Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to get a list of products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount">The amount of products we want</param>list
        /// <returns>List with products</returns>
        public List <Product> GetListOfProducts(int amount)
            List <Product> ProductsList = new List <Product>();

            //We iterate through every product and transform them into Product objects
            foreach (IWebElement aux in GetRawDataOfProducts(5))
                //Getting the raw string where the price is located
                String RawPriceText = aux.FindElement(By.CssSelector(Strings.RAW_PRICE_TEXT)).Text;

                //Getting rid off the currency
                List <String> ValuesOfText = Regex.Split(RawPriceText, @Strings.PRICE_REGEX)
                                             .Where(a => a != "." && a.Trim() != "").ToList();

                Decimal priceAux = Decimal.Parse(ValuesOfText[0].Trim());

                //Getting the raw string where the name is located
                String NameAux = aux.FindElement(By.CssSelector(Strings.RAW_NAME_TEXT)).Text;

                //If shipping has a value, we will updated. Otherwise, we will add 0
                Decimal shippingAux = 0;

                /*If the item has a shipping text, and it is
                 * indeed a valid price (no free shipping text or any other label)
                 * we will add it as shipping cost
                if (aux.FindElements(By.CssSelector(Strings.RAW_LOGICIST_COST_TEXT)).Count > 0 &&
                    String RawShippingText = aux.FindElement(By.CssSelector(Strings.RAW_LOGICIST_COST_TEXT)).Text;

                    //Getting rid off the currency
                    List <String> ValuesOfShipping = Regex.Split(RawShippingText, @Strings.PRICE_REGEX)
                                                     .Where(a => a != "." && a.Trim() != "").ToList();

                    //Adding to the list the price
                    shippingAux = Decimal.Parse(ValuesOfShipping[0].Trim());

                //Creating new product
                Product newProduct = DomainFactory.CreateProduct
                                         (NameAux, priceAux, shippingAux);

                //adding the product to the list