IRaster;
            DoubleParam dp1    = _inputParam[1] as DoubleParam;
            DoubleParam dp2    = _inputParam[2] as DoubleParam;
            double      value1 = 0;
            double      value2 = 0;

            if (dp1 != null)
                value1 = dp1.Value;

            if (dp2 != null)
                value2 = dp2.Value;

            IRaster output = _outputParam[0].Value as IRaster;

            return(Execute(input1, value1, value2, output, cancelProgressHandler));
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[3];
            _inputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.input1altitudeRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputRasterforaverageslopecalculation
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam(TextStrings.inputZfactor, 1.0)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputZfactorforslopedisplay
            _inputParam[2] = new PolygonFeatureSetParam(TextStrings.input1polygonfeatureset)
                HelpText = TextStrings.FindAverageSlopeDescription

            // _inputParam[2] = new FeatureSetParam(TextStrings."input1 polygon feature set");
            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new FeatureSetParam(TextStrings.Outputfeaturesetwithaverageslope)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Resultofaverageslope
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[3];
            _inputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.input1altitudeRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputRasterforaverageslopecalculation
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam("Base value", 0)
                HelpText = TextStrings.RasterBinTool_Initialize_BaseValueHelText
            _inputParam[2] = new DoubleParam("Bin size", 10)
                HelpText = TextStrings.RasterBinTool_Initialize_BinSizeHelpText

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[2];
            _outputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.OutputslopeRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Resultofaverageslope
            _outputParam[1] = new BooleanParam(TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap, TextStrings.OutputParameter_AddToMap_CheckboxText, true);
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// The Parameter array should be populated with default values here
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _inputParam    = new Parameter[3];
            _inputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.input1altitudeRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.InputRasterforaverageslopecalculation
            _inputParam[1] = new DoubleParam("Base value", 0)
                HelpText =
                    "The starting point for bin calculations.  A base value of 10 with a bin size of 20 would give all values from 10 to 30 a value of 20."
            _inputParam[2] = new DoubleParam("Bin size", 10)
                HelpText =
                    "The size of the bins.  A base value of 10 with a bin size of 20 would give all the values from 10 to 30 a value of 20."

            _outputParam    = new Parameter[1];
            _outputParam[0] = new RasterParam(TextStrings.OutputslopeRaster)
                HelpText = TextStrings.Resultofaverageslope
Beispiel #25
        protected override Parameter[] SpecificParameters(IMatrixData data, ref string errString)
            if (data.StringColumnCount == 0)
                errString = "Please add at least one string column";

            var ConditionColumn1Param = new SingleChoiceParam("Condition column, eg R.FileName")
                Values = data.StringColumnNames,
                Value  = Math.Max(0, data.StringColumnNames.FindIndex(col => col.ToLower().Equals("r.filename"))),
                Help   = "Chose experimental condition column, such as R.FileName, which will be used to create wide-format intensity columns. Has to be a text column."

            var PerlParam = new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Condition grouping")
                Values = new[] { "Group by condition column", "Skip" },
                Value  = 0,
                Help   = "Chose if input should be grouped from long-format (e.g. Spectronaut report or MaxQuant LFQ evidence) or mixed-format " +
                         "(e.g. MaxQuant TMT evidence with conditions) into wide-format required for this plugin. Chose skip if data is already in wide-format " +
                         "(e.g. MaxQuant TMT evidence without conditions).",
                SubParams = new Parameters[] {             // Define the different sub-parameter groups
                    new Parameters(ConditionColumn1Param), // condition grouping
                    new Parameters()                       // Skip

            var Cutoff1aParam = new DoubleParam("Localization cutoff", 0.75)
                Help = "Localization cutoff to be used to filter PTM localization. Can be between 0 and 1. Setting to 0 will not filter anything."
            var Cutoff1bParam = new DoubleParam("Localization cutoff", 0.75)
                Help = "Localization cutoff to be used to filter PTM localization. Can be between 0 and 1. Setting to 0 will not filter anything."
            var Cutoff2aParam = new DoubleParam("Localization cutoff", 0.75)
                Help = "Localization cutoff to be used to filter PTM localization. Can be between 0 and 1. Setting to 0 will not filter anything."
            var Cutoff2bParam = new DoubleParam("Localization cutoff", 0.75)
                Help = "Localization cutoff to be used to filter PTM localization. Can be between 0 and 1. Setting to 0 will not filter anything."
            var Cutoff2cParam = new DoubleParam("Localization cutoff", 0.75)
                Help = "Localization cutoff to be used to filter PTM localization. Can be between 0 and 1. Setting to 0 will not filter anything."
            var Cutoff3aParam = new DoubleParam("Localization cutoff", 0.75)
                Help = "Localization cutoff to be used to filter PTM localization. Can be between 0 and 1. Setting to 0 will not filter anything."
            var Cutoff3bParam = new DoubleParam("Localization cutoff", 0.75)
                Help = "Localization cutoff to be used to filter PTM localization. Can be between 0 and 1. Setting to 0 will not filter anything."

            var PTMPosCol1Param = new SingleChoiceParam("PTM position column type")
                Values = new[] { "EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities (SN)", "EG.PrecursorId (SN)" },
                Help   = "Chose which column PTM positions should be extracted from. Requires respective columns."
            var PTMPosCol2Param = new SingleChoiceParam("PTM position column type")
                Values = new[] { "EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities (SN)", "EG.PrecursorId (SN)", "Modified sequence (MQ)" },
                Help   = "Chose which column PTM positions should be extracted from. Requires respective columns."
            var PTMPosCol3Param = new SingleChoiceParam("PTM position column type")
                Values = new[] { "EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities (SN)", "EG.PrecursorId (SN)" },
                Help   = "Chose which column PTM positions should be extracted from. Requires respective columns."

            var PTMPosCol2cParam = new SingleChoiceParam("Target PTM Probabilities column")
                Values = data.StringColumnNames,
                Value  = Math.Max(0, data.StringColumnNames.FindIndex(col => col.ToLower().Equals("phospho (sty) probabilities"))),
                Help   = "Chose which column PTM target probabilities should be extracted from. Requires respective columns."

            var ProbType1Param = new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Probability column type")
                Values = new[] { "EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities (SN)", "EG.PTMAssayProbability (SN)", "No probability column" },
                Help   = "Chose which column probabilities and PTM positions should be extracted from. Requires resepctive columns. " +
                         "EG.PTMAssayProbability will extract PTM positions from EG.PrecursorId.",
                SubParams = new Parameters[] {      // Define the different sub-parameter groups
                    new Parameters(Cutoff1aParam),  // EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities
                    new Parameters(Cutoff1bParam),  // EG.PTMAssayProbability
                    new Parameters(PTMPosCol1Param) // Ignored
            var ProbType2Param = new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Probability column type")
                Values = new[] { "EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities (SN)", "EG.PTMAssayProbability (SN)",
                                 "No probability column", "Modified sequence (MQ)" },
                Help = "Chose which column probabilities and PTM positions should be extracted from. Requires resepctive columns. " +
                       "EG.PTMAssayProbability will extract PTM positions from EG.PrecursorId. Modified sequence will extract probabilities from provided PTM Probabilities columns.",
                SubParams = new Parameters[] {                      // Define the different sub-parameter groups
                    new Parameters(Cutoff2aParam),                  // EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities
                    new Parameters(Cutoff2bParam),                  // EG.PTMAssayProbability
                    new Parameters(PTMPosCol2Param),                // Ignored
                    new Parameters(Cutoff2cParam, PTMPosCol2cParam) // Modified sequence
            var ProbType3Param = new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Probability column type")
                Values = new[] { "EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities (SN)", "EG.PTMAssayProbability (SN)", "No probability column" },
                Help   = "Chose which column probabilities and PTM positions should be extracted from. Requires resepctive columns. " +
                         "EG.PTMAssayProbability will extract PTM positions from EG.PrecursorId.",
                SubParams = new Parameters[] {      // Define the different sub-parameter groups
                    new Parameters(Cutoff3aParam),  // EG.PTMLocalizationProbabilities
                    new Parameters(Cutoff3bParam),  // EG.PTMAssayProbability
                    new Parameters(PTMPosCol3Param) // Ignored

            var GenesParam = new SingleChoiceParam("Genes or protein groups")
                Values = new[] { "PG.Genes", "PG.ProteinGroups" },
                Help   = "Chose if sites should be collapsed on gene or protein level."
            var FastaFileParam = new FileParam("FASTA file (optional)")
                Help = "Define file location of FASTA file for PTM motif sequence annotation. Leaving blank will skip annotation."
            var FastaStringParam = new StringParam("FASTA identifier rule", ".*GN=([^ ]*) .*")
                Help = "If FASTA file is provided, define identifier parsing rule. This is crucial to allow gene or protein name matching as defined above. Set e.g." +
                       ".*GN=([^ ]*) .* for gene readout, or .*\\|(.*)\\|.* for protein readout"
            var StoichParam = new SingleChoiceParam("Stoichiometry calculation")
                Values = new[] { "Calculate stoichiometries", "Skip" },
                Help   = "Chose if target PTM stoichiometries should be calculated."

            var CollapseParam = new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Collapse level")
                Values = new[] { "Target PTM site-level, e.g. ABC1_S15_M1", "Target PTM peptide-level, e.g. FS[ph]EAMST[ph]R (stoichiometry possible)",
                                 "ModSpec peptide-level, e.g. FSEAMSTR_2[ph];1[ox]" },
                Value     = 0,
                Help      = "Chose if precursors should be collapsed on peptide- or site-level. Site-level requires PEP.PeptidePosition column.",
                SubParams = new Parameters[] {                                                    // Define the different sub-parameter groups
                    new Parameters(ProbType1Param, GenesParam, FastaFileParam, FastaStringParam), // Localized Site
                    new Parameters(ProbType2Param, StoichParam),                                  // Localized Peptide
                    new Parameters(ProbType3Param)                                                // ModSpec Peptide

            var PTMTypesParam = new StringParam("Variable PTMs, target PTM first", "[Phospho (STY)];[Deamidation (NQ)];[Oxidation (M)];[Carbamidomethyl (C)]")
                Help = "List PTMs as listed in EG.PrecursorId, separated by semicolon. If target site- or target peptide-level collapse is performed, " +
                       "target PTM needs to be listed first."

            var AggParam = new SingleChoiceParam("Aggregation type")
                Values = new[] { "Linear modeling based", "Summing" },
                Help   = "Chose if peptide intensities should be aggregated based on a linear model or simply summed."

            var NumberOfCoresParam = new IntParam("CPUcores", 8)
                Help = "Number of CPU threads to be created by the plugin where possible. Set to 1 for lowest CPU usage. Do not set higher than actual number of available CPU threads."

            return(new Parameter[]
Beispiel #26
        private void buttonPrepareExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cbProcNames.Items.Count > 0)
                List <ReportParamV2> paramList = new List <ReportParamV2>();

                Dictionary <string, string> parameters =
                    ServicesProvider.GetInstance().GetAccountingServices().SelectExportAccountingProcParams("ExportAccounting_" + cbProcNames.Text);

                if (parameters != null && parameters.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                        ReportParamV2 reportParam;
                        string        paramName = parameter.Key.TrimStart('@');
                        if (paramName.Equals("branch_id", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            reportParam = new BranchParam(string.Empty);
                            string paramType = parameter.Value;
                            switch (paramType)
                            case "bit":
                                reportParam = new BoolParam(false);

                            case "datetime":
                                reportParam = new DateParam(DateTime.Today);

                            case "char":
                                reportParam = new CharParam(' ');

                            case "nvarchar":
                            case "varchar":
                            case "text":
                                reportParam = new StringParam(string.Empty);

                            case "int":
                                reportParam = new IntParam(1);

                            case "float":
                                reportParam = new DoubleParam(1d);

                            case "money":
                                reportParam = new DecimalParam(1m);

                                throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Sql type:{0} is not handled.", paramName));

                        reportParam.Label = paramName;
                        reportParam.Name  = paramName;
                    ReportParamsForm frm = new ReportParamsForm(paramList, cbProcNames.Text);

                _dataTable =
                        + cbProcNames.Text, paramList, out _idTable);

                _total = _dataTable.Rows.Count;

                _bwSelect = new BackgroundWorker {
                    WorkerSupportsCancellation = true
                _bwSelect.DoWork += BwSelect_DoWork;

                ExportBookings_Load(this, null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert <see cref="BaseLib.Param"/> to <see cref="BaseLibS.Param"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Parameter Convert(Parameter p)
     if (p.Type == ParamType.Server){
         return p;
     if (p is RegexReplaceParamWf){
         RegexReplaceParamWf q = (RegexReplaceParamWf) p;
         RegexReplaceParam b = new RegexReplaceParam(q.Name, q.Value.Item1, q.Value.Item2, q.Previews){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is RegexMatchParamWf){
         RegexMatchParamWf q = (RegexMatchParamWf) p;
         RegexMatchParam b = new RegexMatchParam(q.Name, q.Value, q.Previews){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is BoolParamWf){
         BoolParamWf q = (BoolParamWf) p;
         BoolParam b = new BoolParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is BoolWithSubParamsWf){
         BoolWithSubParamsWf q = (BoolWithSubParamsWf) p;
         BoolWithSubParams b = new BoolWithSubParams(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             SubParamsFalse = q.SubParamsFalse,
             SubParamsTrue = q.SubParamsTrue,
             Default = q.Default,
             ParamNameWidth = q.ParamNameWidth,
             TotalWidth = q.TotalWidth,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is DictionaryIntValueParamWf){
         DictionaryIntValueParamWf q = (DictionaryIntValueParamWf) p;
         DictionaryIntValueParam b = new DictionaryIntValueParam(q.Name, q.Value, q.Keys){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is DoubleParamWf){
         DoubleParamWf q = (DoubleParamWf) p;
         DoubleParam b = new DoubleParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is FileParamWf){
         FileParamWf q = (FileParamWf) p;
         FileParam b = new FileParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Filter = q.Filter,
             ProcessFileName = q.ProcessFileName,
             Save = q.Save,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is FolderParamWf){
         FolderParamWf q = (FolderParamWf) p;
         FolderParam b = new FolderParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is IntParamWf){
         IntParamWf q = (IntParamWf) p;
         IntParam b = new IntParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is LabelParamWf){
         LabelParamWf q = (LabelParamWf) p;
         LabelParam b = new LabelParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is MultiChoiceMultiBinParamWf){
         MultiChoiceMultiBinParamWf q = (MultiChoiceMultiBinParamWf) p;
         MultiChoiceMultiBinParam b = new MultiChoiceMultiBinParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Values = q.Values,
             Bins = q.Bins,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is MultiChoiceParamWf){
         MultiChoiceParamWf q = (MultiChoiceParamWf) p;
         MultiChoiceParam b = new MultiChoiceParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Repeats = q.Repeats,
             Values = q.Values,
             Default = q.Default,
             DefaultSelections = q.DefaultSelections,
             DefaultSelectionNames = q.DefaultSelectionNames,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is MultiFileParamWf){
         MultiFileParamWf q = (MultiFileParamWf) p;
         MultiFileParam b = new MultiFileParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Filter = q.Filter,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is MultiStringParamWf){
         MultiStringParamWf q = (MultiStringParamWf) p;
         MultiStringParam b = new MultiStringParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is SingleChoiceParamWf){
         SingleChoiceParamWf q = (SingleChoiceParamWf) p;
         SingleChoiceParam b = new SingleChoiceParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Values = q.Values,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is SingleChoiceWithSubParamsWf){
         SingleChoiceWithSubParamsWf q = (SingleChoiceWithSubParamsWf) p;
         foreach (Parameters param in q.SubParams){
         SingleChoiceWithSubParams b = new SingleChoiceWithSubParams(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Values = q.Values,
             Default = q.Default,
             SubParams = new Parameters[q.SubParams.Count],
             ParamNameWidth = q.ParamNameWidth,
             TotalWidth = q.TotalWidth,
             Url = q.Url
         for (int i = 0; i < q.SubParams.Count; i++){
             b.SubParams[i] = q.SubParams[i];
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is StringParamWf){
         StringParamWf q = (StringParamWf) p;
         StringParam b = new StringParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     if (p is Ms1LabelParamWf){
         Ms1LabelParamWf q = (Ms1LabelParamWf) p;
         Ms1LabelParam b = new Ms1LabelParam(q.Name, q.Value){
             Values = q.Values,
             Multiplicity = q.Multiplicity,
             Help = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers()){
             b.ValueChanged += act;
         return b;
     throw new Exception("Could not convert ParamWfeter");
Beispiel #28
        private void DoubleParamTest( DoubleParam method, string command, string one, string two )
            method(one, two );
            Assertion.AssertEquals(command + " " + one + " " + two, BufferToString() );
                method(null, two );
                Assertion.Fail( "Null first parameter.");
            catch( ArgumentException ae )
                Assertion.Assert( true );
                method(null, null);
                Assertion.Fail( "Null first and second parameters.");
            catch( ArgumentException ae )
                Assertion.Assert( true );

                method(one, null );
                Assertion.Fail( "Null first parameter");
            catch( ArgumentException ae )
                Assertion.Assert( true );
                method(one, "" );
                Assertion.Fail( "Empty first parameter");
            catch( ArgumentException ae )
                Assertion.Assert( true );
                method("", "" );
                Assertion.Fail( "Empty first and second parameters");
            catch( ArgumentException ae )
                Assertion.Assert( true );
                method("", two );
                Assertion.Fail( "Empty second parameter");
            catch( ArgumentException ae )
                Assertion.Assert( true );
Beispiel #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert <see cref="BaseLib.Param"/> to <see cref="BaseLibS.Param"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Parameter Convert(Parameter p)
     if (p.Type == ParamType.Server)
     if (p is RegexReplaceParamWf)
         RegexReplaceParamWf q = (RegexReplaceParamWf)p;
         RegexReplaceParam   b = new RegexReplaceParam(q.Name, q.Value.Item1, q.Value.Item2, q.Previews)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is RegexMatchParamWf)
         RegexMatchParamWf q = (RegexMatchParamWf)p;
         RegexMatchParam   b = new RegexMatchParam(q.Name, q.Value, q.Previews)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is BoolParamWf)
         BoolParamWf q = (BoolParamWf)p;
         BoolParam   b = new BoolParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is BoolWithSubParamsWf)
         BoolWithSubParamsWf q = (BoolWithSubParamsWf)p;
         BoolWithSubParams b = new BoolWithSubParams(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help           = q.Help,
             Visible        = q.Visible,
             SubParamsFalse = q.SubParamsFalse,
             SubParamsTrue  = q.SubParamsTrue,
             Default        = q.Default,
             ParamNameWidth = q.ParamNameWidth,
             TotalWidth     = q.TotalWidth,
             Url            = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is DictionaryIntValueParamWf)
         DictionaryIntValueParamWf q = (DictionaryIntValueParamWf)p;
         DictionaryIntValueParam   b = new DictionaryIntValueParam(q.Name, q.Value, q.Keys)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is DoubleParamWf)
         DoubleParamWf q = (DoubleParamWf)p;
         DoubleParam   b = new DoubleParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is FileParamWf)
         FileParamWf q = (FileParamWf)p;
         FileParam   b = new FileParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help            = q.Help,
             Visible         = q.Visible,
             Default         = q.Default,
             Filter          = q.Filter,
             ProcessFileName = q.ProcessFileName,
             Save            = q.Save,
             Url             = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is FolderParamWf)
         FolderParamWf q = (FolderParamWf)p;
         FolderParam   b = new FolderParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is IntParamWf)
         IntParamWf q = (IntParamWf)p;
         IntParam   b = new IntParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is LabelParamWf)
         LabelParamWf q = (LabelParamWf)p;
         LabelParam   b = new LabelParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is MultiChoiceMultiBinParamWf)
         MultiChoiceMultiBinParamWf q = (MultiChoiceMultiBinParamWf)p;
         MultiChoiceMultiBinParam   b = new MultiChoiceMultiBinParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Values  = q.Values,
             Bins    = q.Bins,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is MultiChoiceParamWf)
         MultiChoiceParamWf q = (MultiChoiceParamWf)p;
         MultiChoiceParam   b = new MultiChoiceParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help                  = q.Help,
             Visible               = q.Visible,
             Repeats               = q.Repeats,
             Values                = q.Values,
             Default               = q.Default,
             DefaultSelections     = q.DefaultSelections,
             DefaultSelectionNames = q.DefaultSelectionNames,
             Url = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is MultiFileParamWf)
         MultiFileParamWf q = (MultiFileParamWf)p;
         MultiFileParam   b = new MultiFileParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Filter  = q.Filter,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is MultiStringParamWf)
         MultiStringParamWf q = (MultiStringParamWf)p;
         MultiStringParam   b = new MultiStringParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is SingleChoiceParamWf)
         SingleChoiceParamWf q = (SingleChoiceParamWf)p;
         SingleChoiceParam   b = new SingleChoiceParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Values  = q.Values,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is SingleChoiceWithSubParamsWf)
         SingleChoiceWithSubParamsWf q = (SingleChoiceWithSubParamsWf)p;
         foreach (Parameters param in q.SubParams)
         SingleChoiceWithSubParams b = new SingleChoiceWithSubParams(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help           = q.Help,
             Visible        = q.Visible,
             Values         = q.Values,
             Default        = q.Default,
             SubParams      = new Parameters[q.SubParams.Count],
             ParamNameWidth = q.ParamNameWidth,
             TotalWidth     = q.TotalWidth,
             Url            = q.Url
         for (int i = 0; i < q.SubParams.Count; i++)
             b.SubParams[i] = q.SubParams[i];
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is StringParamWf)
         StringParamWf q = (StringParamWf)p;
         StringParam   b = new StringParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Help    = q.Help,
             Visible = q.Visible,
             Default = q.Default,
             Url     = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     if (p is Ms1LabelParamWf)
         Ms1LabelParamWf q = (Ms1LabelParamWf)p;
         Ms1LabelParam   b = new Ms1LabelParam(q.Name, q.Value)
             Values       = q.Values,
             Multiplicity = q.Multiplicity,
             Help         = q.Help,
             Visible      = q.Visible,
             Default      = q.Default,
             Url          = q.Url
         foreach (ValueChangedHandler act in q.GetPropertyChangedHandlers())
             b.ValueChanged += act;
     throw new Exception("Could not convert ParamWfeter");
Beispiel #30
 public void SetParam(DoubleParam param, double value)
     this._model.GetEnv().Set(param.param, value);
 public void TestDoubleParam()
     var sparam = new DoubleParam("myname", 42.0);
     var sparam2 = (DoubleParam) sparam.ToXmlAndBack();
     Assert.AreEqual(sparam.Value, sparam2.Value);
     Assert.AreEqual(sparam.Name, sparam2.Name);
Beispiel #32
 public double GetParam(DoubleParam param)
     return this._model.GetEnv().Get(param.param);